Well thats not an easy task considering that Avalanche writes such long updates, do you think we can convince Wildbow to try? He is the only writer I can think of who could overcome a 140,000 ish word difference (assuming about 10000 words per update) soonish.

75,000 words, actually. @Sage_Of_Eyes apparently writes 2500 words per day, so assuming they do nothing but write omake for this, at 6 days per week, they could reach the current number in 5 weeks. Assuming 4 updates of 10,000 each in the next 8 weeks, they'd equal Avalanched by week 7, and surpass them by week 8.

So...Avalanche writes like an avalanche.

One moment it's just quiet snowfall and the next a mountain had fallen on your head.
Elvarein - Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh
Congrats Avalanche! The reward is well deserved :) indeed.

I wish I had a happier story but in keeping with my thoughts on what an Anna who believes her value is solely as the weapon of humanity would be like, I present to you:

Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh1
(For her hands could never hold anything)

Part 1 of 3

The young man steps through the door, bearing a bouquet in his hands. The door shuts, silencing the sound of giggling behind him. He flushes slightly and sighs. Ahead of him stretches a long white corridor that is surprisingly empty of people. It is lit with fluorescent lamps and dyed yellow by the light of the setting sun that streams through the floor-length windows on his right.

His eyes flick to the left, examining the door plates. He nods and strides forward into the almost eerie silence of the corridor. Even as his eyes scan his surroundings, they are unfocused, his thoughts far away. A scowl twists his lips, marring his delicate features and his grip tightens ever so slightly on the bouquet.

He remembers when they first met four years ago at his entrance to the Academy. He had thought her strange, almost unnatural in her mannerisms and had felt guiltily relieved when she turned down his sister's request… a feeling that only worsened when she gave her reasons in that dead, factual monotone. He wishes that he had spoken up then.

"I apologize for being unable to meet your expectations." She had said before bowing low. "I have no right or ability to protect others... for my only ability is in killing."

She had then turned and walked off in the awkward silence. Setsuna had been too shocked to respond at that time though she more than made up for that moment with her anger on behalf of his sister.

The rattling of the window panes draw him back to the present and he realizes that the light of the setting sun is no longer there. He freezes, stops. Back ramrod straight, he whirls... and the sunlight comes flooding back in. He sighs, eyes closing, breathing deliberately slowing down. It was just a passing cloud and the wind. He remains there for a moment before continuing on his way, his gait lengthening.

The next time he saw her was in second year. To his surprise, she had graduated from the Academy already and was an instructor. They had called his flight and his sister in to a special meeting and had told them that as the best Valkyries of their year they would undergo special training under an Ace in using a game-changing ability. They had briefly explained her involvement in the Alaska Offense and had demanded that we give our best is learning all that she had to teach… Setsuna's reaction at seeing her was hilarious in hindsight but she… she did not react at all. He had thought that she had forgotten them.

There was neither pride nor disdain nor discomfort as the officers praised her during the briefing. She simply stood at attention, eyes straight, not wavering a single time until it came to her time to speak. She had then stepped forward and spoke her part in simple stilted sentences that belied the magnitude of what she was going to train them in. The only hint of emotion that shone through her mask was the momentary twitch of her lips at the mention of Alaska. It was only at the end of the meeting when she had strode up to them and addressed Sis when he realized that she remembered everything.

"Rokusabe. It seems that it was best that I was not involved after all." She had then turned to Setsuna and him. "Good Job."

He sighed, remembering the aftermath. The girls had immediately rounded on him after the briefing when they were in private. He had not realized how much he had been staring at her. He tried to explain, but they had only got more agitated…

A door ahead suddenly swings opens and the silence is broken as a bed is rushed out onto the corridor. The man freezes. He wonders if he is imagining it, but the sighs and moans of the wounded and dying drift through the open door. His breathing speeds up... The door slams shut. The bed with its patient is being wheeled past him, and in his haze, he stands there, listening to the nurses communicating in harsh whispers and the insistent beep of the heart monitor, a stuttering and shuddering sound that is slowing…

He forces himself to look.

The bed is tagged with the ensign of a Valkyrie from his squadron.

He forces himself to look. His hands tremble.

The girl is still. Wan. A marionette with its strings cut.

He forces himself to look. His face pale, chalky. Breathing erratic.

No. Not familiar. Not... It is not her.

Sound and color returns as he slumps against the wall. Eyes still affixed on the bed as it disappears down the bend.

