Parting Words

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

After leaving the delegation from Walano to their musings on magic, gods, and the place of kings, you grab a glass of Dawnfruit Mead from a passing server's tray with a nod of thanks and head towards the small stage set up before the eastern wing of the palace. A far cry from a throne, and by design. "My vassals. But also my allies and my friends. And strangers, of course, who may soon be counted among them. I raise my glass to you, for it would be a lonely day in a much smaller abode, were it not for you all."

"Being a bit blunt about hoping to vassalize half the world, aren't you?" Dany's amused voice echoes in your thoughts, in place of Varys who had flown off for the reminder of the night, preferring to roost with her kin over planning a military campaign.

"Plausible deniability," you shoot back, smoothing out the amused smile that comes to your lips into a gracious one sweeping over your old vassals and new bannermen, guests, and new acquaintances. "I hope you find the food and drink to your liking, and may you find the alchemist's kindness in a glass near your bed on the morrow."

That earns a raucous cheer. If one knows nothing else about the Deep, then the fact that you can find an effective hangover cure here is famed from the Sunset Sea to the Jade Sea by now.

"For once, I have no grand proclamations or dire portents to share with you. Tonight, all I have to say to you is 'be merry'."

A Reacher knight whose name escapes you for the moment raises his head from the table it had just slumped on and shouts in the direction of your magic-enhanced voice. "For the last time, the name is Marty, not Merry. Merry's m' sister."

Surprised silence falls, broken only by the rustling of the leaves and the whisper of water in the fountains. Before the whispers can start, you note lightly, "Make that two doses of alchemist's kindness for the fine ser."

Into the renewed good cheer that follows, you continue, "It is hard to do, finding good cheer, and I myself count it a most illusive task. But once in a while we all need a carefree moment of respite. A moment when we do not feel the weight of our crowns and the dread of wars fought and those yet to be fought. A moment in which we allow ourselves to relax and to gather the strength necessary for the days to come."

"Hear, hear!" what sounds like Mace Tyrell is the first to agree, though he is quickly drowned out in what sounds like a chorus of Umbers and other northern lords without the worries of Eddard Stark.

When the garden quiets down, as quiet as it is likely to get at least, you raise up your glass and declare, "So let us drink together on this moment of rest and peace. May it feel like a lifetime and may our worries be far away while it lasts," and drink the mead down in one long drought. "Sadly, though, as I say this, others already had to move on to the next task and for me comes the time to join them. The rebels in the west have to be dealt with. So, for now, I say farewell. May we see each other after the first dawn of the Imperium."

The flames of sorcery shrouds you in their familiar embrace, flesh transmutes and expands, wings snap with a sound like thunder, and you rise into the air upon a wind of your own making. You make straight for the wardline, and upon crossing it will yourself to Westhaven to plan at last the war for Westeros as much as it might be called such.

What is your first target of attack and how do you move?

[] Write in

OOC: Rather short, but I felt like it fit, the break point here would have been really jarring if I continued.
Made some additional edits to the chapter, DP.
Yeah, but that's practically an essential combat spell for any fight that is going to last more than one or two rounds. I would very much prefer to keep that one easily available.
No argument here, just an observation. Though couldn't we just use Ancestral Awakening to get it when we expect to need Spellsurge? And as long as one of our spells is fire, we can always throw Searing & Agonizing on it.
Did I miss a update. Last update the priestess asked us a question then there was a interlude and then this update. We didn't answer her.
Okay, you know what, I am going to do the turnplan now.

So that the war for Westeros starts with the turn.

Give me 5 minutes to put all the x's in proper places, it's a bit of a bother.
No argument here, just an observation. Though couldn't we just use Ancestral Awakening to get it when we expect to need Spellsurge? And as long as one of our spells is fire, we can always throw Searing & Agonizing on it.
Ancestral Awakening is limited to 3rd level spells and lower, or a Metamagic feat. We generally use it to learn the feat.
@egoo, you do that and I'll also assemble the initial timeline so that we can track what should happen when as per the plan right now. Most of this invasion should be over by dawn, so calling the scheduling tight is an understatement.
We also have yet to have the traditional "here's how your stock market is doing by the way, you dirty market capitalist".
Also need Scholarium numbers for the 4th month, @DragonParadox, so we can determine whether whether or not we're expanding the Industrial Alchemical production, and how. That's going to need a retroactive vote once we get the info, though that can happen later if you don't mind us voting for something from the 4th month when it's technically the 5th.
@egoo, you do that and I'll also assemble the initial timeline so that we can track what should happen when as per the plan right now. Most of this invasion should be over by dawn, so calling the scheduling tight is an understatement.
I get the impression maybe @DragonParadox envisages this happening over the course of a week... I also get the impression we are not going to give the enemy any room to breathe and will be overtaking any position and overwhelming any resistance immediately.
I get the impression maybe @DragonParadox envisages this happening over the course of a week... I also get the impression we are not going to give the enemy any room to breathe and will be overtaking any position and overwhelming any resistance immediately.
I wouldn't mind a week of different POVs of Westerosi shit getting kicked in, as told through the eyes of Legion soldiers, Praetorians, air force pilots and captains, the odd Westerosi themselves, etc., though all of it would all be happening over just a few hours time period.
I get the impression maybe @DragonParadox envisages this happening over the course of a week... I also get the impression we are not going to give the enemy any room to breathe and will be overtaking any position and overwhelming any resistance immediately.

