So I decided to start rereading to prepare myself for the next update, and found this little gem:

Yukari: "It'll be tight timing, but we can make it..."
Anna: For a moment you consider asking, then decide it would be easier to just check, and access her datapad's schedule.

That's right, Anna broke into Yukari's electronic day-planner rather than ask her what she's waiting for.
So I decided to start rereading to prepare myself for the next update, and found this little gem:

Yukari: "It'll be tight timing, but we can make it..."
Anna: For a moment you consider asking, then decide it would be easier to just check, and access her datapad's schedule.

That's right, Anna broke into Yukari's electronic day-planner rather than ask her what she's waiting for.
Asking her would take longer than just looking at it, jeez.
It's like you don't even like efficiency.
Other tidbits from the first update I had forgotten:

During the orientation day speech, Anna was put to sleep. She continued to record the speech just in case she might have to reference it later. Somehow.

In order to check Koji's gender conclusively, there's this line: 'You adjust your vision and look past their clothing. ... Yep. Boy.' Just... cool as a cucumber.

On a less fun note, when exactly did Yukari get to read our file? On the trip over she didn't know Anna had a valkyrie equipped, and thought she was a new first year. Then in the next scene during orientation, she says 'You're an elite pilot with hours beyond that of many instructors so you are undoubtedly the most capable Valkyrie in this school.' It reads kind of weird, like we missed something.
On a less fun note, when exactly did Yukari get to read our file? On the trip over she didn't know Anna had a valkyrie equipped, and thought she was a new first year. Then in the next scene during orientation, she says 'You're an elite pilot with hours beyond that of many instructors so you are undoubtedly the most capable Valkyrie in this school.' It reads kind of weird, like we missed something.
The simplest explanation would be that Yukari simply inferred it from the fact that Anna was allowed a Valkyrie outside of the academy as a first year which is a something usually restricted to third year cadets.

There are other explanations, but they involve a lot of speculation based upon a variety of clues left around.
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The simplest explanation would be that Yukari simply inferred it from the fact that Anna was allowed a Valkyrie outside of the academy as a first year which is a right usually restricted to third year cadets.
Yes, but there's 'allowed a valkyrie frame before she even gets to the Academy' and a comment of Anna's that she's had it for 'years', and arrive (correctly, of course) at the opinion that Anna 'has more experience than many academy instructors and is the most experienced Valkyrie in the school'.
Yes, but there's 'allowed a valkyrie frame before she even gets to the Academy' and a comment of Anna's that she's had it for 'years', and arrive (correctly, of course) at the opinion that Anna 'has more experience than many academy instructors and is the most experienced Valkyrie in the school'.
Well, wasn't there that theory that Yukari thinks that Anna was an orphaned first (or was it second?) generation frame, the kind who started out doing constructing and utility stuff before the war and thus have ridiculous levels of experience compared to everybody else?

She could just be acting on that assumption?
Well, wasn't there that theory that Yukari thinks that Anna was an orphaned first (or was it second?) generation frame, the kind who started out doing constructing and utility stuff before the war and thus have ridiculous levels of experience compared to everybody else?

She could just be acting on that assumption?
I recall our QM stating that was Yukari's initial opinion before Anna did a 3v1, although it was more conducted hit, and run solo instead of being compared to a "Like a Type Zero suppression scenario" after the mock battle.
On a less fun note, when exactly did Yukari get to read our file? On the trip over she didn't know Anna had a valkyrie equipped, and thought she was a new first year. Then in the next scene during orientation, she says 'You're an elite pilot with hours beyond that of many instructors so you are undoubtedly the most capable Valkyrie in this school.' It reads kind of weird, like we missed something.
It was actually exactly then that she decided that making assumptions, ass of u and me etc, would not be a good idea and read deeper. You kind of spent the trip being appropriately silent, mysterious and unapproachable and she had to do something to fill in her time.
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Well, Yukari was sort of right about Anna's Valk generation. She's a mish-mash of generation one and generation four in the sense that her frame's origin and primary usage were non-combative but her current set-up is... well... PURGE THE XENO. Which she does, with extreme prejudice.
Well, Yukari was sort of right about Anna's Valk generation. She's a mish-mash of generation one and generation four in the sense that her frame's origin and primary usage were non-combative but her current set-up is... well... PURGE THE XENO. Which she does, with extreme prejudice.
Anna's a 1st gen through and through though. She's only 3rd/4th gen out of being around at the same time. :V
Cooking is kind of mashing Crafting "anything made by human hands" against the bread phobia / alphabetical food quirk, isn't it? Can't wait to find out why it's terrifying.

So I guess that means Anna has fought Antagonists underwater.

It makes me sad that she learned how to swim from fighting Antagonists instead of just enjoying herself. :(

More likely she impeller field bullshits her way through it. When you can fly in plasma, "swimming" in water is no big deal.
Tidbits from chapter 2:

Yukari is happy to see Setsuna and Koji after so long... especially Setsuna? Was that just a zing at Koji, like 'I wanted to see you... but maybe not in a girl's uniform, what is wrong with you', or... I dunno, seems kind of casually mean to Koji.

Koji and Setsuna are roommates. How did I not notice this before? Is this because Big Brother Arcology is watching and can break up any hanky panky, or is this Protagonist powers at work?

Also: Just hopping from topic to topic as I read, here, but I never put 'Anna is a freaking giant' together with 'Anna is a gaijin.' To the hypothetical japanese Valkyrie Core audience, of course Anna is a giant, she's the funny gaijin character. Gaijins are all either blue-eyed, blonde-haired british nobility, or intimidating giants.

Shuri breaks type, at least. Oh sure, she's tanned (common gaijin archetype), but she's Pakistani, not belonging to the Mysterious Land of Tanned, Blue-eyed Blondes so many gaijin hail from.
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Setsuna said that though, not Yukari.
Huh, good call. Not sure how I read that wrong. I guess because Setsuna butted into the Yukari/Koji conversation at a point where I expected Yukari to respond.

EDIT: By the way Avalanche, I've been noticing a recurring typo: 'murmer' should be 'murmur'. Seen it once in post 2 and twice in post 5, so far.
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EDIT: By the way Avalanche, I've been noticing a recurring typo: 'murmer' should be 'murmur'. Seen it once in post 2 and twice in post 5, so far.


Yeah, you were the one to point that out the first time around too. Thought I got them all last time around.

Also, that word is banned now, I just write 'mutter' instead of 'murmur'.
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