And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

It's always something...

So, while we get things in order and take care of our brothers, let's let dad get mom back.
Well, at least I can safely say a line I have been wanting to use for a long time.

"The Slavers did not know the enemy that they had made. Or maybe they did. Valaar Vaeltigar, Lord Admiral of the Narrow Sea, Pirate King of the Stepstones, did as he as for his entire life.

They sailed the sea, towards Yi-Ti.

And Terror of the West Followed."
Well, looks like we go burning armies again
Well, Valaar is really after his wife, he could care less about Yi-Ti, he has no time for blood feuds when he has a family to raise.

When he returns home.
Being a little dramatic our brothers are being aren't they? Why they acting like Lucien can't or won't see them or them going to Lucien?
Being a little dramatic our brothers are being aren't they? Why they acting like Lucien can't or won't see them or them going to Lucien?
Because we haven't really spent time with our bros at all.

Now partially that was Visanya's fault, but they also really don't know their older, badass brother.
And we just got the fief too, really hope we can help dad get mom back.
The Stepstones Rumor mill:

Dominion of the Stepstones:D2 => 1

The King looked to you, as you knelt before him, and he began to speak, in his stern, yet gentle. There was nothing more you wanted to hear, save for something more.

"Prince Lucien Targaryen, I, Viserys Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynor, and the First men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, hereby name you the Protector of the Stepstones, Magistrate of Sunstone, Guardian of the Narrow Sea, The Dragon of the Islands, and the Protector of The Valyrian's."

You rose, as you heard the decree, and you knew you felt the cries of tens of thousands of people.

Crys for a home that is finally answered.

Reward: You are Protector of the Stepstones, Magistrate of Sunstone, The Dragon of the Islands, and the Protector of The Valyrians.

You now Rule the Stepstones.
Well, it seems we managed to have the cake and eat it too... This combined with the great synergy of colonization and the religious exceptionalism meant that there will be a thriving population on the islands in no time... We are going to have to invest many actions and resources in the keep and building a fleet...
Your Vassels:

Besides Davion Tabasco, Lord of the newly Christened Port Tabasco, there was:

D20 => 9

There was the new Lord of Sunstone, Ser Tytos Crackhall, one of the men who helped storm the Sunstone and was one of the many who took exception to the raiding of the pirates trying to plead for their lives.

He was now considered the High Lord of the Southern Sunstones, and he renamed his islands: Paradise, and The Last Refuge.

D20 => 18

Another that joined the ranks of new vassel lords, was a man who did not have much in the way of fighting, but it was seen as a huge, if not a personal help.

Gwayne Hightower earned himself not a knighthood, but a Lordship. Many believe that it was Otto's doing. With two islands that are now under his command.

To say that he was surprised reminded him only that he was also a son of a great lord.

He renamed the islands like Lord Crackhall. To Sapphire Isle, and Low Tide. A joke at first, but one that he believed would be able to be good.

D20 => 20

But For Valaar Vaeltigar, the man who was called Pirate King to the Breatheran Court of Pirates…

He was raised to the most powerful man in the stepstones who is not his son.

He and his brethren' court have been cleared with their bounties from Westeros. And given Three Islands. The last three islands of the Stepstones.

They kept their names as they were pirate lands, though considering that all pirates called them different names, they took on Valaar's names for official paperwork reasons.

Wreckstone, Dark Den… and The Skulls. All back to the Pirate Lords.

All back to Valaar, the Pirate King.

Reward: You have new Vassals.

Your Father, Valaar, now called Vaeltigar. Lord Crackhall. Lord Tabasco, Lord Gwayne Hightower.

Live well, these men are loyal, and they are friends.

So build them something they will.
Well, we have rolled extremely well for the Vassals, the only one I would have preferred is that the territory for lord Crackhall (no because I have anything personal against him, but he is a little unremarkable) could have be given to the Captain of the Company of the Rose (alongside a lordship), or to Lady Lara or Aegor... But a solid result.
Valaar:D100 => 81
Visanya:D100 => 1

"You promise me that you'll be safe?" Valaar whispered as he looked at the other ship. "You promised me you would stay safe."

It was burning… His wife was burning, and there was nothing…

No… He saw the other ship, clouded by smoke, only a lifetime of sailing could have shown you that.

A lifetime of hiding from the slavers of the further east.

Qarth… They didn't get involved… no they did.

That meant only one thing to you.

It seems the Emperor has gotten back on his horse.

