And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

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What a Dance it will be.
Lucien the Silent
Name: Prince Lucien Targaryen

Age: 17

Alias: The Silent Rider. The Silent. Prince of Westeros, Lord Commander of the City Watch.

Title: Dragon Rider, Prince of the Iron Throne, Lord Commander of the City Watch.

Languages known: Westerosi Common, Westerosi Sign. High Valyrian, High Valyrian Sign.

Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the back of Dragonriders. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.

The Eastern hatred(The Eastern Religions do not accept this faith, and wish to see it exterminated, seeing it as the last vestiges of an empire that deserved to die. -5 to all social rolls when interacting with people that hail from the east)
Polygamy (You can marry multiple women and it is endorsed by your faith.)
Divine Blood Marriage (Marriage between siblings and parents is encouraged. Your line has a reduced chance of suffering from the effects of incest)
The Sky Watchers (When Flying on your dragon, gain an additional +20 to your rolls, regardless of your or your dragon's condition)
Religious Minority: (This faith is a Religious Minority, and while it is not actually stamped out, there are not many worshipers there in Westeros. You are alone. Finding others like you is extremely difficult)
Rumors of Dragonblood: (If your blood gets onto your dragon, unknown effect)
Divine intervention (The Gods are Watching, but for what, you do not know)


Dragon Riding Rank (Master): You are a Dragonridder, someone who controls, and has bonded to, a Dragon, and rides them, for pleasure and for battle. (+30 to all dragon riding rolls.)

Horseback Riding (Skilled): You ride the horse like a man who has spent years in it. You are a true student of the saddle (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Sword and Shield (Master): You are trained in knightly combat, with a sword and shield. You are one of the best warriors in the Realm, even as a child (+30 when using a sword and shield.)

Sailing Rank (Master): You are a Captain who fears no seas, storms and pirates.. (+30 roll bonus to Naval and commanding fleets.)

Tactical Command (Trained): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+10 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Time Management (Skilled): You always have a knack of using your time wisely. And making the most of what you have. (+2 Actions)

Jousting (Skilled): You are trained in knightly combat, with a lance. You are quite skilled, though nowhere near the best. (+20 using a lance.)

Theatrics(Trained): All the World's a stage. You just have the talent to play many parts. (+10 bonus to acting, and lying)

Administration (Legendary): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+50 bonuses to your rolls)

Court Intrigue (Trained): You have a knack for picking up the things that could otherwise be impossible to tell in court, though rarely, with great effort (+10 to intrigue or investigation rolls)

Navigation Rank (Master): You know how to feel the current and the stars, and find your way, no matter where you are. (+30 roll bonus to travel, on Dragonback or at Sea, or on land.)

Reading (Skilled): You learned to read from the man you call a second father. And he in turn, learned from you to be a teacher. (+20 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled) You learned to read from the man you call a second father and learn what he has done from you.( Is able to write without an assistant or scribe. Unknown effect, but all letters by you gain a +30)

Court Diplomacy (Skilled): You know how to handle yourself in court, and how to act around the powerful and the low. (+20 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls)

Camouflage (Skilled): You know how to hide things using the natural environment. (+20 to hiding equipment and yourself)


Dragon Rider: You ride a Dragon, a great beast native to Old Valyria. The greatest of all magical creatures still alive in the world. (All parties are interested in you, and you have a +20 to all social rolls when you are near your dragon)

Prince of Westeros: You are a Prince of Targaryen. Your word carries much weight.

Legitimized Bastard: You are by law, carrying the name of your family, the Stain of Bastardry remembered.

Member of House Targaryen: You are a member of House Targaryen, the ruling family of Westeros.

Ruthless: You do not see anything that can stop you from achieving victory. Nothing will stop you from doing what needs to be done. (+10 to certain actions. +10 to combat rolls. -10 to certain social rolls)

Wrathful: You are angry, focused, and filled with a rage that cannot be controlled by simple means. It can only be unleashed in a fury of anger and rage. (+20 to combat rolls. -10 to social rolls.)

