Gods of West and East
A Note on Worship: Polytheism is wide-spread in Essos with individuals potentially worshiping an electric mix of deities, ancestor heroes and place spirits where such practices are not expressly forbidden by one's chosen god, such as in the case of R'hllor or the Seven-Who-Are-One. Even in such instances
Henotheism is not unknown, particularly in areas exposed to multiple varying beliefs such as major trade ports. Nowhere is this tendency more wide-spread among the priesthood and the laity alike than in the Stepstones with the ubiquitousness of magic and the otherworldly.
Gods of the Realm
The Old Gods
The Nameless Gods; the Voiceless; the Gods of Earth, Stone, and Tree
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Travel, Strength, Protection, Magic, Time
Known Supernatural Servitors: Awakened Ravens
The Church: The Old Gods are not the Gods of Men—they never have been and they never shall be. The foreigner who comes from other lands into the fastness of the Old Gods might be perplexed by the absence of monuments or indeed a clergy. That is the least of their strangeness. The Old Gods care nothing for the worship and obeisance of mortals beyond the following of their ancient laws. Some say it was the nature of the Pact forged at Gods Eye eons ago. For indeed, those shamans and priests of the Old Gods are invariably those who—like Brynden Rivers, last of the great bastards—have made their own pacts with the Gods. Though when one speaks of beings who can peer through time as easily as one might look to the horizon, it should come to no surprise that some pacts are fated.
Tenets of the Faith: Six things do the Old Gods abhor: oathbreaking, kinslaying, slavery, incest, the defilement of guest-right, and the destruction of their sacred Heart Trees.
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (22%), Three Daughters (8%), Eastern Lands (Less than 1%)
Infrastructure: Multiple
Godswoods mostly tended by petitioners seeking the aid or blessing of the Old Gods, though some have begun to drift into a sort of informal priesthood though solemn and long lasting oaths. Beyond the lands you rule the Order of the Green Men are hermit priests of the Old Gods of an ancient and half-forgotten tradition, more concerned with tending the Island of Faces than interacting with outsiders be they worshipers of the Old Gods or no.
The World Serpent, God of Lost Omens, the Timeless One
Alignment: Lawfully Neutral
Domains: Scalykind, Life, Death, Trade
Known Supernatural Servitors: Giant Serpents, Awakened Draconic Serpents
The Church: Many are those who call on the blessing of Yss as they pass his great temple in Sorcerer's Deep, though not all among them dare to cross the threshold and make offerings of blood before the vessel born of ancient spirit and demonic flesh crafted anew into the shape of a great serpent.
Fewer still are those who would dedicate themselves to the inscrutable godling for his mind is not like that of man and to stand in its inner sanctum is to witness that alien nature hankering back to an age long before man walked the earth... and to acknowledge that the days of man may yet end just as those of the serpent-folk of old.
Tenets of the Faith: As he does not take without being able to pay back what is owed Yss teaches that broken bargains must be met with restitution for which there can be no mercy... and no rage. Having extracted his toll from one who failed to uphold a deal the ancient serpent god feels no more rancor than a viper after it has delivered its deadly bite. Much like the viper bite few can survive the wrath of the world serpent. For the self same reason he despises worship given to things that cannot repay it in kind as true gods do, counting it treachery of the most perfidious kind... and caring little for the desires of the mislead worshipers.
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (28%), Three Daughters (5%), Eastern Lands (None)
Infrastructure: Temples in Sorcerer's Deep and Tyrosh (The first is counted Most Holy by virtue of the avatar's presence others are planed to function under the guidance of a Spirit Naga)
The Merling King
The Lord of Lost Sailors, The Bridegroom of the Sea, The Last Lament
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Sea, Death, Passion
Known Supernatural Servitors: Nereids, Tritons
The Church: The god now most often known as the Merling king is an ancient figure dating back at least to the early years of the Secret City if not before. Ever since men first ventured forth upon the treacherous sea in search of new horizons, of wealth, or even simply a measure of its great bounty of fish, the sea has claimed its own sailors who would never know the return to the womb of the earth or the purifying touch of the funeral pyre. No prayers would be spoken over the final resting place of these lost ones carried into death's embrace save only the sounds of the restless waves.
