To be clear : the first proposal won't require you to roll hundreds of them. It'd be automated too.
Does that change things?
I find it too slow but that's honestly due to the fact the IRL time and in game time are so one to one that everything feels slow. So like in a year we would have level two mages and in a year we have less chance of those mages being level 3. At that point I'm tempted to use blood magic to beef them up quicker or send them into combat. The latter is far easier because we can send them to the undead Dothraki field hordes to fight it out and level.
Current manpower allocations;

Added a placeholder Diplomatic Corps formation action under government.

Added a trip to Armun Kelisk under Free Actions for Viserys and Lya to pick up commissioned items which should be ready on the 1st of the 10th month, to do some shopping, and to speak with Embra's father about our latest raid.

I've been slotting everyone's actions in on the turn plan spreadsheet, though I've stuck to just the people so far.

[] The Secret of Life and Death: Analyze the lore obtained from Lord Bolton and Qyburn and see to bring the efforts made by the ex-maester to their conclusion, creating undead creatures that neither spread decay, nor need the constant attention of a skilled mage.(Progress 25, Cost 30,000 IM)
-[] Qyburn

[] Dagger-Wyrms: Find a way to create more Dragon-daggers like Feeder (Pre-requisite for other living weapons and armor) (Progress: 6)
-[] Elaheh Marita (Kyton Fleshsmith)

[] The Godhunter: The fortress-ruin that held the Orb of Dragonkind still holds leashed power unlike anything you've ever sensed, but it remains dormant for now. With time, it might be possible to reconstruct the controls of that power, and with proper preparation use it as a weapon to slice away part of a god. (Progress: 16)
-[] Valeria
--[] Lady Saenna – Assisting

[] Forge of Creation: With Anu having finally restored the ritual necessary for creation of his kin, much may change... But for now, that is but a single ritual. To truly bring his people to life, something yet grander Is needed.
-[] Organise a magi-industrial complex capable of producing Warforged en-mass.(Progress: 30)
-[] Anu

[] Weaving Deepest Veils: Research the lore promised by Fey of Orphne court, wards capable of evading even a god's eye... even if not a perfect defense all by themselves. (Progress: 18 Cost: 11,000 IM)
-[] Lya
--[] Svitran – Assisting

[] The Broken Pact: With many an Outsider now being a part of your Empire, developing ways of breaking them off the influence of their home planes may be a good idea.
-[] Break off Barghests from Hells (Progress: 5; Cost: ??)
--[] Mercy of the Soul

[] The Tree Connection: While the Old Gods gave you what they remember about their beginning, the knowledge retained within the first dreams is still vague and hard to grasp for mortal minds. However, by examining the magic imbued in a Heart Tree both in the physical and other planes, you might be able to deepen your understanding of their true nature. It will be slow work though, as you can hardly take a tree apart for dissection.(Progress: 30, Cost: 50,000 IM)
-[] Vee –
--[] Naria – Assisting
--[] Stepstones - Research (Scholarum) - Assisiting

[] Ancestor's Return: Develop a ritual to return Laenor Targaryen back to life, using rituals used for Amrelath, Wyla and leftover lore from Garin/Selyse's ritual (Progress: 8 Cost: 9,500)
-[] Dany
--[] Wyla Drekelis - Assisting

[] Blood Maiden Plaques: Much as they were creatures undeserving of existence, they weren't always like that… or at least their ancestors weren't. It would do you good to understand where they came from to those shores. (Likely information on Drow history and society) (Progress: 6)
-[] Drow Assassins

[] TO BE DETERMINED - Force/Sonic Cannon Research
-[] Beryl

[] Sway Ruler: The hero gathers support among the ruling elite of another realm to gain alliance, vassalage or some other favorable diplomatic position.
-[] Journey to Lorath to make contact with the ruling factions, with an eye toward peacefully bringing the city into the Imperium.
--[] Assigned: Windward Society (Aubert Flowers, Grazdan the Grim, Koron Redmane, Lohos Saan, Menel Goldtooth), Aradia, Erinyes (x1)

[] Gold and Shadow: The Fleet sailing to Yi Ti is your main counter to the Golden Company, but it is slow in coming, perhaps it would be best to send a set of eyes ahead, a set of hands too to tangle their plans
-[] Assigned: Tyene, Garin, Waymar, Nuri, Erinyes (x2)
--[] Special: Visit the Yi-Ti Expedition Fleet beforehand to pick up one the ancient Yi-Ti Scholars currently inhabiting a Construct.

