And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Near the same latitude as Bravos.

On one hand I dont see what Braavos gains for helping the kidnapping of a women of Valaryan blood (I assume most people dont know about her being a Targ bastard but at this point if the Emperor knows after this bullshit if Visanya didnt know she sure should now because she was targeted twice in reason of her blood).

On other hand people can be very stupid.

Also there's the third option that someone is trying to frame Braavos and weaken Essos even more.
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Near the same latitude as Bravos.

I'll let you guess if the city was involved or not.
TBH I doubt it... I mean I don´t doubt that the Faceless Men are sending assassins to kill Lucien now that we seem to be on the way to rebuilding Valyria in the Stepstones, BUT getting out of the way to kidnap and sell Midwife is wasteful, and doesn´t serve any purpose beyond getting a monetary reward.

And speaking of assassins, I hope that we can find and recruit Baba Yaga soonish.
I mean maybe he has hidden talents like Edwyle Frey or not...

Magoose can you tell us something more about Ser Crackhall like how old is he, if he is already married and have children, his relation to the current Lord Crackhall, and reputation.
Tytos Crackhall is unfortunately a fourth son, and he was ignored throughout most of his life.

He is a man of 28, and unmarried. Though he has a lover in Lanisport who is his commen law wife, and three children.

He had been left alone and he was forced to educate himself when the Maester was told to not spend any time on his studies,beyond the basics.

Meaning everything he learned he had some interest in. And because he did not have the money to become a maester, he had to study without the citidels resources.

Mostly cartography, agriculture and economics though he did dabble in siege craft and politics.

He only joined the army for the possibility of being able to pay a Septon to marry his lover and ligitamize his children.

Now he's the ruler of an island and now can be among the inner circle to Lucien the Silent.
For those who want a bit of insight in the situation:

  • Bloodstone (Paradise?): Ser Crackhall (?)
  • Torturer's Deep (Port Tabasco) : Lord Tabasco
  • Grey Gallows (Low tide?): Lord Gwayne (?)
  • Sunstone : Prince Lucien
  • Dark Den : Lord Valaar
  • Wreckstone: Lord Valaar
  • Shame Isle( Sapphire Isle?) : Lord Gwayne (?)
  • The Skulls : Lord Valaar
  • Last Refuge : Ser Crackhall (?)
Notes: Some of the islands werent named so thats why the (?).
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Depending on how dramatic your dice feel that day...
They are always dramatic so your going to have to narrow it down.
He seems to be a nice person overall who take his reponsability towards his family very seriously. Maybe one of his children can come and foster with Lucien.
Well he Hates his father, mother and brothers and sisters.

So he really only cares about himself and his little family.
For those who want a bit of insight in the situation:

  • Bloodstone (Paradise?): Ser Crackhall (?)
  • Torturer's Deep (Port Tabasco) : Lord Tabasco
  • Grey Gallows (Low tide?): Lord Gwayne (?)
  • Sunstone : Prince Lucien
  • Dark Den : Lord Valaar
  • Wreckstone: Lord Valaar
  • Shame Isle( Sapphire Isle?) : Lord Gwayne (?)
  • The Skulls : Lord Valaar
  • Last Refuge : Ser Crackhall (?)
Notes: Some of the islands werent named so thats why the (?).
Oh and one island technically belongs to the crown.

I say technically because it's deserted with no people living on it and Valaar controlled it
Can we try to negotiate on this, YI-Ti is the only nation that could take on Valayria at it height and I really don't wanna fight through that. Plus they might even have gunpower.
Just to say this: YI-Ti is far more powerful then Valyria was at his height in terms of population and city building.

it's not just because of gunpowder.

Their entire civilization is the best of the Chinese imperial system.

Meritocratic, with figurehead emperors who are actually compatent but leave things to their advisors until shit hits the fan.

Problem is, the current emperor is called the fertile Emperor.

Three guesses on how he gained that name.
They are always dramatic so your going to have to narrow it down.
Depending if they are more in the mood for Colombian Soap Opera, Turkish Soap Opera, or Korean Dorama..
Just to say this: YI-Ti is far more powerful then Valyria was at his height in terms of population and city building.

it's not just because of gunpowder.

Their entire civilization is the best of the Chinese imperial system.

Meritocratic, with figurehead emperors who are actually compatent but leave things to their advisors until shit hits the fan.

Problem is, the current emperor is called the fertile Emperor.

Three guesses on how he gained that name.
And despite that they were totally conquered in a few years by a much smaller and less advanced band on nomads that were the cultural equivalent to a gang of bikers :V... So as the Chinese they are hardly invincible

And if the Emperor is the problem, well we can always hire a Faceless Man to kill him, they will simply change him for a dude with a different fetishism and our mom is free now.