@DragonParadox Okay, so now to what I'd been waiting to ask.

How many people were rolled for the Encourage Immigration Southern DL -> Golden Fields and the Encourage Immigration Eastern Flatlands -> SD actions? And how much natural non-government subsidized immigration occurred with both? I expect a short-term boom for the former for a few months, and a pretty much nigh-constant influx for the latter. And after the Festival it was probably significant, too.

I'd say 19 Population moved to the Deep, with another 10 population to the Eastern Flatlands. I'm not sure how to model natural population shifts though. Any suggestions?
@egoo, added this to Events;

[] Under the Boiling Sea: Scry for the Char Serpent swimming through molten sea of Plane of Fire
-[] As a result of his anti-divination protections being overcome by scrying, hunters will rush towards it. Counter-ambush them.
--[] Assigned: Viserys, Rina, Bloom, Richard

Ya'll see any issues with the people assigned to it?
People, the chance will be static. Otherwise it gets absolutely insane to keep track of. I'd have to have several squares per mageling, each with its individual formula - and we have hundreds of magelings!

In any case, progress isn't straightforwards. Sometimes you end up having to go backwards, or falling into rabbit holes that lead nowhere.
@Goldfish @egoo I would like the undead serpent but I'm also of the opinion that it's not a priority at all. That time and effort is better reserved for taking the ship.

We can get the snake later.
@Goldfish @egoo I would like the undead serpent but I'm also of the opinion that it's not a priority at all. That time and effort is better reserved for taking the ship.

We can get the snake later.
What do we know about the ship? Actually, which ship are you talking about, the one carrying the Efreeti on the fetchquest for the Sultan's Archmage?
People, the chance will be static. Otherwise it gets absolutely insane to keep track of. I'd have to have several squares per mageling, each with its individual formula - and we have hundreds of magelings!

In any case, progress isn't straightforwards. Sometimes you end up having to go backwards, or falling into rabbit holes that lead nowhere.
Just increase the rate to .2 and implement adventures into the math of growth and we are golden. At this point we might as well have any future prospective PCs fight and go on adventures to gain power because it is the fastest way to do it.
People, the chance will be static. Otherwise it gets absolutely insane to keep track of. I'd have to have several squares per mageling, each with its individual formula - and we have hundreds of magelings!

In any case, progress isn't straightforwards. Sometimes you end up having to go backwards, or falling into rabbit holes that lead nowhere.

That makes sense and more to the point the last thing I wan to to is make things harder for you after you generously offered to take this on. A static chance should model things fine.
Here we are.

The name in parentheses is what people without telepathy or a serpent-folk's vocal apparatus call the port. Riz'Neth finds it somewhat amusing.
DP, mind telling, where you got this particular map?
Google lies to me :{

It seems to be the same one Azel used to draw roads, and it would look way better if I manage to find the original of it to draw up Crake's suggestion o nthe network.
Azel's piece is but too limited for that now :/
@egoo, added this to Events;

[] Under the Boiling Sea: Scry for the Char Serpent swimming through molten sea of Plane of Fire
-[] As a result of his anti-divination protections being overcome by scrying, hunters will rush towards it. Counter-ambush them.
--[] Assigned: Viserys, Rina, Bloom, Richard

Ya'll see any issues with the people assigned to it?
No problem, though I can see Duesal's point that the ingredient-transport might be more important.

If we do this though, take a few bottled Efreeti as snacks?
@Goldfish @egoo I would like the undead serpent but I'm also of the opinion that it's not a priority at all. That time and effort is better reserved for taking the ship.

We can get the snake later.
@Goldfish, @Duesal, basically, the char-snek is wonderful in that we can do it whenever we want.

I want it this month. Paranoia and greed dictate in equal strenght,
Doesn't mean we can't wait until the end of the month, hopefully having dealt with ingridient-gathering ship by then.
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@Goldfish, @Duesal, basically, the char-snek is wonderful in that we can do it whenever we want.

