Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

We can, yes. And in the long run, that's propably what's going to happen. But in-quest, all our guys are descended from imperial culture, self-identify as imperial, are used to imperial aesthetic, and their technology is based on imperial tech and design philosophy. Why would they suddenly decide to completly abandon the imperial look for something radically different, instead of starting from the imperial aesthetic and adopting it to suit their needs, evolving it into something new and original steadily, but also very gradually?
As for the aerodynamics, presumably people have found ways to deal with that. The galaxy does partially run on the rule of cool, after all.

Another approach might be a faceted teardrop shape like the gemstone cut, come to think.
I doodled with a few blocks for a bit and ended up with this design:

I changed the canopy to also be blocky. Verdict? It kind of looks more like a Halo series human fighter then it does 40k Imperium.

So, progress?
Turn Eight Strategy Phase Results: Peace from Gehault, Octan Raid, Lativa Response
[X] Plan Highway Robbery

-[X] 1st Naval Squadron + 2nd Torpedo Squadron
--[X] Negotiate for peace between Gehault, Yttreum, and Bagalog. Plus increase influence over the deserters.
--[X] Bring psyker cadre, representatives from Lativa

The half dozen Calavan ships received a frosty welcome from the Gehault patrol squadrons after they warped in as they were escorted by twice their number in ex-Navy vessels. With the entirety of the deserter navy in one place the volume near the Fleet Bastion was comprised of overlapping signum returns. Captain Kelaman didn't think it was a show of strength but rather a need to preserve fuel after the thorough pasting the support infrastructure of their allies had taken. Even so, it did show the opportunity at stake: twenty three Escorts in various states of disrepair, one Dauntless-class Light Cruiser with minor scars, and the Lunar-class Cruiser that ruled over the lot. As far as could be told by the Calavans, she had never left her dock.

When the leaders and dignitaries of the two factions met it was a typical show of importance. The ranking Sororita wore her armor while the handful of security for the Crusade delegation wore Shelter systems in pale imitation of the refined design. The Rear Admiral himself had made a showing, wearing commendations from a century of service on a uniform fit for his station. Beside him stood the man who would be introduced as the captain of The Grant of Hope, who could be assumed to have abhuman ancestry along with his crew as they averaged in the vicinity of five quarters of a meter in height.

With the pointed inclusion of the Adepta Sororitas in the Crusade delegation as a reminder of the dereliction of duty the deserters were engaged in, during and after their shooting war with the remaining Loyalists in the Subsector, affairs were… Strained. Even so the tension was never near the point where force was feared. The inclusion of the cadre of psykers allowed for empathic reading of the various Gehault officers in order to know the correct topics to deescalate further.

What the deserters as a whole wanted was simple: to protect their homeworlds from the Orks, Chaos, and now the other Xenos that had risen in the Subsector. What the Rear Admiral wanted was to continue their duties of the Imperial Navy, in all respects. What the Crusade wanted was to unite the Loyalist factions against the many enemies that were at hand.
The interesting thing about this spread of desires was that what the regular Gehault captain wanted was different than what their leader wanted. Meaning that most of the actual negotiation was done with blocks of captains and their crews instead of their nominal leader, who required a delicate touch to not offend overly much as he believed that he had the legitimacy of the Imperial Navy despite their disavowal and so the Crusade should join him rather than negotiating on an even basis.

Even so the Crusade members were staunch in their refusal of such a thing. Had not Calavar done more than Gehault to relieve the suffering of the Humans of the Subsector than Gehault? While the Martian Brotherhood and the Ecclesiarchy were separate from the secular hierarchy of the Imperium and thought more fondly of the world that had saved them than a band of deserters who had limited themselves to keeping what was left of Human space in the Subsector clear of raiders and pirates.

As such the agreement made was this: Gehault would not try to expand further in exchange for access to Calavan and Lexicalum industry. For repairs to their vessels as well as fuel, munitions, and replacement equipment for the armsmen of their ships.

[While the peace will likely require some enforcement, Gehault and Yttreum/Bagalog are formally at peace. Gehault requires at least 270M of repairs and refits across it's fleet. Investment will increase their ability to run patrol duties and possibly second ships to the Crusade for specific campaigns.]

