We're behind on all our targets, except services thanks to the McStalin's shock. That's what losing almost half our capacity (between mali and the budget cut) does to us I guess.
What the heck does "Struggle for energy" listed under Denisov mean? Could mean just his focus on securing energy resources (coal) but it's an odd phrasing.
We're behind on all our targets, except services thanks to the McStalin's shock. That's what losing almost half our capacity (between mali and the budget cut) does to us I guess.
It means his political support base is in the coal extractive industry and he will thus advocate for its use in power production and expanded/intensified extraction of it. Also, we are on target with the Agricultural goal.
Managed to miss that somehow >_< It is impressive we're meeting the target already, before starting any reforms.
Klimenko thinks Smolin (agri minister) is overpromoted. Perhaps he just cares enough about agriculture to actually worry about that, unlike The Voz. Speaking of which, Voznesensky noted Smolin had "an important managerial role in the ministry towards ...increasing the utilization of Northern soils", while Klimenko notes he prioritizes technical development of agriculture over its expansion. Seems inconsistent, unless Smolin suddenly shifted gears.
Unlike The Voz, Klimenko thinks about how deputy Skachkov and Smolin's different areas of expertise complement each other instead of thinking about how that will prevent them from teaming up against him politically. He cheers Skachkov on a lot in general as the guy who will save us in the non-meat aspects of farming.
Klimenko has a dim view of Petrovsky. He seems to think Petrovsky is an obstacle to bringing in more experienced personnel. Interesting Klimenko also wants to replace him in order to "entirly seperate the medical programs from the direct spending of ministry funding". I don't know what he means by this, given we seem to be doing plenty of medical stuff.
Ministry of Infrastructural Development
Minister: Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dygai(1958): A military engineer who was shifted up rapidly in the Ural party organizations for his visionary work on population housing during the development of the industrial projects there, he is both experienced and has a distant political base, rendering him influential for seniority but minimizing any associated political issues. He has several Stalinist and Conservative tendencies in the political and party sphere, but his selection would enable a considerable degree of political maneuvering, presenting his candidacy as a common-sense compromise to the right wings of the party and as a favor to the left wings. Fundamentally though, the primary goal of his policies will tend toward housing and urban renovation projects, but given the current issues, this shouldn't pose too much of a problem for a time.
Opponents of Private Construction
Housing and Urban Focused
Excellent Organizer
High Cadre-Raising Ability
Low Removal Priority
Deputy Minister: Alexander Mikhailovich Tarasov(1958): A technocratic manager who unconventionally managed to rise through his connections with the Minsk tractor and automotive plants. A mechanical engineer in education and one with a wealth of experience on the design end, his tenure can ensure the modernization of several transportation avenues. Additionally, he is correct in mindset and primarily in agreement with the necessary policies to increase overall production. His primary focus will be more on end-state transportation rather than grand works developing novel methodologies. Conventional light rail will be expanded along with a strong focus on producing sufficient urban transportation capacity. Overall, a candidate with a distant party base renders him less threatening and one that is mostly in political agreement with the overriding objectives of socialist development.
Ministry of Heavy Industry
Minister: Nikolai Nikolaevich Smelyakov(1958): The current manager in charge of the broader Gorky Combinat and one of the core industrial managers underpinning much of the modernization drive. His selection would go a long way towards appealing to the political cliques near Gorky while also ensuring that a candidate who is at best toxic to any form of party authority takes the post, eliminating internal political risk from the heavy industrial direction. In policy, he could be considered a radical favoring reconstruction and modernization with several labor-saving devices and the professionalization of the industrial workforce. He will not be popular and likely require constant top-level protection, but this makes Smelyakov a perfect minister that will comply with most policy directions from the center.
Excellent Manager
Divided Political Base
Politically Toxic
Radical Modernization Focused
High Cadre-Raising Ability
Low Removal Priority
Deputy Minister: Nikolay Antonovich Dollezhal(1958): The current director of the nuclear project and fundamentally the man with the greatest degree of experience in developing novel production methodologies. His primarily technical power base renders him a minimal political issue, and promoting him should significantly increase his policy influence. In the modernization rather than expansion camp for the current mass of Soviet industry, he would be a fairly reformist pick and would fundamentally start shifting the sector towards mid-employment high precision production rather than the current approach of expanding throughput and employment at every level. If theoretically selected as a minister, a considerable but steady disruption across most industrial areas should be expected as it re-prioritizes.
Ministry of Light and Chemical Industry
Minister: Nikita Semyonovich Ryzhov(1958): Entirely light industry specialized and a minister that has been steadily and consistently shuffled between every possible post. He is experienced if acerbic to work with, and capable of increasing and directing any amount of consumer goods production to ensure that a sufficient supply can reach the people. A general re-prioritization of the entire area of development is expected towards the funding of more state consumer goods projects rather than further expanding anything petrochemical. This should serve to reduce the current shortages as quickly as possible and establish a basis for the supply of consumer products outside of the private sector.
Acceptable Manager
Divided Political Base
Reformist Tinged
Little Bureaucratic Base
Moderate Cadre-Raising Ability
Low Removal Priority
Deputy Minister: Sergey Alexeyevich Lebedev(1958): Head of the computing project and fundamental to its functioning and expansion. His promotion to deputy will enable the further focus on electronic control systems along with the steady transfer of funding towards their development and use for economic modernization. He is not exceptional as a deputy in most other roles, but his promotion will ensure that computing continues to gain influence as an essential part of most sectors. The focus on further improvement in communication will also serve to improve the development of the Union, increasing economic turnover and integration.
Ministry of Agriculture
Minister: Pyotr Petrovich Smolin(1961): Ecologist and Zoologist that has driven the utilization of a wider quantity of animals and taken up an important managerial role in the ministry towards expanding the park system and increasing the utilization of Northern soils. He is selectively connected to several important northern party bodies, but the sheer remoteness of his political support base renders him a safe candidate that cannot use the agricultural ministry to raise new cadres. Smolin is also a considerable advocate for rural development leading to agricultural development rather than the inverse, focusing the ministry more on the population rather than just farms.
Decent Manager
Strongly Favors Rural Development
Moderate Cadre-Raising Ability
Low Removal Priority
Deputy Minister: Igor Alexandrovich Skachkov: An important academic in the fertilizer program that has proven his competencies in various intensification proposals. Conventional and a significant counterbalance to the far softer line of Smolin, he has achieved massive increases in yields and is one of the academics behind the modernization of Soviet agriculture. He is an academic, cut off from any power base, and minimal risk of political maneuvering leaving him as the politically easiest candidate. Simultaneously, he holds broadly correct opinions on the necessity of increasing agricultural production, reducing agricultural employment, and ensuring the lowest possible food price for the Soviet worker.
Ministry of Education and Services
Minister: Boris Vasilievich Petrovsky(1961): A pioneering surgeon who has managed to advance through several important fields and steadily enhance his standing in the academic track, leading to his current position as head of hospital surgery in Moscow. His selection will bias the focus more towards the modernization and development of the medical complex over most other applications, ensuring that life expectancies can match and exceed the west through a steady campaign of investment. This will cut back some of the educational initiatives, but the current state of healthcare justifies a change in focus.
Medical Reformer
Medical Doctor
Hospital Prioritization
Medical Industry Proponent
High Cadre Raising Ability
Political Ally
Deputy Minister: Lydia Vasilievna Sokhan: Despite her degree in philosophy rather than a more applicable field, a decade of experience in the coordination of elements of the polytechnical program across Ukraine has earned her a degree of prominence. Hardworking, capable of adaptation, and outspoken on teaching methodologies to a sufficient extent to limit her political influence. Sokhan is an ideal academic to continue Kalashnikov's work on expanding the social sphere of education and ensuring that the soft sciences gap can be closed and over-taken.