I want it this month. Paranoia and greed dictate in equal strenght,
Doesn't mean we can't wait until the end of the mont, hopefully having dealt with ingridient-gathering ship by then.
The very fact that we can do it whenever we want leads me to prefer we don't unnecessarily bog down the month. There are a lot more important things to do. I'd be fine with it being tacked on at the end of the month, but not fine with it superseding actual important actions.
DP, mind telling, where you got this particular map?
Google lies to me :{

It seems to be the same one Azel used to draw roads, and it would look way better if I manage to find the original of it to draw up Crake's suggestion o nthe network.
Azel's piece is but too limited for that now :/

I don't remember where I got it and unfortunately it's too big to upload whole to imgur. Here's a download link:
No problem, though I can see Duesal's point that the ingredient-transport might be more important.

If we do this though, take a few bottled Efreeti as snacks?
@Goldfish @egoo I would like the undead serpent but I'm also of the opinion that it's not a priority at all. That time and effort is better reserved for taking the ship.

We can get the snake later.
@Goldfish, @Duesal, basically, the char-snek is wonderful in that we can do it whenever we want.

I want it this month. Paranoia and greed dictate in equal strenght,
Doesn't mean we can't wait until the end of the month, hopefully having dealt with ingridient-gathering ship by then.
What if we leave dealing with the Undead serpent in the plan for now, with a notation to look for it near the end of the month if we don't hear from Siduri about the Efreeti fetchquest earlier?

It's problematic trying to slot an action into the schedule when we don't know when, or even if, it's going to happen at all. If we do hear from Siduri, however, that will take precedent and Crispy Snek has to wait until next month?

That work for ya'll?
What if we leave dealing with the Undead serpent in the plan for now, with a notation to look for it near the end of the month if we don't hear from Siduri about the Efreeti fetchquest earlier?

It's problematic trying to slot an action into the schedule when we don't know when, or even if, it's going to happen at all. If we do hear from Siduri, however, that will take precedent and Crispy Snek has to wait until next month?

That work for ya'll?
That should work fine. Just so long as taking that ship and making sure none of those reagents ever reach the Brazen Throne takes priority.
Beneath the Mask

First Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

Rain dripped slowly from the laden clouds as the rider passed under the iron portcullis, just enough to slip cold streams past his cloak and under the collar of his doublet, sending a shiver down his spine. He told himself the reason he kept his head down was to ward off the rain. He was lying to himself. He was too good a liar.

It hurt to leave the keep one last time, it hurt remembering the relief in Stannis' eyes at their last parting, to know that for him today marked nothing more than an end to months' long mummery. Head still bowed, the young man glimpsed his reflection in a puddle before his horse trod upon it, the face of Renly Baratheon, to which he had no right.

Yet he remembered running through the bailey as a boy, the taste of spring peaches straight from the tree, and falling asleep lulled by the sound of the wind over the battlements. He remembered the siege and how terrified he had been of starvation or treachery, and the comfort he had taken in Stannis' unyielding presence. Those were not his memories, and he had no more right to them than he did to the keep growing ever more distant behind him as a trot became a canter and then a gallop, as though the horse could sense that he wanted to be somewhere far, far away.

"Shh... Silver, it's alright," the changeling said in his stolen voice, quieting the horse that like him was no truly mortal creature. For one irrational moment he hated Silver Mane for knowing his place where 'Renly' knew nothing, not even his name. Should he choose another he wondered, layer another mask of his own choosing over this lie.

And what if this had been of my own choosing? the young man wondered, horrified. Was all his anguish all his pain nothing more than a fleeting interlude in the plots of some incomprehensible faerie mind that would come upon him at any moment erasing him like dew before the noonday light? More than he resented the face he bore, he feared what might lay under it.

The lights of a tavern shone up ahead, warm and inviting in the ever heavier rain, but the changeling could not bring himself to turn off the path. What business did he have in the halls of men, presuming upon honors not his own? Then he would ride on and on to Weeping Town and from there take ship to Sorcerer's Deep to speak to the Dragon, and from there...