-[X] 2nd Naval Squadron + 1st Torpedo Squadron + 1st Calavar Void Army + 2nd Calavar Void Army
--[X] Hive World Octan (60LY): Raid in force to liberate industrial platforms from the Orks to bring to Calavar.

The Hive World of Octan was a world of Orks, now. It's respectable defense fleet had been swept aside by the alien tactics and endurance of WAAAGH!! Stonegit before it subsequently collapsed without a clear reason. Billions of Human slaves had been shipped into orbit or away entirely to assemble more Ork weapons with which to fight everything and anything that caught their attention. Now the orbital plates were manned by gretchen and unlucky Yoofs and resounded with the sounds of complaining and combat alike. For, to an Ork, the two were interchangeable.

When the Crusade force swept into Octan's orbit it was met by a double handful of scrapships and clouds of ramshackle strike craft made on stolen assembly lines and kustomized by their new owners even further. While the voidships were contemptuously swatted aside or made for Warp distance the newly commissioned Strife deployed her Saviors to counter the local defenders. The Calavan fighters formed into a protective barrier ahead of the flotilla, rimmed by elements of the Furies and Starhawks of the Due Excise. Energy snapped between streams of tracers and the contrails of missiles as the two forces clashed.

The Savior Multirole was an acceptable combatant that was designed to be built en masse while the Ork "fighters" were merely repurposed craft layered in armor, guns, and engines. The dogfight was immediately the largest fighter engagement of the Crusade as hundreds of explosions dotted the black of the void. The anemic security turrets of the Crusade ships added their weight to the fight when possible though they were limited by their construction to protecting the carrying ships.

It took the Ork ships running out of ammunition to reduce the intensity of the fighting. Others started floating off into the void after depleting their onboard fuel, either not being fully supplied to begin with or having replaced fuel with more ammunition or weaponry. With the fighter cover depleted it was time to accomplish the primary mission: landing the ground forces. Analysts had been studying the disposition of the orbital plates while the fighting had been limited to small craft and checked their results against the intelligence retrieved from long range observation from the ships sent to keep an eye on the location over the last decades in order to decide a target.

Waves of Harbinger Transports lifted from the decks of the Strife and powered towards the victim station. Each carried hundreds of the finest soldiers Calavar had to offer. Most in expanded versions of the sealed armor all Calavan soldiers wore, some in powered exoskeletons. The spearhead of the attack were the Knights of House Noctris who were sheltered in the center of the self supporting ball of gunnery.

The fighters with the fastest turnarounds clashed around the formation, Ork craft nibbling at the edge while Saviors and Furies strove to destroy them before they could wear through the armored shells around the sensitive systems and soldiers inside.

Landing was done through a section that had once had a large module installed but had subsequently been scrapped to leave an interior bulkhead bare to the void. Charges were employed to blow out entry points under field deployed airlocks to allow measured entrance without unnecessarily venting atmosphere as Orks could function in atmospheric pressures far below that of a Human and even with self contained breathing battle damage would result in unwarranted casualties.
(Of historical note this event would serve as a fertile backdrop for several stories, most notably the tales focusing on a Harbinger that is shot down and crashes through a section of the station's hull. It's cargo of soldiers then has to endure heavy attrition from Ork combatants before eventually linking up with friendly forces after completing whatever other mission or plot the author gave them.)

Combat within the halls and massive rooms of the station was fierce. Orks held major advantages in close combat and their alien physiologies could deliver them there in defiance of light fire from Calavan forces. The Shelter exoskeleton made up for this deficiency, in part, and the Knights were at least available to crush stubborn sections of the front.

Fortunately, the Orks were content to fight rather than destroy what they couldn't have. Unfortunately, the machinery being fought over had been picked over for parts by the Orks and what replacements had been made were stopgap fixes that did not meet Human safety standards. The prize was secure but would require repairs to make the full use of what was salvageable and useful to the Crusade.

[Octan Platform salvaged. Will provide 5M without repairs, refurbishment will cost a total of 25M and increase output by 35M. Additional enhancements can be Designed. Resource extraction in the area near Calavar is insufficient for efficient operation, shipping costs magnified unless placed elsewhere.
Enables superior Armor when repaired through the use of better materials.]

