Probably under 2k. Anything I write for this that isn't some grand idea gets labeled (SHORT), so people don't go into it wondering if it's going to be thousands and thousands of words. The other stuff gets a two-word title in (often bastardized) Latin, first word shorter than the second. 'S a naming convention from Vae Victoria, which was basically the first piece of fiction I ever wrote... Not to mention still the most popular omake I've posted.

Everyone has read Vae Victoria.

I'm not perfectly happy with what I've got so far, but... I'm writing about stuff I don't got no experience doing and it's pretty inscrutiable to me. 3D high-acceleration fight scenes at 50000 feet? Piece of cake. This? Q.Q
Alright, Avalanche asked for a tutorial. Being the Generous God that I am, I deigned to assent.

I was in the midst of writing a long-winded explanation of every individual component of the code, but I figured it was a bit excessive, so I pared it down to a color-coded diagram.

The post:
Quoted Person said:
Post text. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler.

Last edited: Jan 01, 2016​

Signature text here. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler.

Poster Name, Jan 01, 2016
#311 + Quote Reply

The code (copy/paste this):
[fleft][IMG][/IMG][/fleft][fieldset="Title"][quote=Quoted Person]What they said.[/quote]
Post text. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler.

[color=#808080][right]Last edited: Jan 01, 2016[/right]
Signature text here. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler.
Poster Name, Jan 01, 2016[/color] [color=#0080ff]Report[/color][fright][color=#808080]#311[/color] [color=#0080ff]+ Quote Reply[/color][/fright]

The diagram:
Edit part of the code surrounded by a color to change the corresponding part of the post. Dashed boxes are the optional components to a post: quotes, edit dates, and signatures. If you don't want one of them, just delete the whole part surrounded by dashes.

— Tutorial Fin —
'read's the tutorial by @Familiar and goes 'what'' 'sees the colour coded diagram' 'Ah! NOW it all makes sense!'

You really are familiar with this forum's ability to follow instructions aren't you Familiar?
[Severe spatial shear detected, all units watch for exotic principle weaponry!] [First time in six years, what a turnaround.]
Well, Anna nice light show.
[I want high eyes for Sekhmet, where is that fucker?] [Higgs Burst detected, matches no known release patterns, stand by.]
Sekhmet is 6 feet under, Anna matches no known patterns.
Breach tunnel has dissipated!
hmm Breach connects to somewere else going by this point the tunnel collapse but were it leads to remains
Antagonist forces pulling back from all northern sectors
running from the Canadian Devil Anna.
You know it's true... This forum has extreme trouble following instructions whe... oooh... shiny... must look at shin... NO! Must finish explainati... shiny...
I'm confused by this. What's the difference between it and [left]?

[fleft] and its counterpart [fright] are interesting. The 'f' is actually short for 'float'. Whereas [left] just denotes alignment, [fleft] is its extreme cousin. It'll put anything within its purview on the left side, shoving anything in the way aside to do so. It's good for putting two special object side by side, when one would usually shunt the other below it. For example:

The following demo likely won't be friendly to any with screens less than 1280 pixels in width.

This, using [left]:​

Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.
Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.

Versus this, using [fleft]:​

Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.
Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.

[fleft] is also good for having text hug an image, like so:

(text borrowed from bahhscq intro post)
The touchdown of the jet on tarmac was soft, computer guided control surfaces and thrusters ensuring the landing was barely noticeable. The magnetic clamps locking down on the body of the plane was not, the flight control computer apparently deciding better sure than sorry.

Military transport jets had few comforts and comfortable seats happened to not be one of them. Absently rubbing at the back of your head, you take a look outside as the jet is guided into the underground hanger, the weak sunlight and dusty Earth replaced by harsh white illumination strips and ceramic tiles.

The safety lights flashes green and you unclasp the safety harness, slam down the armrest to collapse the seat and collect your duffel bag alongside the three dozen odd other passengers. All through the flight, you had been the subject of discreet stares and hushed conversation, a trend that did not change now. As someone sitting in the back of the plane, you had the honour of disembarking first, meaning you could feel the stares boring into your back. You patiently endured it despite the raised hairs on the back of your neck, waiting until the ramp was fully depressed to step off.

It was not because of your looks, you thought you looked rather average. It was not your clothing, you wore the same tracksuit, naval blue with gold trim as everyone else did. It was your gender.

Rather, it was because you were a guy. The other thirty or so passengers were all girls.

Ignoring the stares still drilling into your back, you glance down at your datapad, which was tracing a path towards your room, and make your way through the halls. On the way, you received more stares from the women whom seemed to make up the entire staff of the base, mostly silent and assessing, though a couple burst into giggles as you walked by.

Entering your room, you dump down your bag and take it in. Walls painted a neutral off-white, a single glow strip in the ceiling, a holoscreen currently depicting the outside world and two single beds set on opposite sides of the room, each with a small cupboard set against the head, and an attached bathroom. Your room mate had already arrived, a dress uniform neatly arranged on the bed and a few personal effects on top of their cupboard. For a moment you felt like walking over to peruse the few photos there, but you restrain yourself.

