Note: This is very much a work in progress, but I'm posting early because my computer is about to die and I don't want to lose the links.
When Did We Conquer That?
Saltcliff --
Fifteenth Day of the Tenth Month 291 AC -- First conquest ever,
Torturer's Deep/Sorcerer's Deep --
First Day off the First Month 292 AC -- Crown City of the Imperium, conquered from the Damphair and his Deep Ones masters
Port Sorrow --
Twentieth Day of the Eighth Month 292 AC -- Convinced Lady Lerira the Lucky to bend the knee
Deepcleft --
Tenth Day of the Eleventh Month 292 AC -- Convinced Lord Salladhor Saan to bend the knee
Westhaven --
Twenty-Ninth Day of the Eight Month 292 AC -- Saved the people from the dark revelry of the Maenads
Tolos --
Thirteenth Day of the Second Month 293 AC -- Ascended to True Dragonhood upon defeating Relath in single combat
Tyrosh --
Twenty-Seventh Day of the Second Month 293 AC -- Conquered from Daemon Cultists of Pestilence and Death in a single day
Myr --
Twentieth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC -- Convinced Lady Dorera Phassen to use her influence in the Glassmaker's Guild to make the annexation of Myr smoother in wake of the conquest of Lys
Lys --
Ninteenth Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC -- Viserys manipulated Aedon the Bold to raise an army against him, rallying all dissidents to his banner, and even slaughtering all inconvenient political rivals in a bloody coup. Once every dirty deed was successfully done by Aedon, his usefulness had expired and he and his army were crushed by the Legion in the field.
Pentos --
Twenty-Third Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC -- Aided Braavos in the conquest of Pentos in exchange for their fealty
Braavos --
Seventeenth Day of the Third Month 293 AC -- Of his own prompting, the Sealord broached the topic of Braavos joining the Imperium and brokered a deal with Viserys; he would help them conquer Pentos, and then the city would kneel to him. Braavos
officially joined on the
Twenty-Eighth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC.
Volantis --
Fourth Day of the Fourth Month 293 AC -- Convinced Lord Zherys Naethyreon to bend the knee through offering him aid against a cult of demons plaguing his city (and making him the lawful lord of Volantis).
Qarth --
Twenty-Sixth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC -- The House of the Undying preemptively attended Viserys' coronation for the purposes of offering the city of Qarth as well as their own fealty. Their only condition was that no weirwood be grown on Qartheen soil nor in the Qartheen hinterlands, and that no dragon should come to permanently reside in the city. They even had a puppet ruler (one aware and willing in his position) ready to go from among the city's nobility.
Qohor --
Second Day of the Ninth Month 294 AC -- Conquered Qohor which was being held by a centuries-long infestation of the cult of Shub-Niggurath, sitting atop an eldritch Flesh Forge no less.
Basilisk Isles
The North
The Riverlands
The Vale --
Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC -- The Kingdom, in absolute turmoil in wake of civil unrest following the death of its prior ruler Lord Jon Arryn (assassinated by Bloodraven at Viserys' order and made to be thrown from his horse), was captured by forces of the Imperium
The Westerlands
The Iron Islands
The Stormlands
The Reach
The Crownlands
Faerie Courts
The Court of the Orphne --
Twenty-Eighth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC -- Convinced the Orphne King (now the Orphne Lord) to bend the knee, in exchange for a lump sum of adamantine alongside the right to have the lords of the court join the Inquisition where their talents would be best suited
The Goblin Market of Lys
The Court of the Goldentree
Imperium Sempiternum
Founding --
Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC -- Viserys crowns himself Imperator, and declares the beginning of the Age of the Imperium.
Plane of Fire
Cobold Scales Clan --
Third Day of the Twelfth Month 294 AC -- Queen Larissa of the Cobolt Scales Salamander Clan lays down her crown at Viserys' feet in exchange for immediate military relief from Efreeti-aligned enemy Salamander Clans currently besieging her clanhold.