Harem protagonist= Durga (hitting on all the other cores)
Older sister= Durga (predates humanity by eons)
Tsundere= Durga (have these particle projectors, b-but it's n-not like I like you or anything)
Superhuman= Durga (hey, she supersedes human capabilities)
Ace= Durga (part of the peerless dream team)

I can't get Oujo to fit, though.
Maybe Durga is Valk royalty, or fashion leader 'Oh you're still using super materials? Those are so last season, the in thing now is exotic particles.'
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Maybe Durga is Valk royalty, or fashion leader 'Oh your still using super materials? Those are so last season, the in thing now is exotic particles?'

Well of course Durga is royalty. She's a Queen.

Queen of Asskicking.

Goddess. Oujou usually means 'high ranking lady,' and well, not a lot more high ranking than a goddess, now is there?

The only question is if she's one of the pleasant ones, or one of those you want to murder because of those laughs.

She's the goddess that kills the demon she was created to slay by massacring his army, incessantly trolling him and finally throwing her spear at him while she takes a sip from her wine cup. All this while riding a fucking lion.
She's the goddess you don't mess with.
Harem protagonist= Durga (hitting on all the other cores)
Older sister= Durga (predates humanity by eons)
Tsundere= Durga (have these particle projectors, b-but it's n-not like I like you or anything)
Superhuman= Durga (hey, she supersedes human capabilities)
Ace= Durga (part of the peerless dream team)

I can't get Oujo to fit, though.

Maybe Durga is Valk royalty, or fashion leader 'Oh you're still using super materials? Those are so last season, the in thing now is exotic particles.'
I'm not sure whether this thing I started is great or terrible. Might be both.
I would cut Guardian and replace it with Battle Continuation.

Guardian strikes me like something that would come up personality-wise, more than as a skill. If Archer didn't qualify for Guardian then Anna probably doesn't.
Guardian Knight. It's a skill for those who dedicated their lives to protecting others from harm. It fits.
I'm seeing a disconnect here.
But she survived the first few years of solo Antagonist combat on sheer dumb luck, which is probably why it's hard to place.

Edit: Saber had her entire kingdom destroyed, but her luck rank was amazing.
What Regis said. I'm imaging her positive counterpart having Luck A, incidentally.
I'd say you should give her those stats:

Strength: E Endurance: D
Agility: D Magical Power: E
Luck: E Noble phantasm: B

And have Durga be a support NP that raises her to

Strength: B Endurance: A
Agility: B Magical Power: E
Luck: E Noble phantasm: B

Since she's not a mage and outside of her frame she's not really superior to a normal human (note that rank E is already ten times higher than what is humanly possible).

And that's if you want to make her a powerful servant (though as Berserker it's justified).

By the way, shouldn't she be an Archer since her most powerful NP'd be the wave motion thingie?
Actually, outside of her frame Anna is superhuman. All experienced Valkyrie pilots are.

I hemmed and hawed about Mana, but decided on C as it's pretty average for a Servant. And her Agility was that high as it covers both physical speed and reflexes.

And Servants can qualify for multiple classes. Though I will note that Static Wave is a melee attack.
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Actually, outside of her frame Anna is superhuman. All experienced Valkyrie pilots are.

E Rank means 10x Human. If we take the average human running speed to be 15 mph, a Servant with Agility E should cover 100 meters in 1.49 seconds. Given that Shuri's record is 3.56 seconds, E and D ranks for Anna's base form are already overgenerous in my eyes.
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E Rank means 10x Human. If we take the average human running speed to be 15 mph, a Servant with Agility E should cover 100 meters in 1.49 seconds. Given that Shuri's record is 3.56 seconds, E and D ranks for Anna's base form are already overgenerous in my eyes.
Lancer (both of them) had E Rank Luck.
*looks at the various misfortunes(?) both had suffered through two Grail Wars*

Oh yes, that's superhuman alright...
E Rank means 10x Human. If we take the average human running speed to be 15 mph, a Servant with Agility E should cover 100 meters in 1.49 seconds. Given that Shuri's record is 3.56 seconds, E and D ranks for Anna's base form is already overgenerous in my eyes.
And as Heroic Spirit/Servant, they're more powerful then as a human.
Eh, Emiya did the same thing and he didn't get it.
Emiya also dedicated his life to killing people, as I recall. Because being a Counter Guardian sucks like that. Maybe it cancels out.
Technically, he dedicated his life to saving people. Regardless, this is a defensive skill, representing her Shattered Aegis.

