This is actually something I've been wondering; How many people here actually care about the anime plot aspect of the quest?
As far as I'm concerned it's only use/relevance is that it spawned the fauxchan omakes. Outside of that it just feels completely irrelevent to the story of Anna.
What does everyone else think?
I'm actually quite interested by it, although I think the quest may have outgrown it somewhat (possibly from the moment it started).
The trouble is, the way it's set up and has been progressing, people have become terrified of getting to max character relevance before we finish anything else we want to do. Avalanche has created a setting with multiple different stories bouncing all over the place, from meta-plots to side stories, and managed to invest us in
all of them. And our character relevance has skyrocketed from 6 to 12 on a scale of twenty, so if things continue as they have we run the very real risk of maxing out character relevance and ending the quest before we receive closure for
anything else that we've become interested in. Personally, I think Avalanche is capable of recognizing and counteracting that by -- just a thought, here -- making the highest ranks really difficult to achieve, but I appear to be in the minority there.
That said, the system as it currently presents a "win" condition that, if achieved now, would feel like losing. There are many fascinating stories, of Anna and otherwise, within this quest, but the three or so "win" conditions that Avalanche has stipulated all only work with
one of each of those stories -- character relevance wins the meta-plot, winning Coke-Zero's heart wins the harem anime, and saving Earth wins the epic warrior story. But people care about all of those things, so we lose out on a lot with any one.
The meta-plot in particular does feel like the worst, since it means that this quest is done regardless of the level of resolution achieved in any other plotline. It would have worked fine as the overarching goal of a less serious quest, but this is not that quest. We care about the story on presentation, not simply the meta-plot encompassing it. So, while I like it, I feel that its status as a "win" condition should no longer stand.