And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

A competent Sociopath may be able to cause much more suffering and pain then an incompetent one, due to being better at sustaining it for longer.

Inteligent people can be reasoned at a certain point as long they arent mad. True that they are dangerous but so is someone stupid in a position of power, take Joffrey, absolutely no one expected him to murder Ned because that was dumb. Thus the Lord Paramount of the North lost his life and a war was started that could have been avoided.

So inteligent people may stay in power longer but dumb people can cause large amounts of damage in short time, including suffering.

Being a pyscho doenst mean they are necessary sadistic aka enjoy causing pain, so what suffering are you talking about? Personal releationships? Being ruthless?
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Inteligent people can be reasoned at a certain point as long they arent mad. True that they are dangerous but so is someone stupid in a position of power, take Joffrey, absolutely no one expected him to murder Ned because that was dumb. Thus the Lord Paramount of the North lost his life and a war was started that could have been avoided.

So inteligent people may stay in power longer but dumb people can cause large amounts of damage in short time, including suffering.

Being a pyscho doenst mean they are necessary sadistic aka enjoy causing pain, so what suffering are you talking about? Personal releationships? Being ruthless?
I'm just saying that I'm not holding my breath that Baelon as King will turn out well.

@Magoose gave Ivan the Terrible and Octavian/Augustus as best case scenarios for Real-life People to compare him to. Both were certainly successful and capable Rulers...but the former beat his own son to death in a fit of rage and massacred tens of thousands of People out of nothing but pure Paranoia and the latter backstabbed and killed anyone who even remotely might've been a possible threat to his power without remorse.

Can you see why I am not very optimistic about a competent Sociopath on the Throne? Least of all one who will probably have Dragons?
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We are once again tied, not counting wolfmaster vote due to his vote format.

Adhoc vote count started by Ghost in the sun on Dec 7, 2022 at 7:58 AM, finished with 132 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X]Plan: A Freehold Once More
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X]Plan: A Free Haven
    -[X]Religious Exceptionalism: While Freedom of Cult is the law of the lands of Westeros, you wish to have the Valyrian faith have a safe haven for their belief, one that was never allowed outside of a few places in Westeros. (this will make the Valyrian faith legal in the Stepstones, instead of tolerated as decreed by Westerosi law. Keep that in mind).
    -[X]The Colonization for a People: The Valyrian Diaspora was mitigated with Aegon's conquest, but many find that the land of Westeros, is foreign, and not for them. This will be a new home. Perhaps not a Valyria. But it will be a place for them to come.
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    [X] Plan: To get some land and get a new castle
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones: While Viserys might choose someone else to rule, you want to make sure that it is you. You wish to rule. And you shall. (Gain the Stepstones and are the Prince of the Stepstones. With all the problems and privileges that it has) (Note: If this is not chosen, there will be a d3 rolled, between Daemon, Valaar, or you, to get control of the Stepstones)
    -[X]To Build a New Keep: You want the Crown to pay for the repairs for the Keep, or rather, to destroy the old one, and build you a new one. (Place the Image for what you want it to look like in a spoiler below this vote)
    -[X] Daughter's name: Daenys
    -[X] Son's name: Aeron
    -[X]Dominion of the Stepstones
    -[X]The Colonization for a People
    [X] plan free heaven. sociopath next ruler.
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As the Stepstones are Conquered)

King Viserys: D100 - 20 => 53

Viserys did not leave the keep when he was given the news of the utter destruction of the Triarchy's army. There was something that he feared from the impossible in his dreams.

Another field of fire.

All he could think about was the horror he unleashed. And what his dreams meant to him.

Reward: We have unleashed something that must have been left alone. And he fears that something horrible will happen.
Well, Viserys seems to be doing ok, all things considered... I hoped that he was less gloomy, with the whole: "You are a grandpa now"
Prince Baelon:D100 => 86
Trait Roll:D20 => 20

The Boy is a genius. At least to anyone who can be in his… presence. He is speaking and ordering people around, even as a small child.

