That's good for us?

A competent and respectful man in Volantis is certainly better than "everything collapses in demons".
Yeah we will probably have to kill Zherys sooner or later, making him go though reforming Volantis first saves us the work, although we will have to either do a lot of PR work or have him killed by proxy, well or finally convince him that he should join us.
I'm strongly opposed to proposing today.

Oh, and we need to stop Zherys from seizing power! The Elephants appear rather incompetent: let's keep them in power! Everything collapsing in demons is a great outcome for us!
So Zherys is about to be Archon and the Tigers (aka the warlike ones) are about to get into power, citing Tyrosh as a reason.
I have a feeling we will be meeting Zherys on the battlefield sooner than expected.
Well yes, obviously.

But Volantis under our control was never a realistic option until after the Three Daughters, likely even after Westeros.
And a stable Volantis likely makes less trouble than a collapsing one.
Incorrect. The other three large cities around Volantis can keep it contained and tear each other apart over the still warm carcass.

A civil war in Volantis is exactly what the doctor recommended for our own plans.
@DragonParadox, unrelated question, but I'm making a sacrifice table for the items we've collected for Day of Change. Can you tell me the CL of the frost-magic bronze axes that belonged to Arson Ice-Axe that Valaena got for us?

And can you tell me the CL of the Thanadaemon staff?
So Zherys is about to be Archon and the Tigers (aka the warlike ones) are about to get into power, citing Tyrosh as a reason.
I have a feeling we will be meeting Zherys on the battlefield sooner than expected.

From what you heard they will be citing the fact that their enemies are summoning demons as the reason. It's the elephants that are panicking over Tyrosh and reacting by trying to turn back their own slave manumissions.
[jk] Ask Lya if she would like to wear something you glimpsed in a Dragon Dream, a garment unseen in millennia, the chainmail battle bikini, while riding you in True Dragon form through the countryside.
[jk] Ask Lya if she would like to wear something you glimpsed in a Dragon Dream, a garment unseen in millennia, the chainmail battle bikini, while riding you in True Dragon form through the countryside.
Plane of Fire countryside. The weather is better bikini weather! And the background is already perfect for a Dragon without even needing to be scoured with flame first!
Frankly, I'm tempted to call off the date entirely. We are kinda in the middle of something and it's pretty disrespectful to cram Lya in between our plans to violate Lannisport and have the Volantene leadership murder each other.
Incorrect. The other three large cities around Volantis can keep it contained and tear each other apart over the still warm carcass.

A civil war in Volantis is exactly what the doctor recommended for our own plans.
Uhm, Volantis is expanding in a direction mostly harmless to us and totally so when we have secured Lys.
But an uncontrollably collapsing Volantis shitting out demons will affect Lys, soon to be ours, as the nearest big city?

I think I prefer Zherys winning this civil war.
Frankly, I'm tempted to call off the date entirely. We are kinda in the middle of something and it's pretty disrespectful to cram Lya in between our plans to violate Lannisport and have the Volantene leadership murder each other.

And this I will fight against with every breath. Yes, we have things to do. It is not so important that we can't have a single day with our beloved.
Likewise. Please ping me if people try to have us do so so I my reasoning.
I'm actually curious. I could see several reasons why you might be against it, but I'd like to hear the actual reasoning, if you don't mind.
If you'd rather save your ... enthusiasm for turning back an actual vote, I totally understand.
Uhm, Volantis is expanding in a direction mostly harmless to us and totally so when we have secured Lys.
But an uncontrollably collapsing Volantis shitting out demons will affect Lys, soon to be ours, as the nearest big city?

I think I prefer Zherys winning this civil war.
Lys is very far away from Volantis. The three nearest cities are fully under volantene control and quite powerful in their own right, though they usually play no noticeable role, given that they are full vassals of Volantis.
Lys is very far away from Volantis. The three nearest cities are fully under volantene control and quite powerful in their own right, though they usually play no noticeable role, given that they are full vassals of Volantis.

Not that a major demon infestation would care about distance. Mid-to high level demons have at will greater teleport. They might decide to head to the Summer Isles Yi TI or King's Landing as easily as Lys and Myr.
The Larder
The Larder:

Day of Blood (Blood Magic, Greater)

School: Transmutation & Divination; Level 8

Casting time: 80 minutes

Material Components: The powdered remains of a sentient (Int greater than 3) creature or creatures of no less then 8 HD (bonemeal, dried organs, etc...)

Blood Component: Sacrifice of 16 HD worth of sentient creatures who must be hung from the tree, or if the branches will not support them, impaled before its roots.

