Who knows, from what little we've seen in-quest, he almost certainly has a very good idea what the other girls get up to.
He definitely has a very good grasp of their personalities, I quite enjoyed seeing Sandra's point of view in Post 15.

Given that Sandra and Shuri seem to have a better grasp of Anna's issues than anyone outside the staff, I'm hoping to see more of them hanging out and being friends.
Renu - Banner Advertisement 2
I'd suggest making the text bigger, but otherwise that's fucking amazing.
But there's no place leeeeeeft >.<

Maybe I'll do another version with the text in caps or in a darker colour so it's more readable.

Not this week, tho.

EDIT: Nevermind, I really don't want to work, so... procrastination powers, activate!
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It's beautiful.

now I just need to remember where the place for submitting these is...
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Should I make an actual BAHHSCQ Logo for that, or is the Valkyrie Core logo fine? Keep in mind, long winded names like Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) don't lend themselves well to most logo formats.
The Project Valkyrie Core logo works. There just isn't room for anything more descriptive and the VC logo fits well enough.

Also, holy shit that's a good banner. Durga juxtaposed against the quote, cut off so all you can see is her glaring at you with her wings writhing against the sky, is terrifying.
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no seriously, where do you go to submit banners? I can't seem to find it. *frustrated hair pulling*
The text really should be bigger -- the initial banner instructions also specified that it should be fairly readable at 50% of that size, and it's a bit hard to read even at full size. Otherwise, it's pretty slick!
Familiar - Sandra: Tis the Season to be Jolly
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. I'm going to start posting holiday pictures.
I don't know how many of you lot celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or whatnot, but here's some holiday commemoration regardless.

Sandra's hair is actually a lot of fun to draw, you guys should try it.

I'll be doing at least one more from now 'til Christmas, preferably three, but we'll see how that goes.​

EDIT: Damn, the quest isn't Valkyrie core, now that I think about it. Oh, well, don't have the time to change it.
This is bloody amazing.
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. I'm going to start posting holiday pictures.
I don't know how many of you lot celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or whatnot, but here's some holiday commemoration regardless.

Sandra's hair is actually a lot of fun to draw, you guys should try it.

I'll be doing at least one more from now 'til Christmas, preferably three, but we'll see how that goes.​
*Basks in the glow of Sandra*
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does that mean we have permission to submit it when they reopen submissions? (we kinda need your permission to advertise your quest, according to the forms.)
:confused: lol why.

Oh yeah I guess that's a good precaution. If Renu and Familiar both agree, since the banner uses both of their works, then sure.

i.e I hereby give permission to @Renu and/or @Familiar to submit the banner advertisement for this quest in the appropriate forum upon receiving permission for the use of their work from one another. This consent extends to any other member who has received permission from Renu and Familiar to submit the banner advertisement.

*Pops off monocle* Phew, I dunno how Lord Squishy manages this.
:confused: lol why.

Oh yeah I guess that's a good precaution. If Renu and Familiar both agree, since the banner uses both of their works, then sure.

i.e I hereby give permission to @Renu and/or @Familiar to submit the banner advertisement for this quest in the appropriate forum upon receiving permission for the use of their work from one another. This consent extends to any other member who has received permission from Renu and Familiar to submit the banner advertisement.

*Pops off monocle* Phew, I dunno how Lord Squishy manages this.
He's a lawyer. He has the big black book brainwashed into him :D
*Pops off monocle* Phew, I dunno how Lord Squishy manages this
Ah well, to be a veteran quest master there are many requirements

Let's get down to business
To write a quest
Did you think we'd settle for second? We demand the best.

You've the biggest debut I've ever seen
But you can bet, before we're through
Mister, I'll make a QM
out of you

Grammatically perfect, but with best girls
Once you post the update, you are sure to win

You're a overworked, unappreciated lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a QM
out of you

I'm never gonna let you stop
Say goodbye to to your free time
Boy, were you a fool for thinking its a hobby
These guy's will never let you stop
The update is way past time
post it, and for rest you can lobby
why did I try to rhyme with lobby? From now on I am Stupid as Silver and ask that all of you call me as such
(Be a QM)
We must type like a starcraft player
(Be a QM)
With the reliability of a Swiss train
(Be a QM)
With characterisation, direct or not
And it helps to punch through the internet

Time is racing toward us, till the posters demand
type like the blazes, and you might yet stand

You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man
out of you?

Chorus x 2

I deeply regret writing this, sorry guys.