A few days sounds about right, though I don't think it is impossible to do by dawn. The important part is to get inside any raven-based communication loop and that takes days to travel a meaningful distance.
The Reconquest
---The Reconquest---
[X] Invasion Timeline - Initial
-[X] 22:00
--[X] Vale
---[X] 1st Battlegroup (IMV Moonchaser, IMV Gladius and IMV Spatha) and 3rd Fighter Squadron (16x Wyvern Type-C) reach the Eyri.
----[X] They will demand, by decree of the Imperator, that the garrisson stands down and opens the gates for imperial forces. The orders have been acknowledged and confirmed by the last regent for the defuncts Arryn main branch, Lysa Arryn ne Tully.
----[X] The boarding crews, backed by 50 Praetori, will take control of the Eyri and set up a command post in the throne room.
----[X] If they refuse, proceed with two warning shots, 10 minutes apart, as per the the Airforce Fortification Doctrine.
----[X] If they still do not comply, reach out to high-command for further orders. Preferably the Eyri is now taken by gently ramming the vessels into the outer fortifications and starting a ground assault, but if deemed unfeasible, the Eyri is shelled until it surrenders or burns down.
---[X] 2nd Darkenbeast Company, together with Waymar, Tyene, their griffons, Melisande on a Fiery Dragonbeast and the Knights Griffon will raise from their staging ground in the mountains and attack the Bloody Gate.

--[X] Imperial Demiplane
---[X] Dany rapidly casts multiple Create Greater Demiplane scrolls to open all the gates necessary for the Legions to march to their destinations. One gate to wherever they currently are stationed, another to their destination.
---[X] Dany then immediately joins Viserys.

--[X] Stormlands
---[X] 2nd Battlegroup (IMV Dawnstar) reaches the castle of Parchments and offers a Default Ultimatum to House Penrose.
----[X] If they comply, they briefly land to take in lord Penrose, then move on to attack further traitors in the Crownlands.
---[X] 3rd Battlegroup (IMV Duskrunner) reaches the caste of Cape Wrath and offers a Default Ultimatum to House Mertyns.
----[X] If they comply, they briefly land to take in lord Mertyns, then move on to do the same with House Meadows, and then to the Marches.
---[X] From their hidden staging ground in the Red Mountains, the 1st Darkenbeast Compan,y aided by Valeana Velarion and Nettles on their dragons, and Amrelath, fan out and deliver ultimatums to the Marcher Lords who are not yet sworn to the Imperium. They submit, or their castles are molten to slag by dragonfire.

--[X] Reach
---[X] The 5th Legion arrives by Gate in Highgarden to erect a temporary command post and to suppress any hostile activity in the Mandervale. Due to the high probability of Fey activity, they will be supported by Malarys, Vee, 100x Praetori, Mereth, 20x Erinyes, 1x Orphne Fey Lord, 2x Wild Hunt Archers, 1x Wild Hunt Scouts, 2x Adult Mind Dragons and 5x Heralds.
---[X] The 2nd Legion, aided by the Siege Company will be Gated to the Oceanroad near Crakehall and immediately being marching north towards Casterly Rock. All hostile forces will be offered the choice between capitulation and annihilation, with clemency offered to all who surrender. They are joined by the 2nd Fighter Squadron (16x Wyvern Type-A).
---[X] House Roxton of the Ring will be attacked by a commando force of Teana Strykos, Liomond Lashare, Vargo and Sari, with the goal being the capture of their lord and the surrender of their troops.
----[X] When they are done, they will Teleport over to Highgarden to coordinate further efforts.

--[X] Riverlands
---[X] The 6th Legion will be Gated to Harrenhall and establish a Legion base their by using two sets of Titan Tools to make preliminary repairs to the castle. They will also erect a landing zone for airforce assets and protected hangars for small crafts.
---[X] The 3th Legion will be Gated to Riverrun and supported by the 1st Fighter Squadron (16x Wyvern Type-A) march westwards to Casterly Rock.
---[X] The 4th Legion will be Gated to Seaguard, where they will rendezvous with the 1st Bomber Squadrons 1st and 2nd Flights (8x Manticore).
----[X] They will offer a Default Ultimatum to House Mallister. If it comes to shelling, they will use solid shot and explosive packs on the cliffs beneath the keep to sink it into the sea.
---[X] The 10th legion will be Gated to the area near Acorn Hall and march on Pinkmaiden, preparing a loose siege and asking for unconditional surrender, with the standard ultimatum being expanded to 3 hours, with warning shots after 2 hours.

--[X] Kings Landing:
---[X] The 1st Legion and 11th Legion, aided by 200x Praetori, the Harbinger and 10x Heralds, arrive by Gate in the tunnels beneath Kings Landing. They immediately take control of all points of interest, such as the Dragonpit, the Great Sept of Baelor, the Goldcloaks barracks and the Red Keep itself, the last of which will be chiefly done by the Praetori.
---[X] At the same time, the Dauntless will decloak in the air, Viserys, Dany, Lya, Richard, Sandor, Maelor and Balerion standing on the hull, framed by the arriven 1st Bomber Squadrons 3rd and 4th Flights (8x Manticore). Viserys will deliver a grand speech.

-[X] 22:30
--[X] Warning shots of the first round of ultimatums will be fired.
--[X] Latest point at which the Red Keep should be taken by the assault of the Praetori and the local party members.
--[X] Viserys takes the Iron Throne into his cloak for later processing.
--[X] A temporary command post is erected by the Legions in the former throne room.