Americans already have our state asset called the invention of acrylic paint just ask dupont
something else to note minister wise
klimnko says that Lydia would be unable to "hold onto the big chair if an opportunity presented itself"
why exactly does he believe this?
is it because she's a woman in a man's world, a social sciences focused person in a technocrats dream, or is it something else?
Both. While we will probably help erode the stem dominance in the MNKH they still get looked down on social sciences at the moment, and the party is still horribly sexist.
I'm not entirely sure on Klimenko, as the above is probably true as well, but this line by Voz might be useful.
"and outspoken on teaching methodologies to a sufficient extent to limit her political influence"
This seems to imply that Lydia is too outspoken/direct/principled. She seems to have strong opinions on specific issues that limit her from accruing more political support. I'm not sure Klimenko's take on her is correct, as while decently political, he is out of his element at these levels. Considering Lydia's description is extremely positive from Klim and decent from Voz, I'd say she's probably stronger politically than she appears.
I am pretty sure Voz and Klim underestimate Lidia's capacity to stand up for herself politically yeah, you don't get to be a woman in such a high position in the 60s if you can't do that. Its worth mentioning that she got Voznesensky onboard to follow her educational program despite the fact it doesn't emphasize the STEM track nearly as much as what I imagine he would want. And those educational cadres Voznesensky was fostering? She was in a prime position to utilize them to her own ends. We should do an assessment of services next turn, see if we can get Petrovsky out and cut a deal with her so we can maybe get an ally in the post without having to fight the Troika in it.
I fully agree Lidia is a person i am highly suspect of she seems to be one of the biggest Voz whispers with the way she seems to have her hands all over his school expansions which i full expect is not just limited to that.
I fully agree Lidia is a person i am highly suspect of she seems to be one of the biggest Voz whispers with the way she seems to have her hands all over his school expansions which i full expect is not just limited to that.
I do like the idea of Lydia being as corrupt as everyone else, but getting in Klimenko's good books by simply acting as if she was never corrupt and consistently showing up to meetings when the ministry is burning down around her (also by her virtue of being in the soft sciences).
I do like the idea of Lydia being as corrupt as everyone else, but getting in Klimenko's good books by simply acting as if she was never corrupt and consistently showing up to meetings when the ministry is burning down around her (also by her virtue of being in the soft sciences).
I do like the idea of Lydia being as corrupt as everyone else, but getting in Klimenko's good books by simply acting as if she was never corrupt and consistently showing up to meetings when the ministry is burning down around her (also by her virtue of being in the soft sciences).
This whole mess started because The Voz decided to go full "I am not a crook" and burn evidence during an anti-corruption investigation, Lydia having a stuff upper lip and continuing to just do her job rather than taking time off to bury skeletons like the rest of Voznesensky's clique probably would ingratiate her to Klimenko a fair bit.
So... space. We have a spending cap of 100 RpT. With the turn compression, it's equivalent to a mere 50 RpT under the old system. We took more than a 50% cut. That sucks. Though with out budget crunch this plan, it's probably for the better. More, between 50 and 60 percent (depending on how long-term the Atmospheric Data Satellites are) are indefinite programs that will keep launching probes until we cancel them. The remaining 40 or so RpT is R&D projects like the RLA that in theory will eventually end and free up the resources for other projects. Not a lot of flex there. And we're definitely not getting any increases to the budget until our transportation, education, housing, and healthcare systems are modernized which is unlikely to occur before 1980. Time to get used to just having small side projects while listening to the news from our space probes.
Hm? No, the turn compression is irrelevant here, because we are still running 100 RpT worth of projects all year, whether we go through that year in one turn or in two turns.
One thing we should be thinking about with space is when to wind down the dedicated Mars/Venus/Moon probe programs to transition towards a broader and maybe slightly smaller science program. I'm not sure if that's something that we'll be offered or if we'll just need to cancel the current round of probe projects when we're satisfied with where they are, but given some of the actions Klim has been taking towards a more modern space organization we'll probably start seeing options to do so.
We probably want to stick with the Moon program until we get a sample return for prestige reasons, and keeping up with the Mars/Venus pushes until we get successful landings and imaging orbiters to give us basic data about other planets and would be good if possible. For Mars that should fortunately be soon, because there are going to be plenty of other interesting targets, and if we want to pursue a big Grand Tour mission (big Voyager) we should move to some kind of outer planets missions by the late 60s to gain some experience.
Similarly, if we want to put a big push on the grand tour in the late 70s - probably at least 30RpY given the Luna program costs - if we want a space station program in the meantime we should prioritize it as soon as possible, to hopefully get development out of the way by the time we need to spend on that.
Hm? No, the turn compression is irrelevant here, because we are still running 100 RpT worth of projects all year, whether we go through that year in one turn or in two turns.
Eh, sort of is, sort of isn't? Some of the rocketry options were changed expenses wise, while others weren't. A lot of the old 5 point per turn options are now 10 points per turn, second gen Luna went from 10 points per turn to 20 points etc. On the other hand, a few big ticket items have actually had their costs brought down, for example RLA expansion remains at 20 RpT (a net 50% off), Atmospheric data satellites also remained at 10 RpT (again, a net 50% off) and so did the FGB-VA remain at 10 RpT.
The price compression with regards to the rocketry options seems to have been a bit scattershot, some things are the same overall, some are cheaper, but it definitely isn't clean.
Eh, sort of is, sort of isn't? Some of the rocketry options were changed expenses wise, while others weren't. A lot of the old 5 point per turn options are now 10 points per turn, second gen Luna went from 10 points per turn to 20 points etc. On the other hand, a few big ticket items have actually had their costs brought down, for example RLA expansion remains at 20 RpT (a net 50% off), Atmospheric data satellites also remained at 10 RpT (again, a net 50% off) and so did the FGB-VA remain at 10 RpT.
The price compression with regards to the rocketry options seems to have been a bit scattershot, some things are the same overall, some are cheaper, but it definitely isn't clean.
All three of those programs got their funding cut in half, yeah. Emphasis mine below.
[]Prioritize Unmanned Programs: Unmanned promises still have the promise of taking some firsts before the Americians and can contribute more to science than any general manned program. The station program will effectively be suspended for a time and further development on new manned craft slowed, but a new wave of interplanetary probes can be launched. The largest economic gains for the people on the planet are from unmanned satellites, not small experiments conducted in orbit. (RLA-5, PKA-Orbital, Orbital Docking Systems Canceled. Atmospheric Data Satellites and FGB-VA cut back)
Basically the US and the Soviets agreed to flying spy planes on each other's territory to alleviate fears of nuclear exchange or something. I also remember something about us voting for a Dovish approach to diplomacy instead of a Hawkish approach and the US ended up also choosing the Dovish approach.
Turn 76 (January 1st, 1966 - January 1st, 1967): Economic Shortfalls
Resources per Turn(RpY): Base 6150 +140 Commitments Discount -100 Rocketry -2740 Plan Commitments = 3450 with 20 in storage
External News:
Continued dominance by the democratic party has continued with far broader initiative towards civil rights with a severe Southern party split immediately resulting from it. A possible shift to a new viable electoral base by the Democrats has been attempted and seems to so far be working with a disorganized republican party attempting to navigate the situation. The party itself however has taken a far more middling line towards organized labor, favoring handouts over any structural changes. Initiatives towards the elimination of poverty have consistently been attacked for excessive spending by most wings of the electorate. Policies towards the reduction of racism have also received harsh criticism as the integration of the education system and policies towards that effect have received the largest pushback.