[] Sober Truth: Deal with the darker elements of the the Cult of Zargreus once and for all, whether it be merely perilous excess or something worse
-[] Assigned: Glyra and Roaming Chaos, Xor, Sandor, Herald (x1), Guardian Naga (x1), Anya the Inquisitor, Mia the Inquisitor, Azema, Argo, Erinyes (x5), additional military and Scholarium forces (including Minotaur Fighters)

[] Goblins in order: Bring the Goblin market into accordance with the law of the realm before any of your citizens can be harmed though malice or ignorance
-[] Assigned: Malarys, Richard, Rina, Harbinger, Guardian Nagas (x2), Erinyes (x5), Fey Guide(s) from the Orphne Court

[] Southern Journeys: Sothoryos holds many dangers and just as many opportunities for those who would dare to reap them. There as in no other place you have visited, monsters stride across the face of the earth and even the common beasts of the Jungle could put entire armies of men to flight.
-[] Delve deeper into the Necropolis which once sheltered the remnants of the "civilized" Serpent Folk.
--[] Assigned: Viserys, Dany, Lya, Richard, Malarys, Vee, Rizz'Neth

[] Under the Boiling Sea: Scry for the Char Serpent swimming through molten sea of Plane of Fire
-[] As a result of his anti-divination protections being overcome by scrying, hunters will rush towards it. Counter-ambush them.
--[] Assigned: Viserys, Rina, Bloom, Richard, Dany
---[] NOTE: If possible, this action should occur toward the end of the month in order to give Siduri time to contact us with intel regarding the delivery of reagents for the Sultan's Archmage. If we get that intel, this action will be postponed.

[] Diplomatic Corps: We don't have one. It's time to remedy that.
-[] Assigned: Rhaella, Kira, Hermetia, Alinor

[] Singers upon the flaming sea: Train phoenixes to safely harvest Fire Whale Gems for the betterment of both the pods and your own treasury, as well as setting up a safe trade route for all the gems (Progress: 15, Cost: 10,000 IM)
-[] Assigned: Velen

[] Planar Trade
-[] Visit Armun Kelisk: Pick up previous commission (x4 Soulfire Bracers), purchase 400,000 IM in enchanting reagents
--[] Checks shops for anything of interest, including True Resurrection scrolls, rare plants (Golden Desert Tree seeds or sap, Arkas Grass, etc), materials (Djezet, Horacalum, etc), and so on.
-[] Arrange meeting with Djinni Vizier to inform him of the success of our latest raid on the Efreeti.
-[] Sell one million pounds of Adamantine to the Djinni and one million pounds to the Shaitan.
--[] Viserys, Lya

[] Assigning the fresh troops
-[] The Barghests are placed with Khal Rhango
-[] Send the Fallen Shield Archon to Rhango
--[] Ask Yrael to send a trusted Archon (maybe a Shield or Preceptor) to Rhango to help him and keep an eye on the newcomers for a month or two
-[] The former Bandits (2 Fallen Hound Archons, 2 Yaenit Demons, 1 neutral Spyglass Archon) are now assets of the Inquisition, Garin should decide where to use them best
-[] The Legion Devils will, under the command of an Erinyes, help the Legion train against devils, while also mastering the Hellfire Crossbows we have left over
--[] They will only fight on an actual battlefield by special need, or once we have severed their ties to Hell
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@Goldfish, note, that I'm marking quite a few Erynies for bodyguard duty.
[] With your Empire growing steadily, even more importance falls upon your administrators and governors... And more lucrative targets they become for all your enemies.
-[] Assign Advanced Erynies on guard duty to the following individuals:

