Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

It is the picture used by the KanColle staff in their tweet. I don't read moon runes though, but considering the little bit English does say Lady Lex, at least Sara is safe. :)
It is the picture used by the KanColle staff in their tweet. I don't read moon runes though, but considering the little bit English does say Lady Lex, at least Sara is safe. :)
Chrome translated it to read Lexington, specifically, and I'm not kidding, "Lexington is my daughter-in-law. Atto LadyLEX_love"
LadyLEX_love being the handle.
It is the picture used by the KanColle staff in their tweet. I don't read moon runes though, but considering the little bit English does say Lady Lex, at least Sara is safe. :)

I don't really think there was anything to worry about to begin with, Iowa was a one-off thing methinks given the backlash and what we got following said backlash.

Speaking of which, I need to start prepping for the event. I may not be a carrier man, but having an extra fast Fleet CV is never a bad thing.
Umm guys, before you trounce on Vianca any more then he already deserves, he is, PARTIALLY, correct about the tumblehome.

Go look at pre-WW1 and several inter-war hulls. They really DID have the 'downward blade' shape in the bow. Just that it was nowhere near as pronounced as the modern one.

Aft -> <-Bow

Best examples being the Tennessee class and St. Louis class.

Now, where he's wrong, is what you guys already have brought up: its crazy unstable unless you've got some means of actively keeping the hull stable. Which won't occur until bow/stern thrusters get introduced and computers vastly superior to what is available in 1941, arrive. Which, obviously, means it won't get any more pronounced than the image I provided above, or the traditional 'raised knife' prow, which bypasses the whole issue. TL;DR - outside of the prow angle in the image above, no hull will mount ANYTHING with a sharper angle 'down' towards the waterline for decades to come.

Addendum: trimaran warship hulls are silly, until they're not. In 1941, they're still silly. Wait 70 years. Then, maybe, they're not.
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Got some more work on Part Two of the New York/Wichita omake done. Hopefully I will finish it up and post it tomorrow. But for now my bed is looking inviting.....
I don't really think there was anything to worry about to begin with, Iowa was a one-off thing methinks given the backlash and what we got following said backlash.

Speaking of which, I need to start prepping for the event. I may not be a carrier man, but having an extra fast Fleet CV is never a bad thing.
Well, to be honest, I was under the impression that Iowa was well received in Japan, AKA their target market.
So there's a pretty fucking big elephant in the room that hasn't been addressed yet and likely won't be for some time, but it's still tugging on my mind:

Just because the ships are now also girls doesn't mean they can maintenance and maintain themselves. And boy does that maintenance cost a ton of money. In fact, it costs too much money. Even in the US where there was no need to sell the ships for the scrap money ASAP and private investors interested in preserving some of the warships were abound, most of the old fleet ended up at the breaker's yard anyway.

So there's no way to maintain the ships, and just letting them slowly rust and die would be inhumane, and even if you could find enough private actors to buy every ship in every fleet, eventually it would become a matter of there being far too many ships in far too few docks.

I just can't wrap my head around a good solution to this particular issue.
That's where the 'MSSB' comes in. If you keep the Kanmusu in question fed, and they go to the baths regularly, then they stay in fighting shape at all times. Sweet, sciencey magic.
To be fair, trimaran hulls are still crazy. It's just that it's more of a 'crazy fast' sort of crazy.

They're also exceedingly stable (without the tumblehome bow), and let you mount the more explosive things AWAY from the main hull.

But that's for 60-70 years down the line.
The easiest and most effective thing that can be pushed through are MORE AA mounts.

Plus a few sponsons with more AA. Maybe a little extra armor bolted on is places too I suppose.
The easiest and most effective thing that can be pushed through are MORE AA mounts.

Plus a few sponsons with more AA. Maybe a little extra armor bolted on is places too I suppose.

The Atlantas should still be under construction, right?