That such a fate may befall them is something all who dare the sea must accept, but only a rare few find solace in the thought. Rootless wanderers, those fleeing from sins or tragedy upon the trackless seas, these are the priests of the Merling King, scattered just as their flock are though they find solace in the loneliness, respected and at times feared by those who come to them for advice and soothsaying though rarely for comfort. The sea can be generous and she can be treacherous, but only a fool would seek kindness in her embrace.
Of his daughters much is said though little written. They are a sailor's luck tis said, for to look upon the face of one from a distance is a guarantee of a good journey, but only fools and madmen seek their embrace, for they are death's daughter's also, and he who has laid with them will never be content in this life... or so most tales tell. Of course it would not be sailor's talk without at least a few yarns spun of how this or that great mariner was so great a lover that their otherworldly leman broke the curse of her embrace leaving him with uncanny knowledge of the waves and winds.
Tenets of the Faith: Slow torturous death is anathema to the Merling King.
Sooner slit man's throat than let him die of thirst, a common saying goes. The outlook tends to breed a certain fatalism that can be unnerving to outsiders.
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (18%), Three Daughters (6%), Eastern Lands (12%)
Infrastructure: Major Temple and Sea Cave Shrine in Sorcerer's Deep, Major Temple in Tolos, Healing Spring on the Island of Toads, Small Shrines and Temples in most trading ports along the Narrow Sea, though they can be found as far as Oldtown and New Ghys
R'hllor the Red
The Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the Ever-Flame
Alignment: Lawfully Evil
Domains: Fire, Law, Protection, Tyranny, Healing
Known Supernatural Servitors: Fire Mephits, Phoenixes, Harginn, Fire Elementals
The Church: While the faithful believe theirs is a creed as old as the world, other scholars place the founding of the Faith sometime during the dominion of the Freehold among the numberless slaves doomed to expire beneath the Fourteen Fires. Where others promised salvation from the deadly flames, the priests of the Red God preached that their God
was the flame. Where others spoke in whispers of freedom, they claimed that all men, even the haughty dragonlords, were but slaves to the Lord of Light and equal in his eyes. The very aspects that made the faith in the Red God an acceptable thing for slaves to worship in the Freehold have held true among its Daughter Cities. Yet as the heirs of Valyria squabbled among themselves the Flame Keepers added yet more kindling to the fire in the hearts of the faithful. Five of six men, women, and children in Volantis are slaves, and of those eight in ten pay homage to R'hllor.
Tenets of the Faith: All that is good comes from R'hllor, and all that is evil is the making of the Great Other whose name must not be spoken. The battle shall rage for years beyond knowing, yet it shall not be eternal. The time of Reckoning shall come when Azor Ahai shall draw the sword Lightbringer and save the world from the dark.
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (50%), Three Daughters (70%), Eastern Lands (35%)
Infrastructure: Multiple Major Temples in all the Free Cities besides Novos and Qohor (where the Faith exists in secret against state persecutuion), Grand Temples in Myr, Lys, Tyrosh and and Volantis with the latter being the oldest and most respected
The Seven Who Are One
Father, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, Smith, Crone, and Stranger
Alignment: Overall Lawful Good, individually as Below
Domains: ???
Known Supernatural Servitors: Devas, Planetar and other angels (Lose the Good subtype, retain the Law subtype)
The Church: The Seven were the gods of the ancient Andals, the gods of Hugor of the Hill who promised fat lands to the west to their chosen people, a prophecy that was fulfilled in full for in these days more than nine in ten of every man of Westeros swears by the Sevenfold Gods. They are also the gods Aegon took as his own and his line after him, though the Faith of the Seven did not emerge unchanged from under the shadow of the Last of the Dragon Lords.
The Faith Militant was more than the strong arm of the Seven. In many ways it was its beating heart, the drum beat that could unite septons and their flock, that could call pious knights to arms from the Neck to Dorne, and it is that heart that Maegor the Cruel rent from its breast for treachery and disloyalty when the Faith refused to bend the knee a second time to a king born of incest... Fire raged and blood flowed in rivers, and though Maegor ultimately failed to see the battle's end, for he was a man much in love with strife, the land and its people lay broken and wounded. It fell thus Jaehaerys called the Conciliator to make whole what had been cast asunder, and so he did.
