The thing to keep in mind when writing song parodies is the number of syllables per line. It should match up with the original song's, so people know where to put the emphasis. You could merge or stretch syllables, which some songs do, but the syllables must be easily merged, or else it'll be difficult to sing. Here's your song with comparison.

Let's get down to business
To write a quest |To defeat the huns (5, not 4)
Did you think we'd settle for second? |Did they send me daughters? (6, not 9. How did you even...?)
We demand the best.

You've the biggest debut I've ever seen | You're the saddest bunch I've ever met (9, not 10).
But you can bet, before we're through
Mister, I'll make a QM out of you | Mister, I'll make a man out of you. (9, not 10. Since 'a' next QM is awkward anyway, you could just do 'I'll make QM out of you').

Grammatically perfect| Tranquil as a forest (6, not 7).
But with best girls.| But a fire, within (5, not 4).
Once you post the update, you are sure to win

You're a overworked, unappreciated lot | You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot (9, not 12. Unappreciated is a mouthful, dude).
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a QM | Same as previous case.
out of you

I'm never gonna let you stop
Say goodbye to to all your free time
Boy, were you a fool for thinking its a hobby | Boy were you a fool in school for cutting gym (11, not 12. Also, the replacement syllables for 'fool' and 'school' should rhyme, or it breaks the song's natural flow).
These guy's will never let you stop | This guy's got 'em scared to death (7, not 8).
The update is way past time | Hope he doesn't see right through me (8, not 7)
post it, and for rest you can lobby | Now I really wish that I knew how to swim (11, not 9).
why did I try to rhyme with lobby? From now on I am Stupid as Silver and ask that all of you call me as such
(Be a QM) | Already mentioned, why not just use 'Write a quest!' as the chorus? Catchy and it fits the 5 syllables of 'Be a man!'
We must type like a starcraft player | You must be swift as a coursing river (10, not 9)
(Be a QM)
With the reliability of a Swiss train | With all the force of a great typhoon (7, not 12. Reliability is also a mouthful).
(Be a QM)
With characterisation, direct or not | With all the strength of a raging fire (10, not 11. Characterization is a mouthful. Should rhyme with two lines above, 'player'.
And it helps to punch through the internet | Mysterious as the dark side of the moon (11, not 10. Also should rhyme with two lines above, 'train').

Time is racing toward us, till the posters demand | Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive (11, not 12).
type like the blazes, and you might yet stand | Heed my every order and you might survive (11, not 10).

Didn't finish?

You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man out of you?

Chorus x 2

But I was inspired, so here's my take too~

Let's get down to business
To write quests, galore!
Did they send me Twilight
when I asked for lore?

There's some damn good quests out there for sure
But you can bet before we're through,
Somehow we'll make QM out of you!

Harem quests are old school,
So a change, we'll write!
Once they pick the Monster,
BAHHSSCQ they're sure, to like!

It's the biggest hype SV has seen
And it's not based off of Worm!
Be QM, take the stage, it's your turn.

You really need to get some rest,
Let 'em all just write Omakes.
No one will complain if there's some stuff to read.
They all think BAHHSSCQ's the best,
If I don't post they'll kill me!
Now I really wish I typed at hyperspeed!

Write a Quest!
You must be swift as an Anna Sanchez,
With all the charm of Sandra's curled hair.
Write a Quest!
Canon is what the QM says is,
But a quest this good is really something rare!

Characters are on-point, there are memes for days.
Faux-chan posts are funny; and the art, amaze!
Well a time will come when this quest is done,
But I won't forget, it's true.
Avalanche, a QM is in you!

God, you can make ANY parody out of 'Be a Man'. I once did one for the pre-med life.
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Edit: oops.

EDIT2: Might as well use this post for something.

Twas not quite the night before Christmas, all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse and uh...

Santa had been lazy and he needs helpers this festive season um...

Basically, anyone interested in Beta'ing and helping me edit?
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Edit: oops.

EDIT2: Might as well use this post for something.

Twas not quite the night before Christmas, all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse and uh...

Santa had been lazy and he needs helpers this festive season um...

Basically, anyone interested in Beta'ing and helping me edit?
I'm willing.
Edit: oops.

EDIT2: Might as well use this post for something.

Twas not quite the night before Christmas, all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse and uh...

Santa had been lazy and he needs helpers this festive season um...

Basically, anyone interested in Beta'ing and helping me edit?

Myself as well, if you're willing to wait for me to wake back up in a few hours.
Edit: oops.

EDIT2: Might as well use this post for something.

Twas not quite the night before Christmas, all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse and uh...

Santa had been lazy and he needs helpers this festive season um...

Basically, anyone interested in Beta'ing and helping me edit?
I'd be able to. 6k updates aren't too bad, given I'm used to pretty large chapters myself!
Edit: oops.

EDIT2: Might as well use this post for something.

Twas not quite the night before Christmas, all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse and uh...

Santa had been lazy and he needs helpers this festive season um...

Basically, anyone interested in Beta'ing and helping me edit?
I can be of help as well. And I'm willing to beta.

Who knows, with multiple beta readers we might finish quick! Or... we might bog you down in an Avalanche (yes) of comments.
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Uh yeah, I was testing the import process I use from Gdocs to here and may or may not have hit post instead of preview by accident.
Import process? Could you tell me what that is, as a fellow GDoc writer? SV doesn't like importing manually, and it's a pain having to BBCode all my slanted, underlined and so on text.
Import process? Could you tell me what that is, as a fellow GDoc writer? SV doesn't like importing manually, and it's a pain having to BBCode all my slanted, underlined and so on text.
...Unfortunately, I do BBcode all my formatting into the text. I even use empty BBcode statements to preserve line breaks. Absolutely enormous pain in the arse but it made things much easier for editing with multiple people so I live with it.
He probably meant the [][/] brackets without putting any words or commands in it.

either that or the horizontal line bbcode.
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Could you give an example of this? I normally do the BBCode while writing as well, but the space thing's new to me.
He probably meant the [][/] brackets without putting any words or commands in it.

either that or the horizontal line bbcode.
You know how when you copy and paste from GDocs into any other text editor, the pasted text lacks linebreaks? I fill my line breaks in Gdocs with
or equivalent statements to save me the hassle of reinserting them in the SV RTE.