Also, it's an important part of her legend and identity, for better or worse, so in it went.

Her positive counterpart would either have it much higher, or as a Noble Phantasm.
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Lancer (both of them) had E Rank Luck.
*looks at the various misfortunes(?) both had suffered through two Grail Wars*

Oh yes, that's superhuman alright...

Luck in Fate is the ability to ignore fate. An example would be someone managing to dodge gaebolg. Gae Bolg warps causaulity so that it always hits. T Hose with high luck can ignore such things.
Was wondering why this quest was stickied and proceeded to read the whole thing in a half a day.

Yep, best quest I've read on this site in a long time.
ArchRegis - The Bangladesh Incident
Lancer (both of them) had E Rank Luck.
*looks at the various misfortunes(?) both had suffered through two Grail Wars*

Oh yes, that's superhuman alright...

If someone with E rank luck bet against a normal human, they'd win 9 out of 10 times. If they bet against someone with A rank luck, they'd lose every time. The Grail War happened to have lots of people with luck far superior to his, so of course it turned out shitty for him.

But since this was derailed by a F/SN conversation for far too long, and it's been like, an entire hour since the last omake (Avalanche, please don't add this to the threadmarks, there's just too goddamn many):

Your name is Shuri Kravala. You are a so-called Ace pilot, and if you never have another 'vacation' again in your life, it will be too soon.

They called you a child soldier, but the concept didn't mean much to you. You fought, killed, and nearly died just like any other soldier, your age be damned. War was all you knew.

And then you met her. Aleksandra Marianna Cambridge – Sandra for short. A cheeky little brat with more curiosity than she had preservation instinct. In the middle of a scene of carnage and death, you found her. Without much thought, you shot down the Antagonist closing in, and the rest, they say, was history.

You didn't think you would get along with her. She was a noble's daughter, only vaguely aware of the terrors outside the arcology – at least until today. You were a Valkyrie pilot on the front lines of combat, where a day without killing an Antagonist was a day wasted.

But she was nothing if not insistent. And though you loathed to admit it, she conniving wormed her way into your heart to the point where you were almost sad to leave her behind.

At least, you were pretty sure you would never see her again. You'd probably be dead before you got the chance.

But you weren't. And then your home country fucked up big time, everything imploded in on itself, and all of a sudden you were the cheeky little brat and out of a job. Temporarily. But with nowhere to go and nothing to do, you were at a loss – until Sandra's family swooped in with an offer you had no reason to refuse.

So you stayed with her, readjusting to a civilian life. And then you woke up one morning, and she wasn't there. And that was just impossible, because despite her upbringing, the girl slept like a rock and never woke up before you did.

Your options limited, you tried to solve the problem the so-called 'normal' way, reporting the incident and hoping the authorities would find her soon. She was a noble. They would find her.

They didn't.

And after a few days of nothing, you had enough. You scoured every network for even the slightest hint, dredged up every resource you had access to, and many more that you didn't, and finally you found something.

With just a blurry photograph and a bit of hacking, you had a lead. It was only a hunch – a shot in the dark. But then again, you've never doubted your intuition, and you had no intentions of starting now. You were gone the next minute, breaking at least half a dozen different regulations and protocols as you raced towards your destination.

You didn't think twice about why you were going through so much effort for just one girl. She was your only friend dammit, and you'd sooner be discharged than let anything happen to her.
Your chase brought you here – a cliché, nondescript warehouse.

If it was an ordinary mission, it would be easy. Blow them sky-high and be done with it. But she couldn't do that here. Sandra might be in there, and she couldn't risk something happening to her because of a reckless attack.