The dynasty and the Faith dwelt in uneasy peace as kings of the blood of dragons knelt to receive their crowns from the palsied hands of Andal prelates, while those same prelates blessed in the name of their gods unions of brother and sister in the Valyrian manner though such unions were condemned in the Seven-Pointed Star. What the gods may have thought of this age you cannot guess... but you doubt they will take one of your House back with open arms: a sorcerer and a child of incest both, and above all else one sworn to the vengeful gods of the North to humble the Seven Gods Who Are One.
Tenets of the Faith: Seven Virtues there are beloved of the Seven Gods:
- The Father - Lawful Neutral: Reflecting the general perspective of the virtues of authority in Westeros, favors good lordship, a stern face and one as little given to kindness as to cruelty in the pursuit of justice
- The Smith - Neutral Good: The smith is a creator, but he does not keep what he makes, but ever toils with the same diligence he encourages his devotees to
- The Warrior Lawful Neutral: The Warrior's virtue is valor most beloved by knights but called upon even by the conscripted smalfolk in their hour of need
- The Mother - Lawful Good: Nurturing figure, seen as softening the Father's harsh stance, she seeks to be kind and understanding of her children and asks of them the same
- Maiden - Neutral Good: The light of youth untroubled by the harshness of the world. Hers is the generosity of spirit pure untroubled by the dictates of rule. Most called upon by the young the Maiden nonetheless asks of every man and woman to keep in some corner of their hearts the joy and wonder of youth and above all else to share it freely with others who may have forgotten
- The Crone - Lawful Neutral: Also known as the Wise One, she who opened the doors of death, for the first time knowing that for every beginning there must be an end. Scholars and teachers pray to the crone, for her virtue is wisdom and while Her lessons may be harsh they are never without purpose.
- The Stranger - True Neutral: Death unknown and unknowable before which the only virtue can be humility
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (11%), Three Daughters (None), Eastern Lands (None), Westeros south of the Neck (95%), The North (18%)
Infrastructure: Grand Sept in Sorcerer's Deep [in construction], Major Sept in Braavos, a handful of small septs in Andalos serving isolated communities (Not in communion with the Westerosi church), Grand Septs in Old Town and King's Landing, major septs in all Westerosi towns
The Goddess of the Silver Moon
The Wanderer's Lantern, the Hope-Bringer, the Lady of Mirrors
Alignment: Chaotically Good
Domains: Moon, Travel, Freedom, Destiny, Peace
Known Supernatural Servitors: Mirror Mephits (Heralds of the Waxing Moon)
The Church: The first Moonsingers came to Braavos upon the freed slave ships that carried the founders of the city to the Lagoon. Indeed, if legend is to be believed, it was a seer of this faith, a slave born in far Jogos Nhai, who counseled the founding of the Secret City upon the place it stands to this day. Thus, though the city has ever been a place of faith beyond count, it is worship of the Wanderer's Lantern that could be counted the most fundamentally Braavosi, nowhere attested more so than in the great marble dome of the Temple of the Moon.
Tenets of the Faith: Though the Faithful would sooner make songs and peace than war, they love freedom most of all. To kill is a sin in the eyes of the Godless, but a greater sin still to allow the wicked to prosper and the songs of the children of man to be silenced, their limbs shackled by heavy chains.
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (11%), Three Daughters (None), Eastern Lands (None) Braavos (81%)
Infrastructure: Grand temple in Braavos, major and minor temples throughout the Braavosi hinterlands
The Weeping Lady
Sorrowful One, Our Lady of the Refuge, Mother of Orphans
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Comunity, Life, Protection, Death
Known Supernatural Servitors: ???