-[X] 4th Naval Squadron + 1st Support Squadron + Calavar Holy Shield Army + 1st Orbital Defense Army + 1st Calavar Armored Army + 2nd Calavan Armored Army + 2nd Bridgehead Army + 6th Crusade Infantry Army + Dark Star Alignment equipment armies when they are trained up.
--[X] Shrine World Lativa (60LY): Keep the Locroft in check/cut them down to size in space and land reinforcements on Lativa to dislodge their ground forces.

The deployment of the recovered Ancient frigate was somewhat contested as it did represent something irreplaceable. That it was against the Locroft, who had only been seen to have ships that would be effectively countered by such a vessel, calmed the voices of dissent so that it was not a truly contentious issue.

To the mild surprise of the vessels deployed there was only a pair of Locroft ships in the system when the Crusade flotilla dewarped. Two Wedge-class frigates hung on the edge of the system as sentinels, simply keeping watch over the ongoing campaigns. But before the enemy could be engaged the Crusade ground forces needed to be deployed safely to Lativa.

With transport capacity limited it was decided to send the Armored and Orbital Defense armies in the first wave, rounding out the capacity with those who fought alongside those Sisters of Battle who had left their world to serve the greater Subsector. The transit was gratifyingly swift and soon Crusade armor was arcing out to spear into the wilds that the Locroft had inhabited. Feral Ork populations were brushed aside by concentrations of force that they could not meaningfully resist in pursuit of the Xenos scum that had dared sully this holy site, with the Levy walkers ending up guardian mountain passes and assaulting the rough terrain that Feral Orks thrived in.

Of these battles the biggest clash was in an even patch of ground between two mountain ranges, as Crusade armor sought to pin down the Locroft superheavy crawlers to deny the rest of their forces resupply and some measure of reinforcements. Hundreds, at one point thousands, of armored vehicles traded salvos over the arid scrubland infected by Orkoid fungus. Imperial vehicles such as Leman Russ variants, Savior Multiroles, and second tier Baneblades engaged smoothly sloped and low slung Locroft armor with shells ranging from simple penetrators to plasma munitions and with laser weaponry of all sizes. In turn they were buffeted by shells and missiles from their counterparts, some consisting of metallic hydrogen charges that impacted, detonated, and then combusted.
Uncountable vehicles were destroyed and lost on both sides. Locroft "infantry" were more akin to Sentinels than a Guardsman and in this environment typically carried heavy weapons that could damage the plating on a Leman Russ, or penetrate a Chimera's plating to devastate whatever was inside. Their shells could be penetrated, or at least damaged, by autocannon and heavy bolter fire and soon the Crusade infantry had adapted to the new foe in this cauldron of mobile warfare.

During this period of heavy clashes an interruption occurred. Locroft ships entered the system, three Wedge-class frigates centered around a quartet of transports. This presented a troubling problem for the Crusade commander as the friendly transports were due to arrive any day now and moving to engage the Xenos vessels meant risking being out of position to respond to a threat to the millions of lives aboard the vulnerable ships. Eventually it was decided that the mobile Orbital Defense units could protect the ground forces sufficiently well that the significant amount of ground forces would be safe enough until the Human transports arrived and educated risks could be taken.

The Saviors deployed on Lativa threw themselves at the heavy transports of the Locroft, accepting losses to ensure that as many enemy ground forces were lost in transit as possible. Yet it soon became apparent that the Xenos were withdrawing rather than reinforcing, smashing the passes used by the Human logistic trails to supply the troops engaging their forces with a series of kinetic strikes.
In response the Orbital Defense Army nodded somberly. Tactical munitions mounted on long range cruise missiles could devastate the Locroft transports, stripping weapons and searing thin layers of armor from their hulls before the Saviors engaged once more. A handful of warning shots were used to herd the Locroft from approaching the areas they originated from.

With their withdrawal done improbably quickly from positions in the field rather than large, central landing zones the Locroft turned to leave once more. They were left to flee, to prevent unnecessary damage to Crusade ships (foremost the Ancient frigate) as much as letting the Xenos keep vessels better used to pound against WAAAGH!! Legcutta.

