This reminds me: craft Necklaces of Natural Weapons for our three iron golems, and have one guarding Rhaella. Archers are good as they can fly, normal one is good as it has see Invisibility.

Huh. We should eventually pay the artificer to upgrade the archers with see invisibility then (it seems more useful on them tbh) and darkvision.

An iron golem gaurd should be useful for Rhaella :).

Oh, with Ressurection, we should poke the Tyroshi soul Maelor got wayback.

Edit: we asked about heart trees for Xorn, they said "prbly not at this time"
Edit: we asked about heart trees for Xorn, they said "prbly not at this time"
And after that some great minds on the thread have found a way for a tree to thrive even there, yes.

And their "not now" was more due to practical concerns - as in, they wouldn't be able to get sacrifices for it without losing their people, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

Point is, we totally could make a tree there and make life much more interesting for Old Gods and much safer for Xorn if we ever fill up our cities with Heart trees enough that we have free HD.
The former slave was watching n rapt attention as the tree grew rapidly, when the dread dragon king who had liberated him and 80% of the city suddenly tilted his head.

"That motherfu-"

"Viserys?" asked the strange woman dressed in robes of power, her hair floating gently above her shoulders.

"Give me a second," said the dragon king before dissapearing from thin air.

The former slave was still watching the scene, agape, when the King appeared from thin air once more, this time carrying a humanoid figure garbed in robes which could not hide the hideous corruption of soul and flesh.

"You..." whispered the Dragon king in promised retribution, "I've been looking for you..."
So, I've been thinking about how we need our magical prison. And, you know what? How about Heart Tree for it too? It can be the Azkaban Tree! Now, which spells, under permanency, could make escaping practically impossible? The prison should be able to contain any kind of prisoner, from undead, to constructs, to immaterial ones.
Preliminary plan. Thoughts? I call it maximum subdual.

[X] Plan "We saved you a snack, Snake-Bro."
-[X] Viserys asks Lya to continue the demonstration and calls the other Companions to his side.
--[X] While the men approach, Malarys casts Sign, Garin casts Darkbolt, and Viserys casts Freezing Glance, then uses Greater Teleport to transport them to the cultist's location.
---[X] Upon arrival;
----[X] Malarys uses his Sign buff to set his Initiative check result to 21, then hits the cultist with a Quickened Targeted Greater Dispel Magic, followed by a Barbed Chains spell, with all four chains attempting to trip the cultist rather than injure. He uses Alter Fortune to insure the Dispel is successful, if necessary, or to aid with Viserys' attack if not.
----[X] Garin targets the cultist with all four of his remaining Darkbolt rays as a Free Action, then Shadow Jumps to the cultist's location as a Move Action and uses Shadow Pounce to make a full attack against him, if he has not yet been subdued. He does not attempt to slay the cultist, merely to harry and subdue.
----[X] Richard uses his Anklet of Translocation to place himself between the cultist and the Scholarium Initiate, then uses his Dazing Strike maneuver against him.
----[X] Viserys casts Nerveskitter, targets the cultist with Freezing Glance as a Free Action, then uses Baleful Polymorph to transform him into a turtle. If he resists the transmutation, Viserys casts Celerity and uses Baleful Polymorph once more.
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Preliminary plan. Thoughts? I call it maximum subdual.

[X] Plan "We saved you a snack, Snake-Bro."
-[X] Viserys quickly steps away from the newly grown Heart Tree then returns to his true form, that of a Red Dragon.
--[X] He roars, "Please continue the demonstration, Lya. To me, Richard, Malarys, Garin, one last foe shows himself!"
---[X] While the men approach, Malarys casts Sign, Garin casts Darkbolt, and Viserys casts Freezing Glance, then uses Greater Teleport to transport them to the cultist's location.
----[X] Upon arrival;
-----[X] Malarys hits the cultist with a Quickened Targeted Greater Dispel Magic, followed by a Barbed Chains spell, with all four chains attempting to trip the cultist rather than injure. He uses Alter Fortune to insure the Dispel is successful.
-----[X] Garin targets the cultist with all four of his remaining Darkbolt rays as a Free Action, then Shadow Jumps to the cultist's location as a Move Action and uses Shadow Pounce to make a full attack against him, if he has not yet been subdued. He does not attempt to slay the cultist, merely to harry and subdue.
-----[X] If close enough, Richard uses his Anklet of Translocation to place himself between the cultist and the Scholarium Initiate. He uses Shock Trooper to charge the cultist, then Power Attacks with an aim toward brutally subduing him, breaking or removing limbs as necessary.
-----[X] Viserys casts Nerveskitter, targets the cultist with Freezing Glance as a Free Action, then uses Baleful Polymorph to transform him into a turtle. If he resists the transmutation, Viserys casts Celerity and use Baleful Polymorph once more.
Change the name to something not so obviously untrue and you're golden :V

That said, I'm not sure about all the theatrics.

I'm okay with Lya taking over the show, though.
Not as great as Viserys speecifying people into submission, but eh, what can you do.
Sacrifice takes precedent.
Change the name to something not so obviously untrue and you're golden :V

That said, I'm not sure about all the theatrics.

I'm okay with Lya taking over the show, though.
Not as great as Viserys speecifying people into submission, but eh, what can you do.
Sacrifice takes precedent.

We can decide his ultimate fate when he's a turtle. We have plenty of sacrifices, though, so this is one we can afford to perma-kill. It might also be a nice way to placate Yss once we tell him about Trios the false deity.
I'm going to push to grow a Heart Tree rather than feed Yss (he has the gems from the god-snake to eat), but other than that looks good. :)

@Goldfish, maybe some contingency to heal the mageling ASAP? She's now a baby PC thanks to the convenient trauma.

