I finally finished!
And then I realised that it had somehow become another bloated mess, still rather complicated and lengthy for DP to use.

Reworking now. Results still coming this evening, but feel free to laugh at my stupidity.
My current problem : I have a table for our mageling distribution, right? X lv 1 wizards, Y lv 2 wizards, etc. Repeat with a similar line for every class.
However every month this needs to be recalculated, taking the previous month's value and adding on a new number (the new number of lv1 magelings trained up). Ideally I would need a way to "freeze" things, so that it only recalculates once DP finishes editing everything and presses a "now" button. This doesn't seem to be possible in Google Sheets, AFAIK.
Therefore I've had issues with having to choose to either create massive loops, or to make things require some level of manual input.
The "how to use this sheet" should ideally look like this:
- DP, here is how to use this sheet: First, "input number here" next to each school after rolling the required number of dice. This will automatically calculate new lv 1 mageling numbers.
- Then, copy-paste the old "FINAL TABLE" into the "previous month's mageling distribution" (take care to copy-paste the results and not the formula itself!). Note that this should automatically update the "current month's mageling distribution".
- Copy-paste the text (not the formula, the resulting numbers!) from the "current month's mageling distribution" table into the "FINAL TABLE" table.
- However, the new magelings are still missing : manually add them to the relevant column in the "FINAL TABLE" table. You now have a single table clearly saying how many magelings we have for each level.
- Stick a screencap of it in the threadmark each month, and stick it in an interlude or chapter !
Actually making this happen is in the works. Sorry about the copy-pasting and the single column left to manually calculate and write in (it'll all be simple additions, and should be easy), but this system still seems quite a lot faster to use than the previous one, and should also scale up a lot better as out number of teachers vastly expands.
Hopefully, I should be finished within 30min, and from then on things should go smoothly.