--[] Teana Strykos (1 Erynies) - Headmistress of Sorcerers Deep
--[] Ferrengo Antarion (2 Erynies) - Sealord of Braavos
--[] Alinor the Fair (2 Erynies) - Lady of the Clerks
--[] Hario of Tyrosh (1 Erynies) - Headmaster of Tyrosh
--[] Salladhor Saan (1 Erynies) - Archon of the Basilisk Isles
--[] Sir Gerold (2 Erynies) - General of the 1st Legion
--[] Alysande Redsail (1 Erynies) - Head of the Silver Eye
--[] Hermetia Aerebalys (1 Erynies) - Magistrate of Lys
--[] Aemon Naremos (1 Erynies) - Vaeroseia in Draconys
--[] Vargor Alexi (1 Erynies) - Colonial Governor
--Total: 13 Erynies
--[] The Erynies will have express orders to immediately move their charge to safety if any danger is present, or retrieve the body if their charge is killed and move it to a Resurrection-capable Companion no matter other circumstances.
Does that fit with the amounts you send out?
...To be honest, I am agaisnt the slowdown, @TalonofAnathrax, @DragonParadox.
With DP returning back the good old "XP is granted for non-combat tasks" it even makes sense for scholarum students to level.

Them all suddenly (all but) stopping levelling would feel... weird, and unnatural, compared to how it was before - and that's with less teachers (who had less experience).

And that's before we start looking at how important levelling mages became to our Empire's crafting :/

Second excel sheet sounds best, tbh.

To be honest I did not chose the first for the slower rate of advancement but simply because it feels like a more natural learning curb, so if you guys want to set the numbers a little higher for more mage generation I'm fine with it

Huh? I was pretty sure it is? @DragonParadox?
And the benefit is, well, it's being hunted, and we want it to stay alive - and we have Devisl aplenty to feed to it... and have it make more of itself.

The undead serpent is indeed sapient, just not very personable
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...To be honest, I am agaisnt the slowdown, @TalonofAnathrax, @DragonParadox.
With DP returning back the good old "XP is granted for non-combat tasks" it even makes sense for scholarum students to level.

Them all suddenly (all but) stopping levelling would feel... weird, and unnatural, compared to how it was before - and that's with less teachers (who had less experience).

And that's before we start looking at how important levelling mages became to our Empire's crafting :/

Second excel sheet sounds best, tbh.

I find it too slow but that's honestly due to the fact the IRL time and in game time are so one to one that everything feels slow. So like in a year we would have level two mages and in a year we have less chance of those mages being level 3. At that point I'm tempted to use blood magic to beef them up quicker or send them into combat. The latter is far easier because we can send them to the undead Dothraki field hordes to fight it out and level.

Both of you :
The slowdown is very deliberate. It has been established since the very beginning that level 5 isn't something you should be able to reach quickly or easily. It is the elite, the maximum potential reached after years of effort.

Why would a blacksmith trained by a master take years or decades to reach level 5, but a mageling here manage it in months?

And sending mages into combat to level faster is also perfectly normal in D&D. Viserys has even explicitly said that it was (in-setting) a valid path to power.

Look, I can change the number or something (make it 0.15 or even 0.2 instead of 0.1, maybe?), but I feel like my fundamental logic makes sense.
@DragonParadox seems to agree too.

Still, I am entirely open to being convinced ! As long as you don't rely on arguments like "but it would make things better for us!", that is. This is a lore and setting disagreement, AFAIK.
The undead serpent is indeed sapient, just not very personable
@Goldfish, here's the answer.
Basically, we heard about it being hunted, even with our incredibly limited access to extraplanar rumors, and it may or may not get killed off. A reason to counter-ambush the hunters.

It can be turned further agaisnt the efreeti, I'm sure. Directed against more lucrative targets?
Harry convoys with Shaitan and Djinn?
Just perfect, imo.