[Locroft forces repulsed. Ground force salvage gained.
6M in ground force repairs.]

-[X] 3rd Naval Squadron + 4th Patrol Squadron + 2nd Support Squadron + 1st Crusade Defense Army + 3rd Calavar Infantry Army + 1st Calavar Infantry Army + 2nd Orbital Defense Army
--[X] Homna String Defense League (20LY): Hold the line against the Orks encroaching upon civilized lands.

In the old Homnan worlds there was no single defining battle. Aggressive patrols destroyed Ork scrapships trying to land forces or load plunder while also delivering ground forces to hold against future raids and invasions.

Some of these random ships turned out to be part of WAAAGH!! Gutrippa, lost or "lost" going to and from the losing war against the might of Legcutta and seeking plunder and easy targets before being pushed back into the fray.

[Situation stabilized and raiders repulsed.
6M in ship repairs.]

-[X] Yttreum Auxiliary Squadron
--[X] Anti-piracy patrols/merchant shipping protection
-[X] 3th Patrol Squadron
--[X] Uniary (40LY): Anti-Raider Patrol

The Yttreum irregulars were not what Calavan shipmasters expected. They were not primitives happily hammering fists into control panels but neither were they a professional fighting force. Nor did they fully fit the stereotype of mercenary commands as they were not risk averse. Which was probably to be expected as breaking off an engagement in these times was not a winning move.

With the addition of free roving and well seasoned pirates to the ship protection the number of lost ships fell as well… Even though "free roving" generally meant "by the Bulk Hauler" in support of whatever patrol group had detached a ship for close escort duties for the behemoth craft.

[Yttreum gets a handful of pirate hulls to refit. Crusade shipping sees an overall downturn in attacks.]

[GM Note: Informational posts will likely be updated tomorrow. Inform me if you see a major issue that I need to rethink.]
Right. We definitely need to put the industrial station somewhere that we can defend but is not in Calavar.

We should pick a place to put the station and fort it up. Put orbital defenses and the like plus build up a garrison specifically for it.

All the current pressing situations have been dealt with (Lativa, Gehault and Homna) thankfully. So, fort up a place next turn, build up our ship numbers to cover more areas, and pick a target to smash. Probably Orks or Chaos target.
We could put it in the Calavar Periphery. It already has a Patrol Squadron and it's deep enough in our territory as to be reasonably safe.
I'd say Bailafax honestly. It feels like it's deserved it, and honestly the near Calavar worlds feel too close to really solve the actual IC problem. Plus, Bailafax is plenty deep within our territory. Once we get rid of that new Ork world at least.

We should get rid of that new Ork world.
We have a good defensive platform at Uniary where the industry of the hive can support it.
Uniary isn't much of a hive anymore due to the losses and damage from Chaos.

Bailafax would be a better choice given that Bailafax gives 25M compared to the 20M that Uniary does.

Also, Uniary is a bit too close/accessible to Chaos shits for comfort imo.

And putting it at Bailafax just means we'll get incentive to fort it up some more. As can also put a subsidiary yard there once we've got the design down.

Edit: Let Uniary be the aggro drawer by putting a couple more planetary defenses on it while we turn Bailafax into a industrial world (while also adding more defenses to Bailafax).
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Gehault requires at least 270M of repairs and refits across it's fleet
Will provide 5M without repairs, refurbishment will cost a total of 25M and increase output by 35M
6M in ground force repairs
The fighting went a lot better then i expected this turn with only 12M in repairs and a station we are going to repair for 35M(and buy a defense platform to help guard it) and with a peace treaty down south the need to supply them with ships has reduced as well.
The Gerhault fleet has more escorts then i was expecting and will make a fine addition to our fleet once repaired and refitted.
Hm. For the next turn construction I'm looking at:

