The Reader
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- Home of the Vikings
Well, while her Valk rank of 1 means she's the highest there is her actual military rank is 2nd Lieutenant which while an officer is pretty far down the ladder. Add in that Anna doesn't have any experience with strategy or even squad tactics beyond what she's read or the literal kiddie stuff they teach at the Academy I really doubt Anna would either take or be given the command if there's anyone more able nearby. Like you know, pretty much anyone of the 300 as they've all had a full military training including Flight and Wing tactics.Some thoughts and questions-
- If Anna is ordered to deploy to help stop a major antagonist push -
- Would she have operational command of the squadren or the 300? Or defer to the higher officer ranks/STRATNET?
- What would her full combat loadout look like? Like if the situation warrants it, would the UN give some of her Heavy Particle weapons back?
- Also - The fact the UN strategic command basicly wants Anna at Africa at all times makes me think they think the next major antagonist push will be coming from that region.
- One more thought that has had me thinking - If the antagonists try to send a execution squad into another unprepared Arcology like they did at Darwin, would Anna be able to stop them?
In the latest chapter Anna is the most able since only two of the others have even fought the Antagonists for real and not for that much. Hence her being given command.
Anna walks around with pretty much her full combat loadout already. Load up some extra nukes or something maybe but not much else. The UN also only has one of her HPP. Before Sekhmet she had 10 but they all got thrashed. She cannibalized 5 to remake the remaining 5. Then she loaned one to the UN for them to study.
The African front is named Hells Gate so it seems more that it's just a constant high level of warfare there hence why STRATNET wants her there. Actual UN Command has obviously countermanded that though since she's been placed in Perth Academy instead of tossed into the war.
Against Sekhmet a Type Zero Class C she barely survived and IIRC the author had to handwave that a bit because the rolls kept coming up with Anna dead. 3-4 T0 with Class between C to A along with their attendant high level escorts? No, she's dead.