Later on (much, much so), we could NE-proof them, and have them be much more reasonable (if asocial) citizens.

Or it could turn out to be an asshole.
Albeit unlikely, but in that case we get some loot, and kill off Efreeti hunters, which is a good thing nonetheless.

It's worth trying, imo.
And wouldn't it's anti-scrying defense only fry for a short period of time?
I remember something along those lines, not permanent lack of defense.
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@Goldfish, note, that I'm marking quite a few Erynies for bodyguard duty.
Does that fit with the amounts you send out?
That'll work out fine. We have 38 of them in total.

Three are with the Yi-Ti expedition, three are participating in the City of Brass infiltration, two are already guarding Hermetia (you can take her off your list or add another to match what she already has), one is on rotating guard duty at the library.

I don't think we have any more on extended duty, so that leaves plenty for guarding VIPs.
Okay. Roughly speaking, y'all should be free to determine some of the province actions along the following lines.

Company actions can be used to Aid Progress on immigration (I recommend you continue to immigrate people from DL territory to SD) or to expand business ventures. Everflame Ironworks will be spending another 150,000 IM to finish its latest expansion. I would actually recommend doing another expansion to it, to take advantage of the fact that it is virtually guaranteed to hit the threshold for Size 4* which will give us 28,000 IM per month from it. Which, y'know an additional quarter million IM per year is nothing to sneeze at.

Province actions should continue to be spent improving the local area, excepting SD, who along with Braavos will mostly be improving Pentos. Non-Local intrigue actions will however all be used to expand our coverage over key areas. Any city that does not currently have an Inquisition base should have one established ASAP. Tolos and Mantarys will use their two non-local actions to install Inquisition Outposts in Meereen, then Yunkai, then Astapor, and so on, until the Masters basically can't take a shit without us having a report somewhere buried among the rest of the reports.

Five Titan's Tool sets will be used to continue expanding the road, two sets up toward and circuitously through Pentoshi provinces until we reach the city, where they will continue onward to Braavos, one of which will start building toward Golden Fields and then through the Rhoyne on various projects like bridges and such. And the last two 'road sets' toward and from Volantis' segment of the Dragon Road until they connect with our current highway network.

The remaining five will be used to improve Pentos and Braavos' infrastructure, essentially rebuilding the slums. This will both create jobs for the city's underbelly in the thousands. Establishing Governmental services in each of these areas like Guard Posts or Messenger Services should be a must as well.
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continue expanding the road, two sets up toward and circuitously through Pentoshi provinces until we reach the city, where they will continue onward to Braavos, one of which will start building toward Golden Fields and then through the Rhoyne on various projects like bridges and such. And the last two 'road sets' toward and from Volantis' segment of the Dragon Road until they connect with our current highway network.
@DragonParadox, another reason for you to just plant a dot on the map for me to know where Ryz'net is, so that I can get to drawing maps in Azel's absense.
@DragonParadox, another reason for you to just plant a dot on the map for me to know where Ryz'net is, so that I can get to drawing maps in Azel's absense.

They are "somewhere on the Northeastern Coastline" of Sothoryos. I will get to it... sometime. Your artistic liberties will be no less credible than my own, really. Ask DP for specifics.

Edit: Oh, you are. Carry on, then!
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@DragonParadox Okay, so now to what I'd been waiting to ask.

How many people were rolled for the Encourage Immigration Southern DL -> Golden Fields and the Encourage Immigration Eastern Flatlands -> SD actions? And how much natural non-government subsidized immigration occurred with both? I expect a short-term boom for the former for a few months, and a pretty much nigh-constant influx for the latter. And after the Festival it was probably significant, too.
Both of you :
The slowdown is very deliberate. It has been established since the very beginning that level 5 isn't something you should be able to reach quickly or easily. It is the elite, the maximum potential reached after years of effort.

Why would a blacksmith trained by a master take years or decades to reach level 5, but a mageling here manage it in months?