[] Plan Cruiser and Defenses (420M 10A)
- [] Start Trailblazer-class Light Cruiser (total 129M [reduced cost by 10 from bonus],8A; spend 70M and 3A)
-- [] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (16M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (8M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (12M)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (12M, 3A)
-- [] Plasma broadside (8M, 5A)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (6M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
-- [] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
-- [] Repair Deck (6M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (9M)
- [] 1x Incomplete Spatha hull with better engines for Yttreum (17M) [Exchange for Yttreum auxiliaries protecting Calavar shipping]
-- Spatha-class hull, militarized engines, merchant sensors, warp, essential life support, barracks
-[] Repair Octan Platform (25M)
-[] General Repairs (12M)
-[] 1x Sunstrike Class Terrestrial Defense (6M) [Bailafax]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Atomic Warheads (2M)
-[] 1x Denier class Terrestrial Defense (6M) [Bailafax]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Macrocannon MkI (2M)
-[] Watchtower-class Defense Platform (Total cost: 39M, 2A) [Bailafax]
-- [] Trench-Class Small Defense Platform (3M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Cove-pattern Hangar (4M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Repair Deck (2M)
-- [] Savior S-1s (1M)
-[] 1x Sunstrike Class Terrestrial Defense (6M) [Uniary]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Atomic Warheads (2M)
-[] 1x Bulkhauler (50M)
-- [] Bulk Hauler (15M)
-- [] Merchant Bridge (4M)
-- [] Merchant Sensors (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (8M)
-- [] Barracks Housing (4M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (6M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Merchant Thrusters (3M)
-[] Indomitable II-class Frigate (52M 3A) [1st Naval Squadron]
-- [] War Hawk MkII Heavy Frigate (8M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Repair Deck (2M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (3M)
-[] Gehault Repairs (90M)
-[] Warrior II-class Corvette (45M 2A) [3rd Naval Squadron]
-- [] Spatha-Class Corvette (5M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Repair Deck (2M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (3M)

Now obviously this is subject to change depending on what we have next turn. But just want to put forward what i'm looking at.
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Hm. For the next turn construction I'm looking at:

[] Plan Cruiser and Defenses (380M 10A)
- [] Start Trailblazer-class Light Cruiser (total 133M,8A; spend 70M and 3A)
-- [] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (16M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (8M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (12M)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (12M, 3A)
-- [] Plasma broadside (8M, 5A)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (6M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
-- [] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
-- [] Cargo deck (0M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (9M)
- [] 1x Incomplete Spatha hull with better engines for Yttreum (17M) [Exchange for Yttreum auxiliaries protecting Calavar shipping]
-- Spatha-class hull, militarized engines, merchant sensors, warp, essential life support, barracks
-[] Repair Octan Platform (25M)
-[] General Repairs (12M)
-[] 2x Sunstrike Class Terrestrial Defense (12M) [Bailafax]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Atomic Warheads (2M)
-[] Watchtower-class Defense Platform (Total cost: 39M, 2A) [Bailafax]
-- [] Trench-Class Small Defense Platform (3M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Cove-pattern Hangar (4M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Repair Deck (2M)
-- [] Savior S-1s (1M)
-[] 1x Sunstrike Class Terrestrial Defense (6M) [Uniary]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Atomic Warheads (2M)
-[] 1x Bulkhauler (50M)
-- [] Bulk Hauler (15M)
-- [] Merchant Bridge (4M)
-- [] Merchant Sensors (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (8M)
-- [] Barracks Housing (4M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (6M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Merchant Thrusters (3M)
-[] Indomitable II-class Frigate (50M 3A) [1st Naval Squadron]
-- [] War Hawk MkII Heavy Frigate (8M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (3M)
-[] Gehault Repairs (60M)
-[] Warrior II-class Corvette (43M 2A) [3rd Naval Squadron]
-- [] Spatha-Class Corvette (5M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (3M)

Now obviously this is subject to change depending on what we have next turn. But just want to put forward what i'm looking at.
Well, we've got access to more advanced materials with the Octan platform, so an improved version of the Scaffold Armor feels like an obvious choice.
Hm. For the next turn construction I'm looking at:

