[X] Takesis

If Stannis ends up dying in the inevitable civil war I want to rez him to make him work for us.
"The Dancer, the lord of the Great Circles and the Prince of the Horned Ones, whose name I will not lightly speak, lest I draw his ear," comes the rather hesitant answer. "He holds some kinship with my people but no dominion for he rules over wild places and great feasts under the stars and the trees."

D&D experts, Pathfinder players, is this canon Pathfinder? Because the mythological Cernunnos came to mind with this description. Wyldhunt, Stag Lord and all.

It even fits the Stormland narrative. A Stag Lord offering another a way out.
[X] Takesis

You glorious glorious bastards!!! Thanks for making me laugh till my guts assholes! And thanks for bringing up my hopes that we'll actually be able to steal Bobby B's favorite childhood brewery from out under his nose without anything going wrong!!! No seriously all of you are great and I really want to make this work but part of me fears this idea is too wondrous for this world....

In other news how soon till Malerys starts making Will saving throws to disbelieve that he's still dreaming? I mean sentient monkeys worshipping him as a god is one thing, but Viserys and Co's actions?
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We need to send a ship & Arcane Mark to the Summer Isles so we can loot a cacao tree or a whole plantation... :evil:

Maybe the Summer Gods would fit the pantheon too. Praise be hybridization! :whistle:
So an extended botanical neighbourhood for Sorcerer's Deep is a go then?

Collect all the tropical trees, and a swamp for Vee & the hydras (that one maybe on its own isle).
Eventually we could transplant a whole Summer Isles / Sotheryos forest to Dorne too... give it a nice lake and we are golden.

We need to loot Shade-of-the-Evening trees from Quarth too!
The Last Long Night* and that's the Andal movement, the Gods are only a few thousand years old?

Potentially. There where 3000 years between the Long Night and the Andal Invasion. Plenty of time for a group of people to ascend together.

The Seven could have been a minor pantheon among the Andals, which grew in power as their followers increased in population, spreading to occupy the majority of Westeros rather than a single relatively small region of Essos, which may have been impacted by the Long Night, but didn't necessarily have to combat the Others and their Undead armies.

Or they could be extra-planar immigrants, such as the Egyptian pantheon also being the Mulhorandi gods of Faerun.
Part MDLXXXII: Knights of the Storm
Knights of the Storm

Tenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

In the end you decide upon at least attempting discretion, though it makes an already difficult letter almost torturous to write. On the surface it is a letter to a traitor to your house, one who was a mere child during the Usurper's war and whom you would be naturally inclined to offer at least the possibility of reconciliation, but beyond that you know the man you write to is not what he appears, though he may not know it himself... A simple greeting might be tangled by circumstance, much less a request to meet in a secluded spot away from walls and guards.

Letters fly back and forth to Evenfall Hall for the remainder of the day and well into the night, proposal and counter-proposal while you settle in the village almost three miles from the keep, somewhat regretful of fey hospitality of the Golden Hearth. The people of Tarth are happy enough to take your silver, though they do not spare you suspicious glances they likely give all those foreign to the island... likely not helped by the fact that you cannot name the ship that brought you here.

Ser Richard insists on watching through the night against foolish smallfolk and treacherous lords both, though thankfully the hours pass without incident.


Eleventh Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

The morning's light finally brights the letter you sought, penned in the looping though somewhat untidy script you had come to recognize, requesting the meeting take place in a valley not far from the hall, with the lord of Tarth and his changeling lord setting out supposedly to hunt in the company of their most leal knights, eight in all to your four had been agreed upon.

"They look colorful if nothing else," Ser Richard snorts, looking across the grassy bowl of the valley to the Stormlander delegation. Indeed bright are surcoats of gold and black, red, blue, and green over shining armors.

"A blind man might think them a hunting party," Tyene agrees, then she pauses a moment, as though deep in thought. "Make that blind and deaf, they rattle and clank enough to scare the beasts out of half the forest."

Only half-listening to the banter you keep your gaze fixed on the advancing riders, trying to pick out the man who is 'a kind of Renly Baratheon.' Fortunately he is anything but shy in his approach: at the head of the company cantering forward is a man in gleaming green enameled armor, his hair black as a raven's wing to match the surcoat in the colors of House Baratheon. Though one might if pressed be able to pick out features alike to his brother Stannis, the way they all fit together could not have been more different. A face meant to smile and laugh you would call it, filled with youthful charm, such a visage the Usurper may have had on the eve of war...

Look though you may for some sign of otherworldly influence you can see nary a one with only the second sight, and even the deeper searching of magic meant to see beyond all the veils of the world shows naught but a shimmer engaged in silver light, like a reflection in rippling water on a summer day.

Besides him you see knights of lesser houses, most sworn directly to Storm's End you would guess, save one: a slender man of middle years and greying hair bearing the quartered sun and moon of Tarth. Lord Selwyn himself, your host of sorts in these lands looks at you with wary faded blue eyes.

How do you greet the Lord of Storm's End?

[] Write in

OOC: Sorry this is late, had stuff to do IRL.
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Speech time? Diplomance them? I say bedazzle them with magic!

[X] Greet the lords astride in spectral horses
-[X] Major image the Targaryen symbol at your back with matching theme music.

...what? We're trying to set a reputation here!
So the Changeling can stand up to Truesight?

Then I suppose he is Renly in all ways that matter and we should treat him as we would have, had we known nothing of this Fey business.