The expectation by everyone involved has occurred as the tentative independence pursued by the Brazilian government has been consolidated out with a further movement. The elections were not called and the military continued work towards the consolidation of political power under American guidance. New acts towards providing universal presidential authority have been rapidly pushed through under the new leadership of Silva. Increased market access from the Americians is almost guaranteed as local resources are opened for utilization by the imperial core. The coup and consolidation are expected to serve as an example for local governments in the American sphere of influence, and the practically expected result of any major intervention.
Programs for providing aid to the Algerian state and assisting it against illegitimate French occupation have started at scale with training units sent over along with a plentiful supply of modernized T52s, if not new production examples. The desperation of the government has assured that expert advice and more proper unit formations have been prioritized over export strength. In the next year's commitments towards modernizing anti-tank units, the raising of organized infantry and artillery formations and a committed package of economic aid will assist in tying down French forces. Government stability has effectively been under-written by local commitments of aid funding. Even if no conflict occurs, the value of forcing the French to station large forces in the region is sufficient to put further economic strain on their empire.
Organizational efforts and aid for Namibia, Angola, and Zambia has been approved. Food aid has been accompanied by a loan based purchase and training program to help the new states get on their feet and provide a counterweight to South African efforts by the colonial powers. Most of the aid in the region has shifted towards under-writing agriculture and providing replacement equipment for the current low scale attritional commitments across the South. Small arms production costs little, and by providing sustained equipment and rudimentary training programs through deniable arms an outsized political impact can be generated. Mining of border regions is expected to deter advance and enhance the anti-colonial struggle as raiding forces are attrited.
The East African Federation has continued to strengthen state authority with the presidential position receiving more powers in a tense legislative session. The massive issues facing the nation have caused a steady shift towards a further application of aid and a focus on improving resistance towards aggression. New labor programs have started in concert with technical investment and large scale educational programs to provide for economic growth. Local politics have not been the most cooperative, but funding programs and a massive export grain program has served to stabilize the internal food environment and ensure close relations.
Indonesian aid has continued with the stabilization of their agricultural sector and the resumption of economic growth through commitments of currency and the integration towards a new gold backed system. Unrest and famine has effectively been eliminated through large spending and food aid programs, setting up the general state. Generous ten year loans have also been provided on the condition that they are used for the modernization of localized equipment. Predictably this has been spent on arming the state and consolidating its gains, with armor purchased along with a tentative deal for obsolescent submarines, missile boats, and airframes. Local politics have further consolidated with lists of liberal and revisionist voices removed from any semblance of influence.
The Congo crisis has only deepened, with a direct leadership struggle following pyrrhic victories against the countryside revolts. The republic of the Congo has effectively fallen into infighting as the leadership managed to get itself killed, leading to rapid internal power struggle between army commanders and the supposed democratic government. Fighting has only intensified with local interests receiving increasing shipments of arms for the liberation. These are not expected to be used competently or reliably as the states involved are incompetent at applying military force. Mercenary involvement in the conflict has also increased, with little result.
Free dice to allocate 4 Dice.
Infrastructure: (16) 9 Dice
[]Integration of Commuter Rail: The old program to revamp and unify commuter rail with subways is still viable despite massive changes in the ministry. Disruption from the sacking of the corrupt imbecile has been fairly mild. The program has effectively been modified to include Kiev, Minsk, Tashkent, and Kharkov ensuring a more even spread of development. Further work will inherently center on ensuring that above ground use in the high speed rail zone is directly utilized by local transit grids, bringing stations together and forming large linkage lines to allow for traveling passengers to reach most significant urban areas quickly and cheaply (120 Resources per dice 0/175)
[]Western USSR Regional Roads: The Western USSR has some of the best roads when compared to the rest of the nation, but even those are considered internationally poor. Constructing a massive series of two lane roads to act as regional feeders and linking them with previously built high capacity systems will be more of an exercise of paving the few yet to be paved major roadways, ensuring that every area has acceptably poor access. Further efforts are expected to get more expensive, but they are relatively deprioritized compared to the development of similar systems in regions where no tentative efforts have even started. (105 Resources per Dice 112/300)
[]Caucuses High Capacity Roads: The construction of one large central corridor near the inhabited areas of the southern Caucasus is expected to massively improve overall road integration. Most goods in the region stay in the region with a few primarily agricultural exports, allowing a single developed road system to serve much of the local population. Development here will have to be followed with a more generalized paving of regional corridors to ensure adequate linkage despite terrain challenges, but it will be possible to finalize development and ensure a steady drive towards development. (105 Resources per Dice 0/200)
[]Ural Region High Capacity Roads: The least ignored secondary region compared to the Western areas of the USSR has not made the ural region any less ignored. Core transit corridors represent a viable first step in development, linking major urban concentrations and allowing for a viable flow of goods through the region. Tentative interlinks down into Central Asia have been planned to allow for easier movement, but the larger priority after the completion of the high capacity road system will be bringing it into utilization through a massive paving program to claw back obsolescence in road development. (105 Resources per Dice 316/400)
[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7): Calls for bringing universal pressurized water to every significant concentration of the population have been delayed for much of a decade but they can finally be entirely developed. Work on the construction of enlarged distribution infrastructure along with small integrated water towers will form much of the supply system, with much of the funding going towards the laying of new pipe before significant road renovations. New materials are available for modern plumbing, bringing the areas into the 20th century and ensuring that backwardness can be stamped out on the infrastructural end. (120 Resources per Dice 2/350) (-14 CI1 Electricity)
[]Civilian Airports(Stage 3): Work on an enlarged system of airports has proven to be problematic as the immense promises of the HSR system have only applied West of the Urals. Building up more airports for remote destinations and for areas outside the grid is immensely necessary to ensure a regularity of passenger flights and continue the general development of the Union. Many are willing to take the slow line across the entire nation to travel, but vacation days are limited. Business integration severely benefits from a developed air-transportation system allowing for faster meetings and significant improvements in organization. Mail delivery can also be sped up considerably as the air-service is expanded, bringing far faster delivery times to every corner of the Union. (90 Resources per Dice 34/150)
[]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3): The demand for more cheap coal is massive and almost desperate with the lack of domestic transportability and the issues involved in moving the coal. Work on a far larger canal system has effectively already started with the stabilization of the rivers involved, but more funding and more development is desperately needed to ensure significant gains are made. Minor electricity gains are expected from the completion of the cascade, ensuring a steady increase in power supplies and providing the people with viable over-water transportation. Once the system itself is finalized, localized lignite semi-coke can be transported economically, massively reducing coal prices and ensuring that steel can remain a cheap commodity for construction. (90 Resources per Dice 273/350) (21 CI12 Electricity) (Significant Cost Changes) (Finished in 1968)
[]Power Grid Expansions: The localization of power production and the increase in the development of local power systems can only push off general grid modernization for so long. The increasing demands for power and massive construction efforts during the current plan must be compensated for to continue acute development and maintain stable grid balances. Work towards expanding the high voltage grid is expected to be prioritized, but further work towards improving the safety of local grids and modernizing low level transmission wiring is expected to follow. There is no reason to accept the increased fire risk of old-style wiring when modern alternatives are both cheaper and more efficient. (100 Resources per Dice 0/275)
[]ASU: Voznesensky has made a little assembled system for programers and enterprises, and while it is not necessary for overall planning, it has gained popularity amongst the enterprises. At this point the project can be finalized in distribution with orders and instructions finalized for those working on the overall program. Further funding will expand the training programs for new programmers and those capable of using the system, computerizing a significant portion of large and mid sized enterprises. A unification in systems bases is expected to make some minor improvements in reporting and readability, but as the same operators are using the machinery to make the reports significant changes are not expected. (240 Resources per Dice 132/150) (-9 CI2 Electricity +1 Educated Labor)
