Heh. Lemme show you. You craft it as a use-activated custom magical item, with an activation clause of 'wearer expends a spell slot of level 3 or lower'. So spell level (3) x caster level (3) x 2000 = 18,000 gp (before crafting discounts, IM conversion, planar reagents, etc). Double the cost if you want to make it slotless. The way the magical item creation rules work, this means that whenever the wearer of this item casts a level 3 spell or less, this item casts Channel the Gift on them, substituting the need for that spell slot with its own power. Combined with Versatile Spellcaster, this gives effectively unlimited 1st-4th level spellcasting for any spontaneous caster.

tl;dr some of Pathfinder's spells are just silly.
If I were a GM, I'd invoke the part of the magic item creation rules where it says "these are only guidelines, for the final price compare to similar items // the effect", would look at the 'infinite spells' hack, and then make it at least Epic.
Or rule that, as the item has no spell slots to gift, you cannot built an item with that spell.


That said, how long takes it to cast explosive runes?
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Blood Wish
Level: Sorcerer 7 (Dragonblooded only)
Components: V, S, See Text
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

A Blood Wish lets you create nearly any type of effect.
For example, a Blood Wish can do any of the following things.
  • Duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of 6th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
  • Duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, even if it's of a prohibited school.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 4th level or lower, even if it's of a prohibited school.
  • Undo the harmful effects of many spells, such as geas/quest or insanity.
  • Produce any other effect whose power level is in line with the above effects, such as a single creature automatically hitting on its next attack or taking a -7 penalty on its next saving throw.
A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal (but the save DC is for a 7th-level spell). When a Blood Wish duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, you must pay that cost or 300 XP, whichever is more. When a Blood Wish spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 1,000 gp, you must provide that component.

Special: Each use of Blood Wish causes 1 point of temporary Charisma damage to the caster.

Mythic: When using Mythic Blood Wish to duplicate another spell, you can duplicate a Mythic spell you know. If you don't know the Mythic spell, you can expend a second use of Mythic power to duplicate the Mythic version of the desired spell.
  • Augment: If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can cast a Silent, Stilled Mythic Blood Wish, even if you're helpless or couldn't otherwise take actions (but not unconscious).

Chain Dispel
Level: Cleric 8, Sorcerer 8, Wizard 8
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One or more creatures, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

A coruscating bolt rips through the air, humming with power as it strikes each targeted creature.

Each creature struck by this spell is affected as if by a Targeted Dispel Magic, except that you can add your caster level to the Dispel check, up to a maximum of 25.

Material Component: A pair of bronze nails, each no less than 6 inches in length.

Mythic: You add your Mythic tier as an additional bonus to the Dispel check, which may increase the maximum bonus to Dispel beyond +25, and the spell's range increases to Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). Additionally, Chain Dispel gains the ability to remove effects which cannot normally be Dispelled, such as Feeblemind, Insanity, and other particularly resilient magics.
  • Augment (3rd Tier): You can expend two uses of Mythic power to increase the spell's range to Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) and potential targets cannot be any more than 60 feet apart.
  • Augment (5th Tier): You can expend five uses of Mythic power to increase the spell's range to Line of Sight and potential targets cannot be any more than 300 feet apart.

Legion of Light
Level: Shaman 9, Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: Weapons carried by allies
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

You imbue all manufactured weapons carried by allies within range with the conceptual properties of the morning sun, granting each weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, as well as the Void Bane property, conferring an additional +4 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls versus creatures and objects tainted by the influence of the Void as well as +4d6 damage.

Mythic: Each weapon glows brightly enough to see by within a 60-foot radius: bright light to 30 feet and dim light in another 30 feet. Creatures with light sensitivity take twice the usual penalty when they are within 30 feet of the object. The arms of this legion brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice versa) is temporarily negated, so that the otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of effect. Dawn's light counters or dispels any darkness spell or magical effect, excepting Utterdark.
  • Augment (3rd Tier): You can expend two uses of Mythic power to have the properties above fully mirror Celestial Brilliance in effect, including the radius and the damage it deals, and creatures tainted by the influence of the Void are additionally treated as if they had light sensitivity in the presence of this corona of Dawn's light.
  • Augment (9th Tier): By expending nine uses of Mythic Power, this corona of dawn's light playing across the arms of the Legion also acts as per the spell Blinding Glory as far as its range extends, but only against creatures and objects tainted by the touch of the Void. It cannot be negated or dispelled by Utterdark, Mythic variant or otherwise.
If anyone with Legion of Light in effect upon their equipment falters by a non-magical means, both Mythic effects will immediately end for them, and they cannot be replicated again on that creature for a day and night. Magical fear effects will interrupt this effect only so long as it has a hold on the weapon's bearer.

