And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Well, what is our type of singing voice? Countertenor, tenor, baritone, or bass?
Tenor. Though he can, on command, sing in Baritone. Though he does not like it.
By the way @Magoose did you also roll for the Dragons? Since you said you rolled for everyone on the list.

Unfortunately, or fortunately... depending on how you look at it, the Dragons got roll bonuses based on their riders.

And it was glorious.
I think he meant more as the Dance itself it's inevitable, the whole configuration of the thing will vary conform as the time passes. Besides Aegor may as well die before the dance begins.
Correct, but once again, I say: The How and Why the Dance starts is the only thing you control, as it is the window dressing.
I mean it won't be immediate, and it will probably take 10-20 years... But once Dorne is peaceful and stable (and purged of destabilising actors) we can take a look at Daeron the Good textbook and make them join through political marriages...
Lets just say that other things can happen.

And yes, adventures involving screwing over Ra's Al Ghul are on top of that list.
And yes, adventures involving screwing over Ra's Al Ghul are on top of that list.

I for one will do everything to make the Not!Talia stay away from Viserys, we don't need Not! Damian as a secret love child and possible another heir for the Throne.

Edit: If she didn't already sneak into King's Landing while most of the people are away.
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Very challenging vote but I think we can give Aegor a chance to prove himself. And maintain our friendship with him.

[x] Stay: Let Aegor go, he will be the one who will save those Girls.
I REALLY don't see what makes the Martell Girls 'Sues'.

Unless you are one of those People who seriously believe that any female OC is automatically a Mary Sue.
They aren't even mary sues. In the history of Westeros, The Princess of Dorne was nameless around this time, same with their family.

I just gave them names.
Wait so there are only three remaining Martells left? If so, imagine giving each girl the personality of each of King Ghidorah's heads.

Martell Ichi = The Alpha/Big sister
Martell Ni = The Rebel/Rage Freak
Martell Kevin = The Docile/Quirky
Adhoc vote count started by Fanhunter696 on Nov 4, 2022 at 4:52 PM, finished with 47 posts and 15 votes.

Well, it seems like the option of Going and dealing with that shit ourselves is winning but there are a few guys that have not updated the vote yet ot that have not realized that it is a vote by plan, so even if going is winning the plan is technically losing, even if they are voting for the same...

So really @Speed53066 @Relentless Storm I would appreciate it if you update your votes for []Plan: Bring the Frey, because it would be a little sad to lose a vote that we are winning because a problem with the format of the vote...
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[X]Plan: Bring the Frey
-[X]Go: You will go to Slaver's Bay, and you will save the Princesses.
-[X]Lord Edwyle Frey
-[X]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"

I always wanted to travel, see new places, meet new people, kill them.
Guys, I have just realized something

If we combine our bullshit traits for combat
Ruthless: You do not see anything that can stop you from achieving victory. Nothing will stop you from doing what needs to be done. (+10 to certain actions. +10 to combat rolls. -10 to certain social rolls)

Wrathful: You are angry, focused, and filled with a rage that cannot be controlled by simple means. It can only be unleashed in a fury of anger and rage. (+20 to combat rolls. -10 to social rolls.)

Strong: You are a Physical powerhouse, able to do feets that many would consider unnatural. (+20 to all martial/combat rolls. This Trait is genetic, and can be passed onto your children)
Then our skill with the blade that makes us into a total murderblender...
Sword and Shield (Legendary): You are trained in knightly combat, with a sword and shield. You are one of the greatest Warriors in Recent History. (+50 when using a sword and shield.)
With our new found music talent.
Singing(Legendary) Your voice is perfect pitch. Men are stopped by your voice, and women cry tears as they hear it. They hear something ethereal, and not of this world. Some say even Dragons stop and listen when you sing. (+50 to singing rolls. Dragons who can hear you, come to you out of instinct, and are immediately calmed by your voice.)

Harp (Legendary): You know how to wield the harp in such a way that even your enemies can be stopped, and death himself will stop to listen to you (+50 to using the Harp. Unknown Effect.)
We have become the fucking Buster Scruggs
Hail to the King
Omake: The Princes of Ashes and Snow.
Omake: The Princes of Ashes and Snow.

Daemon left the War Room going to Caraxes, letting Aegor and Lucien decide among themselves who would save the Dornish Whores.

The cool air helped him calm down a bit and think of Viserys' plan of his merit, conquering Dorne would be an achievement that even the Conqueror failed to do, putting him among one the greatest Kings, no, the de facto King of Westeros.

