How do we want to do this? We have enough people that we can split our group up, reluctant though I am to actually do so.
Ah, Dany is on Celestial...

I would say we send Dany to the temple of Meraxas to disperse the crowd by delivering a divine message to them. Send Glyra and the Roaming Chaos along for aid.

Garin, Lya, Teana and some discreet guys from Benerro to clear out the manses in Old Volantis.

Viserys and Richard clear the reservoir, then lead the Fiery Hand against the Unsullied. Searing Agonising Mass Fire Shield for everyone!
Ah, Dany is on Celestial...

I would say we send Dany to the temple of Meraxas to disperse the crowd by delivering a divine message to them. Send Glyra and the Roaming Chaos along for aid.

Garin, Lya, Teana and some discreet guys from Benerro to clear out the manses in Old Volantis.

Viserys and Richard clear the reservoir, then lead the Fiery Hand against the Unsullied. Searing Agonising Mass Fire Shield for everyone!
I was thinking of Viserys hitting the temple group. You know, showing up in True Dragon form, maybe with Lya riding him into battle.

A dragon coming to the defense of a dragon goddess' temple has a certain...flair to it.

We also need to remember that Teana can create three Shadow Trace duplicates. They can't cast spells, but they can still use her normal weapons and are highly resisant to magic and physical harm. Whichever groups don't have Teana in them should get a Shadow Trace, to facilitate communication between the groups. We might want to leave one in the command center as well.
Free with your new DragonCard, a currency handler you can trust!
It's simply such a nice moment to get some street cred with the Reds. Viserys buffing them all with ethereal flames (Magic Army), then igniting the first ranks fully (Mass Fire Shield) and proceeding to burn fire-immune fiends to ash.

That's just pure propaganda gold against a bunch of fire worshippers.
Zehrys asked us to not use any distinctive magics, @Goldfish.
(Obviously, Bp all the way regardless)
BUSER=12941]@Azel[/USER], in your view, should we give a fuck about his desire in this?

@DragonParadox has Taena got herself a nice crossbow to leverage with her figment ability

Edit: Viserys should go where the most demons he can get are. For the turtles!
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I was thinking of Viserys hitting the temple group. You know, showing up in True Dragon form, maybe with Lya riding him into battle.

A dragon coming to the defense of a dragon goddess' temple has a certain...flair to it.

We also need to remember that Teana can create three Shadow Trace duplicates. They can't cast spells, but they can still use her normal weapons and are highly resisant to magic and physical harm. Whichever groups don't have Teana in them should get a Shadow Trace, to facilitate communication between the groups. We might want to leave one in the command center as well.
Having Viserys go True Dragon at the slaves there is a bad idea. Dragonlord oppressing the masses is the image that will project.

I would rather show off to burnies guys about how awesome our fire is.
It's simply such a nice moment to get some street cred with the Reds. Viserys buffing them all with ethereal flames (Magic Army), then igniting the first ranks fully (Mass Fire Shield) and proceeding to burn fire-immune fiends to ash.
In addition, credible 'what spells? That fire stuff was all Rhllor, no Viserys here ...".
There is no useless knowledge.
We can trade it to unwholesome parties.
We can research though it into making WMDs... which we are in dire need of, considering Illithid.
Far realm knowledge can have negative value.

This is lower value than the time, or effort, or thought that goes into getting it. Why trade with monsters we're better off hunting for scarafice?

This is an anti-commonor ritual. You want wmd? Ask a genie how much such would cost and explain what it's for.
I cannot even describe how relevant this is to your statement: :Citation Needed:

Calling the Alliance well-meaning is an...interesting way of describing a power that tortured pre-teens in the hopes of making functional psychics. The Pax was a weapon to secure their hegemony, nothing more.
1. It's well-meaning in the same way we're well-meaning: who cares if it secures their hegemony? It should make everyone's lives better and keep everyone safe and peaceful. They didn't want to hurt anybody, just make everyone a little less violent and confrontational.
Creating the Reavers was definitely not deliberate. They definitely meant to create something unnoticeable and mostly harmless (evil maybe, but mostly harmless).

2. In the Serenity film at least, the agent appears to really believe that what they do is necessary and for the betterment of all. Still, he may not be reflective of the leadership. And if the indoctrination they give River is anything like their schooling or propaganda, then you can presume that most people who aren't their shadowy leaders (including most workers on the project) genuinely believe that the Alliance is a necessary force for good.
There are weaker arguments, but they aren't untrue.

Free with your new DragonCard, a currency handler you can trust!
The Searing Agonising Fire Shield is the DragonCard! If anyone trying to defraud you or pick your pockets dies horribly burned, you knew your DragonCard is working!
Having Viserys go True Dragon at the slaves there is a bad idea. Dragonlord oppressing the masses is the image that will project.