Heavy Industry (8) 5 Dice -10/Dice Malus
[]Kursk Steel Mills(Stage 1): The massive magnetic anomaly under Kursk represents the prime center of Soviet steel production with massive reserves of ore and a location favorable to development both due to educated labor and due to a proximal source of high quality coals. Work on the development of an even larger steel complex around the KMA will take funding and time, but it can be done. Several massive steel mills can be built in the area to start the decisive move towards increasing production and continuing the drive to triple lap American steel production. The construction industry is not slowing nor are export industries and every ton of steel made is a ton that can contribute to Soviet infrastructure. (175 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-26 CI6 Electricity -10 Steel +3 Coal +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Bakchar Deposit Utilization(Stage 1): New steel deposits are necessary to continue the development of the Union and further provide steel in the far east for local construction projects. The location near the Kuzbas deposit and in the presence of a magnetic anomaly just as massive as the one at Kursk is essential for the further development of the Steel industry. Starting large scale surface extraction with modern equipment along with the construction of several mills for the production of steel through oxygenation is necessary to enable development and further improve domestic steel supplies in the face of increasing construction and development. (150 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-24 CI5 Electricity -8 Steel +2 Coal +4 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Tikhvin MMK: The massive hydroelectric programs to improve aluminum production and ensure a steady supply of new ore are already underway, but more aluminum is needed now. Rather than gambling on lower grade bauxite experimental plants can be established now for more secondary ores, providing a massive bounty of aluminum and cement to the Union. Both materials are only expected to become more in demand as the years pass and programs initiated now will be critical towards tiding the Union over until the largest producers can be brought into production. (120 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-40 CI5 Electricity -3 Non-Ferrous +1 General Labor)
[]Donets Coal Basin Mechanization: Planned developments of the Donets basin have been modernized and rationalized to enable a massive increase in coal yields through the incorporation of specialized machinery. More trained personnel can be moved into the industry allowing for a general increase in development and allowing for the far more optimal exploitation of narrow deep seams. There isn't much more potential the basin itself can yield, but it can be made to serve to at least carry the Union over for a few years until cheaper coal is available. (150 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-12 CI2 Electricity -8 Coal -1 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Sevastopol Technical Equipment Plants: The Gorky dominance on machine tooling has served to slow the production of new equipment and while standards have improved throughput, they have only served to stagnate general industry. By combining computerization in the lightest units along with a guided numerical control mill, further advanced machining methods can be produced at scale. The production involved will be expensive both in experts and the techniques involved, but the highest quality machine tools must be made at significant scale for proper utilization. The introduction of a further sector of technical production will also provide a vector for competition, ensuring steady developments. (300 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-65 CI9 Electricity +2 Steel +3 Non-Ferrous +1 General Labor +3 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Pechora Coal Basin Exploitation: Massive labor has gotten us into the current set of problems and it can solve several issues. The Pechora basin has been relatively deprioritized for development historically but now a significant portion of workers can be surged in. The local coals are shallower than any others in the West and more thermally acceptable then those from Moscow. Increasing personnel mining underground will necessitate an increase in wages and the transfer of a significant proportion of workers, but it can be done. (100 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-6 CI2 Electricity -5 Coal +2 General Labor)
[]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 3): Kuzzbass as an area of extraction offers to nearly double the coals available to the Union alone when discounting the massive brown coal deposits to the north of it. Developments at this stage will focus on the exploitation of more viable surface deposits to reduce overall costs of coal production and provide a far greater energy capacity to the Union than ever before. Work will demand a significant portion of labor and energy, but it will deliver massive gains to local wages and ensure that the Western Union can maintain the current high energy-coupled growth. (120 Resources per Dice 47/200) (-22 CI3 Electricity -15 Coal +4 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (Cannot Lower Coal price lower than 60 before Stage 2 Canals)
[]Volga Automotive Plant Expansion: There is no practical end to the demand for more automobiles and while Voznesensky's insane promise of producing eight million cars per year was impractical, we are already halfway there. Incentive fund expansions are only likely to continue at scale for the new enterprises of the Union and kickstarting one for one of the largest automotive complexes in the Union can help significantly. New model production along with improvements in techniques promise to revolutionize the automotive industry with entirely domestic designs. Improvements in production methodology will also serve to lower prices, offering cars domestically and abroad for far less per unit. (180 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-30 CI3 Electricity +4 Steel +2 General Labor +2 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Nikolayev Automotive Plant: The demand for more light trucks and the accompanying chassis for the production of lighter shuttle buses has only increased as the interior has been brought under development. Establishing a further plant will help to raise production numbers and ensure the steady development of further lighter vehicles than dedicated heavy truck plants. A renewal of the stock of general service vehicles is necessary to improve local throughput and provide additional capacity to the state bodies operating them. The factory itself is expected to be relatively small in light of that, starting production by the midpoint of the plan and ensuring that new production is entirely domestic. (160 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-10 CI2 Electricity +2 Steel +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Novouralsk Truck Plant: Domestic cabover production has universally been in shortage with several expensive imported models making up critical areas of the stock. Work on replacing these must be prioritized to reduce expenses and ensure that domestic high capacity models can be made. The technical development of a viable set of trailers and a standardized cab has already been completed from other initiatives leaving only the question of manufacturing. A semiautomated unified line plan has been developed and checked for excessive spending, allowing a local factory to be set up to produce the heaviest of trucks. (180 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-21 CI3 Electricity +3 Steel +3 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Bryansk Truck Plant: Lighter end trucks that are built in the conventional scheme are still necessary for some of the worst roads in the Union. Building a dedicated facility for the mass production of heavier duty trucks without a detachable trailer and for lighter loadings can help to serve more remote communities. Technical work with these trucks is effectively deriving from previous work towards army systems, allowing some collaboration in design and a growth in mobilization capacity while building out civilian fleets. A unified six wheel chassis will allow for improvements to be made and the absolute oldest examples still in service to be finally retired from all roles. (160 Resources per Dice 89/150) (-16 CI3 Electricity +3 Steel +3 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
Rocketry (3) 2 Dice
[]Cancel Project (5<Projects<10, -1 Dice) (100/100R/y Funding Cap)
-RLA-Expansion Program (-20 RpY) (See T73)
-Venera Program (-10 RpY) (See T63R/T67/T72/T73) (Launched)
-Mars Program (-10 RpY) (See T63R) (Launched)
-Communication Satellites (-10 RpY) (See T70R) (Continuous Launches, Test Program)
-Atmospheric Data Satellite Program (-10 RpY) (See T73R)
-EVA Suit Programs (-10 RpY) (See T69R)
-FGB-VA (-10 RpY) (See T65R, T72R) (Finished 1966)
-2nd Gen Luna Program (-20 RpY) (See T65R/T72/T73R)
[]Stalingrad Plant Expansions: Continued expansions of the Stalingrad plant are necessary despite the program cancellations as the RLA makes up the only real launch vehicle available. Increased scales of payload designs are expected out of the space program but as long as mass production can be maintained it can be made economical. Increasing the mission and launch tempo will come with an expansion of the plant along with a good quantity of well paying jobs that will stimulate local economic turnover. Actual rocket production is almost certain to level out at around fifty units per annum leaving more than enough capability for any reasonable application. (200 Resources per Dice 52/100) (-9 CI2 Electricity +2 Non-Ferrous +1 Educated Labor)
[]Approve Transfer of Venusian Funding: The Venus project faces immense technical challenges with the state of the atmosphere and severe issues facing the program. Rather than continuing on as is and shoveling more funding towards a program that is unlikely to work the funds can instead be partially committed towards working on manned and lunar programs. Those offer the highest return and scrapping the entire venus project until more funds are available is one of the ways to secure politically acceptable funding. (1 Dice)