Ethereal: Your beauty is without question, the greatest in the world. You are the most beautiful man in the world. (+30 to diplomacy Rolls. This Trait is genetic, and can be passed onto your children)

Strong: You are a Physical powerhouse, able to do feets that many would consider unnatural. (+20 to all martial/combat rolls. This Trait is genetic, and can be passed onto your children)

Tall: You are very tall. Far taller then the Westerosi Noble Average (+10 to social rolls This Trait is genetic, and can be passed onto your children)

Son of the Sea: You are a Son of a Sailor and Navigator, and that means that you are of the sea…and will die in sight of it. (All Rolls regarding the ocean will rankup one level)
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The Family of Lucien the Silent, and the court he serves.

Name: Valaar

Age: 32

Alias: Captain Silent. Vaeltigar (By his enemies), V (By his wife)

Title: Captain of the Ship, The Silent Shadow, Father (By you)

Languages known: Westerosi Common, Westerosi Sign. High Valyrian, High Valyrian Sign.


Naval Sword Fighting (Trained): You are trained at fighting and killing men, on the deck of a ship. (+10 to combat rolls while on the high seas)

Money Handling (Skilled): You keep a firm hand on the purse strings of your ship, and in your personal finances. (+20 to financial rolls)

Quartermaster (Trained): You know how to keep a ship stocked and wine flowing. (+10 to rolls when outfitting a ship for a voyage or battle.)

Trading (Trained): You are a skilled Merchant, though one of lesser renown, joining one of the voyages of Corys Valyreon as a teenager, and using the wealth to gain your own ship and crew. (+10 to training rolls)

Sailing Rank (Competent): You are a sailor who has a knack for knots, commands and sailing the seas. (No roll bonus to Naval and commanding fleets.)

Navigation Rank (Competent): You know how to feel the current and the stars, and find your way, no matter where you are. (No roll bonus to travel, on Dragonback or at Sea, or on land.)


Son of the Sea: You are a Son of a Sailor and Navigator, and that means that you are of the sea…and will die in sight of it. (All Rolls regarding the ocean and ships, will rank up one level for the rolls)

Adventurer: You have traveled the world with the Sea Snake, and you have greatly profited from it. (Can go on adventures and is known as a traveler of the world.)

Dragonseed: You are a Dragon seed, a dragon-blooded smallfolk of the Islands of Dragonstone and Driftmark.

Captain: You are a captain, after buying your own ship with earning from the Sea Snake. All call you captain. (Can command your vessel, all rolls regarding your crew will pass, while in command)

Name: Visanya

Age: 29

Alias: The Silent Wife.

Title: Mom (You). The Healing One (Most of Dragonstone), the One that Got Away (Many a Suiter).

Languages known: Westerosi Common, Westerosi Sign. High Valyrian, High Valyrian Sign.


Sewing (Skilled): You know how to mend clothes and embroider with the noblest of ladies of court (+20 to repairing clothes and making brightly colored spectacles)

Nursing (Master): Many a child, husband, and son came to your home to be healed of ailments, and sickness and injury. While not as skilled, you have saved lives by just treating them as best you can. (+30 to healing rolls)

Reading (Trained): You learned to read from a woman you cannot remember. A woman with silver hair and purple eyes, and who could sing like an angel (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained) You learned to read from a woman you cannot remember. A woman with silver hair and purple eyes, and who could sing like an angel ( Is able to write without an assistant or scribe.)


Attractive: You are a stunningly beautiful woman of old Valyria, even without the High Valyrian blood of your lords and masters (+10 to social roll)

Dragonseed: You are a Dragon seed, a dragon-blooded smallfolk of the Islands of Dragonstone and Driftmark.