Lightning Lance
Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4, Hero of the First Age 3 (Special)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: 1 lightning-lance/five levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create a crackling lance of lightning that you can hurl at your foes. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack roll to hit. The lance deals 3d6 points of damage from the impact of the strike, plus 1d6 electricity damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). The impact damage is not subject to being reduced by Resist Energy (Electricity), Spark Shield, and similar magic or effects, but the target is entitled a Fortitude save to halve the electricity damage.

You can create and hurl a second lightning-lance at 10th level, and a third at 15th level. All bolts must be aimed at enemies within 30 feet of each other.

Material Component: An amber, crystal, or glass rod.

Mythic: Damage increases to 1d8 points per level. A target struck by one or more Lightning Lance and which fails at least one saving throw is Shaken for three rounds, if it's struck by two or more Lightning Lances and fails at least two saving throws it is also Staggered for two rounds, and if it is struck by three Lightning Lances and fails all three saving throws it is also Dazed for one round. These conditions stack.
  • Augment (3rd Tier): You can expend two uses of Mythic power so that each of your Lightning Lances can jump to a secondary target if they successfully hit their primary target. The secondary target(s) must be within 30 feet of the primary target(s) of the spell and you must make separate Ranged Touch Attacks to hit each of them, though with a -4 penalty. No more than one of these Lightning Lances can strike strike a secondary target.

Magic Army
Level: Shaman 8, Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: Weapons carried by allies
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

You imbue all manufactured weapons carried by allies within range with magic, granting each weapon a +1 Enhancement bonus on Attack Rolls and damage rolls per 5 caster levels (maximum +4).

Mythic: You can add one of the following weapon special abilities to the weapon: Flaming, Frost, Keen, Merciful, Shock, or Thundering.

Shadow of the Doom
Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Sorcerer 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft. cube/level
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

The area you designate becomes a blistering hot environment, immediately raising the temperature by three temperature bands. For example, if the temperature is Moderate, it raises to Severe Heat. If the new temperature is above the hot band, all surface water is turned to vapor and all earth and stone becomes igneous rock or volcanic soil (caster's choice) to a depth of 10 feet per caster level. Air within the area becomes choked with volcanic ash (cuts visibility in half) while the rapid changes of pressure and heat cause a thunderstorm.

Living creatures caught within the area when the spell is cast instantly turn to stone (as per the Flesh to Stone spell). Creatures normally immune to the spell, such as Undead, are instead treated as if they succeeded on their saving throws and take damage accordingly. If a creature successfully saves, Shadow of the Doom deals 1d6 points of Searing Fire damage per caster level. Creatures entering the area after the spell has been cast are not subject to the Petrification effect or Searing Fire damage. They are, however, subject to the normal effects of the ash fall, heat and the thunderstorm for the duration of the spell.

Objects in the area, including those held by creatures, are instantly covered in a thin layer of ash, making them slippery. When a creature uses such an item (a weapon, lockpicks, a potion, and so on), it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity check or it drops the item before it can be used. Fire spells cast within the area gain a +1 bonus to their caster level. Multiple Shadows may be cast in the same area to increase the effects (raising the temperature by an additional 3 bands).

The caster my designate a safe area no larger than a third of the spell's total area which will remain unaffected. Alternatively, he may select up to CL creatures to be immune to the effects if he succeeds on a Concentration check of 22 plus the number of creatures he wishes to isolate from the spell.

Arcane Material Component: A piece of obsidian.

Mythic: Damage increases to 1d8 points per level on a successful saving throw, the temperature raises by 4 bands, and those affected suffer 1d6 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution damage as their flesh partially transforms into obsidian. You cannot, however, designate creatures to be unaffected by a Mythic Shadow of the Doom spell.
  • Augment (3rd Tier): You can expend two uses of Mythic power to increase the damage inflicted to 1d10 per level, raise the temperature by five bands, and the ability damage to 2d4 points.
  • Augment (8th Tier): By expending ten uses of Mythic power, the range of Mythic Shadow of the Doom becomes Line of Sight and its area of effect changes to 1,000 foot radius per caster level plus Mythic tier.
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Metamagic only? Why this change?

Should the fluff include some manner of visible transformation given that unlike Paragon Surge it grants natural armor?

Metamagic only because I don't want to be too greedy, and once the spell is cast to choose a feat, that feat is locked in for the day, even if the spell's duration expires and you recast it. There are very few feats we would want to use other than Metamagic anyway.

Viserys already has a small Natural Armor bonus from being Dragoblooded. A few more scales for cosmetic purposes wouldn't be amiss.
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Viserys to Ao: "No, really, I love Robert Baratheon with all my heart. Without him, I never would have become the Dragon man I am today!"
Nothing stops you from using this spell on yourself ...