Rationality returns. With Anna's rank and achievements she would have been placed in a private room. There was no way that it could have been her. His thoughts stutter and skip and he smiles bitterly. It was not her, but it was someone he should have known and he should be more worried but... if he tried he thinks he would have gone insane from the numbers that they have lost.

And yet, he knew that they had been lucky. Or blessed, or something. For though the squadron had suffered many casualties with entire flights having to be replaced at times, his flight had not lost anyone since it graduated, two years ago. His grip tightens on the flowers. And he would not start now.

He glances down the corridors warily. Breathes in and gathers himself before proceeding, his pace even faster than before.

He, Rokusabe Koujirou hates hospitals.

Edit: P.S. My next set of Omakes once I finish this set will be HAPPIER. I promise!

P.P.S @Avalanche, I should not have read Knight Run (Read after you stated it as part of the inspiration) T.T Now I have another evil evil idea instead of a happy one.
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Congrats Avalanche! The reward is well deserved :) indeed.

I wish I had a happier story but in keeping with my thoughts on what an Anna who believes her value is solely as the weapon of humanity would be like, I present to you:

Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh
(For her hands could never hold anything)

Part 1 of 3

The young man steps through the door, bearing a bouquet in his hands. The door shuts, silencing the sound of giggling behind him. He flushes slightly and sighs. Ahead of him stretches a long white corridor that is surprisingly empty of people. It is lit with fluorescent lamps and dyed yellow by the light of the setting sun that streams through the floor-length windows on his right.

His eyes flick to the left, examining the door plates. He nods and strides forward into the almost eerie silence of the corridor. Even as his eyes scan his surroundings, they are unfocused, his thoughts far away. A scowl twists his lips, marring his delicate features and his grip tightens ever so slightly on the bouquet.

He remembers when they first met four years ago at his entrance to the Academy. He had thought her strange, almost unnatural in her mannerisms and had felt guiltily relieved when she turned down his sister's request… a feeling that only worsened when she gave her reasons in that dead, factual monotone. He wishes that he had spoken up then.

"I apologize for being unable to meet your expectations." She had said before bowing low. "I have no right or ability to protect others... for my only ability is in killing."

She had then turned and walked off in the awkward silence. Setsuna had been too shocked to respond at that time though she more than made up for that moment with her anger on behalf of his sister.

The rattling of the window panes draw him back to the present and he realizes that the light of the setting sun is no longer there. He freezes, stops. Back ramrod straight, he whirls... and the sunlight comes flooding back in. He sighs, eyes closing, breathing deliberately slowing down. It was just a passing cloud and the wind. He remains there for a moment before continuing on his way, his gait lengthening.

The next time he saw her was in second year. To his surprise, she had graduated from the Academy already and was an instructor. They had called his flight and his sister in to a special meeting and had told them that as the best Valkyries of their year they would undergo special training under an Ace in using a game-changing ability. They had briefly explained her involvement in the Alaska Offense and had demanded that we give our best is learning all that she had to teach… Setsuna's reaction at seeing her was hilarious in hindsight but she… she did not react at all. He had thought that she had forgotten them.

There was neither pride nor disdain nor discomfort as the officers praised her during the briefing. She simply stood at attention, eyes straight, not wavering a single time until it came to her time to speak. She had then stepped forward and spoke her part in simple stilted sentences that belied the magnitude of what she was going to train them in. The only hint of emotion that shone through her mask was the momentary twitch of her lips at the mention of Alaska. It was only at the end of the meeting when she had strode up to them and addressed Sis when he realized that she remembered everything.

"Rokusabe. It seems that it was best that I was not involved after all." She had then turned to Setsuna and him. "Good Job."

He sighed, remembering the aftermath. The girls had immediately rounded on him after the briefing when they were in private. He had not realized how much he had been staring at her. He tried to explain, but they had only got more agitated…

A door ahead suddenly swings opens and the silence is broken as a bed is rushed out onto the corridor. The man freezes. He wonders if he is imagining it, but the sighs and moans of the wounded and dying drift through the open door. His breathing speeds up... The door slams shut. The bed with its patient is being wheeled past him, and in his haze, he stands there, listening to the nurses communicating in harsh whispers and the insistent beep of the heart monitor, a stuttering and shuddering sound that is slowing…

He forces himself to look.

The bed is tagged with the ensign of a Valkyrie from his squadron.