Debutante: You were trained to be a servant at court in Dragonstone. You were unsuccessful is keeping your job once you came of age, and decided to marry the love of your life than remain at court. (+20 to social rolls)

WIllful: No one can control this woman, she is too powerful! (Unknown effect?)

Connected: You know people. Know lots of people. (+20 to ???. You have favors to call in from many places)

Name: Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

Age: 17

Alias: Princess of Westeros, The Realms Delight, Dragon Rider, Nyra (By your father)

Title: Dragon Rider, Princess of the Iron Throne.

Languages known: Westerosi Common, Westerosi Sign. High Valyrian, High Valyrian Sign.

Religion: The Gods of Valyria (Atheistic): An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the back of Dragonriders. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.


Dragon Riding Rank (Master): You are a Dragonridder, someone who controls, and has bonded to, a Dragon, and rides them, for pleasure and for battle. (+30 to all dragon riding rolls.)

Horseback Riding (Skilled): You ride the horse like a woman who has spent years in it. You are a true student of the saddle (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Administration (Skilled): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+20 bonuses to your rolls)

Reading (Skilled): You learned to read from the man you call a Maester. (+20 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled) You learned to read from the man you call a Maester and learn what he has done from you.( Is able to write without an assistant or scribe. Unknown effect, but all letters by you gain a +30)

Court Diplomacy (Master): You know how to handle yourself in court, and how to act around the powerful and the low. (+30 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls)


Dragon Rider: You ride a Dragon, a great beast native to Old Valyria. The greatest of all magical creatures still alive in the world. (All parties are interested in you, and you have a +20 to all social rolls when you are near your dragon)

The Realms Delight: Despite no longer being the prettiest thing on the continent, you are the prettiest Girl on the Continent, and that fills you with pride (+10 to all social and intimidation rolls)

Stubborn: You have always been hard to stop once you set your mind to something

Queer Customs: You have always believed that Targaryens were More Gods, then men. And you will always take what is yours. Isn't that right Alicent?

Princess of Westeros: You are a Princess of Targaryen. Your word carries much weight.

Member of House Targaryen: You are a member of House Targaryen, the ruling family of Westeros.

Attractive: You are a stunningly beautiful woman of old Valyria. (+10 to social roll)

First Wife: You are considered the First Wife in a Polygemous marriage, due to your status, and your birth.

Name: Lady Alicent Hightower

Age: 17

Alias: Lady of Oldtown, Lady Greenfire (By Lucien's inner circle, and Daemon, for her green dresses)

Title: Lady of Oldtown

Languages known: Westerosi Common. High Valyrian.

Religion: Religion: The Faith of the Seven.


Court Diplomacy (Master): You know how to handle yourself in court, and how to act around the powerful and the low. (+30 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls)

Administration (Master): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+30 bonuses to your rolls)

Reading (Master): You learned to read from the man you call a Maester. (+30 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Master) You learned to read from the man you call a Maester and learn what he has done from you.( Is able to write without an assistant or scribe. Unknown effect, but all letters by you gain a +50)

Spycraft (Skilled): You have been able to handle a cadre of spys to get the information you want. Especially when no one knows. (+20 to Intrigue rolls)

International Diplomacy (Skilled): You know just what to do to prevent things from getting strange when foreigners start rolling into your home. (+20 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls


Attractive: You are a stunningly beautiful woman of The Reach and the First Men and Andal. (+10 to social roll)

We Light the Way: You are a Member of the Hightower Family.

Pawn and Player: You know where the Game of Thrones Ends, and it leads to something you are not ready to face yet (+10 to intrigue)

Fertile: Despite you never bearing a child, your family comes from a long line of fertile women. (+30 to childbearing rolls. Increase survival when in childbirth.)

Scholar: You enjoy reading and studying everything you can about the world and all its wonders. (+10 to learning rolls, and teaching others)

Naive: Sometimes you forget that this world does not have happy endings. Sometimes.

Second Wife: You are the Second Wife in a Polygamous Valyrian Marriage, due to Status and birth.