[]Allow Enterprise Bidding: The communications networks that are launched are only growing in sophistication and cost. Rather than forcing every system to fly on state backing for an ever narrower set of criteria, general payload bidding can be opened for most categories of payloads. If an enterprise wants to launch something into orbit, there is no reason to prevent it from doing so. Similar policies have already been applied for CMEA and there is little reason not to allow our own people to do the same. (1 Dice)
[]Publicly Provide Atmospheric Information: Any information on the atmosphere that the program gathers may as well be provided publicly and freely to news organizations and those responsible for weather prediction. The weather over the Union will never be a matter of dire military necessity outside of for some short moments in the case of another world war. Providing universal information will allow for a far greater standard of predictions and further improve agricultural yields through improving weather accuracy. (1 Dice)
Light and Chemical Industry (8) 6 Dice
[]Caspian Sea Petrochemical Extraction(Stage 1): The massive gas fields under the Caspian that have been discovered represent some of the most important gas fields available to us. Developing seagoing rigs and underwater extraction will take considerable technical funding, but the petroleum industry is ready to solve the issues involved in gas extraction. Local oil yields are also expected to be significant, as the fields are practically perfect for extraction, deriving a massive quantity of fuel products to stabilize the economy and start plans for the export of bulk cheap gas. (140 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-24 CI5 Electricity -6 Petroleum Fuels +1 General Labor) (Very High Profitability) (2 Gas Projects)
[]Samotor Field Development(Stage 1): A new discovery past the Urals has found a field with more oil in place than any other discovered field. Moving towards high throughput utilization of the field is going to be necessary to keep domestic energy prices low and ensure a consistent access to oil and gas. Local deposits are biased towards medium density oils, but even those can be used at a high rate without many technical issues. Outside of the location, the deposit itself is conventional and can enable local refinement of fuels without significant issues. (120 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-18 CI3 Electricity -7 Petroleum Fuels +1 General Labor) (Very High Profitability) (2 Gas Projects)
[]Air Conditioner Plants(Stage 4): Direct developments in improving air conditioner access are essential for the development of housing and the maintenance of temperatures. Limitations in grid heating systems have led to the current issue with the current program forming an adequate basis for modernizing general temperature control. Further generation housing designs will integrate flexible thermal control as a baseline along with several improvements, but for as long as we are limited to window units there is little that can be done outside of increasing production. Commonality of components will further ensure a smooth transition when larger scale changes are made. (100 Resources per Dice 166/175) (-8 CI2 Electricity +1 Steel +1 Non-Ferrous +1 General Labor)
[]Modern Foods Production(Stage 1): To compete with the Americians and ensure that the average worker has the latest products an entire new generation of food production has become necessary. Packaged compact snacking food has been to an extent a popular demand along several population segments and investing into it now can achieve significant returns. Longer storage lives can serve to reduce general food wastage at a small cost in packaging, providing a base of production. Saturation and production sufficiency will take time and more funding then available at the current stage, but that can be done in time. (90 Resources per Dice 0/125) (-9 CI2 Electricity +3 General Labor) (Very High Profitability)
[]Consumer Goods Production Grants(Stage 1): Mobilizing enterprises to get off their asses and get into the consumer-export sector has met with some success under Voznesensky, but policies can be pushed far further. Directly offering investments to proven enterprises to improve production is a reliable way of increasing production and will encourage involvement in the general economy. This is technically operating through a similar mechanism as some of the corruption under Voznesensky, but it can be done through ostensibly clean methods and can serve to increase production. Nothing stops managers from actually following the law, and by rewarding good actors a carrot can be offered along with the stick. (120 Resources per Dice 0/125) (-18 CI3 Electricity +6 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Light Home Appliance Plants: Electrical vacuum cleaners and a new generation of heavy appliances are needed to meet with the expanding boom in apartments and the demand for more advanced goods. Production of further items has steadily increased in the last few years but by providing seed capital for more new companies an increase in availability and internal competition can induce a general drive towards product improvements. Founding almost a dozen smaller plants to produce specialty equipment and house-tools necessary for daily tasks can serve to make the market more competitive and bring more engineers into the system. (140 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-21 CI5 Electricity +4 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Second Generation Furnishings: Standardized and mass production furniture is well and good, but the people have consistently pushed for more variety. By bringing in a few hundred designers and creating standard catalogs and styles with some collaboration of the private sector the general furniture production system can be modernized. Standardized styles can be consolidated and brought in from the private sector, taking reliable products and bringing them into primary circulation. Production and demand increases are sure to follow as a broader subset of industries are brought into the market and properly utilized. (100 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-12 CI4 Electricity +4 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Home Supplies Production: The development of supplies for private home renovation and general modernization has become a significant sector of private production. Introducing the state into the market and significantly increasing the supply of basic tools, materials, and parts can serve to increase private sector specialization. This will take some funding to break new enterprises into the sector and provide a more competitive landscape, but that can be done without too many issues. (120 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-16 CI4 Electricity +3 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 2): The demand for more rubber is massive and endemic across the whole economy. The recent spook with the Indonesian government turnover has left the rubber market struck with buy ups and general increases in stockpiling, leaving prices rapidly spiraling up. Increasing production now will serve to provide a basis for many civilian industries and begin the direct breakaway from rubber import dependency while producing polymers more suited to the Union's climate. Synthetic production is not expected to properly overtake natural rubber unless massive funding is committed, but it needs to to improve the quality of rubber and reduce the massive import dependency. (150 Resources per Dice 8/100) (-20 CI3 Electricity -5 Petrochemicals +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Virgin Lands Forestry: Nature must be made to yield to the plan in order to continue industrial development. The forests across the Far East and Siberia have yet to be properly brought under utilization despite improving river traffic. Funding is set to go towards the area to significantly improve yields of lumber for both local construction and general production. Starting to increase settlement with cheap lumber will serve to improve populations and continue the drive towards the proper utilization of our resources. (110 Resources per Dice 0/75) (+2 General Labor)
[]Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2): New plastics are a promising field of domestic development with few international equivalencies and a core internal product for improving the economy, exports, and defense commitments. Current generations of new plastics will serve to augment general production systems across the country and replace less corrosion resistant polymers. Further stages have already been planned to improve the general system of production with more advanced polymers brought to the market. (150 Resources per Dice 136/175) (-24 CI3 Electricity -3 Petrochemicals +1 Educated Labor)
Agriculture (6) 6 Dice
[]Domestic Meat Programs(Stage 2): The promise of a chicken in every pot and meat on every table at least once a day is a massive promise given the state of agriculture, but one that can be met. Focusing on high return increases in chicken and cattle production while pig populations are climbing to fill previous facilities and economically utilize them can serve to further improve production. High compactness methodologies have already matured with new breeds of both animals delivering increased portions of meat on a faster timescale. Increasing funding further can even continue the expansion of chicken production to start working on lowering the price and meeting some meat demands. (110 Resources per Dice 133/150) (-16 CI1 Electricity +2 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Agronomy Institutes: The harsh soils of much of the nation and the variety in soil conditions across much of the Union is in desperate need of further study. Dedicated institutes to evaluate local soils and discover optimal procedures for their fertilization and tillage are required to further improve yields and improve the sophistication of agriculture. The system itself will cost fairly little compared to the relative impacts, and the publication of regional agricultural information can help every enterprise and business farming in a similar soil and climate. (100 Resources per Dice 0/75) (-10 CI1 Electricity +1 Educated Labor)
