my point is that you don't deal with anxiety by hiding from it, you deal with it by placing yourself in the anxiety causing situation in as predictable a manner as possible while mitigating the anxiety in as many ways as possible.

which is why I voted for commentating, it's a way to focus on the fact that this IS NOT FIGHTING, it is something the participants and most of the audience find enjoyable for one reason or another, no one is going to die or even get seriously hurt because THAT IS NOT THE POINT.

I wish there was a Martial Arts Club.
Won't watching the tournament in the audience with her friends achieve the same result? With the added bonus of having her friends calm her down (even if she considers the instructors friends, they're still in positions of authority) if she begins to exhibit any anxiety and also keeping any episodes she might have kept out of the public eye? It's not like everyone against her commentating is voting for her to avoid witnessing the tournament altogether.
Personally I wouldn't mind ditching Perth
Meanwhile, in Australia, a quest writer screams in anguish.

RIP, Avalanche.
Then suddenly, bread-chan -> DURGA.

The fuck are you smoking?
Cute kittens, obviously. His posts are slow in this thread* because he's busy making a trebuchet that throws venomous spiders on people by converting orphans into kinetic energy.

*When that guy claimed that people were voting for the commentary purely for lolz? I expected you to simply quote yourself, but no reaction. Honestly, both votes have merits, but some people have some crazy goals in this quest. Ending up with Kojirou or in the harem? Wtf.
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Arkanian - Zero Post Impact
Alright, so. I saw an attempt at explaining the timeline a while back that... well, it was rather horribly mangled. Parts were obviously wrong but, having thought about it, it seemed like an interesting idea for an AU, with this Omake being the end-result.

Any errors in the timeline here are very much intentional.


"…Year was marked as year zero on the new calendars…"

Today's lesson is on the history of the Antagonist invasions – how they progressed, which regions they controlled and when, the ever-shifting borders of past conflict. You're recording it for later review of course, as you always do, but you find it hard to remain interested. It's not a subject you've ever cared to think about, really. You're more concerned about where the Antagonists are now than where they were twenty or thirty years ago.

"…Invaded, and gained complete control of territories in China, North Africa, and Ą̕l̢҉̸͟a͏́͢ś͏͞#̕#̀͜͞"

Still, you suppose there might be something useful. You remind Durga to alert you if something comes up that wait a second.

You check again. Yes, it seems Durga blocked out some of what the instructor just said. You check the recording, and a small section is… garbled. You frown. Durga has always been a bit more… active than you've found other Valkyrie frames to be in recent days, but its never actually hidden anything from you. You request again for Durga to supply you the blocked information. You get a distinct sense of nervousness from Durga in response… but no information.

This will not do, and you make that fact clear to Durga as well. If you can't trust Durga here, you… you…

You don't know what you can do. The very thought that you might not be able to trust Durga is so alien to you that your thought process grinds to a halt. You can trust Durga, can't you? Can't you? You have to be able to. Must. Durga is friend tool ally. Have to trust Durga, Durga is hiding something.

Several of the other students are looking your way. It takes you a moment to realize why. You've gone cross-eyed, clutching your head out of dizziness while you repeatedly query Durga for the blocked information, again and againand again andagainagainagainagainagainagainagainagainagain— You can feel something snap as—

Durga relents with a distinct feeling of sadness, and gives you the information. You listen to it, and… furrow your brow in confusion. This was what Durga was hiding? You guess that Durga… didn't want you to hear incorrect information? Because that's an error. You can't see how it might be anything else. Obviously Durga had wanted you to avoid hearing any incorrect information. Yes, that had to be it.

So there's no reason for you to raise your hand the way you are now.

"Instructor?" You ask, firmly crushing the note of uncertainty that tries to worm its way into your voice.

Instructor Meyer stops. "You have a question Miss Sanchez?"

"Yes," You reply.

Silence. "What is your question, Miss Sanchez?"

"You said just now that Alaska was attacked fifty-eight years ago, but that seems to be incorrect," You say. "It was invaded eight years ago, wasn't it?"

Meyer looks confused at that. "No, it was one of the first Antagonist incursion zones," She tells you.

"But… it was attacked eight years ago, wasn't it?"

Meyer shakes her head, confusion growing. The rest of the class is giving you looks.

"No, not that we have on record," Meyer says. "Alaska fell into Antagonist hands during their first assault fifty-eight years ago. Until the Alaskan Offensive this past year, the UN hasn't held any territory…" She trails off, clearly wondering whether your town counts or not, but you pay it no mind.

"But that's wrong," You say. "They attacked eight years ago. I can't remember much before that, but I remember them attacking. Everything was fine, there were no Antagonists, and then we were attacked. The other towns, cities, went dark…" Your hands are trembling. "I was eight years old at the time. I'm sixteen now, so it has to have been eight years ago, right?"