-[X] 23:00
--[X] First round of keeps will be shelled into submission if they did not surrender.
--[X] Forces on the Plane of Earth side of the Casterly Rock gates make final combat preparations.
--[X] The Dauntless with Viserys, Dany, Lya, Richard, Sandor and Maelor on board departs Kings Landing towards Casterly Rock.
--[X] 11th legion with the 1st Bomber Squadrons 3rd and 4th Flights (8x Manticore) move from Kings Landing to take control of the northern Crownlands.
--[X] Balerion remains in Kings Landing, squatting on the Red Keep.

-[X] 23:30
--[X] First round of keeps should be sufficiently destroyed for aerial assets to move on.

-[X] 24:00
--[X] Latest point at which 1st Bomber Squadrons 1st and 2nd Flights (8x Manticore) arrive at Pinkmaiden and, if necessary, give off warning shots.
--[X] Dauntless arrives above Casterly Rock. No ultimatum is given, instead fire is immediately opened on all defensive installations that might even remotely be a threat to the Dauntless.
--[X] Assault force in the tunnels of Casterly Rock begins the assault.

-[X] 01:00
--[X] Unless it surrendered, the castle of Pinkmaiden will be shelled and destroyed.

-[X] Default Procedures
--[X] Default Ultimatum
---[X] The ultimati will be delivered audible with magically amplified voice to the whole fortification.
---[X] Unless otherwise specified, the ultimatum will be for the lord or commander of a fortification to surrender and be taken aboard the air force vessel making the ultimatum to be presented to the Imperator.
---[X] They are given 1 hour to comply, with a warning shot being given as per the Air Force Fortification Doctrine after 30 minutes.
---[X] If they fail to comply, the fortification will be destroyed as per the Air Force Fortification Doctrine.

--[X] Air Force Fortification Doctrine
---[X] For warning shots, the air force will single out a free standing wall and shoot a spread of 3 solid steam cannon projectiles at the base, about 5m apart each, followed by 2 high-explosive shots to about two-thirds of the height to the wall to topple it.
---[X] For taking down fortifications, target keeps and towers first. Three solid shots in a circle about 3m across, followed by a high-explosive shot in the center to open a hole and a inciendiary shot to set the inside of the building aflame. Repeat until the whole keep burns and all resistance ceases.

--[X] Praetori Fortification Doctrine
---[X] Praetori operatie in squads of 9 people, with a squad leader and two teams of 4 persons each. One team is designated as close-combat, the other as ranged-combat.
---[X] Close Combat teams go first in all situations with blades drawn, moving from cover to cover while support is given by the ranged teams.
---[X] Ranged Combat teams use their Launchers to support the close combat teams, both by shooting heavy crossbow bolts and alchemical ammunitions.
---[X] When entering rooms with known hostiles, breaching defensive positions and similar situations, the Ranged Combat team will lead with munitions before the close combat team storms.
----[X] Preferably this is done with Fungal Stun Vials to take prisoners. If unfeasible, the resistance being to strong or the position unable to be assaulted without physically destroying it, they use Explosive Packs.

[X] Pacification Plans:
-[X] Vale:
--[X] The 2nd Darkenbeast Company will, from their hidden staging ground in the mountains, seize the Bloody Gate.
--[X] Waymar, Tyene, their griffons, Melisande on a Fiery Dragonbeast and the Knights Griffon will join them.
--[X] The 1st Battlegroup "Moonchaser", backed by the 3rd Fighter Squadron, will take control of the Eyri. The boarding crews will be backed up by 50 Praetori.
--[X] Once both the Bloody Gate and the Eyri are secured, the 12th Legion will be Gated to the Eiry, the forces will fan out and stamp out all resistance in the Vale.
--[X] The procedure is always the same: Enemies will be called to surrender unconditionally, with clemency offered to anyone laying down the arms except for nobles, who will be imprisoned and brought to the Eyri. If they do not surrender, the force will be annihilated by aerial bombardment, specifically targetting the backbone of hostile forces, namely horses and mounted troops.

-[X] Stormlands:
--[X] The 2nd Battlegroup "Dawnstar" will fly to the castle of Parchments and deliver an ultimatum to House Penrose. Their lord will surrender unconditionally, board the Dawnstar as a guest and be brought to Kings Landing to meet the Imperator, or his castle will be razed to the ground and he, should he survive, clasped in irons, thrown into the Dawnstars brig and then brought before the Imperator. He has one hour to comply. A warning salvo will be given after half an hour.
---[X] Once this is done they will move through the south-easterns crownlands and keep issuing the same ultimata to every keep not flying a dragon banner, ultimately coming to Kings Landing do drop off their haul of (former) Lords. In total, they will not need more then a day for this.
--[X] The 3rd Battlegroup "Duskrunner" will do the same for House Mertyns in Cape Wrath, but with passing over the Marches to support efforts there, taking out House Meadows and delivering the Lords to Highgarden.
--[X] The Dornish Marches will be pacified by the 1st Darkenbeast company, operating from their hidden staging ground in the Red Mountains, aided by Valeana Velarion and Nettles on their dragons, and Amrelath.