[]Agricultural Insurance Enterprises: Setting aside funding towards the development of financial enterprises set to operate without a significant profit and for the public good has been done for some other industries, and there is little reason why it cannot be done for insurance. Fundamentally organizing insurers that can operate on a universal level with both the private and public sector with the goal of being money neutral can help to provide stability to every farmer and ensure that any significant disruption or drought will not disrupt the sector. (120 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-4 CI1 Electricity +1 Educated Labor)
[]Increasing Mechanization: Tractors and their attachments are needed now more than ever as field sizes per laborer have grown as quickly as production has. Work towards ensuring that manual labor is finally eliminated from common form crops must be continued to mobilize the average worker and ensure that development can continue. A modern tractor is worth more than an agricultural laborer and every small farmer should have a basic mechanical understanding of their machines along with the machine itself. Forming a large educational program offering discounts and subsidies for the purchases of equipment for family farms can serve to improve mechanization without much risk. (100 Resources per Dice 0/200)
[]Second Generation Seed Program: Massive programs towards the production of new cultivars of wheat derived from other nations cultivars of northern and winter wheats to derive the best traits of them. Work will involve the continued irradiation and cross breeding effort, effectively expanding it towards the use of international cultivars and working to further improve food yields. This program will be extended towards a new generation of potato cultivars and several other essential crops. The seed program will only mildly improve quality, but even a mild increase of nutrient uptake in intensive agricultural programs can reduce prices more than a decade of improving technical finesse. (120 Resources per Dice 0/75) (-8 CI1 Electricity +1 Educated Labor)
[]Land Control Commision: Farming on all the land available is a deeply suboptimal policy that has consistently failed to maintain the state of agricultural land and preserve topsoils. Focusing on more active management measures, funding farmers to leave some of their land fallow and starting programs towards the preservation of topsoil can maintain and increase yield in the long run. Current ideas are centered around secondary planting and wind control, but more advanced measures are sure to be developed in time. (80 Resources per Dice 0/150)
Services (16) 10 Dice
[]Distribution of Banking Branches: To properly allow for banking to be used by the people, the goal of the program should be the construction of a branch in every town and village. The goal of the state should be to ensure that every worker has a savings account in some form rather then holding their money outside the system, improving the monetary supply available for investment and ensuring that financial services are universally available rather then confined to a few elites. (80 Resources per Dice 34/150) (+1 General Labor)
[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 3): Childcare services are still insufficiently utilized for the massive number of working mothers across the Soviet Union. Continuing large scale expansions can serve to more than meet the demand, ensuring that children are educated and not burdensome to families. The encouragement for childcare will likely increase birth rates especially as it is provided for free, ensuring that the next generation of Soviet workers is ready. Improving educational standards in childcare also promises to improve outcomes for children in the school system, increasing achievement and eventually university graduation rates. (70 Resources per Dice 85/200) (-7CI2 Electricity +1 General Labor) (Possible increase in Workforce Participation)
[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1): The massive procurement of more trucks is needed to sustain current industrial development and decisively get ahead of attrition to poor roads. Work on the import of new vehicles along with a general expansion in domestic demand can serve to significantly improve logistics. Funding programs are going to be more limited by road development than anything else, leaving some of it questionable, but to continue growth expansions are needed now rather than later. (110 Resources per Dice 50/150) (+1 Petroleum Fuels +1 General Labor) (Stage 2 Max until Ural high capacity roads completed)
[]Legal Consulting Programs: With the current legal system reforms the availability of reliable and cheap representation has consistently been questionable. The average worker does not have the knowledge base to navigate the legal system on their own. Rather than allowing people to be guilty through no fault of their own, they can start by ensuring that there is an accessible supply of lawyers for every trial. Training is not going to be exceptional, but they can still adequately serve. (80 Resources per Dice 0/100) (+1 Educated Labor)
[]Expanding State Catalogs: Selling a series of single good categories that are considered to be universal for a given set of things makes perfect sense in a vacuum. However, when it becomes a question of furniture, styling, and appliances it becomes deeply suboptimal. The losses from holding several products in inventory are expected to be comparatively minor as direct orders from factories are easily viable on the scale of the catalog system as it is unlikely for most goods to experience a massive localized spike in consumption. Expanding warehouses and the variety sold over the phone can serve to improve access for effectively almost no cost. (80 Resources per Dice 0/150)
[]Universal Distribution Systems: Getting a series of standard warehouse stores into more remote locations is going to be a challenging endeavor but one that is entirely worth it. Enterprises responsible for direct bulk sales to the average worker and to small businesses have consistently proven popular and there is little reason not to expand the program to every corner of the Union. Walking accessibility may be questionable, but given the expansion of mass transit and busing, it should be possible to ensure ease of accessibility towards most medium sized and bulk goods. (100 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-9CI1 Electricity +3 General Labor)
[]Universalization of Telephone Networking: The telephone has revolutionized business and commerce but it has still only partially spread into the private sector. By funding a large program of telephone integration and unifying standards overall utilization can massively increase to improve private sector performance. Nowadays as more deals are conducted over the phone instead of in person telephones are an essential good for any business, making their availability essential for ensuring growth in less infrastructurally fortunate areas. (140 Resources per Dice 0/175) (-16CI1 Electricity)
[]State Insurance Enterprises: Letting the state get involved in insurance distribution rather than the private sector can significantly help to reduce profit chasing and offer a steady minimal policy rather than wild variance. Across several important and high risk industries a general insurance scheme conducted through state owned non-profit seeking enterprises can be made to shoulder the worst risks, allowing businesses and enterprises to turn to the state for a comprehensive minimal plan. Assessment of risks will require the hiring of expertise and significant training programs, but there is no reason that the Union cannot have a domestic insurance industry. (120 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-8CI1 Electricity +1 Educated Labor)
[]Solving the Garbage Problem: The garbage problem has only worsened over the last plan as consumption has skyrocketed without much expansion to the processing industry. Finalizing a break away from old policies, incineration plants can be massively scaled up along with more land designated for the economic disposal of trash. Filtering plants are expected to be established to screen out valuable metallic scraps, ensuring that a maximum degree of value is recovered from every ton of bulk garbage. (120 Resources per Dice 0/200) (+14CI2 Electricity +2 General Labor)
[]Hotel-Enterprises: Previous ignorance of the hotel industry has led to significant shortages in rooms for even basic enterprise meetings much less tourism. Rather than trying to do Voznesesnky's idea for a standardized basic hotel that would only appeal to the most desperate of students, semi-luxury structures can be constructed to appeal to the general workers and managers. Room sizes can be expanded outside of local norms with far nicer accommodations and a copying of common included services as in the West. (120 Resources per Dice 35/200) (-18CI3 Electricity +2 General Labor) (High Profitability)
Bureaucracy (8) 4 Dice (Supsov Selections marked by (Supreme Soviet))
Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Domestic Meat Programs(Stage 2)): (+5 Per Dice) (Unrolled) (Supreme Soviet)
Unified Passport Zone: The passage of a unified zone of migration and free movement is still distant, but unifying standards for passports and ensuring that any passport in European CMEA can go anywhere else represents a massive step in improving the mobility of labor. Workers from abroad are necessary for further development and the continued construction of the economy. Free movement is also the first step towards further economic integration and the elimination of trade barriers. Work towards that will likely take much of the next plan, but it will be pushed through due to strong internal backing. (1 Dice) (Supreme Soviet)
Resumption of Punishments: We are now almost twenty years past any Stalinism and the laxity in punishments has led to consistent failures in discipline. Rather than a full re-introduction of punishments, the most severe cases can be made examples of with a decade spent in prison and a full revocation rather than simple restrictions on pensions. The focus of this is around the anti corruption effort itself making it deeply politically involved from all sides. Some of the more reform-minded have criticized it, but given what their laxity caused their voices have mostly been ignored as irrelevant. (1 Dice) (Supreme Soviet)
Codify Convertibility: The new Euro has only just been founded and a scheme of convertibility towards it for external currencies has started to be implemented. A basis on gold is still expected for the new currency with each Euro pegged to a set quantity of gold. What this now formalizes is unspecific currency convertibility towards the Euro without the use of any intermediary and starts the transition of international transactions towards the universal use of Euros. Domestic work is still expected to happen in specialized currencies across the block, but a plan towards converting all economic activity towards the Euro by 1980 has been started. (1 Dice) (Supreme Soviet)