The Church: Called by most the 'Weeping Lady of Lys' the church of the goddess extends far beyond the Disputed Lands. Before the Doom she was one of the primary powers called upon by slaves, her priests the hidden hand of compassion, healing and when sorrow was too great or fate decreed by the Dragon Lords too burdensome, death. During the chaos and destruction of the Century of Blood when the dragons fell but the chains of slavery endured the Weeping Lady lost many of her faithful to R'hllor the Red whose priests called her 'The Great Other's Whore' for her association with death and funerary rites, spreading many dark rumors about her clergy. Since then the Weeping Lady has lost most of her connection to death at least in Lys and much of the Disputed Lands. In He'Nekar priests still call to her to ease the suffering of the dying and her statue still stands in the House of Black and White in Braavos.
Tenets of the Faith: Those who keep to the Weeper's Peace are required to respect her places of refuge, to give to the poor and needy and to never draw weapons save in self defense. The latter rule is enforced more stringently on priests than the laity however with allowances made for those who have no other means to win their daily bread, or those conscripted into the wars of others.
Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (7%), Three Daughters (16%), Eastern Lands (9%) Braavos (Less than 1%)
Infrastructure: Major temple in Lys, Major temple in He'nekar, minor temples throughout the Disputed lands, the Volantine hinterlands
The Many-Faced God
Him of Many Faces, The Final Mercy
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Death, Law, Chaos
Known Supernatural Servitors: ???
The Church: Men from the Sunset Sea to distant Asshai and even to Yi Ti know the tales of the Faceless Men, ruthless and unstoppable, killers who flay the faces of their victims and wear them through sacrilegious rites, some say devouring their very souls. As an adopted child of Braavos you know a little more of the dread assassins. You have even crossed the threshold of their dark temple and seen the poisoned water that is the sacrament of their god... looked upon the faces of gods gathered from all about the world into something greater.
You have fought beside the nameless servants of Him of the Many Faces and even asked for his blessing, and for that you have found them both less and more frightful than fevered tales tell. There is no bloodlust and no greed... If they do perform bloody sacraments within the deeper halls of the temple, you have little doubt they do so with no other passion than that which is offered to their god. To Serve the Many-Faced God is to be more and less than human all at once.
Tenets of the Faith: Death is a Gift, from the soft sigh of one expiring from the weight of years to the warrior screaming his end on the bloody field of battle to one despairingly casting off life in a fit of madness.... It is the one true certainty of mortal life, all else is illusion,
Worshipers by Region: Braavos (Less than 1%)
Infrastructure: Grand temple in Braavos
The Dragon-God Meraxes
The Watcher in the Night, the Soldier's Friend, the Duty-Bound
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Dragons, Nobility, War
Known Supernatural Servitors: Revenants of soldiers who have died in the service of some seemingly impossible duty (They gain the
Law-Bound template)
The Church: The servants of Meraxes, as She is remembered in Volantis, were for centuries keepers of memory and honor whose task it was to keep alive the honor of the citizen soldier. Alas the use of Unsullied and sellswords had rendered them less and less relevant with each passing year as the priests struggled to retain some scrap of influence by aggrandizing magisters of a more martial bent, even those who only possessed the desire for glory in battle but not the skill to claim it. Yet through it all the altar was never dark, the swords still stood upon the Walk of Heroes, even those wrought of priceless spellsteel. No family would dare disgrace itself by drawing a blade sheathed in the earth beside a great general's ashes. Visions began to fly through the dreams of the keepers of the temple, whispers in the deepest night, for what is death, even a god's death to duty's call?
Tenets of the Faith: The virtues Meraxes calls for are those for a soldier to live by, ever to have a weapon but never to draw it thoughtlessly or in haste, to keep the orders of one's superiors lest they work against the greater interests of the army and one's comrades, never to fight a war of fratricide.
Worshipers by Region: Volantis (18%)
Infrastructure: Grand temple in Volantis, major and minor temples throughout the Volantine hinterlands (particularly in the newly conquered lands)
Gods of the Outlands
The Demon Queen of Spiders, The Lady of the Demonweb Pits, The Whisper Below
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Spider, Trickery
Known Supernatural Servitors: Drider, Yochlols, Fiendish or otherwise Tainted Monstrous Spiders, Spider Demon Herald
The Church: Seen though the Serpent's eye the church of Lolth is loathsome indeed, for they delighted in the breaking of oaths and the hoarding of unearned power. In ages past Her priestesses were the rulers of their kindred, though not unchallenged by sorcerers and warlords of the Noble Houses leading to the periodic culling of rivals during which the Serpent People often timed their greatest raids.
