Congrats Avalanche! The reward is well deserved

I wish I had a happier story but in keeping with my thoughts on what an Anna who believes her value is solely as the weapon of humanity would be like, I present to you:
Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh
(For her hands could never hold anything)
Part 1 of 3
The young man steps through the door, bearing a bouquet in his hands. The door shuts, silencing the sound of giggling behind him. He flushes slightly and sighs. Ahead of him stretches a long white corridor that is surprisingly empty of people. It is lit with fluorescent lamps and dyed yellow by the light of the setting sun that streams through the floor-length windows on his right.
His eyes flick to the left, examining the door plates. He nods and strides forward into the almost eerie silence of the corridor. Even as his eyes scan his surroundings, they are unfocused, his thoughts far away. A scowl twists his lips, marring his delicate features and his grip tightens ever so slightly on the bouquet.
He remembers when they first met four years ago at his entrance to the Academy. He had thought her strange, almost unnatural in her mannerisms and had felt guiltily relieved when she turned down his sister's request… a feeling that only worsened when she gave her reasons in that dead, factual monotone. He wishes that he had spoken up then.
"I apologize for being unable to meet your expectations." She had said before bowing low. "I have no right or ability to protect others... for my only ability is in killing."
She had then turned and walked off in the awkward silence. Setsuna had been too shocked to respond at that time though she more than made up for that moment with her anger on behalf of his sister.
The rattling of the window panes draw him back to the present and he realizes that the light of the setting sun is no longer there. He freezes, stops. Back ramrod straight, he whirls... and the sunlight comes flooding back in. He sighs, eyes closing, breathing deliberately slowing down. It was just a passing cloud and the wind. He remains there for a moment before continuing on his way, his gait lengthening.
The next time he saw her was in second year. To his surprise, she had graduated from the Academy already and was an instructor. They had called his flight and his sister in to a special meeting and had told them that as the best Valkyries of their year they would undergo special training under an Ace in using a game-changing ability. They had briefly explained her involvement in the Alaska Offense and had demanded that we give our best is learning all that she had to teach… Setsuna's reaction at seeing her was hilarious in hindsight but she… she did not react at all. He had thought that she had forgotten them.
There was neither pride nor disdain nor discomfort as the officers praised her during the briefing. She simply stood at attention, eyes straight, not wavering a single time until it came to her time to speak. She had then stepped forward and spoke her part in simple stilted sentences that belied the magnitude of what she was going to train them in. The only hint of emotion that shone through her mask was the momentary twitch of her lips at the mention of Alaska. It was only at the end of the meeting when she had strode up to them and addressed Sis when he realized that she remembered everything.
"Rokusabe. It seems that it was best that I was not involved after all." She had then turned to Setsuna and him. "Good Job."
He sighed, remembering the aftermath. The girls had immediately rounded on him after the briefing when they were in private. He had not realized how much he had been staring at her. He tried to explain, but they had only got more agitated…
A door ahead suddenly swings opens and the silence is broken as a bed is rushed out onto the corridor. The man freezes. He wonders if he is imagining it, but the sighs and moans of the wounded and dying drift through the open door. His breathing speeds up... The door slams shut. The bed with its patient is being wheeled past him, and in his haze, he stands there, listening to the nurses communicating in harsh whispers and the insistent beep of the heart monitor, a stuttering and shuddering sound that is slowing…
He forces himself to look.
The bed is tagged with the ensign of a Valkyrie from his squadron.
He forces himself to look. His hands tremble.
The girl is still. Wan. A marionette with its strings cut.
He forces himself to look. His face pale, chalky. Breathing erratic.
No. Not familiar. Not... It is not her.
Sound and color returns as he slumps against the wall. Eyes still affixed on the bed as it disappears down the bend.
Rationality returns. With Anna's rank and achievements she would have been placed in a private room. There was no way that it could have been her. His thoughts stutter and skip and he smiles bitterly. It was not her, but it was someone he should have known and he should be more worried but... if he tried he thinks he would have gone insane from the numbers that they have lost.
And yet, he knew that they had been lucky. Or blessed, or something. For though the squadron had suffered many casualties with entire flights having to be replaced at times, his flight had not lost anyone since it graduated, two years ago. His grip tightens on the flowers. And he would not start now.
He glances down the corridors warily. Breathes in and gathers himself before proceeding, his pace even faster than before.
He, Rokusabe Koujirou hates hospitals.
Edit: P.S. My next set of Omakes once I finish this set will be HAPPIER. I promise!
@Avalanche, I should not have read Knight Run (Read after you stated it as part of the inspiration) T.T Now I have another evil evil idea instead of a happy one.