[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(): (1 Bureau Dice for +5 per dice on a project, +15 in services) (Unrolled)
[]An Expanded Food Program: Moving to expand a new food program through conventional avenues along with any food being purchasable can ensure that the general diet of the Soviet People will be improved. Providing every citizen with a bare minimal degree of credit to purchase food will shift demand away from bare necessities, serve as an effective income raise for the poorest, and start the long work towards shifting towards a developed socialist system. Quantities that are expected to be allocated will be a small factor, but a notable one towards entirely eliminating hunger for the Soviet people. Eliminating misuse by parasites may be tempting, but the costs involved are more than would be gained by simply allowing them similar access. (1 Dice) (Uses Favor) (Only Available This Turn)
[]Reformat Farming Subsidies: Pushing for increasing grain production is counterproductive on every level. Instead of only driving for increasing production, a focus can shift towards good land management and improving efficiency. To improve profitability some land can be kept fallow to allow for recovery, with a higher intensity across the land that is being farmed. Work can also start on ensuring that desirable activity is conducted in the agricultural sector, favoring increasing meat production along with a wider variety of vegetables based around land regulation instead of price modification. As an added benefit the reformatting of tariffs will ensure that currency is contained in the economy, reducing trade balance concerns. (1 Dice) (Uses Favor) (Only Available This Turn)
[]New Services Department Head: The surgeon that is currently in charge of the services department is an active hindrance to productive activity and is effectively redundant. Instead of constantly working around him, he can be sacked now and replaced with someone far more capable. The relative lack of focus on the services department will limit the political impact of a replacement, as few care for the sector. By cooperating on policy, a new services head can also enhance any general effort, improving employment and general efficiency. (1 Dice) (Uses Favor) (Only Available This Turn)
[]Ask for More Funding: Asking for more funding to meet current goals can be justified from the sheer extent of personnel rotation and the need for reorganization. Underfunding in the heavy industrial sector has already led to economic wobbling and a loan would have a chance of not paying off. Instead of alternative means, the focus can fall towards improving funding directly through a provisioning bill. This will not be popular as it is altering from the plan, but it is accepted that the ministry does not have the funding to meet its obligations. (1 Dice) (Immediate 300 RpY Increase) (Uses Favor) (Only Available This Turn)
[]Propose a New Food Program: With the retirement of the bread program the people that are the worst off are going to need some form of assistance to get by. The idealistic line that everyone can simply work to earn enough for a living without exception is nothing but base idealism and dogma. Instead of focusing on improving workforce participation or some technocratic shuffling of production a partially politically palatable program can be passed to provide direct funding for food for the most needy segments of the population. General funding is a non-starter due to the political environment, but a simple food and basic toiletries subsidy can likely be finessed through. (1 Dice)
[]Authorize Farmer-Programs: Farmer aid has been dogmatically fought against either out of some ideal that large enterprises represent technocratic efficiency or out of some outdated ingrained dislike of the "peasantry." Ensuring that general urban aid social programs apply to the rural workers will take a considerable political effort with very few set to champion their cause, but it is the right thing to do in the current context and the Supreme Soviet is unlikely to react too poorly from a low commitment attempt to push it through. (1 Dice)
[]Intervene on the Heavy Industry Deputy: The Heavy Industrial sector is expected to be hotly fought over for any source of influence as it ostensibly is the core of the economy. Instead of staying comparatively uninvolved and focusing on the promotion of lower ranking positions maneuvering can be conducted to try and place a sympathetic deputy into the position. It's almost certain to be unsuccessful but picking a winner and being graceful can theoretically allow for further compromises elsewhere. (1 Dice)
[]Start a Commission on Agriculture: Creating an expert commission on agriculture away from various idiocies can provide a better idea on policy and more importantly a consensus on what to do. Instead of pushing through policy because of ministry advice, referring to an ostensibly impartial organ can help to provide some legitimacy to policymaking and minimize the issues involved. Organizing it and making it function is another matter, but a few agronomists should be manageable and mostly in agreement. (1 Dice)
[]Break Private Land Limits: Defining family farms and other types of farming by the quantity of land under tillage is easy to assess, but we have developed past that. Land taxes can be maintained, but shifted towards a categorization on a degree of employment. If a farm can efficiently manage with few employees and deliver good yields there need to be incentives for that. Encouraging the development of true family farms and larger scale small initiatives can help to keep efficiency competitive without major issues. (1 Dice)
[]Scientific Exchange Programs: Formalizing large scale study and student programs to analyze foreign farming practices can improve domestic experiences and transfer in new techniques. Much of what is learned will be more of an academic curiosity than useful information, but any improvement that can be made is an improvement. Borrowing techniques aren't expected to walk over any toes, as even the capitalists have not trademarked any methodologies. Expertise transfer is not expected to remotely work during the course of this plan, but it can help in the next plan. (1 Dice)
[]Tariff Compensation: Setting degrees of imports that occur under tariffs and providing a means of compensating farmers for exporting through foreign tariffs can buy some popularity and ensure deeper sector penetration. Some economies have consistently decided to hold off the proliferation of cheaper foods due to a protectionist drive, but that can be overcome without too many issues. Foreign capital for domestic production, even if it is inefficient, can achieve significant external political victories. Domestically ensuring that farmers have fewer issues with foreign markets can stabilize prices and ensure that disruptions are compensated for. (1 Dice)
[]Price Loss Coverage: Expanding the definition of agricultural insurance to something as wide as coverage for price losses from market instability is a radical step, but if farmers are willing to pay for it, it can be organized. Forming an effective drive towards a non-profit enterprise for the development of further insurance can provide stability to the agricultural markets and ensure continued development. Assuming no disruptions happen, the scheme can backstop most crop losses and compensate for the irrationality of market activity. (1 Dice)
[]Farmer Flexibility Legislation: Broadly entirely deregulating what farmers can and cannot plant for state enterprises can significantly improve efficacy. The local management has a decent idea of what needs to be planted and forming strong recommendations has involved a massive degree of incorrect guessing that more often than not is a political deadweight. Inducing flexibility and market prices can allow the ministry to instead work entirely on the demand end, simplifying funding and improving general sector efficiency. (1 Dice)
[]Call a Second General Meeting: Now that the worst actors are out of the ministry and more new personnel have been hired that have zero idea what they are doing, another meeting to talk over a plan can be made. The anti corruption investigation has hollowed out a wide range of capability and is not going to slow down. Without some form of ministry-wide plan to hire new personnel and a minimal degree of coordination, the current situation is not likely to get much better. Coordinating the initiative can also restore some internal confidence as the predominant mood is panic. (1 Dice)
[]Personally Asses Department(): Party anti-corruption investigations can say one thing, but a personal perspective is far more important than a high minded one marred in politics. Working to gather a small team of auditors as an attachment to the ministry can be a relatively uncontroversial way to discover evidence and ensure a more accurate perspective, along with one that is not limited in the amount of information passed on. (1 Dice)
[]Request a Loan: The reality of the cutback plan is that debt will be necessary for further financing, even if it is questionable at the current point. A strong investment into the ministry has been practically expected given the low initial share of funding. Some may criticize the program as a return to Voznesensky's stimulus spending, but it needs to be done in order to ensure a smooth transition to a lower spending baseline. A lot however depends on the state of the economy, if a recession were to occur, a portion of the necessary financial capacity would not be available. (1 Dice) (Roll Determines Political Impacts) (Immediate +2500R) (Repayment -850R/y for the rest of the plan)
Current Economic Prices(Domestic/CMEA/International): (How this will work is that every action above except for electricity modifies the internal price of the commodities below. They also vary on their own and are sorted into abstracted 1-100 ranges. Modifiers from the rest of your economy are displayed below with each category of goods. When you shift between 20 sized ranges, there can be significant modifiers to the general economy that come from changing prices of core commodities. CMEA prices determine the price in CMEA, though transportation of goods will be a problem with international prices representative of the West.)