Name: Lady Laena Valyreon

Age: 15

Alias: Dragon Rider

Title: Dragon Rider, Lady of Driftmark

Languages known: Westerosi Common. High Valyrian.

Religion: Religion: The Faith of the Seven.


Dragon Riding Rank (Master): You are a Dragonridder, someone who controls, and has bonded to, a Dragon, and rides them, for pleasure and for battle. (+30 to all dragon riding rolls.)

Administration (Skilled): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+20 bonuses to your rolls)

Reading (Skilled): You learned to read from the man you call a Maester. (+20 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled) You learned to read from the man you call a Maester and learn what he has done from you.( Is able to write without an assistant or scribe. Unknown effect, but all letters by you gain a +30)

Court Diplomacy (skilled): You know how to handle yourself in court, and how to act around the powerful and the low. (+20 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls)


The Old, True, and Brave: You are a Member of the House of Valyreon, known for loyalty, duty, and honor. And of course, their love of the sea.

Attractive: You are a stunningly beautiful woman of old Valyria. (+10 to social roll)

Third Wife: You are considered the First Wife in a Polygamous marriage, due to your status, and your birth.

Dragon Rider: You ride a Dragon, a great beast native to Old Valyria. The greatest of all magical creatures still alive in the world. (All parties are interested in you, and you have a +20 to all social rolls when you are near your dragon)

Daughter of the Sea: You are a daughter of a Sailor and Navigator, and that means that you are of the sea…and will die in sight of it. (All Rolls regarding the ocean and ships, will rank up one level for the rolls)

The Court of Daemon the Rouge Prince:

The Rogue Prince:

Name: Daemon Targaryen

Age: 27

Alias: The Rogue Prince

Title: Prince of the Iron Throne, The Rogue Prince, The Most Dangerous Man in Westeros.

Languages known: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian

Religion: The Faith of the Seven.


Dragon Riding Rank (Legendary): You are a Dragonridder, someone who controls, and has bonded to, a Dragon, and rides them, for pleasure and for battle. (+50 to all dragon riding rolls. Can teach your lessers how to ride a dragon)

Dragon Commanding (Master): Your skill at riding has made you such a force that you can command the battlelines and other dragon riders, even in the air. (+30 to all martial rolls when commanding other dragon riders. A lot less chance for friendly fire.)

Horseback riding (Master): You ride the horse like a man who has spent years in it. You are a true master in the saddle (+30 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Court Diplomacy (Master): You know how to handle yourself in court, and how to act around the powerful and the low. (+30 bonus towards diplomacy/social rolls)

Grand Strategy (Skilled): You have been trained on how to lead a campaign. You are very good at it. (+20 bonus to leading an army.)

Tactical Command (Skilled): You are an astounding tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+20 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Sword and Shield (Master): You are trained in knightly combat, with a sword and shield. You are one of the best warriors in the Realm (+30 when using a sword and shield.)

Jousting (Master): You are trained in knightly combat, with a lance. Among the best in the realm. (+30 using a lance.)

Camouflage (Master): You know how to hide things using the natural environment. (+30 to hiding equipment and yourself)

Theatrics(Master): All the World's a stage. You just have the talent to play many parts. (+30 bonus to acting, and lying)

Logistics(Skilled): You know that an army marches onto his stomach. (+20 bonus in creating logistics for your army)


Member of House Targaryen: You are a member of House Targaryen, the ruling family of Westeros.

Attractive: You are a stunningly beautiful man of old Valyria (+10 to social roll)

Quick: You are brighter than most, in intellect and in skill. (+5 to all rolls)

Prince of Westeros: You are a Prince of Targaryen. Your word carries much weight.

Knight: You are a knight of the Seven

Gossiper: "Have you heard the whispers around court lately?" (+10 to social and intrigue rolls)

Dragon Rider: You ride a Dragon, a great beast native to Old Valyria. The greatest of all magical creatures still alive in the world. (All parties are interested in you, and you have a +20 to all social rolls when you are near your dragon)

Brave: You fear nothing, not even death itself.