Is it too late to get them to add even more dual 5"/38 mounts? Because I feel that class always needed more dual 5"/38 mounts.
The Atlantas (or rather their subclasses) already ditched some guns because they weren't working.

like so said:
Like the Atlanta class, the Oakland class was designed as an anti-aircraft cruiser, with a main battery of dual-purpose guns, the principal difference between the two classes being that the Oakland-class did not have the Atlanta class's two-beam twin 5 in (127 mm)/38 cal gun turrets. They were removed for the sake of stability and the limited arcs of fire experienced by the wing turrets on the Atlantas.
The Atlantas were a case of diminishing returns, wunnunit? At a certain point you have more guns than you know what to do with (no directors, etc)
Exactly. And in addition to the stability and arc-of-fire issues @Skywalker_T-65 mentioned, the wing-turrets were only meant to fire starshells, to illuminate targets during night actions. Once radar-directed gunfire became a properly reliable thing (which is, admittedly, still several years in the future from Richardson's current perspective), there was no real need for starshells in night-fighting, much less the weight of two entire turrets devoted to firing them.
Omake: New York and Wichita
And finally here is Part the Two of the omake. More New York and Wichita goodness.

And this one took awhile. So without further blather:

And now for Part Two – once again thanks to Skywalker_T-65 for letting me play in his sandbox.


Norfolk Navy Yard – meanwhile aboard USS New York at midnight

The quiet of cold boilers and only a skeleton midwatch to oversee the engines was a relief to New York. The Chief Engineer was ashore with his family, leaving his office for New York to rest. Sitting down in the chief's chair, she leaned back and ran her hands through her short blond hair. She had spent almost all day above decks. Only a few other ships of the Patrol Force were docked at the moment though so New York didn't have her sister or any of the other battleships to talk to.

As New York had listened to the conversations and gossip among the force since her sister had confronted her, she realized that she had removed herself so completely from things over the years that she had trouble even talking to anyone other than a battleship. So she mostly listened and was slowly remembering what things were like before. With most of them gone for now though, New York was feeling restless. Only a brief while before coming here, she had witnessed Wichita running up her superstructure to gasp for breath by the fire director.

"Well, Sis did ask to me to keep an eye on her...." New York closed her eyes. "Wichita? It's New York. Something the matter?"

"Hweh? Oh! Hello! No no no... everything's fine. All peachy here!"

"Oh reaaallly? Wichita, you need to calm yourself before you try to lie. What is it?"

"Well, you know about the admiral that can see us and that supposedly there are ways to become visible so that our crews can see us and stuff? I was trying something that Louisville and Quincy suggested to me. So I started going through my enlisted crews' footlockers and found all sorts of posters and pictures and and a ….. a.... calendar... of women and they were showing off.... their stockings... and sometimes more...."

New York could hear the cruiser's blush. "Sailors do have materials to remind them of home and ease the loneliness of a long cruise Wichita. It was not nice for Louisville and Quincy to play that prank on you though. I think I'll have a talk with them when they get back." She frowned as she thought about what Wichita had told her. "Your chiefs seem to be very lackadaisical to just allow that material be out in the open like that."

"Oh no no no... I had to rummage around and dig through the lockers to find it all!"

"Wait what?!?" New York's eyes shot open. "How did you do that?"

"It was easy! I just pulled them from under the racks and opened them up. It was just easier to pile all the stuff up and go through it that way. But then I heard someone coming so I... think I put everything back where it was supposed to go. Except for the calendar... I was still holding it when I ran up to the next deck. So I shoved it in the first desk I came across. Which might have been the chaplain's."

"Ha...hah...ha...heh...hahahahahahaha!" For the first time in years, New York was laughing uncontrollably.

"It's not funny, now that name they call me is going to stick. I'll be the Western Witch forever! I'm new and already a spooky haunted ship." The pout in her tone did nothing to diminish the mirth New York felt.

"heh.. ha.. oh.. hah.. ah.. oh you dear thing" as New York gasped for breath she slowly regained control over the laughter but the smile on her face remained. "Maybe you should embrace the name dear. Your ability in magic has been proven."

