[] Viserys gets his usual speech buffs and in addition uses Miracles to copy Greater Angelic Aspect (wings hidden by Greater Ribbon of Disguise) and Crown of Glory, spending Bloodwishes for Divine Presence, Sacred Nimbus,
Devil's Ego, Righteous Aura and casts Starmantle on himself. Lastly, he casts Adoration of the Frightful from a scroll.
@Goldfish, @Goldfish, @Goldfish!

We need your numerical powers to know just how much Diplomacy Viserys is throwing around with that speech!
I've updated my Scholarum student tracking spreadsheet for ease of reference. The numbers below are slightly different than the table @DragonParadox posted in the above chapter. It looks like he accidentally cut out the Concept Clerics when he was removing the Nightwatch training rows. There were also two or three places that were showing a decrease in students in a particular class and level without a subsequent increase in a following level. That's an artifact of the spreadsheet and rounding errors, so I manually fixed that.

Sadly, we didn't any new Alchemists or Hedge Mages of a high enough level to operate additional Industrial Alchemy Facilities, but the numbers are very close to rolling over on the table, so we'll likely be getting at least a couple more next month. Overall, the numbers are looking quite nice, with new students who have gained a magic-using class of some sort increasing by 780. Most of those are lesser mages (Adepts, Hedge Mages, and Magewrights), but that's fine because they all fill their particular niche within the Imperium.
Is there any chance we could pull off a boosted version of Shadow Canopy? Being not just a bright light, but the only one would make it all more terrifying. Covering the city would be a bit much, but the red keep/any concentration of military forces could be doable.
[] Plan Absolute Heresy
-[] Buffs:
--[] Viserys gets his usual speech buffs and in addition uses Miracles to copy Greater Angelic Aspect (wings hidden by Greater Ribbon of Disguise) and Crown of Glory, spending Bloodwishes for Divine Presence, Sacred Nimbus,
Devil's Ego, Righteous Aura and casts Starmantle on himself. Lastly, he casts Adoration of the Frightful from a scroll.
--[] Balerion is buffed by Starmantle.
--[] Overland Flight is cast on anyone in the party not yet able to fly.
-[] When the Dauntless arrives over Kings Landing, it will be hidden in a cloud and carry with it a small layer of floating ice crystals over the city. When it reveals itself the cloud dissipates, revealing the vessel, whose glammered hull is made to display the Targaryen crest.
-[] Viserys casts as Miracle to wrap the Dauntless and the incoming Wyverns in flames. Those flames won't hurt anything, but they will shed a warm, almost golden light that lights up the entire city, and which will reflect in the ice layer above, creating an aurora-like effect that lights up the whole night sky.
-[] Balerion, the Heralds and the Wyverns will circle above the city, shedding their light on it and lighting up the sky.
-[] Viserys steps off the Dauntless' hull, gently floating down to the plaza before the Great Sept of Baelor while using scrolls of Mages Decree and his Angelic Aspects Truespeech to deliver his words to everyone in the entire city.
-[] Speech:
--[] "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the city of Sorcerers Deep, an Imperator has been crowned." 30 Words - 2 Scrolls
--[] All Imperial soldiers within the city will chant in reply, due to being spread out over the city, they will be heard in the entire city and it will sound like a massive chorus coming from everywhere: "Glory to the Imperator, here on this world and beyond."
--[] "You were made to toil and suffer in darkness by wicked kings and scheming lords, but today, I come to end their reign. With me, I bring my legions, so that the righteous shall know reprieve, and that the wicked shall know fear." 43 Words - 2 Scrolls
--[] Chorus: "By his will, we march and justice shall follow in our steps."
--[] "With me, I bring my healers, so that you may know succor. No longer shall you be made to starve. No longer shall you fear sickness and rot." 28 Words - 2 Scrolls
--[] Chorus: "Through his hand, this world shall be mended."
--[] "With me, I bring the light, so that it may warm your hearts and minds." 21 Words - 1 Scroll
--[] Chrous: "In his light, peace shall reign."
--[] "So come forth and see, for the dawn has come." 10 Words - 1 Scroll
-[] At this point, Viserys lands on the plaza, most likely in the midst of a stunned crowd. Bonus points if the High Septon comes out and kneels at this point.
-[] Viserys will then lead his party to the Red Keep and to the Iron Throne.
I see we're abandoning the last vestiges of subtelty and going full on secular messiah. I approve.
Social Buffs
Viserys' Resting Social Skill Bonuses:
