And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Well, what is our type of singing voice? Countertenor, tenor, baritone, or bass?
Learn Skill: Singing Rolled:D100 + 100 => 197

Singing(Legendary) Your voice is perfect pitch. Men are stopped by your voice, and women cry tears as they hear it. They hear something ethereal, and not of this world. Some say even Dragons stop and listen when you sing. (+50 to singing rolls. Dragons who can hear you, come to you out of instinct, and are immediately calmed by your voice.)

Learn Skill: Harp Rolled:D100 + 100 => 195

Harp (Legendary): You know how to wield the harp in such a way that even your enemies can be stopped, and death himself will stop to listen to you (+50 to using the Harp. Unknown Effect.)
And now we can do this...

But with Dragons
So I am surprised you guys picked Edwyle, instead of other characters. Maegor I can understand but I thought you would have picked Alicent or another women so they could roll diplomacy instead of Lucien.

Yes Lucien has massive bonus to diplomacy but remember we are the guy that killed their (Aunt/Sister?) Who in turn put a curse in our family, then their other relative captured , tortured and violated Lucien Stepfather Daemon... Combined with rumours they certainly woudnt be jumping in our arms just because we agree to rescue them in exchange for them to be our puppets.
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AN: Enjoy and please vote in plan format if you are voting yes.
I have to tell you @Magoose that I don't think that this is the best way of voting for this, because being forced to make a plan for only one of the options kind of forces us to further divide the vote for one of the options , making it significantly less likely to win...

So I am surprised you guys picked Edwyle, instead of other characters. Maegor I can understand but I thought you would have picked Alicent or another women so they could roll diplomacy instead of Lucien.

Yes Lucien has massive bonus to diplomacy but remember we are the guy that killed their (Aunt/Sister?) Who in turn put a curse in our family, then their other relative captured , tortured and violated Lucien Stepfather Daemon... Combined with rumours they certainly woudnt be jumping in our arms just because we agree to rescue them in exchange for them to be our puppets.

The power of the Bandwagon my friend

And besides that, my main problem with bringing our wives with us is that they are both pregnant and one of them is needed here (being a dragonrider and such)

BUT they are not the only ladies around

[]Plan: Undiluted Chaos
-[]Go: You will go to Slaver's Bay, and you will save the Princesses.
-[]Lady Lara Lannister
-[]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"

And for most of the other voters

[X]Plan: Bring the Frey
-[X]Go: You will go to Slaver's Bay, and you will save the Princesses.
-[X]Lord Edwyle Frey
-[X]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"

@Tabascoheath @Speed53066 @rokafella

It seems that we need to vote in plan format, I suggest you to approval vote any other plan to go there just in case.
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[X]Plan: Bring the Frey
-[X]Go: You will go to Slaver's Bay, and you will save the Princesses.
-[X]Lord Edwyle Frey
-[X]Maegor "Brother of Aegor"
[X]Stay: Let Aegor go, he will be the one who will save those Girls.

I don't want to waste time saving the Dornish Sue's.
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I have to tell you @Magoose that I don't think that this is the best way of voting for this, because being forced to make a plan for only one of the options kind of forces us to further divide the vote for one of the options , making it significantly less likely to win...

Maybe you could vote by task like some people do?

Like the first choice would be yes or no, and under it the name plan If you voted yes? So the yes option count would be for everyone that wants to go, then the most voted plan.

Or do something like this

[] Go
[] Plan
-[] Choice
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While we can just go in and out, twenty minute adventure, which is what is needed right now.
I am still VERY doubtful it's gonna be that easy. Especially with a guy like Ra's al Ghul in the fray. Even if the Masters decide to not be stupid evil, they might be working with or being influenced by him.

...Then again, this might actually be even more of an argument to deal with this ourselves.

...Ah, screw it.