He forces himself to look. His hands tremble.

The girl is still. Wan. A marionette with its strings cut.

He forces himself to look. His face pale, chalky. Breathing erratic.

No. Not familiar. Not... It is not her.

Sound and color returns as he slumps against the wall. Eyes still affixed on the bed as it disappears down the bend.

Rationality returns. With Anna's rank and achievements she would have been placed in a private room. There was no way that it could have been her. His thoughts stutter and skip and he smiles bitterly. It was not her, but it was someone he should have known and he should be more worried but... if he tried he thinks he would have gone insane from the numbers that they have lost.

And yet, he knew that they had been lucky. Or blessed, or something. For though the squadron had suffered many casualties with entire flights having to be replaced at times, his flight had not lost anyone since it graduated, two years ago. His grip tightens on the flowers. And he would not start now.

He glances down the corridors warily. Breathes in and gathers himself before proceeding, his pace even faster than before.

He, Rokusabe Koujirou hates hospitals.

Edit: P.S. My next set of Omakes once I finish this set will be HAPPIER. I promise!

P.P.S @Avalanche, I should not have read Knight Run (Read after you stated it as part of the inspiration) T.T Now I have another evil evil idea instead of a happy one.
Wow. Alright.

Amazing atmospherics and that bait and switch was masterful.

Also, I love suffering, loss, bittersweet or even flat out nihilistic endings, they're my favorite themes so don't feel a need to hold back on my account.
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Wow. Alright.

Amazing atmospherics and that bait and switch was masterful.

Also, I love suffering, loss, bittersweet or even flat out nihilistic endings, they're my favorite themes so don't feel a need to hold back on my account.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I wanted to explore in detail the what if Anna decided to be VENGEANCE.

Also, you probably can guess what I'm thinking of since you know Knight Run's story. It doesn't end well.

We'll hold you to that.

Sure! My current idea queue is
> Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh P2/P3
> Valkyrie, the Vacation (Sea/Snow/Sakura/hotSpring) <---- Tell me which you want
> FSN <--- Shirou summons Anna
> Great Teacher Anna
> Valkyrie/Knight Run: The Fallen
Anna in Aldnoah Zero. :V

I need to get my own Aldnoah Zero story right first T.T I'm having trouble mapping out where I want it to go.

Also with regards to Great Teacher Anna, actually its pretty straight forward. I would simply be showing how Anna would teach a class of delinquents, with occasional advice from the rest of her flight ;p
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I need to get my own Aldnoah Zero story right first T.T I'm having trouble mapping out where I want it to go.

Also with regards to Great Teacher Anna, actually its pretty straight forward. I would simply be showing how Anna would teach a class of delinquents, with occasional advice from the rest of her flight ;p
First step would be intimidating them into behaving by a show of power, disintegrating that Cresta out the window should be a good demonstration.
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I need to get my own Aldnoah Zero story right first T.T I'm having trouble mapping out where I want it to go.

Also with regards to Great Teacher Anna, actually its pretty straight forward. I would simply be showing how Anna would teach a class of delinquents, with occasional advice from the rest of her flight ;p
This is amazing, and that you're aware of the flaws speaks highly to your writing skills.

Actually, what it reminds me of most is Knight Run. The fight is impossible, but they fight with everything they have anyway. The cavalry keeps turning up, and also keep doing the heroic sacrifice thing. The setting is bleak for humanity as a whole, but personal victories still happen.

This, too, is amazing.

Thank you kindly. :oops:
Elvarein - Great Teacher Anna (PREVIEW)
Its so far down the list because it needs research... and writing funny things is hard >_<

For @Bloodalchemy who made a good guess at how I was going to play it

Great Teacher Anna (PREVIEW)

When Anna first heard that as an Ace should be expected to put in time as an instructor, she decided to go around to her friends for advice on how one would teach a class, and compiled it into a list of to dos. Now she was sitting at a desk and reviewing the videos she had taken of their conversation. She sighed, being social was hard, why could they not make more sense?

"You are going to teach?????!????"

"Calm down, Anna isn't that bad, remember that she taught us how to use the Wav..."

"Not that bad???? I almost..."

"We don't talk about that anymore!"

Their reactions were encouraging since they reminded her that she had successfully taught them how to use the Wave. She just needed to be more gentle. Yes, they did not need to talk about it anymore since she was so successful.

"Well Anna, you need to be more concise and clear in your explanations, they tend to be a little involved."