Which left you with one recourse. You knocked on the front door, and the sheet of metal was crushed by your fist, exploding off its hinges and instantly killing the guards standing by. Your impeller field absorbed the storm of bullets that greeted you, and you mercilessly run them over, carefully shooting down anyone that tries to flee.

Several cages line the walls, and it doesn't take you long before you find who you're looking for.

Sandra lays collapsed in one of the cages, the hair she had been meticulously growing out – ever since you complimented its fluffiness – was in complete disarray. Her nice clothes were in tatters and mud caked her face. Even so, you recognized her at once.


A raspy voice replied back to her, and Shuri suppressed the rage that bubbled up at her friend's treatment. "S-Shuri? You came…just like I knew you would."

You easily break the cage and cut the chains holding her, and she rubs her wrists in relief.

The reunion was short-lived, however, as Konark's sensors revealed several rapidly approaching Valkyries.

"Valkyries? Here? Why…"

They're clearly not friendly, because they burst in through the ceiling and immediately open fire on you, and you return fire, not daring to dodge and expose Sandra behind you. She thankfully flees, hiding behind a few crates and letting you focus on the threat in front of you.

For once, you're glad you're on lower ground as you quickly launch a salvo of missiles at the enemies. They converge on the one to the far left, but half are shot down and the other half get absorbed by the impeller. Still, it's almost on its last legs.

You decide to take a risk and shift, your halberd cleaving through the Valkyrie's head before you accelerate towards the second one with your plasma torches.


Your name is Aleksandra Cambridge. You've been beaten, kidnapped, and shoved into a filthy cage and half-starved for the last three days, but none of that compares to what you're seeing now.

Shuri Kravala, the closest friend you have in the entire world, is getting hurt.

And it's all because of you.

Her initial blitz managed to take down two of the Valkyries, but she was soon overwhelmed by the combined firepower of four others. Despite that, she was holding up remarkably well. As expected for an Ace.

Still, her movements were limited, and knew you knew why. She was consciously trying to avoid having her back to your direction, to concentrate firepower away from you. But it meant getting hit by attacks she could have avoided.

There had to be something you could do…something. Anything.

You prayed for a miracle, and God delivered. With a vicious overhead smash, Shuri sent one of the Valkyries flying into the ground near her, the pilot dead on impact.

Sprinting towards it, you examine the frame, which was mostly unharmed. It seemed the pilot died of trauma and internal bleeding before the impeller even ran out.

Shuri scary, much wow.

You don't have time to hesitate. With great reluctance, you roll the girl's corpse out of the way, revealing the spherical core.

It's a risk. There's no guarantee that you're even compatible with the Valkyrie. But as three more missiles explode above you, and Shuri screaming profanities, you can only hope.

And as you grasp that hope with everything you have, you feel something. Power.




"I'll kill you."

Anger fills your mind as you watch three missiles fly towards your friend. You're moving before you can think it through, your blade cutting down the Valkyrie who launched the missiles.

But the rash move costs you, as the other two take the chance to retaliate. For the first time you can remember, your impeller falls to the damage. You snarl, ready to take them down with you with your remaining missiles, when cannon fire takes down one of the two, and you both turn to face the intruder.

It's Sandra. That…that idiot.

Three things happen at once. You launch your missiles. The enemy launches her own. And you bend the space-time plane to your will as you appear in front of your friend.

And then all you know is the screaming of your enemy as she dies and the feeling of steel shrapnel shredding its way through your fleshy body as you're similarly bombarded.

You faint to the sounds of a girl – your friend – desperately wailing your name.
Don't worry, I understand that this is not everyone's cup of tea. I like reading and writing such, but I doubt I'll ever run a quest with paths like that.

But what if we went full misery-mode in the beginning and got a -5 universe? Well, I can see you doing it a lot better than the +5 one. I'm so effing glad we didn't get a +5.
Don't worry, I understand that this is not everyone's cup of tea. I like reading and writing such, but I doubt I'll ever run a quest with paths like that.
Whew, It would be horrible to slowly help Anna become more 'normal' and help her attain ultimate power as a good SV big sibling would, only to have a 'rocks fall, everyone dies, Anna breaks down' ending.