  • Bluff: 22 + 13 (CHA) + 3 (Familiar) + 10 (Ring) + 1 (SoGL) = 49
  • Diplomacy: 22 + 13 (CHA) + 6 (SYN) + 10 (Ring) + 1 (SoGL) = 52
  • Intimidate: 22 + 13 (CHA) + 2 (SYN) + 8 (MD) + 1 (SoGL) = 46
Effects which apply continually until duration expires:
  • Voice of the Dragon: +10 Enhancement bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
  • Air of Nobility: +10 Circumstance bonus to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
  • Seducer's Eyes: +5 bonus on all Charisma-based checks when interacting with anyone who finds you sexually attractive.
  • Greater Heroism: +4 Morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
    • Modified using Dany's Metamagic Rod of Encouraging Spell to increase Morale bonus by +1.
  • Divine Presence: +5/+10/+15 Sacred/Profane bonus to Intimidate skill checks depending on the audience's alignment and who or what they worship.
  • Surge of Fortune: +2 Luck bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks.
    • NOTE: Viserys already benefits from a +1 Luck bonus from his Stone of Good Luck, so this spell only provides a +1 additional bonus for him.
Limited use effects:
  • Divine Insight: +15 Insight bonus to a single skill check.
  • Mythic Surge: You can expend one Mythic power to add 1d8 to any 1d20 roll you make as a Free action.
  • Surge of Fortune: The spell can be canceled as an Immediate Action to guarantee a single check result will be a Natural 20.
  • Moment of Greatness: Double a Morale bonus for a single check by canceling this spell (i.e. double the Encouraging Greater Herosim's +5 Morale bonus to +10).
  • Moment of Prescience: +22 Insight bonus (at Visery's current 20th caster level + 2 via Wild Arcana) on any single attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. Cannot be used in conjunction with Divine Insight on a single skill check, but can be used before or after it on a separate check.
Special Modifiers:
  • Honeyed Tongue: You roll two dice each time you make a Diplomacy check and use the highest roll.
  • Adoration of the Frightful: Any creature within the spell's area that is Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked has its attitude toward you shifted to Friendly.
  • Crown of Glory: Everyone who hears your voice can telepathically understand what you are saying. Creatures with 8 HD or less who fail their saving throw stop whatever they are doing to give you their undivided attention.
  • Focused Scrutiny: Against a single creature you are focusing on, you gain a +10 bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against the target creature, as well as a +5 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks attempted against it.
Charisma Modifiers:
  • Devil's Ego: +4 Profane bonus to Charisma.
  • Inner Beauty: +4 Sacred bonus to Dexterity and Charisma.
  • Righteous Aura: +4 Sacred bonus to Charisma. Does not stack with the effects of Inner Beauty, and vice versa.
Current Maximum Effect vs Large Audience:
  • Diplomacy: 52 + 10 (AoN) + 10 (VotD) + 5 (EGH) + 1 (SoF; removed if used to generate a Nat 20) + 2 (CHA via Devil's Ego) + 2 (CHA via Righteous Aura) = 82
    • Modifiers:
      • Mythic Surge: +1d8 as a Free Action
      • Moment of Greatness (applicable at any time): +5
      • Surge of Fortune (applicable at any time): Guarantees a Natural 20
      • Seducer's Eyes: +5 when interacting with anyone who finds Viserys sexually attractive
      • Divine Insight (applicable at any time): +15 (does not stack with Moment of Prescience)
      • Moment of Prescience (applicable at any time): +22 (does not stack with Divine Insight)
    • Maximum Single Diplomacy Check: 129 + 1d8 + 5 (if Seducer's Eyes is applicable)
Current Maximum Effect vs Single Individual:
  • Diplomacy: 52 + 10 (AoN) + 10 (VotD) + 5 (EGH) + 5 (FS) + 1 (SoF; removed if used to generate a Nat 20) + 2 (CHA via Devil's Ego) + 2 (CHA via Righteous Aura) = 87
    • Modifiers:
      • Mythic Surge: +1d8 as a Free Action
      • Moment of Greatness (applicable at any time): +5
      • Surge of Fortune (applicable at any time): Guarantees a Natural 20
      • Seducer's Eyes: +5 when interacting with anyone who finds Viserys sexually attractive
      • Divine Insight (applicable at any time): +15 (does not stack with Moment of Prescience)
      • Moment of Prescience (applicable at any time): +22 (does not stack with Divine Insight)
    • Maximum Single Diplomacy Check: 134 + 1d8 + 5 (if Seducer's Eyes is applicable)
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Is there any chance we could pull off a boosted version of Shadow Canopy? Being not just a bright light, but the only one would make it all more terrifying. Covering the city would be a bit much, but the red keep/any concentration of military forces could be doable.
Eh. We outshine every other light source anyway.

