A Conqueror's Dilemma
Thirty-First Day of the Eight Month 292 AC
Finding someone who can rule the broken town of Westheaven proves far more difficult than you might have hoped, not from any lingering hostility, which proves almost
disturbingly easy to dismiss, but because the deaths and the fires at the admiral's manse have ripped the heart out of the previous mechanisms of rule. You have documents, some of them at least, but no one who can read the "system" Jaelcar's dead purser used, you have plenty of soldiers that could serve in keeping order, but a distinct lack of officers that you would trust to lead them, most having been from a better class of men and thus currently either dead or too scared by the night's events to take up their former positions. Ruefully you begin to regret the greedy opportunism of the Deep. At least there you had no trouble finding people who could lead well enough to get by, however dishonestly.
The sense that your presence alone is all that is keeping the town from finishing what the previous night had begun and ripping itself apart is oppressive and unwelcome, yet you cannot deny the truth of it. Freemen and former slaves, even the pitiful remnants of what passed for the local aristocracy, are all looking towards you to save them while at the same time eyeing their fellows with suspicion born of the night where men preyed upon their fellows like beasts.
Fortunately Dany is having more luck than you in her own more straightforward task, having opened the harbor and let the local fishing boats out to look for their catch. Still, even there trouble brews, for the fish can only fill a fraction of the town's needs. Much of the fortress' supplies having come by ship from Tyrosh. Upon hearing that, Ser Richard had looked like a man about to pray for patience at the folly all around him, and you had not been far behind. What manner of fortress
dies without supplies delivered by sea? Though pirate-infested waters no less. It is as if the Tyroshi expected this place to fall to a stiff wind... Considering the number of exiles sent here, that thought may not be as far from the truth as you would like.
What do you do about the mess of Westheaven's future governance?
[] Stay here a a month and untangle it yourself
[] Set one of your companions to rule it
-[] Dany
-[] Tyene
-[] Waymar
-[] Garin
[] Write in
OOC: You rolled a nat 1 on finding someone to rule the island.