"A little????!!!!!?????!!!!???$%$%@%#$T^DFGF"

So she needed to be more clear. She frowned, she personally thought that she had explained the math clearly and with the minimum numbers... Setsuna had agreed that it was only a little involved. Setsuna was strange, Anna wonders why Setsuna sometimes means the opposite of what she says, something about being a Tsundere? Anna shrugged Well, Aleksandra had told her to always take the best possible explanation when dealing with people. So... yup.

"You need to make sure that you have a clear list of procedures for them to follow. Confusion is a soldiers worst enemy."

"I don't think you need to tell Anna that... Setsuna are you okay????"

So procedures. Hmmm... well, perhaps she could pull up some rule books of schools in the past and merge them together. Starting from... 0 A.D I guess? Anything before that would probably be too old. Good thing most things are digitized and she can run a search on the needed data. Now what was it that Yukari said... while the rest were treating Setsuna for her seizure. Mental note, she needs to get Setsuna some chocolate ice cream to help her keep calm. Ah yes!

"Anna, remember that the people you are going to teach are all special in their own way. When you get frustrated, and you will get frustrated, take a step back to keep calm."

"So not like Setsuna?"

Yukari had burst into laughter then. Anna still does not understand why Yukari always finds what she says funny... but well she is a nice person. She pauses. Her brother, Rokusabe was really kind too. She smiles softly.

" Anna, its all good and well for you to be so dedicated, but you need to set some life boundaries you know? ... Something like not working past the two hour mark after the last bell and not working on Sundays. We don't want you to be a stranger."

The flight really was the best thing to happen to her, and such a great help. Well, time to get to work! She is going to be the best teacher ever!


I'm not sure how this goes... as I said at the start I'm not so good at humor and really admire people who write good funny things.
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I liked it. You get the impression she is earnest and a tad inexperienced, but trying to improve. Also rather overboard when it came to what her trainee can handle.
So procedures. Hmmm... well, perhaps she could pull up some rule books of schools in the past and merge them together. Starting from... 0 A.D I guess?

*Imagines the size of a rule book consisting of all the school rule books in the past 2170 years merged together*

Well. I guess Anna's students will learn to read ginormous digital files really fast?
Its so far down the list because it needs research... and writing funny things is hard >_<

For @Bloodalchemy who made a good guess at how I was going to play it

Great Teacher Anna (PREVIEW)

When Anna first heard that as an Ace should be expected to put in time as an instructor, she decided to go around to her friends for advice on how one would teach a class, and compiled it into a list of to dos. Now she was sitting at a desk and reviewing the videos she had taken of their conversation. She sighed, being social was hard, why could they not make more sense?

"You are going to teach?????!????"

"Calm down, Anna isn't that bad, remember that she taught us how to use the Wav..."

"Not that bad???? I almost..."

"We don't talk about that anymore!"

Their reactions were encouraging since they reminded her that she had successfully taught them how to use the Wave. She just needed to be more gentle. Yes, they did not need to talk about it anymore since she was so successful.

"Well Anna, you need to be more concise and clear in your explanations, they tend to be a little involved."

"A little????!!!!!?????!!!!???$%$%@%#$T^DFGF"

So she needed to be more clear. She frowned, she personally thought that she had explained the math clearly and with the minimum numbers... Setsuna had agreed that it was only a little involved. Setsuna was strange, Anna wonders why Setsuna sometimes means the opposite of what she says, something about being a Tsundere? Anna shrugged Well, Aleksandra had told her to always take the best possible explanation when dealing with people. So... yup.

"You need to make sure that you have a clear list of procedures for them to follow. Confusion is a soldiers worst enemy."

"I don't think you need to tell Anna that... Setsuna are you okay????"

So procedures. Hmmm... well, perhaps she could pull up some rule books of schools in the past and merge them together. Starting from... 0 A.D I guess? Anything before that would probably be too old. Good thing most things are digitized and she can run a search on the needed data. Now what was it that Yukari said... while the rest were treating Setsuna for her seizure. Mental note, she needs to get Setsuna some chocolate ice cream to help her keep calm. Ah yes!

"Anna, remember that the people you are going to teach are all special in their own way. When you get frustrated, and you will get frustrated, take a step back to keep calm."

"So not like Setsuna?"

Yukari had burst into laughter then. Anna still does not understand why Yukari always finds what she says funny... but well she is a nice person. She pauses. Her brother, Rokusabe was really kind too. She smiles softly.