-[X] Reach:
--[X] By using a Demiplane to create Gates, deploy the 5th Legion to Highgarden to erect a temporary command post and to suppress any hostile activity in the Mandervale. Due to the high probability of Fey activity, they will be supported by Malarys, Vee, 100x Praetori, Mereth, 20x Erinyes, 1x Orphne Fey Lord, 2x Wild Hunt Archers, 1x Wild Hunt Scouts, 2x Adult Mind Dragons and 5x Heralds.
--[X] To minimize civilian casualties in the Ring, House Roxton will be brought to heel by a strike team consisting of Teana Strykos, Liomond Lashare, Vargo and Sari, Asha, who will then Teleport over to Highgarden to coordinate further efforts.
---[X] Asha retrains with Liomond throughout the month.
-[X] The 2nd Legion, aided by the Siege Company and the 2nd Fighter Squadron "Cloud Chasers", will be Gated to the Oceanroad near Crakehall and immediately being marching north towards Casterly Rock. All hostile forces will be offered the choice between capitulation and annihilation, with clemency offered to all who surrender.

-[X] Kings Landing:
--[X] Using hidden Gates and the tunnels beneath Kings Landing, the 1st Legion and 11th Legion with the 1st Bomber Squadrons 3rd and 4th Flights, aided by 200x Praetori, the Harbinger and 10x Heralds, will directly enter the city and begin taking control of all points of interest, such as the Dragonpit, the Great Sept of Baelor, the Goldcloaks barracks and the Red Keep itself, the last of which will be chiefly done by the Praetori.
--[X] At the same time, the Dauntless will decloak in the air, Viserys, Dany, Lya, Richard, Sandor, Maelor and Balerion standing on the hull. Viserys will deliver a grand speech, then proceed to the throne room of the Red Keep to take the Iron Throne and stuffing it into his mantle for later processing.
--[X] They will then board the Dauntless again, sans Balerion who can keep lounging on the Red Keep, which will immediately set off at supersonic speed to Casterly Rock.
--[X] Meanwhile, the 11th legion with the 1st Bomber Squadrons 3rd and 4th Flights will take control of the northern Crownlands, with the bombers flying ahead and shelling any remaining Lannister troops into submission.

-[X] Riverlands:
--[X] The 6th Legion will be Gated to Harrenhall and establish a Legion base their by using two sets of Titan Tools to make preliminary repairs to the castle. They will also erect a landing zone for airforce assets and protected hangars for small crafts.
--[X] The 3th Legion will be Gated to Riverrun and supported by the 1st Fighter Squadron march westwards to Casterly Rock.
--[X] The 4th Legion, supported by the 1st Bomber Squadrons 1st and 2nd Flights, and the troops of House Frey, will be Gated to Seaguard and take the city. The keep itself and House Mallister are to be considered expendable.
--[X] The 10th legion will be Gated to the area near Acorn Hall and march on Pinkmaiden, preparing a loose siege and demanding an uncunditional surrender. If none is given, the 1st Bomber Squadrons 1st and 2nd Flights will move on Pinkmaiden after they are done in Seaguard and shell the castle into rubble.

-[X] Westerlands:
--[X] Assault Casterly Rock from below at the same time as the Dauntless arriving above, using the following assets:
---[X] 400x Praetori
---[X] 13x Light Warstrider, 15x Warstrider, 4x Heavy Warstrider
---[X] 5x Heralds
---[X] 20x Black Brutes with Blood Clot Molds, 20x Black Champions with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 5x Necro-Kranken with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 60x Black Wardens with Necrotic Molds
---[X] Garin (Free Action), Nuri (Free Action), Aradia (Free Action), Zherys, Benerro, Qyburn.
---[X] 5x Verdant Phoenix, 100x Dawnbloom Leshy
---[X] 30x Watchmole, 200x Plant Imbued Shadow Cats
--[X] The assets already present (10x Vigilant Hunter, 10x Lindworm, 10x Greater Bloodclot Mold) will start the battle with a surprise attack on the Lannisters command posts and most secured facilities.

---Hero Character Actions---

[X] Operation Salted Earth - Part 3: The situation in the Ghiscari lands continues to be tense, but for now it seems viable to scale back operations and merely observe Baator's movements. Recent attacks should have disrupted the enemy's plans enough to move your assets to more pressing fronts while keeping a decently sized contingent to look for further developments.
-[X] New Ghis: (Viserys Interrupt) Meet with Nandazda Aoqin person in a neutral location of her choosing, bringing along Dalla as the most knowledgeable about warging.
----[X] Viserys (Free Action), Dalla (Free Action)
-[X] New Ghis: (Viserys Interrupt) Meet with Gramdal mo Ia in person in Volantis, along with Zherys.
----[X] Viserys (Free Action), Zherys (Free Action)
-[X] New Ghis: (Assigned Forces' action): Remain defensive this month, focusing on disrupting Devil operations and keeping the information gathering going while waiting for the outcome of Viserys meetings.
----[X] Alysande Redsail, Kira Windgraced, 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 4x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
-[X] Mereen: Remain defensive this month, focusing on disrupting Devil operations and keeping the information gathering going while waiting for the outcome of Viserys meetings.
----[X] Shara Rogare, Wylla, 2x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
-[X] Yunkai: Remain defensive this month, focusing on disrupting Devil operations and keeping the information gathering going while waiting for the outcome of Viserys meetings.
----[X] Garin, Xor, Osryx (Very Old Myrkdreki), 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
-[X] Astapor: Remain defensive this month, focusing on disrupting Devil operations and keeping the information gathering going while waiting for the outcome of Viserys meetings.
----[X] Azema, Ser Dregaire, Orphne Fey Lord, Shadow!Tor, 2x Umbral Spies, 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems, 1x Praetori Squad (9x Praetori, 1x Light Warstrider)
-[X] Assassin reserve: To be called in when there are opportunities to kill important figures who have been subverted by Baator, or to kill high-value assets of Baator.
----[X] Morwyn and Tuin, Aradia the Huntress, Nuri, 1x Smoke Creature Assasin Devil
-[X] Combat reserve: To be called in if there is heavy combat expected or to assault Devil strongholds.
----[X] Babro the Adamantine Golem, 2x Heralds, 20x Glass Golems, 100x Necrotic Molds, 40x Blood Clot Molds, 25x Greater Bloodclot Molds, 20x Black Brutes, 40x Black Champions, 10x Necro-Kranken, 10x Lindworms, 40x Paralyzing Snatcher, 4x Praetori Squads (37x Praetori, 4x Light Warstrider)