And he is looking for a Valyrian Bride. And has chosen yours.

Reward: Mom has been taken by slavers.

It seems the Emperor of Yi-Ti is looking for a Valyrian Bride… but must have learned that all the Targaryen women have been married off, and chose to kidnap her.

Valaar is waiting for the orders to give chase.
Go and get them, dad!!! Just Get Mom back!!! And if you need a couple of Dragons to glass any city or burn a fleet send a Raven...

And if we have any action/adventure to support dad in this, we are fucking taking it.

I wonder who will rule while dad is away, I hope that it is not Aegon "The Scrambled Egg"... It would be fun but problematic
Aegon:D100 => 29
Jaehaerys:D100 => 32
Viserys:D100 => 35

The Three boys could only marvel at what they now have.

Dragons, Wealth… Now noble titles. They had all they could have and more.

Yet now, they were alone again. Father is gone.

Mother is gone. And Lucien is distant, with his own family to care for.

They only had each other now.

Their little family was now an army of six.

Reward: Your brothers are now alone.

And unprepared for what is to come, or what is expected of them.
Sorry little guys, we will make sure that the Reanimated White Walker Powered by Dragon Fire will find time to spend with you...

Not likely.

Also, dad has his own character arc to get through, seeing as we got through most of ours already.
Even then, we will help in whatever you need Dad...

And remember that our other dad is out there, going through his own character arc and he has a godammned big and powerful army...
Well, it seems we managed to have the cake and eat it too... This combined with the great synergy of colonization and the religious exceptionalism meant that there will be a thriving population on the islands in no time... We are going to have to invest many actions and resources in the keep and building a fleet...
Well, at least we have lots of actions now that will need to be used so that things may happen, and happen in a way that will make our lives easier.

YEah, its going to be good.
Well, we have rolled extremely well for the Vassals, the only one I would have preferred is that the territory for lord Crackhall (no because I have anything personal against him, but he is a little unremarkable) could have be given to the Captain of the Company of the Rose (alongside a lordship), or to Lady Lara or Aegor... But a solid result.
Captian Stark is not interesting in being a lord, as he just wants to travel.

Lara was not considered because she was a woman...

And Aegor has... well...

He loves to be part of our court but does not want any of the responsibility.
I wonder who will rule while dad is away, I hope that it is not Aegon "The Scrambled Egg"... It would be fun but problematic
It's not Aegon.

The Trio will just have to put a trench coat on and try to rule.
Sorry little guys, we will make sure that the Reanimated White Walker Powered by Dragon Fire will find time to spend with you...
There will be plenty of actions to spend time with them.
Even then, we will help in whatever you need Dad...

And remember that our other dad is out there, going through his own character arc and he has a godammned big and powerful army...
Well at least our dads can bond over bullshit.
Man Visanya cant catch a break... First her son is almost eaten by the Cannibal then is adopted by Grey Ghost, she is cursed but gives births to a blessed girl then Gael is kidnapped...

Also doenst Yi-Ti have numerous Emperors? Anyway using the line from one my favourite RPG:

What can be worse than death? You will want to die, you will want to suffer.

Valaar good luck to you!

Since the Vassals already has been decided, can we invite people to be part of our court? We still need people to fill basic positions in a Household. An Steward, Master of Arms...retainer positions.

Seens we will be seeing more of our brother in law Gwayne after all, good for Alicent to have family close. With this I think Otto is coming to the Stepstones sooner to help his son settle I guess?

Poor siblings, they just received a noble title but no ideia what to with It.
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Well, at least we have lots of actions now that will need to be used so that things may happen, and happen in a way that will make our lives easier.

YEah, its going to be good.
And Grandmaster Time Management, which means that we will be able to take a lot of those actions that make our lives easier...
Captian Stark is not interesting in being a lord, as he just wants to travel.

Lara was not considered because she was a woman...

And Aegor has... well...

He loves to be part of our court but does not want any of the responsibility.
Well, that is certainly interesting... But just to know if we had rolled a 19 instead of that nine who else would have been our vassal?
It's not Aegon.

The Trio will just have to put a trench coat on and try to rule.
Sorry, but which trio are you talking about here? Our siblings? Or some of the less insane friends of Dad?
There will be plenty of actions to spend time with them.
And speaking of siblings... How well have Syrax and Grey Ghost the fact that now they have to share their awesome personal love nest with a trio of noisy teenagers (and soon with an immense grumpy granny)?
Well at least our dads can bond over bullshit.
I wonder if we can use Uncle´s Vaegon uncanny familiarity with Blood Magic to curse the Emperor of Yi-Ti and his family, or to buff dad... Extra family fun.
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Well, that is certainly interesting... But just to know if we had rolled a 19 instead of that nine who else would have been our vassal?