And sending mages into combat to level faster is also perfectly normal in D&D. Viserys has even explicitly said that it was (in-setting) a valid path to power.

Look, I can change the number or something (make it 0.15 or even 0.2 instead of 0.1, maybe?), but I feel like my fundamental logic makes sense.
@DragonParadox seems to agree too.

Still, I am entirely open to being convinced ! As long as you don't rely on arguments like "but it would make things better for us!", that is. This is a lore and setting disagreement, AFAIK.
My main issue does come down to the fact that it will take a long ass time. By the time they are useful well not much use for them tbh. Increasing the rate of growth to .15 and also sending them into combat expedition is fine. In all honesty hell I'd prefer it if once every two months they actually did some fighting rather than staying in a glorified university. That way they have an opportunity to make a leap in their growth and they actually get to do something. Like they are mages, send them to do something other than stay in school.

Also the chance isn't static correct? Like the first month there would be a 10 percent chance or .10 and the second there would be a twenty percent chance or .20 correct?
Increasing the chances for each per month would be realistic, since if they were "close" to a breakthrough but didn't make it they should reasonably have a higher chance of making that breakthrough, but it would be counterproductive in that it would add more to keep track of.

Increase the numbers a little though.

Here we are.

The name in parentheses is what people without telepathy or a serpent-folk's vocal apparatus call the port. Riz'Neth finds it somewhat amusing.

What an ableist. :V
The story of Falabix the golden dragon

chapter 3.

Falabix woke up to darkness. He was sore, and his left wing felt like half his blood was pumping though it. A great weight was preventing him from moving, and even with open eyes all he could see was black.

Remembering that he could now breathe fire, Falabix decided to do so in order to see where he was. What he saw was devastation.

Great trunks of wood that had been burned and broken to cinders blocked any path he could think to take. When he craned his neck he saw yet more of them pressing down on him.

After spending some time gathering his strength he tried to get one of his front legs free. It took him quite a bit of effort, but he succeeded. The effort however exhausted him, and he fell asleep once again.

When he woke up the second time he felt a bit better. He was still sore and his wing was throbbing, but it was not quite as bad as earlier.

Using a claw he had wiggled free, he began to dig under his other front leg. With some effort he dug enough down under this leg to free it, and from there he began to work on freeing the rest of his body.

After hours of exhausting work Falabix managed to dig in such a way that he could escape the debris weighting him down. Finally he began to work on digging himself out of the anthill. He had to rest a few times during the work, but at last he broke though to the outside.

Falabix immediately tried to fly up and see how much damage the fire had done, but as he flapped his wings, his left wing sent an agonizing wave of pain though him.

Falabix immediately stopped trying to fly, and began to inspect his wing. Luckily he could see nothing broken on it, but the joints were swollen and it didn't look like it would be able to support him for some time to come.

Falabix took a moment to curse at the fact that he was ground bound. A fate no dragon should experience even temporarily. Then he began to climb down the anthill. He was hungry, and for all that he was sure there was plenty of meals in the anthill he doubted any of them would be to his taste.

Falabix soon got down from the anthill, and he could see the fire hadn't spread far. The nearby grass still being a vibrant green. He walked until he reached the grass, and then turned around to see what had happened to the anthill.

It was surprisingly intact. It was burned of course, but it looked like only some of the tunnels had caved in. It certainly hadn't turned into just a pile of burned out rubble.

Falabix thought that he could work with that. With time and effort the burned anthill could become a good trap, and he felt it was fitting to kill the great beast that dared inhabit his den at the place where he had almost died, before he could claim his rightful den from it.

But first he had to get food and recover. So Falabix walked into the grass where he soon spotted a larva about a third his own size. Normally he would prefer slightly more challenging prey, but he was too hurt and hungry to be picky. So Falabix quickly pounced on the Larva and began to eat.

Having eaten his fill Falabix returned to the anthill. Planning to sleep in the tunnel he had excavated when he dug himself out earlier.
I'm looking forward to seeing Falabix's anti-squirrel death trap.