Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

That'd be nice to have, but keep in mind, most of our "planets" are really small clusters of worlds around one central system. There's no way we can put fixed defenses on all the nameless minor worlds around Baliafax, Latvia, and Calavar (although the latter do at least have names). On the other hand, so far control of these clusters has been determined entirely by fighting over the central world, so maybe that trend will continue?
Given that the two sieges we've had so far, the current one and the off and on one we've been having around Baliafax, have both been mentioned as being easier on us if we'd had a station there (which is why Baliafax has planetary batteries in the first place), I'm pretty sure that the trend will continue, and even if it doesn't 'a place for the outmatched patrol squadron to run screaming to when the enemy heavy metal shows up' would still be useful. Even beyond that, having one or two stations and another pair of modernized system defense boats at the homeworld would make us a lot less vulnerable to decapitation strikes like was tried on Bagalog by Gehault just this turn.

Because right now if one of those hit us, from Gehault, chaos, or da orks, we'd be in big trouble.

We've been attacking constantly since the game started, and I feel we should spend at least a turn, preferably two, digging in a bit before we continue so that when we do continue we can do stuff like mass all four naval squadron onto a hard target or something else fun like that.
Given that the two sieges we've had so far, the current one and the off and on one we've been having around Baliafax, have both been mentioned as being easier on us if we'd had a station there (which is why Baliafax has planetary batteries in the first place), I'm pretty sure that the trend will continue, and even if it doesn't 'a place for the outmatched patrol squadron to run screaming to when the enemy heavy metal shows up' would still be useful. Even beyond that, having one or two stations and another pair of modernized system defense boats at the homeworld would make us a lot less vulnerable to decapitation strikes like was tried on Bagalog by Gehault just this turn.

Because right now if one of those hit us, from Gehault, chaos, or da orks, we'd be in big trouble.

We've been attacking constantly since the game started, and I feel we should spend at least a turn, preferably two, digging in a bit before we continue so that when we do continue we can do stuff like mass all four naval squadron onto a hard target or something else fun like that.
To be fair, a big decapitation strike like that would roll right over a couple of Trench defense stations, too. But I agree, it would be a sound investment to prevent damage from less "oh god bring everyone" attacks.
I'm also hoping that some dedicated defenses on the 'front lines' could actually free up enough forces to keep a reserve squadron, which is something we can do but have never done because we've never had the spare ships for it.
I mean, yes but we're using base merchant level drives, there's plenty of room for improvement without even touching the far end of what the Imperium has available to it.
Actually, we might want to start with defense stations in the Homnan League worlds, not just to defend them but to mark them as ours in a way the Dark Star Alignment can't really contest.
I'm also not expecting the Gehault/Bagalog thing to stay a nice, non-event causing conflict, and I don't want to be caught in... well, something like what we currently are caught in for the next turn or three while that's going on so if we do need to do something, we actually can do something without having all our ships busy in Chaos Siege Three, Immaterium Boogaloo.

Which isn't to say I'm against attacking at all, I'd like to take a poke at, say, Hive World Octan and see if we can steal one of their industrial platforms like the strat phase has been suggesting since forever, or run some raids over to Forge World Laskin or Grudan to make positive contact with them/open up the diplomacy page with anything they'd be willing to sell, run a scouting mission over to the Core Worlds to see what and who the 'white, black, or yellow ships' mentioned there are, or scout the The Husk to see what the other local race of minor aliens has and get them added to the naval intel screen, or so on. But what I don't want to do in the next one or two turns is try to take more clay or otherwise end up with another location we have to defend before we can get some fixed defenders out and just more ships out to keep from being overstretched like we currently are.
I'm also not expecting the Gehault/Bagalog thing to stay a nice, non-event causing conflict, and I don't want to be caught in... well, something like what we currently are caught in for the next turn or three while that's going on so if we do need to do something, we actually can do something without having all our ships busy in Chaos Siege Three, Immaterium Boogaloo.

Which isn't to say I'm against attacking at all, I'd like to take a poke at, say, Hive World Octan and see if we can steal one of their industrial platforms like the strat phase has been suggesting since forever, or run some raids over to Forge World Laskin or Grudan to make positive contact with them/open up the diplomacy page with anything they'd be willing to sell, run a scouting mission over to the Core Worlds to see what and who the 'white, black, or yellow ships' mentioned there are, or scout the The Husk to see what the other local race of minor aliens has and get them added to the naval intel screen, or so on. But what I don't want to do in the next one or two turns is try to take more clay or otherwise end up with another location we have to defend before we can get some fixed defenders out and just more ships out to keep from being overstretched like we currently are.
How do you feel about making an exception for Oprechna? It's right in our backyard, and only started with the really spooky shit on turn 5, so it's probably not all that well defended yet. I feel like nipping it in the bud could save us a lot of trouble down the line.