Also who would be if we rolled an 1 for it?

wonder if we can use Uncle´s Vaegon uncanny familiarity with Blood Magic to curse the Emperor of Yi-Ti and his family... Extra family fun.

I doubt Uncle Vaegon would use blood magic since it requires a price, remember Aemma deformed dragon baby? And that was for one child, to curse an entire family the price would be enourmous.
I doubt Uncle Vaegon would use blood magic since it requires a price, remember Aemma deformed dragon baby? And that was for one child, to curse an entire family the price would be enourmous.
Well, IIRC he cursed most of the Martells not only the princess, and Aemma´s deformed dragon baby was not "The Price" to pay for the curse, that poor child just happened to be in the splash zone of the curse, but he was not the sacrifice needed for the curse to take hold...
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Well, IIRC he cursed most of the Martells, not only the princess, Aemma´s deformed dragon baby was not "The Price" to pay for the curse, that poor child just happened to be in the splash zone of the curse, but he was not the sacrifice needed for the curse to take hold...

Did he? I thought he cursed the baby and the mother? Does It means the Martells Princess are still cursed? In one hand blood magic still requires a price, we don't know what Vaegon payed for it so I would rather wait for Valaar to chase the slavers and catch Visanya ship.

Also since the Ages of Heroes are here I don't want to have Uncle Vaegon poke the Emperor with blood magic only to have Yi-Ti brand of magic poke back.

Edit: @Magoose can you give us a understanding of how the current Martells are related to the deceased Martells?

We know there was a Prince and he had two children who were 1 The Spare who cursed Visanya and was named Nymeria.

And the other one who tortured Daemon and was the heir?

Since I doubt the previous Prince would name two of his daugthers with the same name, does It means the girls are the children of the Princess who tortured Daemon?
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Did he? I thought he cursed the baby and the mother? Does It means the Martells Princess are still cursed? In one hand blood magic still requires a price, we don't know what Vaegon payed for it so I would rather wait for Valaar to chase the slavers and catch Visanya ship.

Also since the Ages of Heroes are here I don't want to have Uncle Vaegon poke the Emperor with blood magic only to have Yi-Ti brand of magic poke back.
Well, maybe he can buff Valarr instead of cursing the Yi Ti emperor...

It should be significantly safer
The Emperor has no idea what he has brought upon himself.
Well, unfortunately, unless Daemon gets involved, if Visanya reaches Yi-Ti, she will be trapped there until the Emperor dies.

And because... the Emperor is trying to unlock immortality right now. That might be awhile.
Man Visanya cant catch a break... First her son is almost eaten by the Cannibal then is adopted by Grey Ghost, she is cursed but gives births to a blessed girl then Gael is kidnapped...
Visnaya unfortunately does not have as many badass credentials as her son or husband.

But she's just lucky that she lives in interesting times.

And that her family are so badass to tear the world apart to save her.
Valaar good luck to you!
He's gonna need it.
Since the Vassals already has been decided, can we invite people to be part of our court? We still need people to fill basic positions in a Household. An Steward, Master of Arms...retainer positions.
You will have to invite other people to fill out the ranks.
Seens we will be seeing more of our brother in law Gwayne after all, good for Alicent to have family close. With this I think Otto is coming to the Stepstones sooner to help his son settle I guess?
Highly likely he will leave his very successful tenure as Hand, without any scandal might I add, and retire to help his son become a good administrator.

So yes.
And Grandmaster Time Management, which means that we will be able to take a lot of those actions that make our lives easier...
Remember you have to invest a lot of actions for the building of your keep.
Well, that is certainly interesting... But just to know if we had rolled a 19 instead of that nine who else would have been our vassal?
Aegor would have become part of the island leaders.
Sorry, but which trio are you talking about here? Our siblings? Or some of the less insane friends of Dad?
The Brothers.
And speaking of siblings... How well have Syrax and Grey Ghost the fact that now they have to share their awesome personal love nest with a trio of noisy teenagers (and soon with an immense grumpy granny)?
They will be very angry and try to find the best way to... get to egg making, while they do not disturb the teenagers, and make sure Vhaegar does not have to start reliving her glory days murdering the Dornish.
I wonder if we can use Uncle´s Vaegon uncanny familiarity with Blood Magic to curse the Emperor of Yi-Ti and his family, or to buff dad... Extra family fun.
Vaegon is not interested in the Emperor, and he will not be focusing his efforts on the east.

