Since we're talking about the lasers anyways, I can't help but point but out that lasers can't be used at "Extreme Ranges" with any accuracy yet: That is yet another thing we'll have to research/train to do. It could be handy if we wanted to improve our extreme range coverage, especially since "Target Rich Environment" seems to amount to "fire all the dakka!"
...We could also potentially research hitting multiple ranges at once, but Target Rich Environment seems to do that already, so...
That aside, the impeller research options are probably more interesting to us: Plasma Shaping? Explosive Redirection? The latter has potential, but that first one could probably help our research along, too.
Am I the only one depressed by the idea that Anna reacts to hugs with 'aaah, not before marriage!' because of the implications of kind of a screwed up, loveless childhood even before the various catastrophes hit?
I think it's more of Anna has this idea that hugs are only supposed to be between family members, and the only way she'd get new family members is through marriage.
I feel like that was setting stuff up for the inevitable scene where Coke-Zero make's Anna's heart go doki-doki and then she undergoes a bit of BSOD not becuase Kouji did typical harem protagonist antics but because oh god all the liquids are sloshing around and why did the automatic systems kick in I thought I had this under control is something wrong with Durga?
If that keeps up, it'll get to the point where Kouji is running on fumes and pulls out that attack against a Type Zero, hoping to do a bit of damage as he goes down, and then slices through the Type Zero, the Hive behind it, and the mountain behind that and i still gets broken by a thumb-flick from Anna.
Only among Valks. Which means that there should be a lot of guys as support staff and techs, but we don't really see the REMFs who keep the place running. (Not that Valks need a logistics train as shown by Durga, but having one helps.)
There is one, though it's rather short:
All rounder frame. Iridescent green plates with and dark grey mesh. Glyphs and circuit patterns inscribed over limbs.
It's stated that the lasers look like a bunch of glowing red eyes on her armor. They can probably be expressed as turrets too but the scene where Anna plays can't catch me with the flight clearly shows them as being on her armor.
Anna is a bit shorter than two meters, but it makes a fair worst-case check. This is also checking for small angles that reinforced laser outputs can aim across, that lets me make some handy approximations.
The arc swept across is almost straight because the angle is small.
Symmetry tells us when the targeting circles have a diameter of two meters they begin to intercept. Thus, sinθ * x = 2 meters. Which is approximately θ*x = 2 meters, so 2 meters / θ = x.
Sanity check, this says that the larger the angle is the shorter the minimum distance is - which makes sense because the angle is how wide the arc the places can target.
Selected values for minimum distance:
θ=.05 (about 3 degrees), x = 40 meters.
θ=.03 (about 1.7 degrees), x = 67 meters.
θ=.01 (about half a degree) x = 200 meters. (Unacceptable!)
Since Anna's frame can reconfigure itself she doesn't really have a dead zone, she can just adjust where the outputs are pointed, but at thirty meters or less there are better options for mayhem than the lasers. I believe it was mentioned that Anna used to slam into her enemies to save on power?
I hate to beat a dead horse since you've admited you're probably wrong and all, but I just wanted you to know that I got a giggle fit from seeing your diagram. Does Anna only have feet and horn lasers?
That was mentioned in the qoute I provided, if you'd read that you would realise this post was unnecessary.
I hate to beat a dead horse since you've admited you're probably wrong and all, but I just wanted you to know that I got a giggle fit from seeing your diagram. Does Anna only have feet and horn trunk lasers?
The actual inaccuracy is that Durgas halberd is actually pure plasma rather than being made of a material as depicted. By the time this issue was raised in the original drafts of this picture it was dismissed as a concern due to the time that would be needed to re do it and the badassery of the one drawn.
In opposition to Durga's... mostly practical design, Kousenjobi is said to be "elaborate, almost ceremonial". My first try (on paper, I can scan it later if you want) had more of a general/samurai look. However, since it's obviously the protagonist's frame who must be a samurai, I changed a loooooot of things to make it miko-y (or priestess-y, if you prefer).
And yes, it has cloth near plasma reactors, 'cause why the fuck not. You have logic? I have a Valkyrie Frame. I win. And anyway, it's not actually cloth, but errr... nano-weave. Extremely heat resistant. To help disperse her weapon's heat. Since it's a ranged frame. Yup. Not making things up on the spot. At all.
Oh, and her face'll be under some transparent thing, if you're wondering. It's covered.
I disagree. He isn't noble enough to be a samurai.
Granted, I may just want to kick typical character-roles to the curb. It'd certainly make the show stand out more in the theoretical alternate universe where this anime aires.
...I also think that it might would definitely be funny to see Koujirou's frame resemble a miko.
In opposition to Durga's... mostly practical design, Kousenjobi is said to be "elaborate, almost ceremonial". My first try (on paper, I can scan it later if you want) had more of a general/samurai look. However, since it's obviously the protagonist's frame who must be a samurai, I changed a loooooot of things to make it miko-y (or priestess-y, if you prefer).
And yes, it has cloth near plasma reactors, 'cause why the fuck not. You have logic? I have a Valkyrie Frame. I win. And anyway, it's not actually cloth, but errr... nano-weave. Extremely heat resistant. To help disperse her weapon's heat. Since it's a ranged frame. Yup. Not making things up on the spot. At all.
Oh, and her face'll be under some transparent thing, if you're wondering. It's covered.
Please, let the other characters a chance to be best girl. Koujiroko's girl power is way to high already without having a frame that emphasize his feminity.
Not likely. The bold statements are Anna as filtered through half a lifetime of trauma. Italics are Anna as filtered through Durga/Durga herself, and the rest is Anna after filtering.
As for Setsuna's and Koujirou's frame... Setsuna's frame may or may not be an armoured miko's robes, but Koujirous articulated plate is going to be hard not to turn into a samurai style simply because it's full plate. It's either samurai or knightly in that case I think.