Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

True, but the VS-300 exist in 1940 and if you can use them in the MASH way, you could use them in other ways, like replacing those beds with that MAD gear detector plates or even a few torp´s or so.
It certainly would speed up the development of the R-4.
One way of use, if they are strong enough, would be airlifting a recon waterplane back to the deck, meaning that DD´s does not have to stop.
Many uses can be thought up, but if it will be enough?

If only they could get a V-22 Osprey variant made, the shear utility they could use it in...
Even a Chinook it´s concept would rock.
But that is something I think will not really take off, unless somebody can talk to somebody.
Mmm, would Bismark by change, have a couple of the German Helicopter prototypes on board, like that Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 - Wikipedia
I mean, if you can´t get more AA added, get a stable observation platform to help with taking out everything you come across, is a option.
As for right now in story time tho (Feb 41ish), Thompson has just had his worry box emptied and filled up with one very big worry. Not only does he have to get results on Hood, if he's looked out onto the slips, he's probably seen just how hard his task is going to be by her condition.
Imma just point back to this.

And nap, so I can work on the next chapter later (along with Lexie!Quest).
Considering the more interesting variants only came to be in 1943 (production version), including the ones that could lead up too those future concepts, I think it would be save to say that he would be happy if he could somehow just shave a year off of getting that Army helicopter in production.
Bigger long term worry is how to create a balanced fighting force, when all the heavies are just too slow.
I think they would consider him nuts to suggest cutting a ship in two and adding in a new section, so there is more machinery space.
Considering the more interesting variants only came to be in 1943 (production version), including the ones that could lead up too those future concepts, I think it would be save to say that he would be happy if he could somehow just shave a year off of getting that Army helicopter in production.
Bigger long term worry is how to create a balanced fighting force, when all the heavies are just too slow.
I think they would consider him nuts to suggest cutting a ship in two and adding in a new section, so there is more machinery space.

HMS Zubian need I say more? It is possible to build a new ship from the halves of two ships of the same class. Which means it might be possible to do what you propose.

Also we did do something rather crazy with USS Cassin and USS Downes, they were both so thoroughly demolished in terms of a hull, that well, it would be uneconimcal to repair, but their machinery somehow was intact, so it was all transported back to the States, were two new Destroyers were built around them, given the same name and hull number that they had before that attack.

USS Cassin and USS Downes after Pearl Harbor:

USS Shaw also deserves notice, because well, this happened to her during the attack on Pearl Harbor:

here is what she looked like after the attack:

they were all members of the same class the Mahan class, they were all repaired or in Cassin and Downes case quite literally rebuilt. So, what your proposing, while it's up their on the list of crazy stuff to do, it's probably doable, but IDK, I am a College Student, not a Naval Architect.
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This is probably a non-starter, but if the Hood rebuild is a serious priority, is there anything in the mothball fleet that could be stripped to speed up the work?
Considering the more interesting variants only came to be in 1943 (production version), including the ones that could lead up too those future concepts, I think it would be save to say that he would be happy if he could somehow just shave a year off of getting that Army helicopter in production.
Bigger long term worry is how to create a balanced fighting force, when all the heavies are just too slow.
I think they would consider him nuts to suggest cutting a ship in two and adding in a new section, so there is more machinery space.

HMS Zubian need I say more? It is possible to build a new ship from the halves of two ships of the same class. Which means it might be possible to do what you propose.

Also we did do something rather crazy with USS Cassin and USS Downes, they were both so thoroughly demolished in terms of a hull, that well, it would be uneconimcal to repair, but their machinery somehow was intact, so it was all transported back to the States, were two new Destroyers were built around them, given the same name and hull number that they had before that attack.

USS Cassin and USS Downes after Pearl Harbor:

USS Shaw also deserves notice, because well, this happened to her during the attack on Pearl Harbor:

here is what she looked like after the attack:

they were all members of the same class the Mahan class, they were all repaired or in Cassin and Downes case quite literally rebuilt. So, what your proposing, while it's up their on the list of crazy stuff to do, it's probably doable, but IDK, I am a College Student, not a Naval Architect.
All of these examples are of ships that were in far, far worse shape than Hood is. They're not cutting her in half, certainly not to add a pointless extra machinery space. Oh, and they're also lightly built destroyers with no armor or torpedo defenses, both of which would dramatically complicate such an action.

So no, they're not cutting Hood in half.
If only for the in-universe reason that the Brits won't let them. Also, for all the reasons stated above.
Either way Hood is going to be at of action for 2 years at least.

More like three since the parts that need to be replaced are no way near anything like the USN used so those are going to be custom made.
There's a world of difference between removing sections of her armored belt and exposing internal compartments for maintenance and refitting, and cutting a ship in half to add something in between.

I highly doubt the British Admiralty will allow the Americans to do anything beyond fix the damage and practical upgrades. So no, outrigger hulls to make her a Trimaran, new main cannons or USN 16" guns. What would be feasible is the installation of extra AAA guns and fire directors, welding on additional armored plating over weaker areas and other relatively minor adjustments that don't require a total rebuild of the ship.