Reward: Gain Trait genius.
Dammit, this can be great or terrible... But it will make things reaaally interesting in the long run.
Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 44

The outrage went into the Sea Snake as he looked, not only towards the King but to Daemon himself, who was just standing there, trying his best to hide the smirk behind an air of superiority. "I was promised a great deal when we went to the stepstones, and now I am being spat on." He said with venom in his voice.

"It was your ambition that lead to the Stepstones, not my orders. I have already paid the debts of all your men, and all your sailors who were off at that campaign. I have made you rich beyond imagination, with others being rewarded because they sacrifice more than you!" Viserys stood as he walked over to the Sea Snake.

"You now have the Narrow sea all to yourself Corlys, is that not enough?" He demanded as the Sea Snake Backed down.

For but a brief moment. "Twenty of my ships are at the bottom of the sea, and you will have me paid and have their memory forgotten?" He asked.

"If you wanted them to still be alive. You would have stayed home." The King stated.

Reward: The Sea Snake is now King of the Narrow sea in all but name.

But it is hollow, some would say… pyrrhic victory.
Well, the problem with Corlys is that he is the kind of guy who prefers glory to gold... The Velaryons have already earned a fortune thanks to this, and will probably earn a lot more, would have preferred to have much less tangible rewards in exchange for recognision.
Baela:D100 => 95
Rhaena:D100 => 94
Prince Daemon:D100 => 23

Daemon knew what was coming when his daughters demanded he came to Runestone. It was little that he thought about, at least under the truthful situation.

He knew what he had done, abandoning his daughters again for the third time in nearly as many years, to play war and conquerer in the Stepstones.

Yet he was not angered at them. Quite the opposite. He was proud of them. They reminded him of his dear Rhae. And it was something that he felt until Baela spoke to him.

But he did not pay attention to her words, only that he saw anger. Fear and worry in her eyes. Both of them seemingly tried to reason with him, again, to try and force him into the one thing he could not do.

He could never stay home because if he did, he would have to take responsibility for what he truly was.

A Terrible man. A man unworthy of being there for them, because he didn't deserve any of them. Not Baela, nor Rhaena… Not Even Lucien, and his White Wyrm.

"Father… Please." He didn't know who said those words. "You can stay."

He couldn't.

And he did the only thing he could do.

He ran away.

Reward: Daemon has left Westeros for Parts unknown.

Baela and Rhaena have stayed in Runestone, to rule it, and rule well.
Well, good to see that the twins are doing Great... But Goddammit Daemon, why did you have to choose this precise moment to abandon your family, when you needed them the most?

At least he is with Caraxes, and has Dark Sister on his hands... That will help to keep him safe.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 75
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 62

The young Lord of Driftmark came home a conquering hero, but it was his mother that was smiling and happy when he returned home.

And later, it seemed that his honor and happiness would soon turn to horror.

He was now one of the most eligible bachelors in Westeros.

Reward: Being Laenor is suffering.

Now he's a war hero and needs to marry himself off, before… bad things happen.

Again: Being Laenor is suffering.
Well, let´s hope that he and his future wife can arrange something that lets both of them be happy...
Aegor Rivers:D100 => 98
Maelor:D100 => 91
Maegor:D100 => 83

"And what shall you take the name of?" Viserys asked the young bastard children.

Aegor spoke, and only said one word. "Blackfyre."

Reward: Aegor and his brothers are now members of the Blackfyre Dynasty.

(Somewhere in the future, Aegon the Unworthy is shitting himself)
That is not Ominous, not ominous at all...

By the way @Magoose Aegor and his sibings are legitimised as a member of the Targaryen House (like Lucien) or they were just given a noble title like Orys Baratheon?
Maester Vaegon:D100 => 99

The Maester looked towards The Stepstones, with a letter, and a warning in his heart.

"Prepare for The War of Light and Dark. Prepare for a battle of the Human Heart."

Reward: Vaegon is now the Maester of Sunstone, and will serve as your Maester and advisor.
So the Grand Maester of the Citadel, leaves its position to move to a keep that hasn't been built yet...