Checking the time, it was another two hours till orientation assembly and with nothing else to do, you flick the holoscreen to news with your datapad and sit down on your bed.

As the majority of my bbcode knowledge is through trial and error, my explanation is likely to be flawed. To be absolutely sure, talking to someone well-versed in bbcode is recommended.
Last edited:
[fleft] and its counterpart [fright] are interesting. The 'f' is actually short for 'float'. Whereas [left] just denotes alignment, [fleft] is its extreme cousin. It'll put anything within its purview on the left side, shoving anything in the way aside to do so. It's good for putting two special object side by side, when one would usually shunt the other below it. For example:

The following demo likely won't be friendly to any with screens less than 1280 pixels in width.

This, using [left]:​

Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.
Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.

Versus this, using [fleft]:​

Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.
Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.

[fleft] is also good for having text hug an image, like so:

(text borrowed from bahhscq intro post)
The touchdown of the jet on tarmac was soft, computer guided control surfaces and thrusters ensuring the landing was barely noticeable. The magnetic clamps locking down on the body of the plane was not, the flight control computer apparently deciding better sure than sorry.

Military transport jets had few comforts and comfortable seats happened to not be one of them. Absently rubbing at the back of your head, you take a look outside as the jet is guided into the underground hanger, the weak sunlight and dusty Earth replaced by harsh white illumination strips and ceramic tiles.

The safety lights flashes green and you unclasp the safety harness, slam down the armrest to collapse the seat and collect your duffel bag alongside the three dozen odd other passengers. All through the flight, you had been the subject of discreet stares and hushed conversation, a trend that did not change now. As someone sitting in the back of the plane, you had the honour of disembarking first, meaning you could feel the stares boring into your back. You patiently endured it despite the raised hairs on the back of your neck, waiting until the ramp was fully depressed to step off.

It was not because of your looks, you thought you looked rather average. It was not your clothing, you wore the same tracksuit, naval blue with gold trim as everyone else did. It was your gender.

Rather, it was because you were a guy. The other thirty or so passengers were all girls.

Ignoring the stares still drilling into your back, you glance down at your datapad, which was tracing a path towards your room, and make your way through the halls. On the way, you received more stares from the women whom seemed to make up the entire staff of the base, mostly silent and assessing, though a couple burst into giggles as you walked by.

Entering your room, you dump down your bag and take it in. Walls painted a neutral off-white, a single glow strip in the ceiling, a holoscreen currently depicting the outside world and two single beds set on opposite sides of the room, each with a small cupboard set against the head, and an attached bathroom. Your room mate had already arrived, a dress uniform neatly arranged on the bed and a few personal effects on top of their cupboard. For a moment you felt like walking over to peruse the few photos there, but you restrain yourself.

Checking the time, it was another two hours till orientation assembly and with nothing else to do, you flick the holoscreen to news with your datapad and sit down on your bed.

As the majority of my bbcode knowledge is through trial and error, my explanation is likely to be flawed. To be absolutely sure, talking to someone well-versed in bbcode is recommended.

"Ooooh, code me BB" -- notkai
[fleft] and its counterpart [fright] are interesting. The 'f' is actually short for 'float'. Whereas [left] just denotes alignment, [fleft] is its extreme cousin. It'll put anything within its purview on the left side, shoving anything in the way aside to do so. It's good for putting two special object side by side, when one would usually shunt the other below it. For example:

The following demo likely won't be friendly to any with screens less than 1280 pixels in width.

This, using [left]:​

Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.
Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.

Versus this, using [fleft]:​

Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.
Slide 1 Title

Slide 1 Text.
Slide 2 Title

Slide 2 Text.

[fleft] is also good for having text hug an image, like so:

(text borrowed from bahhscq intro post)
The touchdown of the jet on tarmac was soft, computer guided control surfaces and thrusters ensuring the landing was barely noticeable. The magnetic clamps locking down on the body of the plane was not, the flight control computer apparently deciding better sure than sorry.

Military transport jets had few comforts and comfortable seats happened to not be one of them. Absently rubbing at the back of your head, you take a look outside as the jet is guided into the underground hanger, the weak sunlight and dusty Earth replaced by harsh white illumination strips and ceramic tiles.

The safety lights flashes green and you unclasp the safety harness, slam down the armrest to collapse the seat and collect your duffel bag alongside the three dozen odd other passengers. All through the flight, you had been the subject of discreet stares and hushed conversation, a trend that did not change now. As someone sitting in the back of the plane, you had the honour of disembarking first, meaning you could feel the stares boring into your back. You patiently endured it despite the raised hairs on the back of your neck, waiting until the ramp was fully depressed to step off.

It was not because of your looks, you thought you looked rather average. It was not your clothing, you wore the same tracksuit, naval blue with gold trim as everyone else did. It was your gender.

Rather, it was because you were a guy. The other thirty or so passengers were all girls.

Ignoring the stares still drilling into your back, you glance down at your datapad, which was tracing a path towards your room, and make your way through the halls. On the way, you received more stares from the women whom seemed to make up the entire staff of the base, mostly silent and assessing, though a couple burst into giggles as you walked by.