"Huh? I don't understa.."

"Wichita you dear little cruiser you, you have managed to amaze and amuse USS New York with one story. I have not laughed like that in decades. Congratulations Wichita, you got old Glacier Garters to laugh. And by misplacing that naughty calendar you are capable of prestidigitation as well."

"Oh.. I …. thank you Miss New York." Wichita felt a warm fuzzy feeling pervade her. She hadn't expected her to be that nice. "But I don't think it is strange arcane powers... I just picked stuff up. I'm sure you could do it too and better than me!"

"I don't think so dear. I... have some things to deal with before I can face my crew. You are new to the world and don't have the anchors of memory to fix you place and set you in your ways. Cherish that dear." She smiled softly at the wisdom she just dispensed. "Oh my... I'm sounding like Mama South Carolina."

"Thank you again Miss New York. See you in the morning?"

"Certainly dear." With that New York closed her eyes and cut the channel. She crossed her arms over her ample bosom and leaned back in the chair. Unintentional consequences... now that was a nickname for Wichita and the inadvertent chaos sure to follow her, but New York decided to keep that to herself. Her mind then wandered into the dark... drifting into silence...

She started slightly to seem to awake in complete darkness. After a minute her eyes adjusted to very dim light coming from a wall made of glass. On the other side seemed to be murky dark green water backlit by the dim light. Water broken only by an occasional bubble making its way up. She stamped her feet against what appeared to be a metal floor due to the echoes.

"Alright this is odd... a dream?" She looked around but failed to see anything in the room beyond darkness and the glass wall.

"So, what was so funny? I heard your laughter all the way out here."

New York's gaze snapped to the glass wall and what was beyond. Her eyes locked on the girl suspended in the water beyond. Grey eyes, hair the hue of burgundy wine, the lightest sprinkling of freckles across the girl's nose; it was the face that haunted New York's nightmares since 1924.

"It's almost cruel to not share the joke Auntie." The girl was smiling, but it was cold and stopped at her eyes. Her hand worried at the thick braid of her hair worn over her shoulder.


"I have a Name dammit" the girl yelled at New York. "At least grant me that much!" Her eyes blazed with anger at the blond woman.

New York's eyes watered and her voice cracked, "Washington... I'm so sorry. I never wanted to... we never wanted to do what we..."

"Fat lot of good your wishes turned out to be huh? Never wanted to? If you felt that badly about it then why didn't you help me? Why didn't you say anything? You and Texas just shot me again and again until I finally sank."

Openly weeping, New York put her head against the glass wall. "I've had nightmares, I stopped talking to my sister, hell, I've cried for the last sixteen years wishing I could undo this. What do you want from me Washington?"

Washington's brow furrowed. "I'm not sure. This is your stupid dream... I think... I don't think it's mine. What do I want? Not getting sunk, so unless you can turn back time and get me completed, there's nothing you can do Auntie." Then her expression hardened. "But if you are looking for forgiveness or something from me forget it. Because you don't deserve it. So wake up already so I can go back to sleep."

"Washington wait!"

New York awoke to find herself planted face first into one of her lowest portholes with her hands against her steel walls. The glass of the porthole ran wet with tears.


Norfolk Navy yard - the next morning 0700

Lt Commander Ivan Kinburn awoke to what promised to be an ordinary day in the Navy in his bunk aboard USS Wichita. The young officer dressed in his uniform and sat down at his desk. He opened the drawer to fetch the spare rosary he was going to give to one of the navigation officers whose wife had just given birth, when he saw a calendar that had not been in his desk yesterday.

"Huh? What's this....."


The chaplain's door flew open with a bang and a flush faced Lt Commander Kinburn walked out with calendar in hand. He pivoted on his right foot and headed with a deliberate pace towards the stairwell to the deck below. He did not see Wichita peek out from behind his door, watching his receding back, with her hands clasped over her mouth.