Edit: Actually, speaking of Octan, @DaLintyGuy, what would it take to tow a manufacturing platform like that through the Warp? Is it something we could do with our current ships, assuming the defenses are taken care of?
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Maybe Oprechna, as if nothing else it probably isn't laced into the rest of the heretical power structure/plot landscape yet so hitting it is less likely to bring the 'they keep attacking us we need to hit back' response.

It'll depend on how they're described next strat phase though, and more importantly how the big battle goes, because if we need to spend, like, our entire budget repairing ships I'm going to be even less interested in expansionism then.

[x] Plan Showdown Preparation v3
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If it seems like I was paying less attention today it's because I found a WHFB mod for CKII and decided to be a Hell Viking the better to loot and reave.

Edit: Actually, speaking of Octan, @DaLintyGuy, what would it take to tow a manufacturing platform like that through the Warp? Is it something we could do with our current ships, assuming the defenses are taken care of?
Your ships could do it, although likely with some element of triage. You don't need the platform itself, just the functional machinery in it.
Was thinking about the decisive battle over the hive world and the fact we are going to refit the bulk carrier with better shields later on.
Decided to keep one of the utility slot empty till that refit so it can be ready in time for the battle.
Yttreum is getting a hull and a savior squadron but i see the risk of us loosing ships at the battle vs chaos and or losing part of the hives as a far greater problem then a neutral word joining another neutral group.
An major attack on Bailafax is unlikely with the battle vs chaos at the hive world so i taking the strike craft from there to the hive battle as well.

[X] Plan Decisive battle
-[X] 44M repairs/other costs
-[X] 39M+10M strikecraft Bulk carrier rebuild
-Hull: Rebuilt Bulk Hauler (3U,1W,1D,1E,1O) to the 1st naval squadron
- Utility: 1x broadside Cargo Hangar w 6x savoir (2x3x2=12M)
- Utility: 1x broadside Cargo Hangar w 4x savoir (2x3x2=10M)
- Utility: Empty
- Weapon: Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (2x3=6M)
- Defense: Navigational Shields (Shield 1) (1M) 1x3=3M
- Omni: Scaffold Armor (Armor 1.5) (2x3=6M)
- Engine: Tuned Merchant Thrusters 1x4M
- Bridge: Merchant (1x4M)
- Sensors: Merchant (1x4=4M)
- Life Support: Expansive
- Housing: Barracks
- Warp: Merchant
-[X] move the fury and Starhawk Bomber squadrons from Bailafax to the bulk carrier
-[X] 60M Drydock
-[X] Spatha Class (38M,4A) 2nd naval squadrons
-Spatha-class Hull (5M)
-Weapon: IN Macrocannon Battery MkI (4M,1A)
-Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M,1A)
-Defense: Light IN Armor (Armor 3, 2M,2A)
-Defense: Haptrix-Alpha Rapid Shields (6M)
-Utility: Cargo Hold (0M)
-Engine: Militarized Engine (Acceleration 2, Maneuver 2, Fuel Efficient) (3M)
-Bridge: Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-Sensors: T-100 Auspex (2M)
-Warp: Merchant (4M)
-LS: Essential (2M)
-Housing: Bastion (3M)
-[X] Add the lance armed merchant to the 3th naval squadron
-[X] Add both modernized escort carriers to 4th naval squadron
-[X] Move the KV-2 Wage of Dissent from the 1st naval squadron to the 4th naval squadron
-[X] Ferryman-A-class Transport (23M) add to the 2nd naval squadron
-Hull: Converted Freighter (1E, 3O) (3M)
-Engines: Militarized Engine (Acceleration 2, Maneuver 2, Fuel Efficient) (3M)
-Omni: [Defense] Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (Shield 2, .5 Armor) (4M)
-Omni: [Utility] Cargo Bay Hangar + Harbinger Heavy Transport (PD2, Military Transport) (2M) take from the bombardment ship replace those with saviors
-Omni: [Utility] Troop Deck (2M)
-Bridge: Merchant (1M)
-Sensors: Merchant (1M)
-Warp: Merchant (4M)
-LS: Essential (2M)
-Housing: Barracks (1M)
-[X] 6x Thermo-Cavitation Shells 6M,6A
-[X] Khornate Armed Merchant Hull for Yttreum 7M
-[x] Incomplete Spatha Frigates for Yttreum x2 (30M)
--[x] Spatha-class hull, merchant engines, sensors, warp, essential life support barracks
-[X] 1x saviors for Yttreum 1M
-[X] Add the Knights to the 1st void army(replacing the Elite Infantry)
-[X] Add the 1st void arm to the 2nd naval squadron for boarding and/or ground combat
-[X] 1st Calavar Armored Army add Foot Infantry (0M) and Elite Infantry(0M)
-[X] Add Mech Infantry (1M) Engineer (base construction 0M), Military Police (base security 0M) to the 1st Aerial Combat Army
-[X] The Ashen Legion add Elite Infantry(0M)
-[X] Hive army
-Foot Infantry (2M) , Void Infantry (1M) , Elite Infantry (0M), Armor (1M)
-[X] Crusade Siege Army
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Sappers (0M), Additional Foot Infantry (0M)
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Ignoring all the stuff I disagree with, if this is even possible wouldn't it leave the bulk carrier with a mostly empty hanger, given you're moving non-capital sized wings onto a capital hull?
you can mix strike craft in hangers, the rest of those hangers will be filled with saviors.
Strike craft, unlike weapons, can be mixed inside a Cruiser scale module to carry two squadrons of Fighters and four of Bombers. Or any other variation thereof.
Leaving unused space on the bulk hauler in order to get it out in one turn is definitely an interesting idea, but you've removed support for Yttreum almost entirely to do it, and we really want to make a good first impression there.
Leaving unused space on the bulk hauler in order to get it out in one turn is definitely an interesting idea, but you've removed support for Yttreum almost entirely to do it, and we really want to make a good first impression there.
What do you think about transferring the harbringers from the bombardment ship to the new transport and puting a squadron of saviors on the bombardment ship?
What do you think about transferring the harbringers from the bombardment ship to the new transport and puting a squadron of saviors on the bombardment ship?
It doesn't suck, but I think it's probably a downgrade in the ship's ability to support ground troops, especially since we'll generally also have a carrier in the theater at the same time. Particularly in cases where the transport goes back for more troops instead of sticking around in orbit, because then the bombardment ship's harbingers would be the only air transport available to the men on the ground.