I would rather show off to burnies guys about how awesome our fire is.
Yeah, Dragonking got skills, but I feel the power/love/presence of our master AsmodeusRh'llor.

No love for going for max demon capture routes?

That resivor bit seems like it will have fiends and I'm curious who Zherys is trying to have killed off.
Oh, I definitely want the Fiery Hand aware of our involvement, just not the details or a wider audience. Optimum outcome is persistent rumours that we were there and aided the slaves.

That should light a bit of a fire unter the magisters asses.
Guide to Dawn Fruit
Guide to Dawn Fruit

What is Dawn Fruit?
Dawn Fruit's proper name is "Elysium Fruit", and it originally comes from the long-sundered Celestial Planes. This fruit is golden and magical, and it never rots. It's a bit difficult to grow because it can't be grown by mortal hands.

What are its effects in raw fruit form?
For the actual magical effects, in its raw fruit form its primary effect is this:
  • Cures Fatigue/Lessens Exhaustion to Fatigue and grants +2 sacred bonus to saves vs. Necromancy spells for one hour
  • Never rots
The part that we mainly care about is that it cures fatigue and lessens exhaustion to fatigue, which makes it perfect for forced marches for the Legion and for any high-intensity adventures where rest can't be afforded.

What are its effects when turned into mead?
Yes, our minions (specifically Thoros Voronys' brewer family) figured out how to turn the Dawn Fruit into a drink. Here's what they came up with:
  • Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to charisma skill checks and a +2 moral bonus to will saves to those who have become 'intoxicated'
  • It causes no physical aftereffects, but does bring about a -1 penalty to will saves for 1d4 hours after the effect has worn off from the feeling of loss
  • Does not spoil
  • Cost to Create: 25 Gold/Barrel (requires access to Dawn Fruit)
  • Skill to Create: DC 18 Profession (Brewer) or Craft (Alchemy)
Do we have to worry about alignment changes if we eat/drink?
In raw fruit form, no. DP has confirmed it is highly unlikely to see any kind of alignment changes due to consumption if you stick with the raw fruit. The other forms like the Dawn Fruit Mead are a bit more iffy.

How many trees do we have right now?
We have two sets of trees: 12 trees by the greenhouses in Sorcerer's Deep, and then 1170 trees around the Tree of Dawn weirwood we enchanted with a triple Plant Growth effect. For obvious reasons the trees around the weirwood will be producing fruit much faster and more frequently.

How does that Tree of Dawn weirwood work in the first place? What's the setup there?
Each Weirwood Heart Tree has a default range for its Hallow effects (and all secondary effects) of a 30 ft. radius. However, if you make all three secondary effects the exact same thing, then through efficiency the Old Gods are able to extend the range to nine times what it originally was, stretching that radius from 30 ft. to 360 ft. With the Tree of Dawn we stacked triple Plant Growth effects so that the trees would be directly exposed to divine magic from the Old Gods for growth and thus further accelerate the production of the fruit. Dawn Fruit trees are a rough equivalent of apple trees, so with the amount of space an apple tree would need we were able to fit 1170 trees into the 360 ft. radius of the Tree of Dawn so that all of them benefit from the divine Plant Growth.

How are we getting the trees watered?
A self-sustaining irrigation system has been designed by our best engineers and our bulabar (tinker fey). It's been taken care of.

We still need people to tend to the trees somehow. Who's doing that?
Since we couldn't have mortals do it, we turned to Leshys. There are currently one Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy, four Advanced Giant Fungal Leshys, and fifteen Advanced Giant Leaf Leshys tending to the Dawn Fruit orchard and its central weirwood. They tend to all the trees and make sure the fruit is growing properly, and they are also tasked with its defense in case any thieves try to get lucky. The Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy is the overseer of the other Leshys.

Where is the orchard?
It's on the island of Sorcerer's Deep, but a bit away from the city.

How many Dawn Fruits are we supposed to get each month from the orchard considering the trees are hooked up to the Old Gods?
Through DP-approved math we have arrived at the following conclusion:
Given that we have no apples, but celestial fruits, we assume that they yield only 5% of an apple tree, but that the Plant Growth effect means that they do so monthly.
Thus we get:
1170 trees * 500 fruits per tree / 20 = 29,250 Dawn Fruits per month
It might seem a bit much from an outside perspective, but keep in mind that these trees are directly connected to ancient gods of nature (and trees specifically) and exposed to a constant and divine triple Plant Growth effect. Besides, there was quite a bit of work setting this whole thing up in the first place.
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