[] Plan Cruiser and Defenses (380M 10A)
- [] Start Trailblazer-class Light Cruiser (total 133M,8A; spend 70M and 3A)
-- [] Martinet-Class Light Cruiser (16M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (16M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (16M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (8M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (12M)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (12M, 3A)
-- [] Plasma broadside (8M, 5A)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (6M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (18M)
-- [] Corona-Pattern Point Defense Array (6M)
-- [] Cargo deck (0M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (9M)
- [] 1x Incomplete Spatha hull with better engines for Yttreum (17M) [Exchange for Yttreum auxiliaries protecting Calavar shipping]
-- Spatha-class hull, militarized engines, merchant sensors, warp, essential life support, barracks
-[] Repair Octan Platform (25M)
-[] General Repairs (12M)
-[] 2x Sunstrike Class Terrestrial Defense (12M) [Bailafax]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Atomic Warheads (2M)
-[] Watchtower-class Defense Platform (Total cost: 39M, 2A) [Bailafax]
-- [] Trench-Class Small Defense Platform (3M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Cove-pattern Hangar (4M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Repair Deck (2M)
-- [] Savior S-1s (1M)
-[] 1x Sunstrike Class Terrestrial Defense (6M) [Uniary]
-- [] Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
-- [] Weapon: Atomic Warheads (2M)
-[] 1x Bulkhauler (50M)
-- [] Bulk Hauler (15M)
-- [] Merchant Bridge (4M)
-- [] Merchant Sensors (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (6M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (8M)
-- [] Barracks Housing (4M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (6M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Merchant Thrusters (3M)
-[] Indomitable II-class Frigate (50M 3A) [1st Naval Squadron]
-- [] War Hawk MkII Heavy Frigate (8M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Farstrike Lance (4M, 1A)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (3M)
-[] Gehault Repairs (60M)
-[] Warrior II-class Corvette (43M 2A) [3rd Naval Squadron]
-- [] Spatha-Class Corvette (5M)
-- [] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
-- [] Distributed Array Auspex (4M)
-- [] Merchant Warp Drive (4M)
-- [] Essential Life Support (2M)
-- [] Bastion Housing (3M)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (4M, 1A)
-- [] Scaffold Armor (2M)
-- [] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
-- [] Cargo Hold (0M)
-- [] Militarized Engines (3M)

Now obviously this is subject to change depending on what we have next turn. But just want to put forward what i'm looking at.
Looks okay, except for two things:
1. Since we have the plasma broadside "in stock" do we actually need to spend M and A to install it?
2. Remember that we will get 10M off the first Martinet Hull.
From Where Designs Are Born: 10M to first Martinet Hull built.

Additionally, I think we should research the following, so we can put them in the new ships
1. Better Armor - The Octan Platform lets us make better armor once repaired, we should take advantage of that.
2. Proper explosive shells for our macrocannons. We are still using solid shot I believe, switching to proper explosive shells will make our ships deadlier without needing the costly plasma shells
3. Subsidiary Shipyard design - Having additional shipyards in other systems will increase our M and how many ships we can build, which is always good. Additionally, we have a +2 bonus to designing a new shipyard.
4. Faster Warp drive - Its a bit risky, but getting a faster warp drive will help us a great deal. We also have a +2 to warp drive research.
Small Shipyard Design: +2 to next subsidiary yard design
[Project Failed. +2 to next Warp drive action. Difficulty modifier may be somewhat limited by focusing on a single area of improvement: travel speed, resilience, and fleet cohesion.]
[Design actions relating to the Warp are more dangerous than mere physics. For the purposes of Critical Failures/Disasters the Difficulty modifier is applied first. If this takes the result below 2, there will be Consequences.]

Another thing we could look into is reverse-engineering the Imperial Navy Escort turrets we got, specifically this one:
3x Escort Turrets->Macrocannon Turrets: Standard weapons of the Imperial Navy, though a bit worse for wear after being shot out of their ships. (Battery 3, Medium Range. 4M,1A)
Having our Macrocannons reach medium range for no additional cost (compared to our macrocannon Mk2 design) sounds pretty useful

Edit: Why are we using Atomic missiles in the terrestial batteries? We could use Mk1 Macrocannons to improve damage by 0.5 and range to short, without making them more expensive
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All good suggestions. But I'm wary of warp drive tech, for good reason.

Hm... we may be able to get a look at better warp drives eventually by bringing the Gehault ships under us and studying their ships.