(We do also have the option of building army groups of Harbingers, which would make the Scorn-class's harbingers totally irrelevant, but those cost 12M.)
Anyone think it might be a good idea to send couriers with sealed eyes only messages for the Leaders of Grehault and Bagalog informing them of the bad news concerning the west and north and (politely) ask them to stop shooting at each other so that everyone can concentrate on the more important business of saving the subsector.
Anyone think it might be a good idea to send couriers with sealed eyes only messages for the Leaders of Grehault and Bagalog informing them of the bad news concerning the west and north and (politely) ask them to stop shooting at each other so that everyone can concentrate on the more important business of saving the subsector.
We could do it, but then like in a pistol duel where both parties need to look away from each other to walk 40 paces, one of them could just shoot them in the back. I doubt Bagalog and Gerhault trust the other to Not send a fleet to their home planet while the main fleet is busy helping us clear the North and West.
The first waves of Nurgle and Tzeentchian troops, as always, were the chaff. Guard pattern Armies hold the rear alongside "least" and Lesser Daemons of both Gods. These elite forces typically are used for exploitation rather than attempting direct attacks on the Hive walls.
Did one of the Hives got breached? I got the idea of the omake after watching highlight compilations of a Company of Heroes streamer, Skippy, use Demolition Charges and Goliaths to great effect, this needs to be in an urban setting like in a cramped Hive where explosives can be hidden or pop out of anywhere. 1 strategy includeds dropping smoke on a hardpoint to cover an approach of Goliaths and get as close as they can before detonating. I doubt it would be as effective here as in CoH because the game's RTS nature makes controling them simple and easy, like clicking the location of where you last remember seeing that artillery position and not having to actually steer it inside of a smoke cloud and also having a bird's eye view and seeing the Goliaths icon through the smoke itself.

If the Hive can make wireless cameras that can see through smoke cheaply, I think I can include WH40k Goliath's into the omake as another weapon against the enemies of Man, I have a lot of reference material to work with for this. If I can't I'll settle for bobby trapping buildings and streets with IEDs and demo traps, retreat during a firefight so that they move over the hidden explosive before getting a surprise they'll remember for the rest of their lives.
If the Hive can make wireless cameras that can see through smoke cheaply, I think I can include WH40k Goliath's into the omake as another weapon against the enemies of Man, I have a lot of reference material to work with for this. If I can't I'll settle for bobby trapping buildings and streets with IEDs and demo traps, retreat during a firefight so that they move over the hidden explosive before getting a surprise they'll remember for the rest of their lives.
Shouldn't be hard; thermal IR goes through smoke okay. Firefighters use it for this today.
-[x] Assign Voidwright, Starstrider, and Camilla's Courier Cruiser IV to 3rd Naval Squadron
This part of the plan confuses me a bit. I know that the 3rd Naval Squadron is the one that most needs reinforcements, but what's the deployment plan we have set out for this turn? 3 Naval Squadrons to Uniary and one to try and investigate/subdue Oprechna? If so, which Squadron do we plan on sending there?
This part of the plan confuses me a bit. I know that the 3rd Naval Squadron is the one that most needs reinforcements, but what's the deployment plan we have set out for this turn? 3 Naval Squadrons to Uniary and one to try and investigate/subdue Oprechna? If so, which Squadron do we plan on sending there?
My thinking is, nobody's going to Oprechna this turn. The 1st, 2nd, and 4th go to Uniary, and the 3rd patrols the Homnan worlds, and Oprechna will have to wait until next turn. It's not ideal, but we really need to drop the hammer on the fleets in Uniary (especially since they may well send reinforcements of their own), and we can't afford to leave the Homnan worlds uncovered, since we still need to move our armies around and reclaim those other two worlds.