" Anna, its all good and well for you to be so dedicated, but you need to set some life boundaries you know? ... Something like not working past the two hour mark after the last bell and not working on Sundays. We don't want you to be a stranger."

The flight really was the best thing to happen to her, and such a great help. Well, time to get to work! She is going to be the best teacher ever!


I'm not sure how this goes... as I said at the start I'm not so good at humor and really admire people who write good funny things.


"Spare the rod, spoil the child. This is for your own good."

it occurs to me now that this would never happen because it would involve hurting humans :/
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that is only a bad thing if you don't show us the results
I'm having trouble with the Noble Phantasm part, actually. Here's what I have:
Spirit: Anna Sanchez
Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength: E Endurance: D
Agility: C+ Magical Power: C
Luck: B Noble phantasm:

Class Skills
Mad Enhancement:
Agility and Luck parameters are up. While active, her ability to restrain herself from attacking those she views as "enemies" is eliminated, and all non-combat related interactions or tasks become extremely difficult.

Personal Skills
Eternal Arms Mastery:
Mastership of combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era. By complete merging of mind, body and technique, it is possible to make use of full fighting skills even when under the influence of any sort of mental hindrance.

Eye of the Mind (True): B
Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning.

Guardian Knight: E
Having spent years acting as a protector, Anna's identity is defined by her role as guardian. Her failure to do so, leading to the destruction of those she protected, means her skill level is low. Only a small boost is granted to her actions while defending others.

Subversive Activities: B
Years spent performing hit-and-run tactics with no support has made Anna in defence of others has made her an expert at disabling foes. 50% of the enemies forces may be disabled or destroyed before they attack.
My problem is how to rate Durga, and what it's mechanics would be. It's basically Knight of Honor combined with Gate of Babylon, only with the ability to upgrade what's put into it. However, Anna started with nothing. So should it be one that ramps up in power over time and conflict? If so, where does it start? Does Anna start off really weak, or does she start off moderate? Can other Noble Phantasms be included?

Considered personal skills that didn't make the cut: Battle Continuation, Clairvoyance, Collector, Demonic Defender of the State, Disengage, Innovation, Librarian of Stored Knowledge, Military Tactics, Pioneer of the Stars, Presence Detection and Protection from Arrows.
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I'm having trouble with the Noble Phantasm part, actually. Here's what I have:
Spirit: Anna Sanchez
Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength: E Endurance: D
Agility: C+ Magical Power: C
Luck: B Noble phantasm:

Class Skills
Mad Enhancement:
Agility and Luck parameters are up. While active, her ability to restrain herself from attacking those she views as "enemies" is eliminated, and all non-combat related interactions or tasks become extremely difficult.

Personal Skills
Eternal Arms Mastery:
Mastership of combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era. By complete merging of mind, body and technique, it is possible to make use of full fighting skills even when under the influence of any sort of mental hindrance.

Eye of the Mind (True): B
Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning.

Guardian Knight: E
Having spent years acting as a protector, Anna's identity is defined by her role as guardian. Her failure to do so, leading to the destruction of those she protected, means her skill level is low. Only a small boost is granted to her actions while defending others.

Subversive Activities: B
Years spent performing hit-and-run tactics with no support has made Anna in defence of others has made her an expert at disabling foes. 50% of the enemies forces may be disabled or destroyed before they attack.
My problem is how to rate Durga, and what it's mechanics would be. It's basically Knight of Honor combined with Gate of Babylon, only with the ability to upgrade what's put into it. However, Anna started with nothing. So should it be one that ramps up in power over time and conflict? If so, where does it start? Does Anna start off really weak, or does she start off moderate? Can other Noble Phantasms be included?

Considered personal skills that didn't make the cut: Battle Continuation, Clairvoyance, Collector, Demonic Defender of the State, Disengage, Innovation, Librarian of Stored Knowledge, Military Tactics, Pioneer of the Stars, Presence Detection and Protection from Arrows.
I would cut Guardian and replace it with Battle Continuation.

Guardian strikes me like something that would come up personality-wise, more than as a skill. If Archer didn't qualify for Guardian then Anna probably doesn't.
But she survived the first few years of solo Antagonist combat on sheer dumb luck, which is probably why it's hard to place.

Edit: Saber had her entire kingdom destroyed, but her luck rank was amazing.
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