You have to remember, the British are paying for a service, this isn't free.

You know, I just remembered what Bismarck's first target would have been if the Battle of the Denmark Strait hadn't occurred or it did but Bismarck wasn't seriously damaged. Her first convoy target would have likely been Convoy HX 127, a fifty-seven Merchant Ship strong convoy making anywhere between 9 and 13 knots, with an escort screen composed of HMS Ramillies, HMCS Ottawa, HIMS Sutlej, HMS Salisbury, HMS Hambledon, HMS Larkspur, and HMS Begonia, plus some other smaller escort ships like Naval Trawlers and the like. All told, one Revenge class Battleship, one C class Destroyer, one Town class Destroyer, a Black Swan class Sloop, a Hunt class Escort Destroyer, and two Flower class Corvettes.

Arrayed against them OTL would have been Bismarck and Prinz Eugen however if Sky does what I think he will do. That would mean, that the escort force of convoy HX 127 will likely find itself arrayed against Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, and Bluchler. As Duke Nukem would say "Welcome to the International House of Pain!" the escort screen wouldn't stand a chance against firepower like that. The only thing that they have that could hold off not sink but only delay her would be the littlest of the Revenges HMS Ramillies.

But this is just my muse and guess work happening here.
There's a world of difference between removing sections of her armored belt and exposing internal compartments for maintenance and refitting, and cutting a ship in half to add something in between.

I highly doubt the British Admiralty will allow the Americans to do anything beyond fix the damage and practical upgrades. So no, outrigger hulls to make her a Trimaran, new main cannons or USN 16" guns. What would be feasible is the installation of extra AAA guns and fire directors, welding on additional armored plating over weaker areas and other relatively minor adjustments that don't require a total rebuild of the ship.

You have to remember, the British are paying for a service, this isn't free.

Was more thinking about the Lexington class blueprints, that where made, partly based on, the HMS Hood her blueprints.
How much of this could be used, though???
As for cutting in two, Lexington class engine room?
So, what of the Lexington class blueprints could possibly still be of use?
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Was more thinking about the Lexington class blueprints, that where made, partly based on, the HMS Hood.
How much of this could be used, though???
As for cutting in two, Lexington class engine room?
So, what of the Lexington class blueprints could possibly still be of use?
Two problems with that.

One the US will NOT give up any parts for a ship that they are using to upgrade a foreign ship.

Was more thinking about the Lexington class blueprints, that where made, partly based on, the HMS Hood.
How much of this could be used, though???
As for cutting in two, Lexington class engine room?
So, what of the Lexington class blueprints could possibly still be of use?
Oh for...

None. None at all. They're sure as hell not putting in a Lexington powerplant, considering they don't have the machinery just sitting around.
Oh for...

None. None at all. They're sure as hell not putting in a Lexington powerplant, considering they don't have the machinery just sitting around.
Must I use emicons(?)? :(
Was joking with that line, while explaining what I was thinking about, in regards with the likely ludicrous cutting in two, remember the other two post before that one?
Made by me?

Still, the Lexington class Battlecruiser blueprints where designed while looking at a copy of the HMS Hood her blueprints, which are still in the US-Navy library.
That might mean there could still be something in those plans, that could be used to upgrade or improve Hood, like her magazine air circulation system.
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This is probably a non-starter, but if the Hood rebuild is a serious priority, is there anything in the mothball fleet that could be stripped to speed up the work?
No. First off, it's a British ship using British equipment. US mothball ships don't have any of this.

Second, she needs repairs and refit, nor major replacements.

No they are going to open her up none the less. Hoods boilers and gearing need replacing that is the absolute minimum of needed work for her.
No, they will be refurbished in place. Replacement is not an option as it would take years and there is a war on. Opening her up is not necessary.

Either way Hood is going to be at of action for 2 years at least.

More like three since the parts that need to be replaced are no way near anything like the USN used so those are going to be custom made.
HMS Rodney was on her way to get her engines refit in the US when the Bismarck happened OTL. She got there a bit late and three months later she was back in the war.

HMS Royal Sovereign was refit in 42 or 43 in the US and it took half a year but I guess she didn't have the highest priority.

Queen Elizabeth, after actually being sunk by Italian frogmen in Alexandria harbor, took nine months in the US, after temporary repairs to allow her to get there under her own power.

Battleship Richelieu took seven-eight months with complete engine and boiler refurbishment including shaft replacement, modification and ammunition manufacture.

