Bat out of Hell
- Location
- Kanto
Given that the two sieges we've had so far, the current one and the off and on one we've been having around Baliafax, have both been mentioned as being easier on us if we'd had a station there (which is why Baliafax has planetary batteries in the first place), I'm pretty sure that the trend will continue, and even if it doesn't 'a place for the outmatched patrol squadron to run screaming to when the enemy heavy metal shows up' would still be useful. Even beyond that, having one or two stations and another pair of modernized system defense boats at the homeworld would make us a lot less vulnerable to decapitation strikes like was tried on Bagalog by Gehault just this turn.That'd be nice to have, but keep in mind, most of our "planets" are really small clusters of worlds around one central system. There's no way we can put fixed defenses on all the nameless minor worlds around Baliafax, Latvia, and Calavar (although the latter do at least have names). On the other hand, so far control of these clusters has been determined entirely by fighting over the central world, so maybe that trend will continue?
Because right now if one of those hit us, from Gehault, chaos, or da orks, we'd be in big trouble.
We've been attacking constantly since the game started, and I feel we should spend at least a turn, preferably two, digging in a bit before we continue so that when we do continue we can do stuff like mass all four naval squadron onto a hard target or something else fun like that.