Tenets of the Faith: The edicts of the Queen of Spiders if such they can be called were simple and vicious as a dagger in the back: 'the strong rule the weak' and 'do not be seen transgressing'. How precisely such a society could even manage to function rather than falling into an orgy of blood and treachery Yss cannot say. Perhaps there was some political counter-weight, some set of laws imposed by secular consensus not divine will.
Worshipers by Region: Unknown
Infrastructure: Unknown
Father Sky
The Storm God, Victory Bringer, Father of Battles
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Storm, War, Nobility
Known Supernatural Servitors: Air Elementals, Thunderbirds
The Church: When the First Men first came to Westeros ranging across the Arm of Dorne it was the war priests of the Father sky who drove them forward, the sound of their great aurochs hide drums as the call of thunder. His were the berserkers who drove themselves into mad fervor that they might wrestle giants down and slay them, but to him gave honor also the cunning chief and sage who would see far for all that is lies under the heavens bright.
Tenets of the Faith: From what Waymar can gleam of his dreams the Storm God whose daughter was Elenei and whose wrath only the Builder's works could turn aside bid his followers to be as he was fierce and savage in war, fair and even-handed in peace to kith and kin. Of course not all men agreed with the god's notion of fairness, but such has been the nature of men and gods since time's beginning.
Worshipers by Region: None known (Ceria Strom and Ysilla Royce have both received visitations and power likely originating from him)
Infrastructure: None known (Former range throughout Westeros, most recent temples likely on the three Sisters, ancient center of worship in the Stormlands)
Mother Earth
The Hearth Keeper, The Bountiful One, Earthshaker
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Cavern, Family, Earth
Known Supernatural Servitors: Earth Elementals, ???
The Church: Little enough to you know of those who kept the fire burning in those long vanished holds of the First Men for none in your company hears an echo of their dreams. You know they were the keepers of ancient tales they they loved not war and the shedding of blood and were slow indeed to rise to anger but that even the fiercest chieftain would not lightly provoke them, for like the twisting of the earth their wrath could bring untold ruin.
Tenets of the Faith: The act of cultivating the land and of cooking food thus obtained seemed to have been both sacred to Mother Earth and thus among the greatest sin one could commit in her eyes was leaving land to lie fallow once it had been claimed to the plow second only to disturbing the rest of the dead.
Worshipers by Region: None known
Infrastructure: None known (Former range throughout Westeros, most recent temples likely on the Three Sisters, ancient center of worship in the Westerlands)
The Strangling Coil, He of Ten Thousand Fangs, Fate-Stealer
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Chaos, Planning, Scalykind, Trickery,
Known Supernatural Servitors: Dark, Spirit and Water Nagas, Malors, Marilith
The Church: The cults of the Strangling Coil tended to attract the mad the vainglorious or the desperate, they often made pacts with demons though they delighted in betraying them often 'to the greater good' of whatever community they were inhabiting. Many of the cities of the Serpent Folk converted to open worship of Steth just before their end, though Yss claimed this was not the cause of the Great Dying, but rather a symptom of it.
Tenets of the Faith: There can be no fairness without the Trickster trying to subvert it, on order without chaos, no truth without lies beside them, Thus with every transgression, every oath broken every life taken, those who keep to the word of Sseth believe that they are keeping to some cosmic order.
Worshipers by Region: None known
Infrastructure: None known (Former range throughout the Serpent Empire)
The Bearded God
The Lawgiver, He of the Long Axe, Lord of Iron
Alignment: ???
Domains: Courage, Mysticism, War
Known Supernatural Servitors: ???