There are things closer to home that he needs to keep at bay.
Also who would be if we rolled an 1 for it?
An outright zealot by the name of Jon Westerling. He would have been appointed by the Faith, and Viserys would have had to play nice or risk some uprising in the Reach...

Which he could have easily dealt with, but we would have a problem with a faiths zealot being our vessel, that we could not get rid of.
I doubt Uncle Vaegon would use blood magic since it requires a price, remember Aemma deformed dragon baby? And that was for one child, to curse an entire family the price would be enourmous.
He would not use it on simple matters like petty revenge.

He is far more.. calculating.
Did he? I thought he cursed the baby and the mother? Does It means the Martells Princess are still cursed? In one hand blood magic still requires a price, we don't know what Vaegon payed for it so I would rather wait for Valaar to chase the slavers and catch Visanya ship.
The MArtell princess had their curse broken when we decided to start a localized apocolypse in Astapor.
Also since the Ages of Heroes are here I don't want to have Uncle Vaegon poke the Emperor with blood magic only to have Yi-Ti brand of magic poke back.
He's not interesting.
Edit: @Magoose can you give us a understanding of how the current Martells are related to the deceased Martells?
THe martells that we rescued are the daughters of the princess of Dorne that assaulted Daemon.
And the other one who tortured Daemon and was the heir?
Yes. and again, they were her daughters.

She was in her 30's
Since I doubt the previous Prince would name two of his daugthers with the same name, does It means the girls are the children of the Princess who tortured Daemon?
again. yes.
Well, maybe he can buff Valarr instead of cursing the Yi Ti emperor...

It should be significantly safer
Again, he has more pressing issues to worry about right now.
Visnaya unfortunately does not have as many badass credentials as her son or husband.

At this point I am inclined to appoint a personal guard to the women, unless she is with Valaar or Lucien.

An outright zealot by the name of Jon Westerling. He would have been appointed by the Faith, and Viserys would have had to play nice or risk some uprising in the Reach...

I am happy with ser Crackhall, he seems very nice.

THe martells that we rescued are the daughters of the princess of Dorne that assaulted Daemon

No wonder he got so angry at the thought of Viserys ordering their rescue.

and make sure Vhaegar does not have to start reliving her glory days murdering the Dornish.

Wait a second isnt Aegor joining or at least staying for a while in Lucien Court? Doesnt it mean that Cannibal is staying a while too?
Well, unfortunately, unless Daemon gets involved, if Visanya reaches Yi-Ti, she will be trapped there until the Emperor dies.

And because... the Emperor is trying to unlock immortality right now. That might be awhile.
Well, it is good that there are no resentments or bad blood between Daemon and Valarr, and that dad is not too proud to ask for help...

And let´s be honest, if Visenya arrives in Yi Ti, the first chance that we have Lucien (alongside Daemon, and maybe Nyra) we are going to get her back, no matter how many innocents will have to burn or how many cities we have to turn to glass...
Remember you have to invest a lot of actions for the building of your keep.
I know, but IIRC the keep will reduce the number of actions from 10 to 7... If we have not maxed out Time Management we would only have 2-5 actions per turn for the foreseeable future...
Aegor would have become part of the island leaders.
Dammit, what a lost opportunity...
An outright zealot by the name of Jon Westerling. He would have been appointed by the Faith, and Viserys would have had to play nice or risk some uprising in the Reach...

Which he could have easily dealt with, but we would have a problem with a faiths zealot being our vessel, that we could not get rid of.
OTOH we have dodged a massive bullet here.
They will be very angry and try to find the best way to... get to egg making, while they do not disturb the teenagers, and make sure Vhaegar does not have to start reliving her glory days murdering the Dornish.
Well, that is pretty hilarious...

But our poor Dragons, we have turned their romantic getaway into the most steroptipical family vacations ever...
By the way, since we will have to start building a keep soon it may be a good idea to start searching for some appropriate artwork/images to that once the vote comes we have a nice collection of images to choose from.

Edit: @Magoose would you mind putting a temporary threadmark compiling the images of the keep that we suggest? That way we have everything in the same place...
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