Coal Price (48/41/55) Strong Import (40-60 No Effect)
+4 CPSC Power Plants
+1 Deposit Depletion
-0 Net Civilian Spending
Steel: (27/39/61) Strong Export (20-40 -20 RpD Infrastructure, Increased HI Growth)
+1 Construction Industry Expansions
+2 Net Civilian Spending
Petroleum Fuels: (29/38/39) (Sole Exporter/Modifying CMEA Prices) (20-40 Strong Increase in Economic Growth, Fuel Use, and Chemical Development)
+5 Net Civilian Spending
+1 Fields Depletion
-1 Field Modernization
Petrochemicals: (42/50/41) (40-60 No Effect)
+2 Net Civilian Spending
General Labor: (29/18/65) Moderate Imports (20-40 Massive Increase of all Export Growth, Increase in Discontent, and Lowered Intrinsic Growth)
+7 Net Civilian Spending
-14 New Graduates
-2 Rural Transfers
-1 Immigration
Educated Labor: (41/26/70) Moderate Imports (40-60 No Effects)
+3 Net Civilian Spending
-4 New Graduates
-1 Immigration
Electricity: 194 CI12
+280 Plan Programs
-110 CI12 Net Civilian Spending
Housing Construction Efforts: Given the sheer disruption caused by the last housing program and the extent of change it has forced onto people without much desire for it, cutting it back is arguably the best political decision. A well run program without the sheer tempo and idiocy of the Voznesensky years will inherently be slower and require a more measured and distributed pace of development rather than a drive towards urban concentration. Most of the designs prioritized will be cheaper and smaller ones relative to the massive towers prioritized in the last effort, reducing some costs and ensuring that lower density urban concentrations can be maintained. (-3 Infra Dice -360 RpY Modified by Steel Prices) (Reduction in Communal and Barracks Housing Forms to 9% of the adult non-student population by 1970)
Amur Cascade: The political sensitivity of the Amur river and its tributaries is immense. Development in the region is important for local power supplies and further industrial development. Daming the actual Amur is too much of an international political situation to ever allow, the rivers feeding into it however are almost entirely on our side of the border. Their damming will involve a degree of moderate relocations as small towns are consolidated through the small scale and will keep the costs down. Localization of a significant aluminum industry from secondary sources is expected to provide a good supply of material to local factories, and the stabilization of the river system is expected to provide a viable route for exports. (-1 Inf Dice -120 RpY) (+25 Electricity -3 Non-Ferrous per year 1969-1972) (Completes Far-Eastern Water Reservoirs)
Amu Darya and Syr Danya Hydroelectric Cascades: Politically contentious with the local people though pushed for hydrological stabilization by engineers and politicians at all levels, authorizing development is expected to significantly increase water accessibility and local energy generation. The program towards constructing new dams and enhancing the industrial development of the Central Asian republics is expected to fix water availability issues and provide a cheap basis for hydroelectricity that has been ignored by past administrations. Relocations will involve several sizable towns being moved to allow for the path of the dams and a minor cutback in the scale of the project. Despite that though, the developing water situation is only expected to worsen in the next few years, requiring redirection and ensuring that nature is finally directed towards humanist ends. (-3 Inf Dice -360 RpY) (+60 Electricity -3 Non-Ferrous per year 1968-1974) (One -10 Steel Steel mill available 9th 5yp) (Automatically Completes Normal and Advanced Hydrological Stabilization Measures)
Power Plant Construction(Nuclear VVER-500): A commitment to new experimental technologies is significant and could be an important source of power in the future, but it is currently deeply uneconomic. The construction of sixteen mainline reactor cores along with two experimental cores will establish a basis for energy production and the development of the fast neutron spectrum. The cores themselves are expected to steadily take off the burden of conventional heating and provide the associated cities with clean nuclear heating and energy. Construction is to be finalized across the next plan, as the technical aspects of the construction are notable and each general multi-core facility is in itself a complicated system of both piping and construction. (-1 HI Dice -300 RpY) (36 Electricity +1 Coal per Year 1970-1975)
Power Plant Construction(CPSC): Large increases in coal power generation are needed to keep the Union supplied with power. The gas industry is capable of supplying some, but with a strong commitment towards expanding canal works and several large scale coking plants to take advantage of the high carbon and low ash sub-bituminous coals in the East. Conventional expansions of coal extraction from Kuzbas is expected to even further reduce the cost of coal and make coal power production the predominant form of cheap and accessible energy across the Union. (-2 HI Dice -480 RpY) (120 Electricity +4 Coal per Year)
Power Plant Construction(CCGT): A direct drive towards increasing power production is expected to be necessary with the growth of consumer and industrial power use, especially as the economy continues its march towards modernization. Increased utilization of gas reserves and a continuation of the old power program will deliver significant gains in production and enable a considerable step forward. The plants responsible for making the turbines will not need to be expanded compared to the last plan, especially since much of the challenging and technical work has been completed. (-2 LCI Dice -560 RpY) (160 Electricity per Year) (3 More Gas development projects)
Healthcare Expansion: A massive expansion and making sure that every citizen can have access to some form of healthcare, even if it is not the best quality, will do a lot to improve health outcomes. There are plenty of younger inexperienced general purpose doctors graduating from the education system that are suitable to be distributed as a first line for emergency medicine. The funding will mostly go towards the building of a few standardized clinics with a few beds and a capacity to address mild general cases along with building up transportation infrastructure for transportation. Modernization of the system will have to be delayed due to a lack of capacity as saving people is more important then more accurate diagnostics. (-2 Services Dice -240 RpY) (Completes up to Stage 9 Healthcare Expansion)
Education Expansion: Unfucking the university and education system in the aftermath of the massive over emphasis on technical education will take more time than is available in the current plan. The sector is comparatively mature with the few professors needed to teach classes effectively experienced and already publishing research. The planned extension of the secondary education system can be conducted along with the main focus of the modernization effort. A massive expansion of the university system is to be conducted with social science departments added to most schools along with a number of dedicated specialized schools established in the old model. Enough personnel that have the soft skills for most work will take decades to bring up. In decades though they will exist rather than the current endless supply of engineers. (-4 Services Dice -320 RpY) (Completes Stage 8 Polytechnic, Completes Stage 7 Sociological, Completes Stage 5 Economical, Finishes Secondary Expansion) (Cuts Workforce Expansion by ~1/5)