[X]Plan: Bring the Frey
Well, saving the Dornish Sue's gives an option of annexing Dorne 100 years before canon... And doing it ourselves prevent us getting involved in Aegor/Naruto shenanigans, which is kind of needed right now.

Does it? I tought the girls were going to be Viserys puppets in secret, in fact if the girls openly try to submit to the Iron Throne it may cause further fracture in Dorne and make people see the Daynes as a viable option.
Does it? I tought the girls were going to be Viserys puppets in secret, in fact if the girls openly try to submit to the Iron Throne it may cause further fracture in Dorne and make people see the Daynes as a viable option.
I mean it won't be immediate, and it will probably take 10-20 years... But once Dorne is peaceful and stable (and purged of destabilising actors) we can take a look at Daeron the Good textbook and make them join through political marriages...
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I mean it won't be immediate, and it will probably take 10-20 years... But once Dorne is peaceful and stable (and purged of destabilising actors) we can take a look at Daeron the Good textbook and make them join through political marriages...

That makes more sense, seems good to me but for now I will let Aegor go, some people appereantly had bad rolls and if something happens to Nyra or Alicent I want Lucien close by, plus like Alex said it cant be that simple to rescue them.

Also I think everyone should at least put the [] Go option above the Plan [] and not under it to make easier for Magoose to see wich option won in case we have many plans.
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That makes more sense, seems good to me but for now I will let Aegor go, some people appereantly had bad rolls and if something happens to Nyra or Alicent I want Lucien close by, plus like Alex said it cant be that simple to rescue them.
Well, the problem is that we don´t know who will have those bad rolls, Aegor could have screwed up his rolls and gotten him and the princesses killed ...

But I want to go personally to Slaver´s Bay because the Alliance has quite a few good commanders, but not so many diplomats... And seeing how delicate the situation is I would rather go ourselves to have total control than trust in Aegor´s "Wrecking Ball" shenanigans.

Besides that, IIRC Grey Ghost is the fastest dragon (or one of the fastest) dragons in the world, so it will take us less time to get in and out...
Well, the problem is that we don´t know who will have those bad rolls, Aegor could have screwed up his rolls and gotten him and the princesses killed ...

Honestly I rather have the failure be Aegor and the Martells getting killed than Alicent and Nyra.

I would rather go ourselves to have total control than trust in Aegor´s "Wrecking Ball" shenanigans

Eh since we wouldnt be going alone, I doubt Aegor would go alone either, probably Maegor is going too along someone else so thats three rolls.

Besides that, IIRC Grey Ghost is the fastest dragon (or one of the fastest) dragons in the world, so it will take us less time to get in and out...

I dont doubt about the getting in and out part, but the between could get troublesome and tiresome taking way too long so if someone has to be stuck in there I rather be Aegor than us.
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[X]Stay: Let Aegor go, he will be the one who will save those Girls.

This is a major option to court those ladies, and the MC is already married, with extra wives unlikely. Let's try to keep his tentative friendship with Aegor and give the lad the idea. If Aegor & co. get promoted out of bastardry as well, they may get Dorne under the Crown and allied to our power bloc sooner than thought possible.
[X]Stay: Let Aegor go, he will be the one who will save those Girls.

This is a major option to court those ladies, and the MC is already married, with extra wives unlikely. Let's try to keep his tentative friendship with Aegor and give the lad the idea. If Aegor & co. get promoted out of bastardry as well, they may get Dorne under the Crown and allied to our power bloc sooner than thought possible.
That is something that worries me...

It is totally inevitable that we will become enemies and when we have our Valley of the End final fight I would rather avoid him having a whole Kingdom behind him
It is totally inevitable that we will become enemies and when we have our Valley of the End final fight I would rather avoid him having a whole Kingdom behind him

Huh? Where it's said it's inevitable? The same thing that could be inevitable could be said about Rhaenyra and Alicent children killing each other, perhaps acting like it will happen will only make the thing actualy happen. As much we joke about Aegor being Naruto and us Sasuke this is our own story.