Edit: Also, we may want to send a ship with envoys to get a look at Bagalog and see whats up there with the explorator
Keep in mind that those turrets are discounted due to mostly existing already.
Oh, how much would they probably cost to build from scratch?

Also, out of curiosity, when we designed the Levy Walkers, and this happened:
[Radical faction solidifies in the wake of their vindication. Lexicalum gains a Design action going forwards.]
Have the Lexicalum actually come up with stuff? Does this help us in some way?

All good suggestions. But I'm wary of warp drive tech, for good reason.

Hm... we may be able to get a look at better warp drives eventually by bringing the Gehault ships under us and studying their ships.
If we only focus on improving travel speed, we will have less of a negative modifier, probably either -1 or -2. At worst, a 10-20% chance for bad things to happen, since we have the +2 bonus.
For research, I am actually thinking about getting better torpedoes now? Our indignant boys are showing their age.

That aside, I feel that we have been neglecting our ground forces for more then a bit.
For research, I am actually thinking about getting better torpedoes now? Our indignant boys are showing their age.

That aside, I feel that we have been neglecting our ground forces for more then a bit.
We do have those superheavies we found in a Space Hulk...

So, my tentative design plan for next turn so far is better Scaffold Armor, our own superheavy vehicles, better Warp drives and either new torpedoes, Savior Mk2's or a boarding craft.
We do have those superheavies we found in a Space Hulk...

So, my tentative design plan for next turn so far is better Scaffold Armor, our own superheavy vehicles, better Warp drives and either new torpedoes, Savior Mk2's or a boarding craft.
Also, we have Venigo's bonus for building space docks now, but with our catch this turn we could argue that we wouldn't be able to get started on one anyway.

Altough, if we COULD make one more to set up in Uninary as well as Belifax.....we could basically put all our escort making needs to those and let Calavar concentrate on the big stuff.
Hang on, about the better armor from the Uniary platform: it sounds to me like repairing it will get us better armor without needing to spend a design action. If it just lets us spend a design action to design better armor... we could have done that at any time, so I'm not sure what the point is. @DaLintyGuy, do the better armor materials give us a new design free when we do the repairs?

For next turn's research, I'm thinking 1: subsidiary shipyards, 2: macrocannon shell manufacturing, 3: boarding shuttles, and 4: either flag bridges or upgraded life support for damage control.

Hm. For the next turn construction I'm looking at:

Now obviously this is subject to change depending on what we have next turn. But just want to put forward what i'm looking at.
Don't forget all the Gehault repair work.
Also, we have Venigo's bonus for building space docks now, but with our catch this turn we could argue that we wouldn't be able to get started on one anyway.

Altough, if we COULD make one more to set up in Uninary as well as Belifax.....we could basically put all our escort making needs to those and let Calavar concentrate on the big stuff.
Can the Octan Platform even make hulls? I thought it was just resource processing and factories, not an actual shipyard

For next turn's research, I'm thinking 1: subsidiary shipyards, 2: macrocannon shell manufacturing, 3: boarding shuttles, and 4: either flag bridges or upgraded life support for damage control.

Don't forget all the Gehault repair work.
1. Why boarding shuttles? I don't see why we need those right now. I think it would be better to research warp drives, enable us to respond to attacks faster.
2. He did spend 60 M on Gehault repairs in the plan.

Right now, I would say send the Octan platform to Bailafax, and design a subsidiary shipyard.
We can build the subsidiary shipyard at Bailafax on turn 10, and devote the production from Bailafax (plus 2-3 A) to building a Corvette or Frigate every turn.

Remember, we don't have more than a few turns at most until Legcutta beats Gutrippa and either turns on us or targets Gehault, either of which would be bad.
Next strategy phase, we should consider attacking Legcutta or Metalrenda in order to make it harder for him to beat Gutrippa.
Hang on, about the better armor from the Uniary platform: it sounds to me like repairing it will get us better armor without needing to spend a design action. If it just lets us spend a design action to design better armor... we could have done that at any time, so I'm not sure what the point is. @DaLintyGuy, do the better armor materials give us a new design free when we do the repairs?
The problem with designing better armor was that we previously couldn't make advanced materials in large quantities, hence why the plating in Scaffold armor is softer alloy with a plasteel facing instead of being made entirely of plasteel. With the platform from Octan, this production cap is lifted.
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, 2: macrocannon shell manufacturing,
See, I was thinking; The big ass Light Cruiser that we are thinking on making doesn't have any Macrocanons, given that we are going plasma and lances on it, and our existent macrocannon gunning ships don't appear to neccessarily need to take on Locroft just yet.

