I don't see any reason to reject them out of hand. No need to burn diplomatic bridges just yet. That said, I don't think we should recognize the Orange Emperor's questionable legitimacy, not when we are on friendly and productive terms with the Azure Empire.

[X] Accept them
-[X] As honored guests, but refuse to recognize the Orange's Emperor's royal ambitions
[X] Accept and welcome Pol Ning and entourage, as honored guests.
-[X] The last unspoken agreement between you and Yi Ti was not to weigh in at all about that little civil war of theirs, due to your having brought in enough firepower to lay waste to a kingdom without so much as a 'by your leave'. That does include not even blinking when some foreign guests from that region want to 'show the colors' in another court outside their borders.
--[X] It also doesn't mean that you have to acknowledge Pol Qo at all--which you won't. As far as the public knows, you have your own issue with usurpers.

---[X] With that in mind, seeing as there would be little point in a formal audience, and you don't have any interest in giving them a public platform to state their claims, you will only imply an openness to an informal audience if they simply wanted to communicate with you about something.
----[X] You're dubious if they ever had any intention other than simply piggybacking off this event to gain some form of increased legitimacy, and you are interested in questioning why Pol Qo thought he could try again when you made it pretty blatantly clear you weren't open to playing games like that.
-----[X] Otherwise, they might as well just come as observers of a historic event. Which, you know, might be relevant if they win that civil war. But you're not banking on it.
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OOC: You guys were wondering what Ning was doing once her betrothed died...

Wait. Her betrothed died?! That's...

...unsurprising and totally what I was expecting. Huh. Well, as long as we get to insult (no matter how slight) that Witch-confidant of the Orange Rebel, I would be severely happy.

Also, who's that vixen Shugenja's name again? I remembered calling her She-Who-Lives-in-Her-Name, but that's more of a demeaning title if nothing else.
I mean, if we're not even acknowledging Pol Qo's claim, I don't see why they would even want a formal audience... and it might be awkward for both parties... like why are we accepting some foreigners at a formal hearing?

An informal audience I'd be fine with. If they have a proposal, it's polite to open your ear to it.
An audience with her being just Pol Ning is fine. Without any references to her brother and his claim.

[X] Crake
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[X] Crake

I suppose pointing out how rude it is to have someone open a fucking gate in the middle of our realm without so much as a by your leave would be a bit much considering Pol Ning apologized for it, but it still grates a bit.
Yeah, if it's just Pol Ning and FROM Pol Ning I'm all ears to hear whatever she wants. Antagonizing her jerk brother is not going to give us any favours (not that we need one). It's just gonna make us look childish and petty. Just ignoring his sovereignty is fine.

[X] Crake

I suppose pointing out how rude it is to have someone open a fucking gate in the middle of our realm without so much as a by your leave would be a bit much considering Pol Ning apologized for it, but it still grates a bit.
This too. The Gate is a crucial State-owned piece of technology. YOU DO NOT TAMPER WITH IT NO MATTER WHAT. Not to mention that it's a product of a Ninth-Level spell. She could've summoned a Solar for all we know.
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I mean, if we're not even acknowledging Pol Qo's claim, I don't see why they would even want a formal audience... and it might be awkward for both parties... like why are we accepting some foreigners at a formal hearing?

An informal audience I'd be fine with. If they have a proposal, it's polite to open your ear to it.
Well, if we give them an official audience, they will publicly state their claims. So that's a bit awkward.

And I'm firmly of the opinion that we have no side in Yi-Tis conflict except our own.
That was enough to draw more pointed questions. It was enough to draw alarm, but before the nearest lawman could be summoned, the mage completed his spell, an invocation of the swift traveling wind kami, those who loved the high airs over the sea. The arc, the gate, glowed sea green and shimmering silver by turn, and from its depths emerged a procession which had first stepped into the gate in far off Trader Town.
So, they have a mage of the ninth circle aside from the consort of the Orange Emperor. Good to know.
Pol Ning refused our last invitation, if I remember correctly.

We could have saved her from having her connection to the Kami cut and being sold to some foreign ruler in a bid for an alliance.
She decided against our offer, so now she can go die in a ditch for all I care.
Meh... it's not her fault her family is shit, and her culture told her all her life nothing is more important than patriarchal authority and filial piety.
So, they have a mage of the ninth circle aside from the consort of the Orange Emperor. Good to know.
This was not a regular Gate spell, IMO. It was some sort of ritual using pre-made components or reagents, and it was mentioned to call on the power of one the the Yi-Tish Kami. Also, a Gate only needs a Standard Action to cast, and this was significantly longer.

That doesn't mean it wasn't the product of a 9th level spell, or that they have none available who can cast such spells, but it does make me somewhat doubtful that this particular display was one.
[X] Crake

I suppose pointing out how rude it is to have someone open a fucking gate in the middle of our realm without so much as a by your leave would be a bit much considering Pol Ning apologized for it, but it still grates a bit.
Seriously. Developing city-wide dimensional magic redirection wards cannot come soon enough.
[X] Crake

I suppose pointing out how rude it is to have someone open a fucking gate in the middle of our realm without so much as a by your leave would be a bit much considering Pol Ning apologized for it, but it still grates a bit.
Well, we're hardly above hypocrisy, but it's typically polite to give a bit of a warning before you bring in enough destructive power to level their entire country, too. :V
Pol Ning refused our last invitation, if I remember correctly.

We could have saved her from having her connection to the Kami cut and being sold to some foreign ruler in a bid for an alliance.
She decided against our offer, so now she can go die in a ditch for all I care.


I thought that she did not have a choice in the matter? It was the Yi-Tish culture/noblese obliege/sense of honor that spurn her to that action, if I remember. She was pressed by her brother (who saw her as rebellious and in need of a millitary ally), his his vixen Mage confidant (who saw her as inconveniences to her plans), and herself (thinking that she failed her family).
Not cut according to her, lessened somehow. What that means might require some study.
Isn't it blasphemy to interfere in the relation between the Kami and their Favored?
That's the kind of stuff that can bring you droughts and earthquakes if the Kami are in a bad mood.


I thought that she did not have a choice in the matter? It was the Yi-Tish culture/noblese obliege/sense of honor that spurn her to that action, if I remember. She was pressed by her brother (who saw her as rebellious and in need of a millitary ally), his his vixen Mage confidant (who saw her as inconveniences to her plans), and herself (thinking that she failed her family).
It was still her choice, we offered her an out, she spurned the offer of freedom, power and all else she might want.