New generic Action Harem Highschool anime with waifus in robots! Let's see that summary...

"Hida Kizuna possesses the HHG (Heart Hybrid Gear) ability, but it is not strong enough to make him particularly important. His older sister calls him to transfer to a strategic defense school, where many of the students (many of which are large-breasted girls) use their HHG abilities to fight invaders from another world while wearing extremely skimpy pilot outfits. Kizuna's fighting ability doesn't measure up, but his sister has another plan—apparently having erotic experiences with Kizuna will allow the girls to replenish their energy or power-up. It looks like his new school life is going to be full of embarrassment"

Eeeh... close enough.

(Do you realise what the wait's making us do, Avalanche?)

((I'm actually not that far gone. If anyone is, the anime's Masou Gakuen HxH))

(((If someone does watch it, I'm curious if it's as bad as it sounds)))
True. Let me rephrase that.

If anyone is forced to watch it, I'm curious if it's as bad as it sounds. If you willingly watched it, don't ever talk to me.
...I've read the LN so I'm uh not too sure how good the anime is... (SO HA, I HAVEN'T WILLINGLY WATCHED IT, THAT MEANS MY THOUGHTS ARE VALID. MWAHAHAH LOOPHOLES).

I was like on reading the LN summary "..." followed up with "...I'll give it a chance, I'm so magnanimous :V".

And then I read the first two translated Volumes. The afterwards I found to be quite funny in regards to explaining everything about the work. I'd give it a 'better than generic anime harem nonsense' but not a general recommendation.

My impression on the first two LN volumes is that it is the literary version of an echi people management game. Ya know the games where you gotta build up char stats while maintaining their health / happiness or whatever? One of those flash games... man wow, I feel old, I don't think I've seen one of those sim games in ages just idle games. Idle games everywhere...

... But IT DID make me wonder if in BAHH, do we get combo-attacks or something? Like can people combine impeller fields to pull off tricks or something if they've got like the understanding of each other on the level of 'mind reading' like twins have?

Edit: If you want a GOOD 'BAHH' story there's Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
It's got a slow start but once it kicks off, man does it become great. Character development, logical plot threats, fun, ectera. Kinda like Negima where the start was rather 'meh' but once it got good, it GOT GOOD.
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New generic Action Harem Highschool anime with waifus in robots! Let's see that summary...

"Hida Kizuna possesses the HHG (Heart Hybrid Gear) ability, but it is not strong enough to make him particularly important. His older sister calls him to transfer to a strategic defense school, where many of the students (many of which are large-breasted girls) use their HHG abilities to fight invaders from another world while wearing extremely skimpy pilot outfits. Kizuna's fighting ability doesn't measure up, but his sister has another plan—apparently having erotic experiences with Kizuna will allow the girls to replenish their energy or power-up. It looks like his new school life is going to be full of embarrassment"

Eeeh... close enough.

(Do you realise what the wait's making us do, Avalanche?)

((I'm actually not that far gone. If anyone is, the anime's Masou Gakuen HxH))

(((If someone does watch it, I'm curious if it's as bad as it sounds)))
That's the one that they stopped airing because it was too lewd for Japanese TV, right?
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I can believe it. It was too lewd for me too by the end of the second volume. Assuming the Anime was roughly equally lewd... yeah.

NJ Renu. Although the ponytail in the last frame doesn't seem to be shaded, is that intentional?
Nope, I only realised it after posting it so I thought "meh". I'll correct it later and post it with the other pages when I'll finish them.
6. I think that out of the choices for monster we picked the one that is willing to let our friends be in danger because she knows that she can't save everyone.
7.I think that the reason why Anna lasted as long as she did is because the events thought up on page 460 by Kaizuki is what basically happened.
8. I hope that the first time we fight alongside/against an 300 Frame that we utterly outclass it.
9. From most powerful.....
Type 0 A
Type 0 B
Type 0 C
300 Frame
Type 0 D
Type 0 E
Regular Antagonists
Human normal
10. more later....
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I think that out of the choices for monster we picked the one that is willing to let our friends be in danger because she knows that she can't save everyone.
I think that the reason why Anna lasted as long as she did is because the events thought up on page 460 by Kaizuki is what basically happened.
I hope that the first time we fight alongside/against an 300 Frame that we utterly outclass it.
From most powerful.....
  1. Type 0 A
  2. Type 0 B
  3. Type 0 C
  4. Anna
  5. 300 Frame
  6. Type 0 D
  7. Type 0 E
  8. valks
  9. Regular Antagonists
  10. Human normals
ftfy, you had some formatting errors. Also, they're "Types" not "Classes".
So... The author's statements that this Quest is based off of Knight's Run got me to give it a try.

It's pretty good but runs on frustrating levels of Diabolus Ex Machina. There's like six places so far where major tragedies could have been avoided by very minor decision changes and a bunch of other spots where major enemy reinforcements show up in ways that the people in universe even see as implausible.
Like the fact Ann was actually retiring and heading home to Pray at the beginning meaning that if the timing was a couple months different the whole thing could have been headed off. Or a second Blue Beetle showing up out of nowhere. Or hell, if Anne realized that abandoning her psychologically unstable friend was not the way to get her to stop killing people, but in fact the opposite.

Still, I can't say it's unenjoyable.
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"No. This is all I know. Used similar process against Lugh. Blocked his Exotic Principle Weaponry. Experimented, but never took it further. Inefficient Impeller use. How many more stages?" Vivas question, her voice steady but strangely stuttered with short, clipped sentences.
hmm possible wave form defensive barrier?
"Anna. Are you telling us to manipulate negative energy with our Impellers?" asks Vivas slowly, "And what do you mean by 'bore through'?"

Negative energy? A quick search on the network shows that the energy troughs that you used to bore through is a close enough analogue.
... Negative energy is a "Close enough analogue"..... what the hell is she doing to the universe???/???
"Meyer, that effect, does it remind you of the exotic principle weaponry that Abraxas uses?" Instructor Washington suddenly asks.

"The Gravitational Radiation Emitter? I… now you mention it…" Meyer trails off, rolling her shoulder unconsciously, "It… felt similar. I can't say why."
I'm scared Gravitational Radiation Emitter sound like a step towards making black holes.............