So why don't we use my plasma explosive bonus to make a better torpedo instead? At some point, we are going to get bonuses on making plasma reactors explode given our propensity for it so it really doesn't matter if we research the shells now or the torpedoes.

However, given that we can eeeeasily make better torpedo boats with the technology we have now, why not set up some better torpedoes for some torpedo frigates this turn?
Hang on, about the better armor from the Uniary platform: it sounds to me like repairing it will get us better armor without needing to spend a design action. If it just lets us spend a design action to design better armor... we could have done that at any time, so I'm not sure what the point is. @DaLintyGuy, do the better armor materials give us a new design free when we do the repairs?

For next turn's research, I'm thinking 1: subsidiary shipyards, 2: macrocannon shell manufacturing, 3: boarding shuttles, and 4: either flag bridges or upgraded life support for damage control.

Don't forget all the Gehault repair work.
On tech I think, subsidiary yards, studying IN macrocannons to improve the range of our macrocannons, boarding shuttles, and improved armor.

As for the Gehault repairwork, my tentative budget has 60M set aside for it.
Can the Octan Platform even make hulls? I thought it was just resource processing and factories, not an actual shipyard

1. Why boarding shuttles? I don't see why we need those right now. I think it would be better to research warp drives, enable us to respond to attacks faster.
2. He did spend 60 M on Gehault repairs in the plan.

Right now, I would say send the Octan platform to Bailafax, and design a subsidiary shipyard.
We can build the subsidiary shipyard at Bailafax on turn 10, and devote the production from Bailafax (plus 2-3 A) to building a Corvette or Frigate every turn.

Remember, we don't have more than a few turns at most until Legcutta beats Gutrippa and either turns on us or targets Gehault, either of which would be bad.
Next strategy phase, we should consider attacking Legcutta or Metalrenda in order to make it harder for him to beat Gutrippa.
Oh, there it is, hiding between the Indomitable II and the Warrior II. Never mind then, although I think 60M might be undercommitting.

Boarding shuttles are the key to being able to actually capture ships, which has the potential to do us a lot of good. Improved warp drives, I think, are best gotten by trading with Grudan (or maybe even Narran, if we can reclaim the orbitals for them).
See, I was thinking; The big ass Light Cruiser that we are thinking on making doesn't have any Macrocanons, given that we are going plasma and lances on it, and our existent macrocannon gunning ships don't appear to neccessarily need to take on Locroft just yet.

So why don't we use my plasma explosive bonus to make a better torpedo instead? At some point, we are going to get bonuses on making plasma reactors explode given our propensity for it so it really doesn't matter if we research the shells now or the torpedoes.

However, given that we can eeeeasily make better torpedo boats with the technology we have now, why not set up some better torpedoes for some torpedo frigates this turn?
Explosive shells will provide a benefit to a much larger portion of our forces, since our primary fleet weapon is macrocannons. See the difference between our solid shots and explosive shells fired by traitor warships:
When a hit was landed on the Claymore the solid rods expended their fury on the plasteel used to cheaply armor her hull and left little to ravage the decks within. When a hit landed on a Resolute it was with a gout of burning air and metal driven out by the heat of the detonation, into the thin haze of gases left by the rest of the volley as it battered down the distributed shields.
A lot of our enemies are relatively lightly armored, meaning that explosive shells will rip large holes in them compared to solid shot

Boarding shuttles are the key to being able to actually capture ships, which has the potential to do us a lot of good. Improved warp drives, I think, are best gotten by trading with Grudan (or maybe even Narran, if we can reclaim the orbitals for them).
I don't think capturing ships is that important right now. The primary threat we will be facing in the next few turns is probably orks, and I doubt boarding ork ships will go well for us considering how good orks are at close combat.