Starmantle shines like a torch.
Righteous Aura adds a Daylight worth of light.
Sacred Nimbus does not specifically add any light, but we will gain... a golden halo in the shape of three dragon heads or something like it.
And then we have the Miracle spent on further light effects.

Viserys will glow like the midday sun.

Edit: @Goldfish, changed the link to your post.
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@egoo, @Azel, this might help a bit. Highlighted the section most relevant to your plan in red.

Gonna bookmark this for future reference and to keep it up to date.

Viserys' Resting Social Skill Bonuses:
  • Bluff: 21 + 13 (CHA) + 3 (Familiar) + 10 (Ring) + 1 (SoGL) = 48
  • Diplomacy: 21 + 13 (CHA) + 6 (SYN) + 10 (Ring) + 1 (SoGL) = 51
  • Intimidate: 21 + 13 (CHA) + 2 (SYN) + 8 (MD) + 1 (SoGL) = 45
Effects which apply continually until duration expires:
  • Air of Nobility: +10 Circumstance bonus to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
  • Voice of the Dragon: +10 Enhancement bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
  • Greater Heroism: +4 Morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
    • Modified using Dany's Metamagic Rod of Encouraging Spell to increase Morale bonus by +1.
  • Divine Presence: +5/+10/+15 Sacred/Profane bonus to Intimidate skill checks depending on the audience's alignment and who or what they worship.
  • Surge of Fortune: +2 Luck bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks.
    • NOTE: Viserys already benefits from a +1 Luck bonus from his Stone of Good Luck, so this spell only provides a +1 additional bonus for him.
Limited use effects:
  • Divine Insight: +15 Insight bonus to a single skill check.
  • Mythic Surge: You can expend one Mythic power to add 1d8 to any 1d20 roll you make as a Free action.
  • Surge of Fortune: The spell can be canceled as an Immediate Action to guarantee a single check result will be a Natural 20.
  • Moment of Greatness: Double a Morale bonus for a single check by canceling this spell (i.e. double the Encouraging Greater Herosim's +5 Morale bonus to +10).
  • Moment of Prescience: +22 Insight bonus (at Visery's current 20th caster level + 2 via Wild Arcana) on any single attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. Cannot be used in conjunction with Divine Insight on a single skill check, but can be used before or after it on a separate check.
Special Modifiers:
  • Honeyed Tongue: You roll two dice each time you make a Diplomacy check and use the highest roll.
  • Adoration of the Frightful: Any creature within the spell's area that is Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked has its attitude toward you shifted to Friendly.
  • Crown of Glory: Everyone who hears your voice can telepathically understand what you are saying. Creatures with 8 HD or less who fail their saving throw stop whatever they are doing to give you their undivided attention.
  • Focused Scrutiny: Against a single creature you are focusing on, you gain a +10 bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against the target creature, as well as a +5 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks attempted against it.
Charisma Modifiers:
  • Devil's Ego: +4 Profane bonus to Charisma.
  • Inner Beauty: +4 Sacred bonus to Dexterity and Charisma.
  • Righteous Aura: +4 Sacred bonus to Charisma. Does not stack with the effects of Inner Beauty, and vice versa.
Current Maximum Effect vs Large Audience:
  • Diplomacy: 51 + 10 (AoN) + 10 (VotD) + 5 (EGH) + 1 (SoF; removed if used to generate a Nat 20) + 2 (CHA via Devil's Ego) + 2 (CHA via Righteous Aura) = 81
    • Modifiers:
      • Mythic Surge: +1d8 as a Free Action
      • Moment of Greatness (applicable at any time): +5
      • Surge of Fortune (applicable at any time): Guarantees a Natural 20
      • Divine Insight (applicable at any time): +15 (does not stack with Moment of Prescience)
      • Moment of Prescience (applicable at any time): +22 (does not stack with Divine Insight)
    • Maximum Single Diplomacy Check: 128 + 1d8
Current Maximum Effect vs Single Individual:
  • Diplomacy: 51 + 10 (AoN) + 10 (VotD) + 5 (EGH) + 10 (FS) + 1 (SoF; removed if used to generate a Nat 20) + 2 (CHA via Devil's Ego) + 2 (CHA via Righteous Aura) = 81
    • Modifiers:
      • Mythic Surge: +1d8 as a Free Action
      • Moment of Greatness (applicable at any time): +5
      • Surge of Fortune (applicable at any time): Guarantees a Natural 20
      • Divine Insight (applicable at any time): +15 (does not stack with Moment of Prescience)
      • Moment of Prescience (applicable at any time): +22 (does not stack with Divine Insight)
    • Maximum Single Diplomacy Check: 138 + 1d8
Fucking glorious. I hope whoever the Lannisters/Seven have waiting for Viserys has +128 adamant clad balls, cause otherwise they might end up running away or signing on with us before they even get to start their ambush. :V
Since the turn-vote seems to be done and this abomination is finishing...