Family Person: However you may be to other people, nothing will stop you from protecting your family.

Lustful: What is duty to a woman's touch… to a woman's love?

Ruthless: You are without a doubt, a real bastard. Willing to do anything to get your way.

The Most Dangerous Man in Westeros: Your reputation is that of fear, danger, and chaos. No one knows waht you want. And no one knows what you will do next.

Patient: You belive sometimes the best things in life come from those who wait... and listen.

Blood Feud (House Martell): You will stop at nothing to see that house destroyed and turned to ashes.

Children by Rhaenyra:
Children by Alicent:
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The City Watch Status (Current)
The City Watch Status (Current):

Lord Commander: Prince Lucien Targaryen

Number of Guardsmen: 1242 (Active)

Number of Loyal Guardsmen (To you, the Lord Commander): 210

Loyalty to the Crown: None (Currently in revolt against commander)

Loyal Gates and Barracks to you: The Mudgate, Red Keep Barracks.

Barracks and Gates Currently Disloyal:

The Old Gate

Dragons Gate

Gate of the Gods

Iron Gate.

Lion's Gate

Kings Gate.

Situation in King's Landing:

City Population: 534,049 (The city is the second largest in Westeros)

City Health: Poor (No one who gets sick lasts that long. There is even an outbreak of the Shakes. The Brown stews of Flea Bottom never really taste as good as under The Old King.)

Law and Order: Very Poor (outside the Red Keep, Dragon pits, and a few blocks by the gates, where the Watch is in force… The only law is the sword by one's side. And the company of Gangs and gang lords.)

City Economy: Booming (Despite everything that is happening, the city makes lots of money. And it only makes thighs get worse)

Port Economy: Overbooking: (The Ships can't get rid of their cargo fast enough, or load more goods from the city fast enough, the teamsters guild putting a stranglehold on any ship in port that doesn't give them a cut. Men have died, but there were a dozen more to replace them)

Religious Tolerance: Nonexistent: (The Faith are trying to run out of any and all other cults in the city. Saying the city belongs to the Seven and no one else. Street violence is common, and street gangs of various faiths are roaming the streets, protecting their own.)

AN: As you can see:

We have inherited a shit show.

A city of half a million, being policed by less than two thousand men.
Davos Brittlefingers
@Magoose A character sheet for you to use at your leisure.

Name: Davos Brittlefingers

Alias: The second Silent

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi Common (written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, The dominant religion of westeros and most common in Kinglanding, the Faith is lead by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

"Brittlefinger this!": They might call you brittle, but your strikes are far from it. (+10 to personal combat rolls)

Quiet: You tend not to speak much, and people find it a little unnerving. (-10 to diplomacy rolls)


Horseback Riding (trained): You know how to ride a horse, trained when you entered the Ruby cloaks (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Spear (Skilled): You know your way around a spear, and while you might not be the best, you dare anyone to try. (+20 when using a spear.)

Tactical Command (Trained): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+10 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Reading (Trained): You learned to read from the old Septon. And he in turn, learned from you to be a teacher. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Street Intrigue (skilled): It's not easy knowing what's happing in the real city, but you have your ways. (+20 to intrigue rolls taken in the cities)

Lying (trained): you know how to lie convincingly, you think. (+10 to intrigue rolls)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien)

Quiet demeanor: Talking isn't your strong suit, best to leave that to those who like doing it anyway. (Affects certain actions, you talking is a surprise to others at times)
Robert Wendwater
@Magoose Now the knight!
Name: Robert Wendwater

Alias: Ser Ruby

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

Knight errant: when you were a boy you dreamed of tourneys, of jousting and melees, now you march the streets of the capital with all the vigour that might have been spent (+10 to all combat rolls)

The Turning of the Seasons: The world its on constantly change, so you must adapt lest you end crushed by its wheel. (More +10 to unexpected situations that normaly would get someone out of their guard.)