[X] The Curse of Brightbarrow: "Brightgallow near Three Towers, the seat of House Costayne in the Reach, is the site of some sort of powerful transformative curse theorized to be caused by wishcraft gone awry. Most of the villagers were put to the sword following instances of banditry and cannibalism, but there is an indication that Garth 'The Gallant', a fey-sworn knight, has preserved the lives of the youngest inhabitants who were them taken to Greyshield in secret. Investigate the site in search of whatever artifact had worked the initial transformation.
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??)
----[X] Hermetia; Ser Criston Storm; Chung Ting Lo; Leils Goldhammer; 2x Erynies; 3x Dawnbloom Leshi, 1x Watchmole

[X] To Unveil the Crucible (will be turned into an RA/Delve according to rolls after the initial contact): The artificial plane of stable reality in the Limbo is a reason enough for investigation. That it was seemingly modified by the Court of Stars from something that existed there before, and that the true rules of it's working were not known even to them, it is imperative to learn all that is possible - while staying out of any narrative spun by the locals.
--[X] Goals: ???
-[X] Work with the Gith Researchers sent in - share all our knowledge on Fey that may come of relevance to learning the truths of the place.
----[X] [Standing Scouting team - started in the 4th month] (1 Mind Dragon, 1 Myrkdreki, 3x Shadow Cats, 3x Watchmoles -- all Mindblanked).
----[X] Research Team (full Mindblank coverage, as the initial group)] Lya's 1st body (4d6 Progress), Wisdom Marwyn (4d6 Progress), Ashin (??d6)
----[X] [Meatshields]: Sarell of the Black Scales, The Myrkdreki twins (MR 1), 10x Black Wardens, (CR 8)

[X] Three Points, Three Kindred, One People - Part Four
(Progress 17/25)
----[X] Breath Taker, Blight's Bane; Relath, Aife; 3x Plant-imbued Coral Drakes (CR 10); 2x Black Brutes (Aquatic)
----[X] More forces than usual because Squids are trigger-happy after what we've done 4th month.
----[X] They can grab however many forces from the 'Aquatic Forces' tab here if they feel they need them IC.

[X] Scouting and clearing out the barrows of Westeros: The barrows of First Men, and other forms of long-forgotten massive burial grounds are near uncountable even beyond the Wall, let alone in Westeros. The sooner you start, the better. Can't exactly afford to leave them be and risk becoming secret dens of Undead.
----[X] Bronn, Renly (and his companions), Theon Greyjoy, Soft Strider, Oberyn, Alyssa Crowl, Danar Crowl, Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade, Dirizz the Faerie Dragon, Ser Kennos of Kayce; Ser Gerold 'Darkstar' Dayne, Thoros of Myr, Mors 'Crowfood' Umber, Argo the Cunning Bull, Ser Roger 'Reyne'; Ser Aubert Flowers, Lothos Saan, Koron Redmane, Grazdan the Grim;
----[X] 8x Veteran Erynies, 1x Very Old Myrkdreki, 1x Adult Mind Dragon, 5x Heralds, 40x Watchmoles, 2x Vigilant Hunters, 20x Umbral Spies, 50x Verdant Kingfishers, 10x Verdant Ravens, 50x Dawnbloom Leshi, 10x Black Wardens, 5x Black Champions, 100x Black Knights, 5x Guardian Nagas, 10x Black Wardens, 5x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy,

----[X] Apply massive amount of divination from House of Mirrors for at least approximate locations of barrows not already known. Use Watchmoles to detect barrows and hidden paths/enemies/traps in them, use Umbral Spies to undetectably scout the barrows, use Soulforged Undead as meatshields whenever appropriate, use Dawnbloom Leshi for massive Positive damage and healing in combat.

[X] Taking the Shadow Steel Mine.
-[X] Forces assigned to the attack (permanent guard force will be created during next forge order, when we know what to expect for long-term threats.)
--[X] PCs: Yrael, Siduri
--[X] Dragons: 1x Very Old Myrkdrei, 1x Adult Mind Dragon
--[X] Fey: 13x Greater Glitterhaunt Guard (Paladin of Freedom 5), 38x Lesser Glitterhaunt Guard (Warrior 5)
--[X] Constructs: 30x Elemental Wyrmling, 10x Glass Golem, 10x Mushroom Golem, 5x Herald (once they are freed from Casterly Rock deployment)
--[X] Vigilant: 30x Vigilant Hunters, 20x Watchmoles
--[X] Fleshforged: 20x Aquatic Cleric Creature Jesulan
--[X] Undead: 5x Black Champions with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 5x Lindowrms with Greater Blood Clot Molds (once they are freed from Casterly Rock deployment), 20x Black Brutes with Blood Clot Molds, 50x unattached Necrotic Molds for capturing specimens (riding undead for their own safety as useful), 10x Black Wardens, 10x Black Wardens, 100x Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade, 100x Spitters, 300x Spitter Swarms

