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[X] Plan Lean Mean Reforming Machine
I do share some worries, Malenkov got in some hot water because we held the reform pedal to the floor on a "what else will we use those dice for?" basis, and that was despite is having a rough indicator for SupSov's enthusiasm. But in the leading plan only two of five bureau options are Supreme Soviet reforms with the rest being internal reforms that presumably Kos doesn't get involve in under normal circumstances. Keeping it to that amount on average will hopefully be safe.I think we should be more conservative with policy from now on, Kosygin is taking some real flak for the first time, doing literally all reforms we possibly can in a single turn seems awfully risky... especially with the co-op reform, I think that if we pick it, we should focus on that and nothing else, since its going to be a politically thorny issue. Personally, I would be happy on Kos spending political capital on that and not us though, I think he can come to a good enough outcome on his own and preserving our for things like our cybernetics program and consolidating in order to be able to pass actual 36 hours work days would be a good play.
The plan we are voting does not...Its good to see that alcohol chemicalization is finally being done, turning the drinking habits of the soviet man away from vodka to good state sponsored beer! I think it is likely as when people are living under better condition (as they are now) and have more hope than they used to, they have less reason for drinking their lives away and more reason to share a nice beer with some friends instead.
As much as I would like to shiv the vodka industry I would like to keep the government out of the brewery business as much as possible. Historically that never ends well for the Russian populace. Who knows maybe the demand will lead to a rapid increase in craft brewing as small enterprises supply local regions.Its good to see that alcohol chemicalization is finally being done, turning the drinking habits of the soviet man away from vodka to good state sponsored beer
Its always the talk of a perverse incentive, but its not like buisnesses dont also have a perverse incentive to sell more alchohol. Im just saying "better the devil you know than the devil you dont" or maybe more like "better the devil you have complete control over than the devil you dont".
Ultimately it's still a very mundane world is why. If your dimension traveller were from the west they might not even realise that TTL Soviets are more competent than the OTL Soviets. They might notice that all the post-Stalin leaders are different to OTL.Man, what i wouldn't give to have an omake or two that compares the differences between this 'world' and events in real life in an easy-to-digest format.
Perhaps something along the lines of an isekai into this world, or perhaps a rebirth *(Knock off brand Tanya the evil?), or perhaps a government experiment found a way to examine alternate dimensions. just something to highlight how events and other things are better or worse.
Hardly any of the side stories have an outside perspective or character looking in and gauging the current country and events, not even as a tourist.
It actually hastened their rise iirc, however it set the stage for more tense relations, which made us not be caught by surprise when they invaded.Soviets crashed the German coal economy before WW2, weakening the Nazis
Weeeeeeell... not exactly. As far as I remember, stopping Nazis early happened almost entirely because the economy and the army were actually mobilized before the war begun, and so the Union had the overwhelming advantage in war material sooner. The reforms actually kind of fucked the Red Army over as far as the actual fighting was concerned, at least for the first few years.
- The Red Army was reorganised to be more professional before WW2
- The Nazis only reached Kiev/Riga on the Eastern Front due to the above.
These scientists lead him to strike against Lyshenko, and to a far greater extent their various enemies in the party and academic structure as they each scrambled for power and saw Sergo as a tool for their own advancement. Sergo went along with this willingly and I don't think anyone so much as called it out.