Hood is much better off than Queen Elizabeth or Richelieu here. She should be in the yard for six months or so on the outside.
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Must I use emicons(?)? :(
Was joking with that line, while explaining what I was thinking about, in regards with the likely ludicrous cutting in two, remember the other two post before that one?
Made by me?
Yes. This is what happens when you make a habit of posting blatantly daft ideas in all seriousness.
Yes. This is what happens when you make a habit of posting blatantly daft ideas in all seriousness.
Vianca said:
Bigger long term worry is how to create a balanced fighting force, when all the heavies are just too slow.
I think they would consider him nuts to suggest cutting a ship in two and adding in a new section, so there is more machinery space.
On the other hand, if he jokes about it, as a: "unless you.... up their speeds", he could maybe get certain ships refitted with newer and more powerful engines, that have the size of the old engines.
Not sure what the right approach is, on that one.
Where there any ships that could get a speed improvement, if refitted with a new engine room?
Arizona, perhaps?
Hood is much better off than Queen Elizabeth or Richelieu here. She should be in the yard for six months or so on the outside.

Which would mean that she would be out of action from December 1940 to either May or June 1941. This also means, that she will probably be sent after Bismarck ASAP, after she comes out of refit, well not better than new, but in a hell of alot better shape than she was in before the Battle of the North Sea. But this will be after Bismarck and company have probably munched on one or two Convoys, depending on when Bismarck sortie's which from the sounds of it, will be close to when she did OTL, which means I pity Convoy HX 127, because if Hood and Prince of Wales hadn't made the intercept and damaged Bismarck, HX 127 would have been on the menu. Fifty-seven merchants, protected by a single Battleship of WWI Vintage, two Destroyers, a Sloop, a Escort Destroyer, and two Corvettes. Well, as Duke Nukem once said: "Welcome to the International House of Pain!"

On the other hand, if he jokes about it, as a: "unless you.... up their speeds", he could maybe get certain ships refitted with newer and more powerful engines, that have the size of the old engines.
Not sure what the right approach is, on that one.
Where there any ships that could get a speed improvement, if refitted with a new engine room?
Arizona, perhaps?
Nope. Not enough time for that, not enough money for that, not enough spare weight for that with the additional deck armor and fire control systems, and the hull forms of the battleships are going to preclude any increase in speed anyway.

Like, you don't seem to grasp how much horsepower you need to add to get more speed out of a ship. Good rule of thumb: you need to double installed power on the same hull to add 4 knots.

On the other hand, if he jokes about it, as a: "unless you.... up their speeds", he could maybe get certain ships refitted with newer and more powerful engines, that have the size of the old engines.
Not sure what the right approach is, on that one.
Where there any ships that could get a speed improvement, if refitted with a new engine room?
Arizona, perhaps?

When a mod asks you to cut it out, it's probably a good idea to, y'know, cut it out?

This should jog your memory a bit.
*pinches nose*

I linked back to the WoG post for good reason. I really would rather not have our benevolent oppressor friendly neighborhood mod come in and make another post.

So, in a second attempt to nip this in the bud:

Three Reasons why Hood is not getting torn apart for major refit

As mentioned in the WoG post and in-story the Brits want her back in service as quickly as humanely possible. This is the entire reason they sent her to the US in the first place, because they know- especially with a war on -that they can't get Hood what she needs and back in service in anything resembling a reasonable time frame. The hypothetical '42 refit Hood would have gotten, had she not been sunk by Bismarck, was expected to take up to two or three years.*

Sadly, due to budgetary constraints and the fact that there were other ships in need of more immediate attention, Hood's refit was not scheduled to commence until at least Spring 1942.

Emphasis mine. Even had Hood not been shot to ribbons by the Terrible Twins or blown away by Bismarck, she would have been waiting until early '42 to get refit. A refit that, because the British lacked the resources and money+had to keep their other ships in serviceable shape, would have taken two years at bare minimum to do.

And this is, as below:

2. They're going to want to refit her around the same level Renown got.

This isn't particularly spoilerly in it's own right, because it's just saying what would logically happen at most. I'm not saying it will, I'm not saying she'll come out looking anything like her cousin. But the fact of the matter is that even the Brits, with the concept of completely overhauling Hood on every level, wanted something that would basically be Renown+. Not a total rebuild. Not something like, I dunno, WeeVee. Renown's refit was pretty extensive all told, but it was still something within the realms of logic.

Hood would not be torn apart and rebuilt completely.

Between the Brits wanting her back in service as quickly as possible and the fact that even at absolute most she would get something along the lines of Renown.

Who, for the record, went from this:

To this:

Anything more exotic than Renown is not likely to happen. For a myriad of reasons.

I'm not going to say what form Hood will come out as. She may well come out as a more AMERICA YEEEEAAAHHH version of Renown. She may come out more or less the same with new engines. She may have new engines and AA guns and nothing else.

But the important note, is that it will not be something wacky or hilariously expensive time consuming.

3. The Americans have their own ships to work on. They're not going to drastically rebuild Hood, when we need to build the new battleships or new cruisers or Hornet or lay down Essex or...

Well, you get the point.

Its just as much in America's interest to get Hood back in service as quickly as possible as it is for the Brits.

Now, please, don't make me have to make another of these. Please.