--[X] Goal of the deployment is to secure the area, destroy all nests of hostile creatures and to capture as many specimens, preferably alive, as possible, both for interrogation and study in Gogossos.
--[X] Operate under the assumption that the creatures seen so far are servitors of something significantly more powerful. Take a Interplanar Whispering Brazier along for emergency calls

[X] Extermination - Send forces to eradicate the magical rats in Sorcerers Deep. And the regular ones too while you are at it. Сatch some live specimens and deliver all corpses to Gogossos for analysis and processing.
-[X] First let the PCs try their hand for the month, clean up with cats and Spitters afterwards.
-[X] 300x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD)
-[X] 200x Spitters
-[X] 200x Spitters (aquatic)
-[X] 200x Spitter Swarms
-[X] 200x Spitter Swarm (aquatic)
-[X] Junior Assistant for the Vice-Undersecretary of the Rat Catcher of Sorcerers Deep Lydia the Scholarium Wizard, creator of the Doppelrat.
-[X] The Greenseer Twins, Kyla Fairwind, Samwell Tarly, Joran, Ysilla Royce, Jon Snow, Glyra, 2x Gaavs (melee support)

(These are more-or-less unchanged month-to-month, but we'll still need a report from each)

[X] Infiltration into the City of Brass:
-[X] Goals: Keep up the activities to the necessary level to not arise suspicion, but don't risk exposure in any form (unless it'd be less suspicious to not jump on a piece of free intel/bling/etc).
----[X] 1x Mind Dragon (continued), 1x Very Old Myrkdreki (continued)

[X] Sarnori Pacification -- Continuation : The Void-touched Olethrodaemon that regulated much of the proceedings among the Undead of Sarnor may be gone now, but too much of its accursed legacy still lies in that land. Have your agents scour the lands, working with agents of the allied Sarnori Kingdoms, to end the Mindless Undead still in the area, and to, perhaps, seek out any Sentient Undead who hide still in the wake of the sound defeat of the corrupt hosts but two months ago.
----[X] Bloom the Brijidine, 1x Adult Mind Dragon (CR 15), 1x Very Old Myrkdreki Dragon (CR 15), 11x Veteran Erynies, 11x Lejnths, 5x Verdant Phoenixes (CR 15), 50x Verdant Kingfishers, 10x Verdant Ravens (CR 6), 2x Wild Hunt Archers (CR 14), 2x Wild Hunt Scouts (CR 16), 8x Praetori Squads (Total of 72 Praetori and 8 Light Warstriders deployed.)

[X] The Hill Fey Chose to Die On: The location of the former main stronghold of the Court of Stars is of interest to you as a future outpost into the Feywild. Protecting it from an opportunistic takeover by any locals is but good sense now.
----[X] Standing Guard Force:
-----[X] 1x Wild Hunt Scout (CR 16), 2x Wild Hunt Archers (CR 14), 5x Heralds (CR 10), 10x Watchmoles (CR 6), 7x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 100x Verdant Kingfishers, 10x Verdant Ravens, 50x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (CR 6) 1x Verdant Phoenix (CR 15), 5x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (CR 10), 5x Guardian Nagas (CR 10), 10x Black Champions (CR 15), 200x Black Knights (Mobility Upgrade), 500x Spitter Swarms (buried around the location), 5x Praetori Squads (Total of 45 Praetori deployed).

----[X] To make contact with any neighbors and/or prepare everything for the outpost to be built up:
-----[X] Anya, Mia Netcatcher, Osryx, 100x Bulabar Engineers

---Research Actions---

[X] The Key to Madness: Exchange the lore gathered by the Imperium on the creatures of Far Realm and Illithids specifically, as well as the methods of finding their influence and agents, in return getting the Azure Court's own knowledge on the subject matter.
(Progress: 11/40)
----[X] Rina (4d6 Progress), Mercy of the Soul (4d6 Progress), Velen the Phoenix Birb (2d6 Progress) Samwell Tarly (2d6 Progress);

[X] Layered Demiplane Research: It is possible to create demiplanes with more than one layer, allowing for layered defenses for the Imperial Dream as well as specialized aspects that would make transmutation of souls more feasible
(Progress: 0/35 Cost: 60,000 IM)
----[X] Naria Lore-Seeker (4d6 Progress), Zathir (4d6 Progress as per Favor used),

[X] Project Distilling Dreams: The Rituals Naria discovered produce divine power but not in any usable form, distill it to something that can be stored and used
(Progress 25/60 Cost 120,000 IM)
----[X] Dany (4d6 Progress), Aenie Caleris (6d6 Progress),

[X] Forging Paths of the Divine: Imperial Steel, creation of Meraxes, may just end up being far more than just an empowered version of the Valyrian creation. Explore the necessary requirements for the material to carry energy and signals - as it may be the only material viable to create the physical base of the "Imperial Deity".
(Progress: 0/50 Cost: 200,000 IM)
----[X] Lya's 2nd​ body (4d6 Progress +1d6 via the Skymender), Anu the Warforged (4d6 Progress), Valeria the Wondersmith (4d6 Progress),
----[X] Bodyguard detail, because the Skymender is precious: 2x Guardian Nagas (CR 10), 1x Verdant Phoenix (CR 15), 10x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 5x Glass Golems, 2x Heralds (CR 10), 3x Plant-Imbued Shadow Cats (CR 6), 1x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (CR 10), 5x Black Champions (CR 15), 50x Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade, 200x Spitters (to be buried around the work site)