That's next round, after the cultist is captured. Viserys can cast Heal to fix her up, then she can journey to Tyrosh with us to catch the end of the festivities, if ya'll want.
I'm going to push to grow a Heart Tree rather than feed Yss (he has the gems from the god-snake to eat), but other than that looks good. :)

@Goldfish, maybe some contingency to heal the mageling ASAP? She's now a baby PC thanks to the convenient trauma.
Eh, we have super-quick resurrection spell at hand, she won't even know she died.
[:V] Because if there's anything Worm fandom taught me, is that there's no such thing as enough trauma!
And it's actually a great thing for main characters to have!
We can decide his ultimate fate when he's a turtle. We have plenty of sacrifices, though, so this is one we can afford to perma-kill. It might also be a nice way to placate Yss once we tell him about Trios the false deity.
True, but we also have the god-snake gems. We're good for Yss sacrifices, and two months from now we can feed him Fiendish Monstrous Spiders and other Lolth-empowered things.
That's next round, after the cultist is captured. Viserys can cast Heal to fix her up, then she can journey to Tyrosh with us to catch the end of the festivities, if ya'll want.
Okay, good.
How about just going into HHD or LHD? True Dragon is probably going to end with everyone running away and Lya grumbling she once again does not have screen time :V
We should always remember the important things in life. Friends. Family. Offering spiteful idiots who messed with our minions as blood sacrifice to our pagan gods.

What does it matter which idiot goes to what pagan god, as long as we are with the people important to us as we carve out their still beating hearts?

Isn't that the true meaning of gardening?
And this is how Richard gets his first groupy, as he Teleports between the insane cultist and the distressed damsel, chopping the man's twisted limbs off with his massive flaming sword.

He'll be her knight in simmering Hellforged armor, whether he likes it or not... :V:V:V
@Goldfish -I have some concerns:
[]l Plan "We saved you a snack, Snake-Bro."
-[] Viserys quickly steps away from the newly grown Heart Tree then returns to his true form, that of a Red Dragon.
--[] He roars, "Please continue the demonstration, Lya. To me, Richard, Malarys, Garin, one last foe shows himself!"
---[] While the men approach,Malarys casts Sign, Garin casts Darkbolt, and Viserys castsFreezing Glance, then usesGreater Teleport to transport them to the cultist's location."

Take Lya, she needs xp the most, drop the theatrical shit, it's dumb*, and we try to keep Viserys grounded, don't bother with dragon, it won't increase chances of success. Also, Viserys has been written as liking a dualistic position as dragon and human, so I don't like a plan with dragon = true form, but that is a personal preference on my part. Alternative suggestion:
[] Plan For the Philosophy Tree (as he went after OUR CUTE STUDENTS).
-[] "Excuse us a monent" -Cast freezing Glance. If we still have scarifices, leave Garin and Malarys. If not greater Teleport all party members so that we drop in with Richard in range to force concentration checks.
-[] other useful tactics you have, but after bping him, Lya can stick the turtle in a bottle so we can carry him.
-[] tell student that we are currently in a thing in Tyrosh, but if she would like to come with us for a bit, we have just finished a Heart Tree, but we're not leaving her alone after this ( Richard can keep an eye on her for half an hour, as having Richard look out for a person is very reassuring) (this bit might be relevant to next planning bit)

*I hate theatrics in combat, this is the ice dragon all over again Imo
@Goldfish -I have some concerns:
[]l Plan "We saved you a snack, Snake-Bro."
-[] Viserys quickly steps away from the newly grown Heart Tree then returns to his true form, that of a Red Dragon.
--[] He roars, "Please continue the demonstration, Lya. To me, Richard, Malarys, Garin, one last foe shows himself!"
---[] While the men approach,Malarys casts Sign, Garin casts Darkbolt, and Viserys castsFreezing Glance, then usesGreater Teleport to transport them to the cultist's location."

Take Lya, she needs xp the most, drop the theatrical shit, it's dumb*, and we try to keep Viserys grounded, don't bother with dragon, it won't increase chances of success. Also, Viserys has been written as liking a dualistic position as dragon and human, so I don't like a plan with dragon = true form, but that is a personal preference on my part. Alternative suggestion:
[] Plan For the Philosophy Tree (as he went after OUR CUTE STUDENTS).
-[] "Excuse us a monent" -Cast freezing Glance. If we still have scarifices, leave Garin and Malarys. If not greater Teleport all party members so that we drop in with Richard in range to force concentration checks.
-[] other useful tactics you have, but after bping him, Lya can stick the turtle in a bottle so we can carry him.
-[] tell student that we are currently in a thing in Tyrosh, but if she would like to come with us for a bit, we have just finished a Heart Tree, but we're not leaving her alone after this ( Richard can keep an eye on her for half an hour, as having Richard look out for a person is very reassuring) (this bit might be relevant to next planning bit)

*I hate theatrics in combat, this is the ice dragon all over again Imo

Nothing theatrical about the plan. Sure, it makes an impression on the audience, but it's also a powerful combat form, with much higher HP, a significantly higher Fortitude save, and Frightful Presence. And it's kinda shocking to all of a sudden have a roaring dragon Teleport into your immediate vicinity, which might make the difference between the cultist killing our Initiate, or panicking for a split second.

Lya might need the XP, but she's also extremely low on spells and the most fragile of our nearby Companions. If the cultist is able to get off even a single spell, and it strikes Lya fatally, she'll be set back much further in XP gain.