And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Daemon Targaryen, a father, a husband, and a brother, but above all a conflicted man. I think you did wonderfully in this omake Ghost, I especially like Caraxes' characterization as the companion that would not die.

Thanks Tabasco! I glad you liked it, I wasnt sure if I managed to get it right specially his inner conflict and all of what he went trough with the Dornish Princess.

Well we all tought Caraxes bit the dust back then, I think Daemon would have tought it too given it only took one shot for Rhaenys and her dragon (granted it was a very luck one), so I added the sand dust obscuring Daemon vision of Caraxes and one of the motives how the big ass Dragon managed to get away freshely injured from the Dornish army.
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@Tabascoheath i am actually going to make a meme request:

The Magoose dice memes I need more.

So what went off the rails this time? Did the three Dornish conquer Slaver Bay? Ra al Ghul tripped and died on the stairs? Alicent used the Book the girls gave her to kill someone like Alexander said? Did Mushroom print his own gossip magazine using a printing press stolen from the Cidatel?
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So what went off the rails this time? Did the three Dornish conquer Slaver Bay? Ra al Ghul tripped and died on the stairs? Alicent used the Book the girls gave her to kill someone like Alexander said? Did Mushroom print his own gossip magazine using a printing press stolen from the Cidatel?
Actually, I didn't roll for you all.

I rolled for the lads in the Triarchy mounting a defense in the Narrow Sea.

It wasn't that good.
Redkeep Rumors! Guess we know what Mushrooms taxes went to.
Mushroom getting a printing press has now been added to the Bingo card.
Half of Rhaenyra ladies in waiting supply Mushroom with gossip, other Mushroom informants include Lucien Brothers, the Lads and Daemon other network.
Okay, I'll add it.
We have a bingo card? What else in there?
Viserys conquering drone, Daemon dying and giving us Dark Sister in his last breath,

Volantis declaring New Valyria for the second time this century,

The Triarchy holding a grudge against us so much that they stay united.

Braavos somehow being involved in the Slave Trade.

Slave Revolt

Wildling invasion from beyond the Wall.

Ironborn fuckery.

Vandal Savage trying to take over a Free City again.

Ra's Al Ghul becoming obsessed with us as the "Prince"

Dad Going on another Great Voyage with the Sea Snake.

Daemon outright adopted us as his son.

Valyrian Steel Forging techniques rediscovered.

Becoming the Greatest Warrior of the Era (note we are well on our way. we just need to kill the rest)

Dad doing his own Great Voyage.

And many many more.
@Magoose a few questions about suddenly becoming the best minstrel in the realm...

How has our family and friends reacted to our newfound music skill, after being mute for years?

Have we earned a new nickname thanks to our skill musical skills?

We were pretty popular in the court already, but how popular are we now?

Any especially funny and weird rumours about how Lucien "The Silent" has become the best singer in Westeros?
How has our family and friends reacted to our newfound music skill, after being mute for years?
Well, our mom and dad have literally been floored. Dad especially, considering he was mute for his own sake to protect us from the curse that Mom broke.

And mom just can't stop gushing.

Our brothers, however, think that singing, dancing, and playing music is boring and prefer adventuring... and have decided to start free soloing the various tall buildings of Westeros.
Have we earned a new nickname thanks to our skill musical skills?
Not yet, as only our family really knows just how good we are.
We were pretty popular in the court already, but how popular are we now?
Any especially funny and weird rumours about how Lucien "The Silent" has become the best singer in Westeros?
Most of everyone thinks that we're silent because if we sing, we will cause people to start mobbing us.

Also I remember saying that Harwin strong would be showing up soon.

He will in the second wave.

Cause Daemon has reserves
Well, our mom and dad have literally been floored. Dad especially, considering he was mute for his own sake to protect us from the curse that Mom broke.

And mom just can't stop gushing.
Well, that is good to hear, now I wonder if seeing how good we are at singing, he will give singing a try just for laughs.
Our brothers, however, think that singing, dancing, and playing music is boring and prefer adventuring... and have decided to start free soloing the various tall buildings of Westeros.
Cheeky little brats, once they hit puberty and want to try to impress a lady, and they want big brother Lucien to teach them how to dance/sing/play har we will... Probably still do it because we love our siblings, but we would tease them nonstop and abuse our "I Told You So" privileges

But what about the other side of the family @Magoose (Daemon, Viserys, Rhaenys, etc)? and our brides?

Most of everyone thinks that we're silent because if we sing, we will cause people to start mobbing us.
That is relatively tame compared with the "A White Walker reanimated through Dragonfire" that we got from our Time Management skill, but still quite funny.

Also I remember saying that Harwin strong would be showing up soon.

He will in the second wave.

Cause Daemon has reserves
Cool, a shame that we cannot use his brother as cannon fodder though.
But what about the other side of the family @Magoose (Daemon, Viserys, Rhaenys, etc)? and our brides?
THat is for me to know, and you to find out.
That is relatively tame compared with the "A White Walker reanimated through Dragonfire" that we got from our Time Management skill, but still quite funny.
that's because people can belive that.

People aren't really good at the whole... time management thing.
Cool, a shame that we cannot use his brother as cannon fodder though.
He'd not be very good at being a soldier.
THat is for me to know, and you to find out.
Ok fair enough...
People aren't really good at the whole... time management thing.
And that is how Prince Lucien's first book "How To Get Shit Done On Time" became the first bestseller in the history of Westeros, and it is still considered the main manual in all the courses anti procrastination of our days.
He'd not be very good at being a soldier.
Yeah, that is the point of an Uriah Gambit...