The Church: The Bearded Priests of Norvos serve a god whose name is known only to them, though beyond the temple's hallowed grounds they act with what they term straightforward honesty and their foes call 'blunt as and iron cudgel'. The wise man might consider that they have ruled Norvos ever since its founding no matter the machinations of its nobles. Beyond the wearing of beards as a distinctive sign of their calling all the priests of Norvos are required by their faith to bear an axe, ever ready to defend the faithful of the Lord of Iron from those who would wound or yoke them. All priests are expected to take part in ceremonial duels against newly-inducted Hearth-Guard the slave soldiers of the city once a year. While they are not expected to win specifically when a priest becomes too old to 'bear the axe with honor' as judged by his peers they must surrender all signs of authority and power within the church and withdraw into silent emditation and fasting until the end finds them. While some priests find this to be shameful way to meet their god and prefer death in battle, others argue that to live until 'your hand can no longer carry the axe' is the ultimate proof of one's skills as a warrior and protector of the city
Tenets of the Faith: Above all else the Lawgiver proclaimed upon the world the virtues of honesty, courage temperance and humility in the face of both the divine and one's fellow man who are all made in the image of the god. Austerity is thus a good guard against sins and excesses of the flesh with the measured lives under the voice of the Three Bells marking the broad bounds of a life of virtue. For trully great sins there can be no expunging save pain, either the hardship of battle or in times of peace self-inflicted trails chief among them flagellation. While the Faith of the Lord of Iron has no true universal mandate to convert the world apostasy among his chosen, saved from the debauchery of Valyria and the fires of the Doom is hardhly punished.
Worshipers by Region: Norvos and its domains.
Infrastructure: Grand temple in Norvos, Major temples in all its vassal cities
The Lady of Spears
Bride of Battle, Mother of Hosts
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Suffering, Tyrany, War
Known Supernatural Servitors: ???
The Church: The Lady of Spears whose name may not be spoken of aloud by any save the Unsullied is in a sense the only thing the Unsullied are permitted to own, and she is naught but a reflection of their horrific existence, she is the lash unseen, the hand that pushes the slave's head closer to the ground. Though her rites can only be performed by the Unsullied, they are carefully monitored for any sign of shifting dogma, any spark of rebellion in this least regimented aspect of their lives
Tenets of the Faith: A goddess of war she is called, but as well one might call her a goddess of butchery, for her highest calling given to her warriors is simply to endure and yet if one asks enough of the Unsullied you have freed something truly odd emerges, another set of legends.
It is said in hushed whispers about how the Great Goddess is only preparing them for the day when they will set upon their masters and repay in full the price they had paid. These legends are claimed to be of an older tradition from the day she was the war goddess of the Ghiscari of old, a goddess of free men though few scholars there are who could say for certain.
Worshipers by Region: All Unsullied
Infrastructure: Grand temples in Mereen, Younkai and Astraphor
The Great Shepherd
The Lamb God, Pure Heart, the One in Many
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Renewal, Luck, Weather
Known Supernatural Servitors: ???
The Church: Priests of the Great Shepherd vary greatly from the urban to the rural and from the hermit to the cosmopolitan preacher one might find on the streets of Braavos they are united only in commitment to an ancient text known as the Lambskin, the dictates of a willfully nameless prophet who lead the Lhazareen into their current homeland following some dreadful catastrophe. It is said they are prophetic and have guided the faithful to survive where others have perished, citing the many realms fallen to the Dothraki where the Children of Lhazar endure.
Tenets of the Faith: Absent rigorous doctrine in matters of form or presentation, even absent many notions of sin as other religions would see them the faith is guided more by the change they would see in the world than by what they would see unmade or lessened. Lessons of unity and self-sacrifice are common, as is what outsiders have been known to call a sort of gentle fatalism. All men it is said are of the same flock and though some have forgotten themselves and think that they are wolves to prey on their fellows such should be pitied not met sword in hand. As the world turns and the fortunes of all living things wax and wane so too there will be peace and balance in the world, like the pastures that grow after a great blaze.
Worshipers by Region: Most Lhazareen, small communities in may Essosi cities.
Infrastructure: Shines for nomadic herdsmen and Small Temples for settled folk only
OOC: More stuff brought over from the front page. This might arguably have a place there but I think it works better as a link than a 4K words hidden behind spoilers that you have to parse out by category. This will also help me recall to introduce stuff like Yi Tish worship that might otherwise be forgotten entirely and left to languish in my notes, half finished.