Glad to have, him but I a little suspicious that he has moved to the island that looks like a Villain's Den... I hope that we don't find our uncle sacrificing virgins to the Volcano...
I just looked up bases to use for potential... interesting ways he could turn out. Mostly because i needed something to base him off of just to show he's a person, and not an evil fantasy villian we must destroy.

On the Scale from Ivan the Terrible/Octavian...

To the man we know of today as Pol Pot.

Now, i'm not saying he will start a genocide in Westeros.

But if he starts getting bad, and really bad, and Viserys fails in his duties as a parent and a monarch... He might.

That is of course the absolute worst case senario.

But there is a Succession crisis coming, that we can't stop.
No Problem.

The thing is...MAYBE he will turn out to be a decent ruler. But frankly, even if he does, it's very likely he will try to kill us, Rhaenyra and our Children, seeing us as a Threat to his rule, even if we aren't actively trying to do anything against him.
Well, there are still many things that can change and there are many degrees on the scale, and unlike a psychopath a sociopath can form genuine bonds, and have a conscience...

And the combination of Sociopath and Genius, gives us the option that Baelon goes to the Sherlock Route... A high functioning Sociopath extremely intelligent and totally uninterested in anything beyond their chosen field of expertise... So instead of going for a Mad King scenario we can go for an Aerys I situation, a monarch uninterested in ruling that leaves everything to their Councilors, or even someone that once he is named King will abdicate ASAP, so that he can return to his hobby.
Well, Viserys seems to be doing ok, all things considered... I hoped that he was less gloomy, with the whole: "You are a grandpa now"

Maybe the malus from Aemma neutralized any possible bonus from his grandchild.

Councilors, or even someone that once he is named King will abdicate ASAP, so that he can return to his hobby.

In other words lets give Baby Baelon plenty of healthy hobbies like Viserys Lego set once he can play with it wihout risk of choking or swalloing the pieces.
And the combination of Sociopath and Genius, gives us the option that Baelon goes to the Sherlock Route... A high functioning Sociopath extremely intelligent and totally uninterested in anything beyond their chosen field of expertise... So instead of going for a Mad King scenario we can go for an Aerys I situation, a monarch uninterested in ruling that leaves everything to their Councilors, or even someone that once he is named King will abdicate ASAP, so that he can return to his hobby.
That would be the best case scenario. We'll see.
That would mean not only would Rhaenyra be dead, but Laenor, our children, and almost the entire Royal Family...

Even the Legendary Badass Daemon.

Yeah, im totally ready to do that if it gets that to that point.

Well not everyone. Alicent kids claims come from Lucien so technically they can survive for Lucien to be king. But other than that? Yeah everyone else needs to be dead.
@Magoose gave Ivan the Terrible and Octavian/Augustus as best case scenarios for Real-life People to compare him to. Both were certainly successful and capable Rulers...but the former beat his own son to death in a fit of rage and massacred tens of thousands of People out of nothing but pure Paranoia and the latter backstabbed and killed anyone who even remotely might've been a possible threat to his power without remorse.
Yes. Thats the entire point.

You will be in danger from him when he grows up, and when Viserys starts to lose his faculties.
Well, Viserys seems to be doing ok, all things considered... I hoped that he was less gloomy, with the whole: "You are a grandpa now"
I told you Viserys was going to start getting Maluses from Aemma Dying.

So, they are here.
Well, the problem with Corlys is that he is the kind of guy who prefers glory to gold... The Velaryons have already earned a fortune thanks to this, and will probably earn a lot more, would have preferred to have much less tangible rewards in exchange for recognision.
And the problem is, We stole the thunder from Corlys' Taking of the Stepstones, and turned it into Lucien and Daemons Excellent Adventures.
Well, good to see that the twins are doing Great... But Goddammit Daemon, why did you have to choose this precise moment to abandon your family, when you needed them the most?
Because Daemon is Daemon, and sometimes he does stupid shit like that.