Yet all that thinking was for naught when he arrived close to Caraxes, seeing once again the marks left behind by the Scorpion Bolts. Like he was possessed Daemon started to feel ropes chafing against his skin but if he turned to look there would be nothing, instead the Rogue started to examine his dragon scales, the thought of flying abandoned.

Caraxes had suffered some heavy damage, falling over the dunes making a cloud of sand that blinded the entirety of the people in there. At that moment Daemon was sure Caraxes had died, there was no doubt about it with more than 10 bolts piercing him.

He was wrong.

The beast reminded everyone why he was called the Blood Wyrm, managing to cross Dorne with many of the bolts still craved on its back and wings damaged, the damn Dragon managed to come home without any sort of help, alone.

Unlike you,
whispered Daemon's mind.

It was funny in a fairytale sort of way, his family always warned him of his ways and how it could lead to his doom.

"There is a fire inside of you Daemon and it can be of great help, but you must harness it, '' said his Grandfather in one of those rare times he talked to him " Because if you do not, I fear that instead it may take you as the fuel leaving only ashes".

How much of a fool he had been for not listening? Yet how could he have listened? Little Daemon, always a bit too fierce, a little too rambunctious, a tad too loud.

Even as a child he could read between the lines, he wasn't a little bit rather he was too much for anyone, too troublesome for a second son.

Except for Viserys, he never left.

But all others did and as quick they were to go they were quick to return when they wanted something from him.

So he learned to play the game in his own tune, appearing when he shouldn't and going on his own way when they are certain he would fold.
He always returned to Viserys.

Until they took that away from him too with that marriage. It was a disaster in the beginning, and it would likely remain if not for Lucien. That innocent child who needed him in a way not even Viserys had, and brought him so much joy along the years.

Brought him to Rhae, quick witted Rhae free as the wind. Why did she have to leave this soon? When he finally found a place where he could just stay? Did he kill so many men that the gods are willing to punish an innocent woman so they could affect him, to leave a child without their mother? Was he a little too much again for even the gods? Did he break an oath? Kinslaying? Break the guest right?


It's going to be alright Daemon.

How? How it's going to be alright when he failed her, failed his own daughters, failed Lucien not once but twice in the North and with Visanya curse… And it wasn't that a twist, the ones in danger were his sister and nephews?

Sure Lucien grew to become a wonderful man, but what is a man to a woman touch? The Dornish could make their poisons as sweet as honey and their Princess were ruthless as shifting sand and tricky as their mountains. A little show of weakness, a chink in the armor… And he could end like own mother, Gael.

Like me.

Gael… how much time passed when he last thought of her? Seduced by a bard only to be abandoned by the scumbag later.

When I grow up I will travel a lot just like you.

And what will you do?

I will sing! Like a bird!

Do you even have a song memorized yet?

I do! Mama taught me, it's called…

Daemon heard familiar footsteps as Caraxes huffed, warning of someone approaching from behind. The old beast had only grown more protective of Daemon after the incident.

Lucien walked to him, no doubt to inform him of his decision, the Rogue paid him no mind, continuing to see if there's anything stuck in the Blood Wyrm scales waiting for the right moment to strike.

The boy stopped to observe, sensing his mood after the meeting.

Time to make the first move.

"Ghost of a Rose" Daemon said, still facing his dragon with the back turned to Lucien.

" Who?"

" The song, I guess you didn't learn it after serenading Rhaenyra and Alicent for so many nights." The Rogue said, finally facing his son. " What a shame, I guess I will have to teach you."

Lucien, far accustomed to his antatics smiled "Oh you singing? Are sure? I think Caraxes would be far more suited for such a task."

Daemon cracked a smile ready to reply.

Trust Lucien Daemon, he always manages to bring out the best in you even when you don't see your own good.

And last, take care of him and the girls.

He would do it Rhae, no Dornishwomen would touch a single strand of Targaryen hair ever again even if it meant going against his brother's wishes

Notes: I probably didn't manage to do justice to Daemon in this omake but I tried. Also I think even if he managed to recover well there's simple moments where trauma and bad thoughts come back to life and the revelation of Viserys utilizing him without informing him out of it and Rhae death unbalanced him in this scene. So if Daemon seems angst here it's because of that.

Also the song is Ghost of a Rose by Blackmore Night. Btw in case it wasnt clear the song part is Daemon remembering a conversation with Gael.
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