You remember it. You've forgotten a lot, but you remember that. When the Antagonists came crashing down like a wave. It was definitely the first time Antagonists had appeared in Alaska. You'd never heard of antagonists before that. No one had.

N o _ o n e _ i n _ t h e _ w h o l e _ w i d e _ w o r l d

"It has to have been," You repeat, the panic finally entering your voice. "They attacked eight years ago. It's only been that long. I can't have lost fifty years. I'm sixteen. Right?"

The whole class is staring at you, but only Instructor Meyer is looking you in the eye. The expression on her face isn't what you were hoping for. It's a look of dawning comprehension and horror.

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But you're right that it's definitely AU since Anna's village was cut off from the other cities long before the Antagonists attacked, because of the horrible natural (?) disaster that preceded the arrival of the Antagonists by decades, so Anna would have no way of knowing when they started attacking the rest of the country.

But you're right that it's definitely AU since Anna's village was cut off from the other cities long before the Antagonists attacked, because of the horrible natural (?) disaster that preceded the arrival of the Antagonists by decades, so Anna would have no way of knowing when they started attacking the rest of the country.
Yeah, one of the errors I mentioned was the village being cut off by Antagonist attack rather than the impact. And also that the Antagonist attack coincided with the impact, and that the war with the Antagonists has been going on for fifty-eight years.

Hell, they even got the calendar wrong, since the quest lists... I think it was 2070 as the current year? Either way, they didn't restart the Calendar like the person in question* thought.

*Not saying who for reasons of preserving their dignity, though I'm not sure they're even registered here.

Obviously, all of the information in the Omake is horribly, horribly off the mark, but it was interesting to think about.
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My personal opinion is that if we get our own spinoff, we would be guarantied enough character development time to become a functional member of society. And in a gradual enough manner that the filthy Otaku crowd won't cry fowl and burn their commemorative merchandise over how their "Dakka Waifu" has been ruined. Which is ultimately the most important thing as far as Corporate is concerned.

If we get Anna gets her own spinoff she might get enough character development to start being a functional member of society. Or the studio execs decide that she's popular enough to get a spinoff because she's not a functional member of society and make it worse.

It will also help her relationship with the student body. Currently she some sort of mythic figure to the majority of them and it would be nice to humanize her to the rest of the students. It opens up the possibility of expanding our social circle which is again both good for Anna's mental health and character development.

Being a commentator is not a good way to do that. Anna has experience with being viewed from afar with awe and reverence as such a position would get her. It scares her because she also knows it's part of the reason she's got eight thousand five hundred and three reasons explaining why she's a monster.

Sitting in the stands and shooting the breeze with her flight mates is far more likely to get her such contacts.

Has it ever actually been brought up or discussed how long Valks can/will live?

Several Instructors are octogenarians or older. They look like women in their 20's and 30's. If the setting were after the conclusion of the Antagonist War it'd be a political game set against the mighty matriarchies ruled by elder Valkyries, who die either of accident, assassination or not at all.

So basically, there's no upper age limit. And Valks get more powerful as they grow older due to experience and the way time spent synchronised tends to increase their capabilities.

which is why I voted for commentating, it's a way to focus on the fact that this IS NOT FIGHTING, it is something the participants and most of the audience find enjoyable for one reason or another, no one is going to die or even get seriously hurt because THAT IS NOT THE POINT.

And we can do that without sitting in the commentating booth. Watching the engagements of our squadron with our flight is likely to have the same effect and has a social security net to catch Anna in case she freaks out right there.
[X] Pancakes with maple syrup and bacon.
[X] Yes. You will watch all the matches involving your squadron. As the matches take place simultaneously, you will only be watching the matches from your own squadron.
-[X] Preferably paired with another commentator. Perhaps an instructor like Meyer or Leonhart.
Decide on a favourite food or favourite food type! Doesn't matter if you classify them by region, type or anything;
[X] Pancakes with maple syrup.

Which matches of the Squadron Vanguard tournament will you be going to see?
Accept Commentary request?

[X] No. You will watch all the matches involving your squadron. As the matches take place simultaneously, you will only be watching the matches from your own squadron.

Changing vote- someone brought up that watching the matches without commentating will likely mean hanging out with Yukari and other flightmates not competing. I really want to see our flight's reaction to Anna's reaction to the tournament.
Decide on a favourite food or favourite food type! Doesn't matter if you classify them by region, type or anything;
[X] Pancakes with maple syrup.

Which matches of the Squadron Vanguard tournament will you be going to see?
Accept Commentary request?