Tall: You tower over your peers; this tends to make you a target. (-10 to stealth rolls)


Horseback Riding (trained): You know how to ride a horse, all to join a tourney you never saw. (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can
teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Jousting (Skilled): They trained you in this prime tourney skill, so much so that it comes as easy as swiming to a fish. (+20 to jousting rolls)

Tactical Command (Trained): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+10 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Sword and shield (Skilled): They taught you how to fight, and you learned how to win. (+20 to personal combat rolls while using a sword and shield)

Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trianed): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Skilled): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favour. (+20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): They might have thought you dull for being a knight, but secrets are surprisingly esy to find and use. (+20 to intrigue rolls)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien)

Honor bound: By your oaths you must do right by the realm (affects available action, being dishonorable is difficult for you)

( edit: fixed by changing unassuming to Changing of the seasons, thanks @Ghost in the sun and adding jousting, thanks @mrsean22 )
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Arnolf Stone
@Magoose, here we go.

Name: Arnolf Stone

Languages known: Westerosi common.

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, The dominant religion of westeros and most common in Kinglanding, the Faith is lead by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

Two-faced Liar: You have no trouble talking with someone just like they were an old friend, then punching the daylights out of them in the same breath. (+10 to diplomacy and martial rolls)

Bastard: You are a bastard of some nobleman in the Vale, altought your mother never told who ( - 10 to diplomacy in certain situations and people, ??????? unkown efects when talking to ????? (I will this plot hook to the QM if he wishes to use it)


Horseback Riding (trained): You know how to ride a horse, trained when you entered the Ruby cloaks (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Tactical Command (Trained): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+10 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Lying (trained): you know how to lie convincingly, you think. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Stonecutters Past Aprentice: You used to smash stones using mallets for your master and have deeper knowlodge of stones works than the average person ( + 10 to rolls involving brute strenght and knowlogde of stonecrafts: Statues, manses etc.)

Longsword (trained): You know your way around a sword, and while you might not be the best, you dare anyone to try. (+10 when using a sword.)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien)

Fighter: The other know how to duel, but you know to fight in places that others look on in fear. (+10 to combat in enclosed areas, reputation for fighting dirty)

(Edit: Thanks for @Tabascoheath for helping with the Traits and Skills!)
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Gregor Dwarfson
@Magoose Last of the Lads, basically solid snake who can cuss like a sailor, also I made him Dragonseed because fuck yeah.
Name: Gregor Dwarfson

Alias: Halfman

Languages known: Westerosi Common

Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the back of Dragonriders. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

Dwarf: you are a dwarf, and a son of a dwarf and when people don't laugh they scowl. (_20 to diplomacy rolls)

Small: the benefits of being smaller than average, people tend not to notice you. (+10 to stealth rolls)


Battle Axe (Skilled): Swords and spears are well and good, but a real Ruby Cloaks loves the axe, a weapon of regal bearing and barbarian strength (+20 to combat rolls when using an axe or battle ax)

Horseback riding (Trained): even if you have to use a harness, the Ruby Cloaks still taught you to ride a horse. (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback actions)

Street intrigue (Master): People know who to come to, people know who to seek, and when people talk its all yours to hear. (+30 to intrigue rolls in the cities)

Court intrigue (Trained): These noble fools don't think you're all too bright, being a dwarf and a street rat and all, but they don't seem to keep their mouths shut either (+10 to intrigue rolls at court)

Stealth (skilled): You're small, you're quiet, and you're pretty damn good at staying unseen. (+20 to stealth rolls)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien

Dwarf unrepentant: Some people think that because your small they can walk all over you, well screw them too! (-5 to certain social rolls, some find you belligerent)

(Thanks to @mrsean22 and @Ghost in the sun for throwing stealth to Gregor and getting me to make the sheet)
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Waifu One
Okay we have our first Lady! Tell me how you guys liked her.