Entering your room, you dump down your bag and take it in. Walls painted a neutral off-white, a single glow strip in the ceiling, a holoscreen currently depicting the outside world and two single beds set on opposite sides of the room, each with a small cupboard set against the head, and an attached bathroom. Your room mate had already arrived, a dress uniform neatly arranged on the bed and a few personal effects on top of their cupboard. For a moment you felt like walking over to peruse the few photos there, but you restrain yourself.

Checking the time, it was another two hours till orientation assembly and with nothing else to do, you flick the holoscreen to news with your datapad and sit down on your bed.

As the majority of my bbcode knowledge is through trial and error, my explanation is likely to be flawed. To be absolutely sure, talking to someone well-versed in bbcode is recommended.
I must say your slaking/Kurama abomination really adds to the story.
I google image searched it out of curiosity and google told me it was a dog.
Alright, Avalanche asked for a tutorial. Being the Generous God that I am, I deigned to assent.
Very cool design, with one minor flaw: It doesn't work as intended with Firefox. Works fine with Chrome or IE or whatever, but Firefox has issues with the <fieldset> tag that makes it almost impossible to work around issues like this, because the rules are intrinsic to the tag, and can't be adjusted with CSS. Also, fixing it would mean breaking other parts of the web, which is why Mozilla hasn't fixed it yet. Of course, since Chrome doesn't behave that way, one has to wonder if they're just being overly stubborn about it.

For those not using Firefox, the problem is that the "post" will never line up on the same line with the avatar image, because of the way that width calculations are done on <fieldset> tags. It's still mostly functional; it just uses a lot more vertical space because the avatars are between each post.
Very cool design, with one minor flaw: It doesn't work as intended with Firefox.
For those not using Firefox, the problem is that the "post" will never line up on the same line with the avatar image
it just uses a lot more vertical space because the avatars are between each post.

Are you sure about this? Because I'm using Firefox (V47) and it lines up almost perfectly. The top of the avatar is about the length of the mouse cursor above the top of the post instead of perfectly inline like normal but that's a small enough difference that I didn't even notice until now.
Are you sure about this? Because I'm using Firefox (V47) and it lines up almost perfectly. The top of the avatar is about the length of the mouse cursor above the top of the post instead of perfectly inline like normal but that's a small enough difference that I didn't even notice until now.
Pretty sure? These are screenshots from versions 49 and 50 of Firefox (dev and nightly branches):

Nightly doesn't have any extensions, and I turned off page-altering extensions in dev.
Last edited:
I goofed in my Nega-verse thing. Since BAHHSCQ has Australia as its major english-speaking nation the UN Air Force should be using RAAF ranks instead of USAF ranks. This means Wen Li (callsign Conductor) is a Group Captain (roughly OF-5) rather than an OF-3 Captain. So the person who is in charge of, as a guess, all the high-end valkyries in the Alaskan offensive put herself on the outrageously dangerous task of chasing Sekhmet while the rest of the Suppression group moved to cut it off.

This makes some things simpler, Li would have enough pull to let Anna fly in her squad for the remainder of the offensive, but feels like I had a plot point slip out from under me. Besides, it's all backstory. The important/interesting bits start when Anna can do something other than carefully follow orders.

Progress on Nega-Verse Thread: about some%, Anna, Koujirou, and Setsuna have backgrounds. Nike Cambridge and Shuri have an outline. Yukari the little sister is tricky to put my finger on. 0 Words towards of a goal of 3,000 :V. I should stop playing Minecraft and get back to Google Docs.
Alright, I'm trying something different, [xtable] instead of [fieldset]. Tell me if it aligns properly now.

I'll have this looking pretty for everyone eventually. Another excerpt from update 14 for the example.

Cadet Lan Yüan Mur said:
Hold on a sec, you call Instructor Leonhart Instructor Mom?
Well yeah? I guess Leonart is playing bad cop for your squadron then? Hahaha you freshies are all so scared of the Instructors. She's actually a teddy bear, like, she'll bake you cookies and knit you clothes if you ask her, seriously no jokes I mean it.

Wait, does that mean Meyer is playing good cop? Holy shit, fucking can't even imagine, getting chills just thinking about it.

Law | Pottery

"O fuck." ― Hamlet

Cadet Zara Wight, Sep 09, 2070
#334 + Quote Reply
Cadet Zara Wight said:
…Meyer playing good cop? Holy shit, fucking can't even imagine, getting chills just thinking about it.
Heard you were talking shit, cadet.

Crafting | Plot Twist Avoidance | Sister Appreciation

"So wait, how do we get the Valkyrie Cores inside of us?" ― cadet Koujirou Rokusabe, just before acting on an unfortunate assumption

Instructor Fiona Meyer, Jan 01, 2016
#338 + Quote Reply

Fuck me.

Law | Pottery

"O fuck." ― Hamlet

Cadet Zara Wight, Sep 09, 2070
#340 + Quote Reply