But... I have plans for Daemon... lots of plans.
Well, let´s hope that he and his future wife can arrange something that lets both of them be happy...
... Not likely.
By the way @Magoose Aegor and his sibings are legitimised as a member of the Targaryen House (like Lucien) or they were just given a noble title like Orys Baratheon?

But Aegor's Epitaph is The Blackfyre, same as his brothers.

Hence, Blackfyre family.

They are still Targaryens, but they have the black Dragon on a red banner as a personal sigil.
So the Grand Maester of the Citadel, leaves its position to move to a keep that hasn't been built yet...

Glad to have, him but I a little suspicious that he has moved to the island that looks like a Villain's Den... I hope that we don't find our uncle sacrificing virgins to the Volcano...
Well, he will show you what he knows in time.
Well not everyone. Alicent kids claims come from Lucien so technically they can survive for Lucien to be king. But other than that? Yeah everyone else needs to be dead.
Like i said.

Almost everyone.
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Yes. Thats the entire point.

You will be in danger from him when he grows up, and when Viserys starts to lose his faculties.
Well then, my hopes for getting a Sherlock with whom we can co-exist peacefully went out of the window...

Now I want the Free Heaven plan to win even more, let's deny him obvious attack vectors.

Like i said.

Almost everyone.
TBH, if we end up at that point in which Lucien sits on the Iron throne because have lost 95% of our family... I can see Lucien abdicating in the next in line ASAP and leaving Westeros never to return.

At that point we will probably be a walking corpse much like Aegon 3rd...

Well, he will show you what he knows in time.
Probably something in the lines of: "If we want that the Song of Ice and Fire can occur, we need to this world to survive its Second Age of Heroes "

I hope that he can help us to find Gael...

Also poor Laenor, at least Little Jeyne can pass the lordship to a trusted cousin.
Well, if things work similarly with Laena as they did with Nyra and Alicent, he will get plenty of cousins to pass down Driftmark...
So, would it be possible for us to integrate our selves and family with the young prince? It would head off a lot of bad things if he sees us as family.
I haven't rolled for that yet.

But they did get legitamized
Well, I wonder where they could find newly available land, maybe on an island of a newly conquered archipelago?
So, would it be possible for us to integrate our selves and our family with the young prince? It would head off a lot of bad things if he sees us as family.
That I what I hope, BUT after reding the last comments from the QM I am very pessimistic in that regard...
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Well if that wont work I worried about Otto possible plan of bethrohing his granddaugther to Baelon. Of course Lucien can always refuse it since he is the father.
Otto right now is still very much the loyal servant. Though he might retire sooner then his dismissal to assist us with making the Stepstones profitable and leaning towards the Hightowers power base
On another note I am happy that the name Daenys is winning, on the other hand it reminded me of Danae and now I am having doom vibes.
Let's just say the dance will be, if we get to bullshit levels of things…

Near apocalypse.

Though you cannot end the world, but you can see it from here.
Let's just say the dance will be, if we get to bullshit levels of things…

Near apocalypse.

Though you cannot end the world, but you can see it from her

Oh I was refering to the prophetic kind of doom in the myth of Perseus, his Mother Danae was destined to birth a son that would kill his grandfather so she was locked into a tower or basement but Zeus being Zeus...

But Apocalypse Doom also works.
Oh I was refering to the prophetic kind of doom in the myth of Perseus, his Mother Danae was destined to birth a son that would kill his grandfather so she was locked into a tower or basement but Zeus being Zeus...

But Apocalypse Doom also works.
At least we aren't trying to end the world in fire and devastation.
I mean we could just marry our children to him, Baelon is a sociopath but he is also a genius and as such should be able to recognize the value that such a marriage has
… don't worry, even if we do as well as we can… somewhere along the line, things will get bad and weird and bloody.

Cause no matter what will happen, the dance will come.
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Speaking of marriage, It seens the realm shall be wihout a queen for long years since Viserys wont be marrying again even if it's with an old widow.
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