Abruptly he heard the sound of glass breaking in one of the inn's upper windows. Two figures were struggling, silhouetted against the candlelight within, and the sound of angry curses and desperate pleading carried through. One was a man while the other was clearly a child, smashed against the broken glass, bleeding.

How he got under the widow Renly would never know, though he was faintly aware that he moved swifter than he aught to have. "Jump!" he called up to the boy. Whether from some desperation or simply knowing that he would end up over the edge anyway the boy did just that.

He seemed to take a long time to fall, like a leaf on the wind, giving the knight all the time in the world to reach out and brace himself. The world sped up again. "Oof..." The bleeding child shivered in his arms.

"Can you stand?" the changeling asked. He did not have much experience with children other than remembering being one, but he figured it was always better to stand on one's own than leaning on another.

"I... yes. My uncle, he didn't mean to..."

As he set the auburn-haired boy down, the being who bore the face of Renly Baratheon realized he had not been recognized. No 'milord', no bowing and scraping, yet if he had not been here the child would be hurt, mayhap even dead if he fell badly. That had to be worth something, surely.

OOC: I was tempted to make this some kind of supernatural tangle, but I stopped myself because I remembered Azel's complaint about making everyone a bold hero standing up to otherworldly monsters. So this was just a garden variety drunk asshole tossing a kid out a window in a rage.

There is something oddly poetic about magical fey prince Renly dealing with your garden variety scumbag.

Hopefully he will have words for the people in the building.
@Goldfish, speaking of f!Renly did you have any baseline gear in mind for him? I wholeheartedly agree with @Crake that we need to focus on strategic and military assets for crafting now, but for a low-level PC like f!Renly some pretty basic gear should suffice.

Valyrian Steel weapons, +1 Adamantine Armor, PfE Amulet, Belt of Healing, Gloves of Dex (+2), Anklets of Translocation, etc.
@Goldfish, speaking of f!Renly did you have any baseline gear in mind for him? I wholeheartedly agree with @Crake that we need to focus on strategic and military assets for crafting now, but for a low-level PC like f!Renly some pretty basic gear should suffice.

Valyrian Steel weapons, +1 Adamantine Armor, PfE Amulet, Belt of Healing, Gloves of Dex (+2), Anklets of Translocation, etc.
Do you know what FRenly is exactly?
Class, race, HD?

In that interlude it looked like some kind of Haste effect?
@Crake, @Goldfish, am I correct in assumption that we'll be adding 1 mirrorvision and 1 (regular) Whispering Brazier to Sen'Tesh'vis?
Also, 1 ACSEC office at Port of Lamentation (Draconys)?
Also also, 1 MirrorVision set to Bazilisk Isles?

As in, with this turnvote?
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@Goldfish, speaking of f!Renly did you have any baseline gear in mind for him? I wholeheartedly agree with @Crake that we need to focus on strategic and military assets for crafting now, but for a low-level PC like f!Renly some pretty basic gear should suffice.

Valyrian Steel weapons, +1 Adamantine Armor, PfE Amulet, Belt of Healing, Gloves of Dex (+2), Anklets of Translocation, etc.
We can equip him with weapons and armor, PfE ring, Healing Belt, Handy Haversack, and Greater Ribbon of Disguise immediately from our stockpiles. I'll add in +2 Constitution on a Healing Belt, some Anklets, and +2 Dexterity on some gloves for him, too.

@Crake, @Goldfish, am I correct in assumption that we'll be adding 1 mirrorvision and 1 (regular) Whispering Brazier to Sen'Tesh'vis?
Also, 1 ACSEC office, 1 (regular) Brazier, and MirrorVIsion set at Port of Lamentation (Draconys)?
Also also, 1 MirrorVision set to Bazilisk Isles?
We have enough on hand to do that, yes. Not sure if that has been explicitly planned, though.
I know we are not close to being able to do this yet but could we eventually take over that giant absconded city we flew over in heaven maybe when we get up to the 10 and 11 legion ready. We could take some titan tools a bunch of the builder fey and just rebuild it. @DragonParadox Would doing something like that invite attack from the devil legion in heaven because it is outside heaven shore.