-[X] Improved Alchemy: The Imperium hungers for alchemical goods and much effort was poured into producing as much of them as possible, but it still does not even remotely satisfy the demand. Especially the military can devour concoctions such as Alchemists Fire or Explosive Packs at an astonishing rate. See about to either improve the output of your alchemical factories or to discover alternatives to these substances that are easier to mass-produce.
(Progress: 43/50; Cost: 200,000 IM)
----[X] Denys Trainer (4d6 Progress),

[X] Ritual-crafting: 1 point of Progress per spell-level, max spell level - 4th.
-[X] By this point you have the process for creating ritual formulae for spells completely worked out. It merely needs to have a competent mage assigned to the task. (in order of priority)
--[4] State Ritual - Clarity of Mind (Progress: 3)
--[5] State Ritual - Rite of Centered Mind (Progress: 1)
--[6] Inquisition Ritual - Detect Fiendish Presence (Progress: 1)
--[7] Inquisition Ritual - Detect Charm (Progress: 1)
--[8] Inquisition Ritual - See Beyond (Progress: 3)
--[9] Inquisition Ritual - Shroud of Innocuity (Progress: 3)
--[10] Inquisition Ritual - Detect Secret Doors (Progress: 1)
--[11] Inquisition RItual - Dimension Door (Progress: 4)
--[whatever] Legion Ritual - Tern's Persistence (Progress: 2)
--[whatever] Legion Ritual - Runic Marker (Progress: 4)
--[whatever] Legion Ritual - Abstemiousness (Progress: 1)
--[whatever] Widely-Shared (Utility) - Weather Eye (Progress: 4)
--[whatever] Widely-Shared (Utility) - Ancient Knowledge (Progress: 1)
(Total Progress: 27, Cost: ??)
----[X] Scholarum Branches: Stepstones, Tyrosh, Mantarys, Tolos (8d6 Progress total)

[X] Developing ways to mass-produce basic crafting materials: We have no idea, nor the time. Have the magelings busy themselves with something useful on the Imperial scale, and not too sensitive to worry about them being divined.
(Progress: ??, cost: ??)
----[X] Scholarum Branches: Volantis. Naath, Braavos, Pentos (8d6 Progress total)

-[X] Razor Wire: While the easy availability of earth-moving magic has made it much easier to erect battlefield fortifications, many of the Legions officers see still room for improvement. They are asking for something that can be incorporated into other defenses to block an enemy's movement, but which does not hinder their own soldiers ranged attacks and which is vulnerable to hostile earth movement magic or alchemical weapons. There has been some talk about using spiked metal rods or something similar for that purpose.
(Progress: 3/18; Cost: 15,000 IM)
----[X] Sorcerer's Deep's Engineering University (2d6 Progress)

[X] Proximity Alarms:
(Progress: 17/25; Cost: 30,000 IM)
----[X] Riz'Neth (4d6 Progress), Svitran (2d6 Progress),

[X] A New Fortress: After having built a few steam cannon batteries to defend important locations, some common problems and design concerns have been noticed. The cannons should be on a high location with wide firing arcs to maximize their utility while the battery should be kept compact to make it easy to ward. At the same time, the crew and boiler remain the greatest weaknesses of the installations, the former since they are often housed in much more vulnerable camps near the batteries and the latter since the whole battery could be disabled if the boiler was hit. See about creating a standardized design for future cannon batteries to address these issues.
(Progress: 0/25; Cost: 50,000 IM)
----[X] Beryl (4d6 Progress)

[X] A Method to Madness: the body the Mind-Eaters crafted for Jeyne with infiltration in mind is an incredible piece of magic wholly unlike anything you've ever seen. Copying it won't be easy, but succeeding promises an ability to flesh-craft similar vessels as needed, granting you an in into mysteries of Psionic powers.
-[X] Research into Psionic templates
(Progress: 45, Cost: 200.000 IM)
----[X] Maester Qyburn (4d6 Progress), Lady Saenena Caleris (4d6 Progress), Urak the Forgemaster (6d6 Progress), Jeyne Weaver (2d6 Progress)

[X] Research Templates: Creature Swarm and Collective Creature
(Progress: ??)
----[X] Elaheh Marita (4d6 Progress),

[X] Have Lya further read through the Dusk Dancer and the Nairos of the Shrouded Light - to recover the (un)common lore bonuses for our Library.

[X] Attempt to uncurse the Scale of The Black Hierophant for Dany via the Ferryman. Sacrifice something that's on hand at the moment, possibly the captive Illithid.

[X] Once Winterfell is secured, let Darleth have at it. Runewards of the place are of interest to him.

[X] After vistory is achieved, take some time to restore back the books burned by the Maestets via Miracle and rooting in their noggings rather liberally for detailed descriptions of the books.

