A Master's Craft
Fifteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
Having settled your business with Oberyn to both your satisfaction, you add a small pile of Dornish minted golden dragons to your treasury while the Viper admires the gleaming true-silver armor Lya crafted for him by sorcery alone. By contrast Nymeria was content with a small circle of silver to ward against dark things and a pair of fine daggers crafted by the lesser mage-smiths of the Deep. Both, however, wear gloves of fine eel-skin bespelled by Leila to hold something of the creatures' swiftness.
Lost 1800 Gold worth of Crafting Materials
Gained 3000 Gold
You smile a little, recalling the young woman's reaction to Oberyn's charm. Rather than the habitual shyness around armed strangers or even the fascination she had shown with Salladhor Saan, Leila had been almost blisteringly business-like. Something about the Red Viper seems to rub her entirely the wrong way. For his part you do not think the Dornishman had any true designs upon her, not beyond those he has on any pretty face that holds his attention for more than a moment.
two of them, if you can believe it," Tyene was saying in a fondly exasperated tone over breakfast.
Seeing Garin laugh and even Ser Richard smile slightly, you ask, "Two of what?"
"Do you remember those fiend blooded corsairs we rescued from their former employers?" she asks.
"Your father hired some of them?" Hardly surprising now that you think about it. They know more than most of magic and fiends, and you have no true hold on their loyally...
"In a manner of speaking. He has been
keeping company with two. I suppose Maelor is not that bad," she sighs dramatically.
"There is no guarantee that any child born of such a union will show fiend blood," you remind her, amused.
Later that day you are met with an odd but welcome request for an audience. A tinker fey bearing a golden monocle arrives in the company of a man sweating under the weight of an enormous crossbow. Though the weapon is obviously far too ungainly for a man to wield, it is obviously finely crafted, the double arch of fine pattered steel promising swift death, the stock carves with images of charging bulls amid twisting scrollwork.
"Here is the
work... better than Myrman work... much much better," the little fey says, almost squeaking in excitement. Then he visibly collects himself. "Prince of men, we are ready to arm the great horned ones with such weapons one and all."
Do you buy masterwork
double crossbows for the minotaurs?
[] Yes
-[] Write in how many (Cost 20 Gold each)
[] No
OOC: Next up heading North.