Why do I get the feeling one of the knights will accuse Viserys of cursing Fenly to bleed silver...

Please let this devil be viable target for the expensive compass.

Maybe if they say it was our devil we could tell them to pray to anyone-but-the-father for guidance. I guess asking a knight to pray to the maiden would be a little weird?
With 50% miss chance, at least that's how earlier Invis-fights were handled.
Sure you want that over using See Invis first and then charging?
Fair enough.

[X] Artemis1992

Fingers crossed, we might be able to salvage this. All the better if Other Renly demands to know why he's bleeding silver. That'll be fun to explain. :rofl:
Too bad Tyene doesn't have the Battlemage Rod at the moment. She'd be able to Quicken her Blindsight spell.
Can we have one, just one day without someone fucking up our entertainment?

I just wanted to see Richard beat a knight into a coma, is that so much to ask?

Why do I get the feeling one of the knights will accuse Viserys of cursing Fenly to bleed silver...

Because you've been paying attention.

[X] Artemis1992

If we don't get it I vote for hunting down the asshole that hired him and then tearing him apart for spell components, or furniture.

Whichever one he's more useful for once we get done flossing our teeth with his spine.
Worst case, Tyene heals Renly, the devil escapes, and before they start trying to poke holes in us Renly calls a halt and demands an explanation for his... several questions.

With our diplomacy, we could probably at least convince them we had no idea this would happen, nor did we want to sully a parley with violence. We really only need to convince Renly and Lord Tarth of that.

I would be happy walking away from this without having thoroughly convinced them we meant to kill anyone, if not our ransom.
Tyene is on one side of us, Frenly on the other, I don't think she needs a reach spell. And yeah, with our number of immidate action spells, I think that Tyene would get much more use out of the rod.
Garin stabbed it.
There's blood.
We definitely can Wayfinder it.
Though I dearly hope it gets murderblendered in a single round.
It bothers me a bit that the Devils remember who messed with their plans,but not that we slew a Lord of hell and made them run like little bitches.
We are going to have to track down another infestation and slay them all to remind them.
Garin stabbed it.
There's blood.
We definitely can Wayfinder it.
Though I dearly hope it gets murderblendered in a single round.
We can scry on it, then teleport to his lair, capture it alive, and mindrape it into giving up all its secrets.
If we scry it and capture it we have to pull off everything perfectly. Otherwise it has Invisibility at will and Dimension Door at will. We just can't keep up.