(Minions – high level):
[Casters] Brynden Rivers

(Minions – mid-to-low level):
[Melees] Roose Bolton; Yurten, Ser Gerold 'Darkstar' Dayne, Rhango Two-Lives,

[Drow] Llolth's Ex-Cleric
[Windwards] Menel Goldentooth (Level 8 -- Noble 4/Master Spy 4),

[Named] Relath,

(Arcanums -- all 8 HD):
[For combat stuff] Diana the Sea Sprite,

[Named] Tanura the Hadhayosh,
[Named] Captain Moonsong,

[Named] The Seeker (CR 15),

[Named] Nirah, the Champion of Yss (CR 20);
[Non-combatants] Rhaella;
-----Fey and Outsiders-----
33x Bulabar Engineers
9x Lesser Veela Kineticists (Kineticist 5)

1x Falxugon / Harvester Devil -- a patsy for intrigue work
1x Azata, Gancanagh (CR 4) - Garantos
22x Legion Devils - combat reserve
4x Salikotal / Vengeance Devil -- Assigned as killers for the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers
x44 0x Veteran Erinyes -- 2x in Halls of Knowledge, 1x in Shadow Tower, 11x in Sarnor
8x Gaav / Lesser Host Devils -- serve as teleporting messengers and couriers under the Erinyes, who ensure their good behavior.
1x Hadhayosh (CR 20)
1x Asura Upasunda (CR 9)
4x Asura Vayphaks (CR 5)

1x Fallen Shield Archon
3x Fallen Hound Archon, 3 levels in martial class
2x Fallen Spyglass Archon, 4 levels in Rogue

150x Large Water Elementals (CR 5)
50x Greater Water Elementals
20x Elder Water Elementals (CR 11)

10x Wyrmling Myrkdreki Dragons, CR 3

35x Elemental Wyrmlings (Acid [x8], Cold [x8], Electricity [x8], Fire [x59]
10x Mushroom Golems (CR 10, 12 HD) - 4,800 IM each (Total: 96,000)
36x Kelp Golems (Reskinned Aquatic Pumpkin Golem) (CR 8, 8 HD)
30x Umbral Spies
3x Umbral Stalkers

-----Vigilant Creatures-----
10x Vigilant Briars (CR 4)
5x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10)
130x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4, 6 HD)
6x Watchmoles (CR 6)

70x Verdant Kingfishers
176x Verdant Ravens [Advanced Plant-Imbued Giant Raven (w/+4 Racial HD)] (CR 6, 6 HD)
2006x Giant Fungal Darkenbeasts (CR 6, 5 HD)
8x Fiery Dragonbeasts - Advanced Fiery Gigantean Half-Dragon Drakenbeasts (CR15)
8x Verdant Phoenixes (CR 15; 28,800 IM)
518x Lesser Three-Eyed Ravens
82x Greater Three-Eyed Ravens

-----Terrestrial forces-----
1,000x Advanced Thorny Rhinoceros (CR 6, 5 HD)
3,000x Istaheqs (CR 6, 7 HD)
20x Tuogou, CR 4
29x Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy
31x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD)
8x Guardian Nagas (CR 10, 12 HD)
87x Dawnbloom Leshi (CR 6)

-----Aquatic Forces-----
10x Plant-Imbued Coral Drake (CR 10, 11 HD)
40x Advanced Plant-Imbued Giant Hippocampus (CR 6, 2 HD)
20x Advanced Plant-Imbued Sea Drake (CR 10, 7 HD)
9x Advanced Plant-Imbued Orca (CR 8, 9 HD)
18x Advanced Plant-Imbued Druid Creature Orca (CR 10, 9 HD)
4x Amphibious Quickling Vinespawn (CR 10, 12 HD)
10x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Kelpie (w/+12 Racial HD) (CR 10; 4,800 IM)
20x Plantblood Bladeleaf Sea Cats (CR 6, 6 HD)
1x Plant-Imbued Electric Eel (w/+6 Racial HD) (CR 6, 10 HD)
5x Advanced Aquatic Snapdragon Leshy (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 10 HD)
14x Advanced Kelpie (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6; 9 HD)
5x Aureate Seawyrms - Advanced Half-Dragon Sea Serpent (CR 15, HD 15)
8x Seawyrms
4x Shadebreacher Sperm Whales - Advanced Shadow Animal Sperm Whales (CR 12, HD 15)
9x Grand Dragon Turtles - Giant Mighty Dragon Turtles (CR 15, HD 12) -

-----Soulforged Undead-----
2x Black Champions (CR 15)
7x Black Brutes (CR 14)
8x Black Brutes (Aquatic) (CR 14)
6x Black Wardens, (CR 8)
10x Necro-Krakens (CR 15)
22x Greater Blood Clot Molds
40x Blood Clot Molds
321x Necrotic Molds
250x Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade
31x Black Knights
5x Snatching Terrors
30x Paralyzing Snatchers
1,500x Necro-Cases, CR 1
800x Spitters (aquatic)
500x Spitters
1,409x Spitter Swarms
300x Spitter Swarm (aquatic)
2,000x Fireflies
2,000x Fireflies (aquatic)
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A few days sounds about right, though I don't think it is impossible to do by dawn. The important part is to get inside any raven-based communication loop and that takes days to travel a meaningful distance.
Er, well, we are transporting all of our forces by supersonic aerial assets or point-to-point planar portals, you realize?
I wouldn't mind a week of different POVs of Westerosi shit getting kicked in, as told through the eyes of Legion soldiers, Praetorians, air force pilots and captains, the odd Westerosi themselves, etc., though all of it would all be happening over just a few hours time period.
I'm also down. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I want to gloat.