[X] Plan Absolute Heresy
-[X] Buffs:
--[X] Viserys gets his usual speech buffs and in addition uses Miracles to copy Greater Angelic Aspect (wings hidden by Greater Ribbon of Disguise) and Crown of Glory, spending Bloodwishes for Divine Presence, Sacred Nimbus, Devil's Ego, Righteous Aura and casts Starmantle on himself. Lastly, he casts Adoration of the Frightful and Seducer's Eyes from a scroll and has Glyra use UMD to cast Inner Beauty from a scroll on him.
--[X] Balerion is buffed by Starmantle and Adoration of the Frightful from a scroll.
--[X] Overland Flight is cast on anyone in the party not yet able to fly.
-[X] When the Dauntless arrives over Kings Landing, it will be hidden in a cloud and carry with it a small layer of floating ice crystals over the city. When it reveals itself the cloud dissipates, revealing the vessel, whose glammered hull is made to display the Targaryen crest.
-[X] Viserys casts as Miracle to wrap the Dauntless and the incoming Wyverns in flames. Those flames won't hurt anything, but they will shed a warm, almost golden light that lights up the entire city, and which will reflect in the ice layer above, creating an aurora-like effect that lights up the whole night sky.
-[X] Balerion, the Heralds and the Wyverns will circle above the city, shedding their light on it and lighting up the sky.
-[X] Viserys steps off the Dauntless' hull, gently floating down to the plaza before the Great Sept of Baelor while using scrolls of Mages Decree and his Angelic Aspects Truespeech to deliver his words to everyone in the entire city.
-[X] Speech:
--[X] "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the city of Sorcerers Deep, an Imperator has been crowned." 30 Words
--[X] "You were made to toil and suffer in darkness by wicked kings and scheming lords, but today, I come to end their reign. With me, I bring my legions, so that the righteous shall know reprieve, and that the wicked shall know fear." 43 Words
--[X] "With me, I bring my healers, so that you may know succor. No longer shall you be made to starve. No longer shall you fear sickness and rot." 28 Words
--[X] "With me, I bring the light, so that it may warm your hearts and minds." 21 Words
--[X] "So come forth and see, for the dawn has come." 10 Words
--[X] Total of 132 word, needing 6 scrolls of Mages Decree.
-[X] At this point, Viserys lands on the plaza, most likely in the midst of a stunned crowd. Bonus points if the High Septon comes out and kneels at this point.
-[X] Viserys will then lead his party to the Red Keep and to the Iron Throne.
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--[X] All Imperial soldiers within the city will chant in reply, due to being spread out over the city, they will be heard in the entire city and it will sound like a massive chorus coming from everywhere: "Glory to the Imperator, here on this world and beyond."
This seems like a bit much. Doing a call and response works if it's spontaneous, but arranging one like this in advance feels tacky even in context with everything else.
--[X] Balerion is buffed by Starmantle and Adoration of the Frightful from a scroll.


This makes for a very hilarious image.

A fuckmothering Dragon flew around above. Not just any dragon, it's Balerion the Black Dread himself. The Dragon that forged Westeros as is. Beneath it is the peasantry. But instead of flailing around like a horde of headless chicken, they instead view it as if it's their best friend.
If more people want the set up replies removed, I'll do so. We should have enough Miracles and Mythic power riding on this that it may or may not happen eidetically anyway.
[x] Azel

I still remember when the plan to take King's landing was to storm the capital using magic to bring a legion inside the walls, decapitating the leadership and then continuing the invasion from there, instead of just flying to the front door and saying "surrender, bitches" with our portable army.

I'm not going to say the former didn't grow on me, but I also like this current plan.