Name: Vanessa Bracken


Appearance: Red curly hair, brown eyes

Alias: "The Red Mule" by Myranda Ryswell

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Honest to a Fault: You say what you think and while others dislike you for it, some are like you for it (-10 for rolls when you need to lie but in reverse you gain + 10 to rolls when you need people to believe you: Oaths,advice or testimony.)

Tall: You tower over your peers, sometimes even the male ones (- 10 to stealth rolls, can be passed down to your children)

Pretty: While you might be not beautiful, you can't be called plain either (+ 5 to diplomacy tools)

Brazen as a Bracken: When many have their will broken you continue as someone worthy of your House words : Undauted, we march! (+10 to rolls where something may happen to break you emotionally, you instead carry on.)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Trained): You may not like it but your Mother made sure you at least knew the basics of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Heraldy (Skilled): You learned about the Sigils, Names, Words of the many Noble Houses of Westeros (+ 20 to Identifying a House and Managing a event with numerous Houses)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the First Man: Althought the Brackens long since conversed to the Faith of the Seven, their blood still flows in you.

Stubborn: Once you take a stance its rather difficult for you to change, kind like a mule...
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Waifu 2
Lady number two, ( Also i will add more skills to Vanessa later)

Name: Lorena Celtigar

Appearance: Straight Strawberry Blond, light purple eyes

Alias: "Claw's Isle Pearl" by the people of Claw's Isle.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written) High Valaryian, High Valaryian (written)

Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the back of Dragonriders. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.

Icy Composure: Since you were a child you suffered from a rather unfortunate poker face, and while it helped you keep your composure, it didn't help with you making friends (- 10 to diplomacy rolls, however your enemies gain a malus of - 10 in intrigue rolls if they try to read your intent).

Attractive: The blood of Old Valyria its apparent in your beauty (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)

Sharp's as a Crab Claw: By growing up in the Blackwater Bay and watching your father deal with the port you gained an understanding of sea trade (+ 10 with rolls that deal with sea trade)

Reading (Skilled): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+20 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+20 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Poetry (Skilled) : You were trained to be able to write and recite poetry as an Lady should (+ 20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Trained): You at least knew the basics of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of Old Valarya: The blood of Valarya runs in your veins.

Caring: Even if you are close to only a handful of people, those who are close to your heart know how caring you are and for you thats enough.
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Waifu 3
Gal was supposed to be a Luna Lovegood type of character but then @Magoose had me change her House and now... Look where it went.

Name: Galena "Gal" Harlaw

Alias: My little "Sea Songstress" by her father Lord Harlaw

Age: 14

Appearence: Curly Light Brown Hair, Green blue eyes. Freckles.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: The Drowned God, a religion specific to the Iron Isles.


The Reaper's Harvest: You Harlaw grew up in the Iron Islands, and learned how to strike fear in your opponents ( + 10 to intimidation, blackmail and breaking someone will rolls)

A Sea Wrath: While the sea can wash the sands clean again, what the tide has taken remains forever in its watery belly, rotting inside. (+ 10 to intrigue rolls where you secretly plot revenge against someone)

Small: You are smaller than most (+ 10 to stealth rolls, can be passed to children)

Pretty: While you arent Beautiful, you cant be called Plain either (+ 5 to diplomacy rools)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court intrigue (Trained): You at least knew the basics of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Singing (Master): Since you were a girl you loved to sing, and your father indulged your talent. (+ 30 to singing rolls)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the Iron Island: You are of the Iron Islands (Due to Ironborn reputation - 10 on diplomacy rolls in Westeros, due to the recent raiding in the Dornish Shores - 20 on diplomacy rolls with the Dornish)

Loyal: To you, your bonds matter more than honour or gold, if someone tries to take whats yours they better be prepared to pay the Iron Price.
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