[X] No. You will watch all the matches involving your squadron. As the matches take place simultaneously, you will only be watching the matches from your own squadron.
Being a commentator is not a good way to do that. Anna has experience with being viewed from afar with awe and reverence as such a position would get her. It scares her because she also knows it's part of the reason she's got eight thousand five hundred and three reasons explaining why she's a monster.

Sitting in the stands and shooting the breeze with her flight mates is far more likely to get her such contacts.

Why not. Anna has experience of being the objects of rumors and speculation. She has not directly interacted with the student body much at all. Being a commentator would essentially let everyone get a taste of her personality. It is not being viewed from afar. The fact that it scares her is good reason for her confront such a position.

Being in the the stands could get her a few more personal contacts. But it relies on the other party being pro-active about it, which is rather unlikely considering how intimidated many are.
Changing vote- someone brought up that watching the matches without commentating will likely mean hanging out with Yukari and other flightmates not competing. I really want to see our flight's reaction to Anna's reaction to the tournament.
I doubt that Anna will do much reacting if shes in the audience. There will be internal monologue, sure, but don't count on her actually talking about it. I find it more likely that she'ld just sit there like a really enigmatic stone, while the reactions are handled primarily by Yukari, with low odds of Shuri contributing as well.

Decide on a favourite food or favourite food type! Doesn't matter if you classify them by region, type or anything;
>[]Write in?

Which matches of the Squadron Vanguard tournament will you be going to see?
Accept Commentary request?

-[]Yes. You will watch all the matches involving your squadron. As the matches take place simultaneously, you will only be watching the matches from your own squadron.

-[]No. Watch specific matches. You may choose multiple people. In case of clash, Anna will prioritise watching matches by number of votes received.

-[]Write in which matches to pay attention to.
Why is everyone voting for this? It's not actually one of the vote options from the update.
Umm, they are voting no to the commentary and saying they want watch only want to watch all the matches involving Anna's squadron. Write ins are allowed.
Why is everyone voting for this? It's not actually one of the vote options from the update.
? ... Huh, your right! Someone must have mutilated the yes and no votes together. Still, even though I'm part of the 'yes' camp, I don't think this vote is invalid. It just means that we'll ignore any matches that don't include our flight mates - which is actually a little disappionting, since one of the options is expressly "find interesting matches to watch".

Trust me when I say this next comment is entirely biased, but I'm thinking this is the least of both worlds. Carry on then!

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I doubt that Anna will do much reacting if shes in the audience. There will be internal monologue, sure, but don't count on her actually talking about it. I find it more likely that she'ld just sit there like a really enigmatic stone, while the reactions are handled primarily by Yukari, with low odds of Shuri contributing as well.

Yukari is capable of starting a conversation on a myriad of topics; the matches and food.

... Don't look at me like that. The only other possible topic is class--

*dragged away by a SWAT team for interrogation*

Honestly, it's like other questers expect other people to stay around like wooden statues whenever they talk about their unwanted votes. It's a little annoying to see this idea of somehow only one choice being viable/right.
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[] Yes. You will watch all the matches involving your squadron. As the matches take place simultaneously, you will only be watching the matches from your own squadron.
-[] Preferably paired with another commentator. Perhaps an instructor like Meyer or Leonhart.
-[] Ask your co-commentator to keep an eye out for you. You know right now that they might as well be throwing food at each other, but you might forget that later.

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Honestly, it's like other questers expect other people to stay around like wooden statues whenever they talk about their unwanted votes. It's a little annoying to see this idea of somehow only one choice being viable/right.
If there is one downside to really well written quests, it's that people get really emotionally invested into what happens next. In a normal story, this is pretty good, but in a quest, where you only get one shot at obtaining that one desired outcome? You bet things are going to get heated!

That's why Waifu Wars are a (very terrifying) thing. I recently discovered a quest that, since it's last update, gained over one hundred pages worth of content. I found it on a Tuesday. It had been updated LAST THURSDAY. Don't joke about waifus.
If there is one downside to really well written quests, it's that people get really emotionally invested into what happens next. In a normal story, this is pretty good, but in a quest, where you only get one shot at obtaining that one desired outcome? You bet things are going to get heated!

That's why Waifu Wars are a (very terrifying) thing. I recently discovered a quest that, since it's last update, gained over one hundred pages worth of content. I found it on a Tuesday. It had been updated LAST THURSDAY. Don't joke about waifus.
Don't tease us without links.
This is the last update before the poll went up, voting for best waifu (it introduced the last option). Look at the page count. There has NOT been another update! They added a that much mostly by arguing with each other!* Behold, the horrors of Waifu!

So, yeah, on the whole, this debate is actually quite mild.

*Or so I presume. What? Did you expect me toREAD all of that?! No way, you do it, if you're that crazy!

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