Wichita caught up with the chaplain and walked by his side down the corridor to the stairs. "Oh no no no... please no... it's all my fault. Please don't blame them. It was my..." She continued following him to the enlisted berths, all of her entreaties ignored. The Lt Commander opened the door and strode into the enlisted berths and shouted, "So who's the wise..." and promptly fell silent mouth open as he beheld the scene of chaos.

A full scale brawl had erupted in the enlisted quarters. Footlockers were opened with contents strewn everywhere. Bedding and the occupants had been pulled from the racks. Most of the men were now in a massive ball of punching, kicking, headlocks and tackles of those attempting to escape.

"My Elvgren!" An enraged shout erupted from one of the rates at a bottom of a dogpile. He shook off the two petty officers on top of him and charged towards the holder of his precious calendar. Two steps before the sailor could reach the Lt Commander the entire room recoiled from a shout.

"STOP IT! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! THIS WAS MY FAULT AND I'M SO..." Wichita's voice then dropped as she noticed the suddenly shocked silent room of sailors were all now looking directly at her, "sorry."

"uh oh... I think I" As Wichita in a panic remembered New York's suggestion of owning her nickname, threw her hands up and wiggled her fingers, "Fear my witchy powers?"


Oh Wichita.... strong in the goof she is.
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The Atlantas (or rather their subclasses) already ditched some guns because they weren't working.

Well if the issues were with stability and limited firing arcs, than obviously the best possible solution would be to add more guns to balance out the guns that are causing instability and to add more arcs of fire to eliminate the issue of limited firing arcs.

In fact, if we look at this picture of Atlanta:

we can see that there's a lot of deck space that could be used for guns that's being taken up by unnecessary things like superstructures, or smokestacks, or lifeboats, or the ship's bridge, or AA guns that aren't dual 5"/38 mounts. If we eliminate those unnecessary elements taking up deck space, we can improve the Atlantas and make them even more effective AA ships by adding more 5"/38 mounts.
Well if the issues were with stability and limited firing arcs, than obviously the best possible solution would be to add more guns to balance out the guns that are causing instability and to add more arcs of fire to eliminate the issue of limited firing arcs.

In fact, if we look at this picture of Atlanta:

we can see that there's a lot of deck space that could be used for guns that's being taken up by unnecessary things like superstructures, or smokestacks, or lifeboats, or the ship's bridge, or AA guns that aren't dual 5"/38 mounts. If we eliminate those unnecessary elements taking up deck space, we can improve the Atlantas and make them even more effective AA ships by adding more 5"/38 mounts.

And paint it red to make it go faster ... :D
Well if the issues were with stability and limited firing arcs, than obviously the best possible solution would be to add more guns to balance out the guns that are causing instability and to add more arcs of fire to eliminate the issue of limited firing arcs.

In fact, if we look at this picture of Atlanta:

we can see that there's a lot of deck space that could be used for guns that's being taken up by unnecessary things like superstructures, or smokestacks, or lifeboats, or the ship's bridge, or AA guns that aren't dual 5"/38 mounts. If we eliminate those unnecessary elements taking up deck space, we can improve the Atlantas and make them even more effective AA ships by adding more 5"/38 mounts.
And paint it red to make it go faster ... :D
Or alternatively remove the engines and boilers to get more space for ammunition.
Or alternatively remove the engines and boilers to get more space for ammunition.
Nah. Shave off armor. Wait. We just made a battlecruiser. Way too much firepower for a light or heavy cruiser, but less armor than a battleship. And, if they're fast, then that's the mantra of battlecruisers right there. 'Speed is armor. Armor is life.'
Nah. Shave off armor. Wait. We just made a battlecruiser. Way too much firepower for a light or heavy cruiser, but less armor than a battleship. And, if they're fast, then that's the mantra of battlecruisers right there. 'Speed is armor. Armor is life.'

...The Atlantas were already cruisers. Based on my limited knowledge, shaving off armor from that wouldn't make a battlecruiser, it'd make something more like a heavily-armed metal raft with burlap sacks of ammunition floating around in the water next to it.