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Also, while I fished for Kiras sheet, I noticed that I forgot to post my plans for the Triton trade.
As it is, we stand to gain mainly luxury resources from them. They have easy access to pearls, corals, sea shells, sea silk and ambergris. We can obviously make a good buck by selling those products on, but I want to use them as cheap raw materials for two new businesses.
1. Jewelry Manufactory
This is pretty straightforward. We use the pearls, corals and sea shells that the Tritons bring us and supplement them with gold and gemstones bought abroad. The Manufactory is erected in SD and staffed by former slaves we hire in Tyrosh. Work is done in shifts and we make +5 tools for every 3 workers to increase the throughput.
2. Clothes Manufactory
With Tyrosh giving us access to a supply of high-quality dyes, we can also start to expand into clothes as a luxury good. This too is set up in SD and staffed by former slaves. In the first step, we import the finished cloth (silk, wool, linen, cotton) and only process the sea silk ourselves, but in the future, we can instead start importing raw materials to spin and weave the clothes with automated machinery. The cloth is then dyed and turned into clothes by the workers, using sets of +5 tools again.
I would spin up both operations as separate companies under a holding company that administrates all our manufacturing projects. The other business that should go under that would be the salt mine in Saltcliff. Since Tyene has a good eye for both of these businesses, I would ask her to do the initial setup in return for a 10% share. If she takes on half of the setup cost, I would go up to joint ownership, with her holding 50% of the shares of the operations themselves.
Another few things:
3. Printing Company
Using the magical printing pressed we've cooked up a while ago and giddily waiting for the Philosophers Tree to grant us the invention of movable letters, we can start a business around mass-producing books. We will obviously also let them print propaganda fliers in addition to the totally-not-propaganda-books. This will be spun up under the manufacturing holding until we reach enough literacy and demand to create the first newspaper.
4. Ironworks
The Smelter is currently not properly accounted for in our businesses, so it's time to build a company around it. Main business here is smelting of various ores in the Smelter whenever we are not busy mass-producing steel for strategic reasons and producing finished goods from those metals. We can quickly expand this by hiring skilled slaves in Tyrosh and settling them over to SD.
Thoughts everyone?