Technically the opportunity cost of that is not spending all your 5th level fire spells.
And a feat.

Viserys to Ao: "No, really, I love Robert Baratheon with all my heart. Without him, I never would have become the Dragon man I am today!"
Abraxas: "Now, Viserys, technically the Abyss is made up of infinite planes, however ..."
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I'm afraid not.

Infinite [Anything] does not make for fun game-play IMO. There have to be costs and balances so that one has to weigh the pros and cons.

Would an 'x' uses a day variant be possible? I fully understand the desire to not give infinite spell slots even if level restricted (I've actually used an item like what I just described and it was silly). But something that would allow for a few more extra spells or 3rd or 4th level in exchange for a monetary output considerable higher than that of scrolls seems doable. Throw in a restriction similar to the mental stat boosters that you only gain the bonuses after 24 hours of wearing it to stop us trying to trade them out on the fly.
Would an 'x' uses a day variant be possible? I fully understand the desire to not give infinite spell slots even if level restricted (I've actually used an item like what I just described and it was silly). But something that would allow for a few more extra spells or 3rd or 4th level in exchange for a monetary output considerable higher than that of scrolls seems doable. Throw in a restriction similar to the mental stat boosters that you only gain the bonuses after 24 hours of wearing it to stop us trying to trade them out on the fly.

That is fine, yes.
Would an 'x' uses a day variant be possible? I fully understand the desire to not give infinite spell slots even if level restricted (I've actually used an item like what I just described and it was silly). But something that would allow for a few more extra spells or 3rd or 4th level in exchange for a monetary output considerable higher than that of scrolls seems doable. Throw in a restriction similar to the mental stat boosters that you only gain the bonuses after 24 hours of wearing it to stop us trying to trade them out on the fly.
Pearls of Power.
@Duesal how much would an 18,000 gp item be when translated through our crafting modifications and factoring in the use of extraplanar reagents?
It would cost 1,800 IM to craft. 1,350 IM with Lya's discount.

Basically, you take the gp number: 18000 ÷ 5 (in-game conversion from gp - IM) ÷ 2 (since extraplanar materials are half as costly as Prime Material crafting supplies).

And then you multiply the resulting number by 0.75 for Lya's Extraordinary Artisan discount.
Just posting this now so I'll be able to search for it later when level up time comes again. Now that we're getting re-skinned Paragon Surge and Blood Wish upon reaching 14th level, there's no reason to keep Pyrotechnics, except DP not letting us retrain two spells on the same level up.

[] Viserys Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Dragonblooded
-[] Skills (7 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Spellcraft, +4 Sense Motive
-[] Spells:
--[] 2nd Level: Retrain Pyrotechnics into Scintillating Scales
--[] 3rd Level: Retrain Deep Slumber into Ancestral Awakening
--[] 7th Level: Blood Wish
Special: Each useof Blood Wish causes
There are very few feats we would want to use other than Metamagic anyway.
Yeah, I don't know whether you guys were eyeing any other feats. Just thought I'd call attention to it.
Viserys already has a small Natural Armor bonus from being Dragoblooded. A few more scales for cosmetic purposes wouldn't be amiss.
Put it into the fluff/description then? Much like Paragon Surge specifies no visible transformation.
Is that worth three 4th level spells slots (or 6 1st-3rd) to you?

Eventually, but not right now. Viserys, or most of our other casters for that matter, rarely lacks for low level spell slots and we have a lot of other stuff to craft first.

The next big purchase I'm going to push for is a 3-Ring Binder full of Pages of Spell Knowledge.
Does this saves us travel time now that the ark won't slow us down anymore?
Quite likely.
@DragonParadox, if they're really going to leave the ark behind in the interest of saving time, can we stash it back in Sorcerer's Deep without it being considered our reward since they were going to toss it out anyway? It's freaking silver and gold, and enchanted at that.
A handful of shaitans garbed not as merchants or even caravan guards but warriors girdled in resplendent gold wage a desperate defense of some manner of floating ark wrought of gold and silver also bound with sorceries so potent that even your spies simple senses can behold it.
The Ark itself easily keeps up, gliding silently a few inches above the floor... a strange thing for earth genies to make.
I think you meant Tywin Lannister, Viserys don't have strong feelings for Robert, he's irritating I will give you that, but I don't think Viserys wish him to the Abyss.

Even Viserys wouldn't be able to keep a straight face when he made that claim. I imagine he might have a minor stroke even making the attempt.
@DragonParadox, if they're really going to leave the ark behind in the interest of saving time, can we stash it back in Sorcerer's Deep without it being considered our reward since they were going to toss it out anyway? It's freaking silver and gold, and enchanted at that.
We could offer to safekeep it and return it later. Also known as diplomancing.