Special: The value of the sacrifice is modified by the following factors:
  • Low Intelligence (INT 3 to 6): -50%
  • Native Outsider: +25%
  • Fey: +30%
  • True Outsider (Called): +35%
  • Aberration: +35%
  • Undead: +40%
  • Cold Subtype: +50%
  • Caster (not SLAs): +25%
  • Dragon: +35%
  • Willing Sacrifice (no magical compulsions): +100%
  • Mythic: +2 HD to base subject to all bonuses for every Mythic Rank
For each secondary effect desired the Blood Cost increases as follows:
  • 1 Secondary effect: 24 HD worth of sacrifices
  • 2 Secondary effects: 36 HD worth of sacrifices
  • 3 Secondary effects: 54 HD worth of sacrifices
Sacrificing more than needed may lead other gifts as the gods will.
Required Caster: Druid or Adept (Old Gods) level 4; Arcane caster level 7

Secondary Casters: Up to five

Skill Checks: Knowledge Nature (DC 25) 2 success; Knowledge Religion (DC 20) 2 success; Craft Wood-Carving (DC 16) 2 successes; Spellcraft (DC 26) 2 successes

Backlash: All base metal objects in a 50 ft radios of the Nascent Heart Tree fall to dust


Primary: Grow a Heart-Tree from a sapling in the span of the ritual, which serves as the focus of a permanent CL 20 Hallow or Unhallow spell (Primary caster's choice)

Secondary: Select an effect or effects to be tied to the Hallow or Unhallow effect from the list ordinarily permitted for such a purpose, up to a maximum of three.

Failure: Primary caster becomes bound to the site of the weirwood and may not travel more than 100 ft from it until such a time as the ritual is complete. If the ritual fails a second time while a creature is so bound the creature dies, its remains feeding the Heart Tree allowing it to grow to full size regardless. A creature so slain cannot be returned from the dead save by the spells Reincarnate and True Reincarnate.

Day of Change (Greater)

School: Transmutation & Divination; Level 8

Casting time: 80 minutes

Material Components: The powdered remains of a sentient (Int greater than 3) creature or creatures of no less than 8 HD (bonemeal, dried organs, etc...)

Special: Artifact(s) to be sacrificed. Minimum (combined) caster level:
  • 8 for the primary effect
  • 12 for for the first secondary effect
  • 16 for the second secondary effect
  • 20 for the third secondary effect
The effective caster level of the artifact is increased as follows if its origin bears some afinity to the Old Gods' domains, as follows:
  • Travel, Strength +2
  • Protection, Magic +4
  • Time +7
Objects with no affinity have a 20% chance to be rejected. Should this happen, the primary caster will not suffer the failure condition, but all material components will be lost. Sacrificing more than needed may lead other gifts as the gods will.

Required Caster: Druid or Adept (Old Gods) level 4; Arcane caster level 7

Secondary Casters: Up to five

Skill Checks: Knowledge Nature (DC 25) 2 success; Knowledge Religion (DC 20) 2 success; Craft Wood-Carving (DC 16) 2 successes, Spellcraft (DC 26) 2 successes

Backlash: All base metal objects in a 50 ft radios of the Nascent Heart Tree fall to dust


Primary: Grow a Heart-Tree from a sapling in the span of the ritual, which serves as the focus of a permanent CL 20 Hallow or Unhallow spell (Primary caster's choice)

Secondary: Select an effect or effects to be tied to the Hallow or Unhallow effect from the list ordinarily permitted for such a purpose, up to a maximum of three.

Failure: A random artifact or 1d4 ordinary magic items in the caster's possession are destroyed. If no such objects exist the failure condition defaults to that of Day of Blood
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Alright, I need Viserys, Malarys, Maelor, Glyra and the Roaming Chaos, and Garin for 5 days in Volantis at the start of the next turn.

We can give this whole mess enough of a push to make sure that nobody wins. Neither Zherys, the Elephants nor the Demons.
@Azel @DragonParadox What if Viserys and Lya just spent the day working on teaching her a new spell, culminating in Lya reaching a new plateau of power (her much delayed level up)?

That seems like just the kind of thing to get Lya's motor revving.
Alright, I need Viserys, Malarys, Maelor, Glyra and the Roaming Chaos, and Garin for 5 days in Volantis at the start of the next turn.

We can give this whole mess enough of a push to make sure that nobody wins. Neither Zherys, the Elephants nor the Demons.
Oh come on, don't interfere with our kinda ally.
He's as nice as we can expect a Valyrian mage to be (yes that includes Malarys).