I know we are not close to being able to do this yet but could we eventually take over that giant absconded city we flew over in heaven maybe when we get up to the 10 and 11 legion ready. We could take some titan tools a bunch of the builder fey and just rebuild it. @DragonParadox Would doing something like that invite attack from the devil legion in heaven because it is outside heaven shore.
We are a long, long way from being able to do that.

Far more pressing enemies need to be dealt with first before we piss off Asmodeus directly.
We have enough on hand to do that, yes. Not sure if that has been explicitly planned, though.
I'm drawing up maps right now.
Adding it while I'm free today seems a good idea compared to next 3 days (thankfully, the last ones) of me working with children and coming home half-dead.
@Crake, waiting for you only on adding them.
We can equip him with weapons and armor, PfE ring, Healing Belt, Handy Haversack, and Greater Ribbon of Disguise immediately from our stockpiles. I'll add in +2 Constitution on a Healing Belt and +2 Dexterity on some gloves for him, too.

We have enough on hand to do that, yes.

We will need more to fulfill expanding needs, but I wouldn't prioritize them either.

@TalonofAnathrax is right about aquatic warning systems, which constructs could help with.

Wyverns are great too. Moonchaser is a must to finish.

Heralds are pretty alright.

We need to add at least two more steam cannon batteries to SD, and I would say four to Braavos as well, probably alongside the Titan and harbor defenses upgrade action. That's not the end-all there, either, but it's a start.

And I will bring up Farstrike turrets again, those things are damn handy flak cannons for aerial attackers. I would say at least two for every steam cannon (x5 per battery?)

Expensive but utterly ruinous to fly an assault into. We will begin with SD and Braavos since those are the two most likely to be attacked.
As far as the utility of undead...

If it wouldn't piss off the Meeting King so much undead are great against ilithids.
Azel said:
@Goldfish, my estimate was a bit off. I would need 11,330 IM of enchanting for 10 steam cannons and an additional 2,000 IM for rituals to make the steam generator.

My plan for the dragon habitat would be to use the Titan Tools to dig a network of caverns into the mountain, then using 8,000 IM to create 4 "smelters" in there, that heat the air like volcanic vents. This would lead to a constant, searing hot wind going through the mountain. Additionally, one more "smelter" would be installed below sea level and connected to the ocean so that it constantly boils water. That steam would condense at some places in the caves, providing fresh water and humidity for those dragons that prefer wet to dry heat.

On top of the mountain would be the garrison bunkers, sporting 10 steam cannons for defense and housing the handler crews and any guests on the island. Everything will be supplied from a harbor that is also built into a cave, so that it's protected from aerial attacks.

@DragonParadox This is what our Dragon habitat island defenses look like, by the way. @Goldfish, I would add that to infrastructure.
Didn't we have an expedition into the feywild planned?
No. At best we were going to try to train f!Renly, give him what lore he needs to know, and secure a Fey guide along with what companions we can try to get for him.

The Feywild is an unacceptable risk thanks to time dilation. I just hope f!Renly doesn't get caught up in it and makes his way back to us.
As far as the utility of undead...

If it wouldn't piss off the Meeting King so much undead are great against ilithids.
The Merling King doesn't care about Undead. His very first gift to us was an item that allowed us to Rebuke or Turn them as we wanted.

Only the OGs care, and that only near their Trees.
Edit: Burny hates them to, but fuck him.
@DragonParadox Okay, so now to what I'd been waiting to ask.

How many people were rolled for the Encourage Immigration Southern DL -> Golden Fields and the Encourage Immigration Eastern Flatlands -> SD actions? And how much natural non-government subsidized immigration occurred with both? I expect a short-term boom for the former for a few months, and a pretty much nigh-constant influx for the latter. And after the Festival it was probably significant, too.

@DragonParadox, still no answer here?
I finally finished!
And then I realised that it had somehow become another bloated mess, still rather complicated and lengthy for DP to use.


Reworking now. Results still coming this evening, but feel free to laugh at my stupidity.

My current problem : I have a table for our mageling distribution, right? X lv 1 wizards, Y lv 2 wizards, etc. Repeat with a similar line for every class.
However every month this needs to be recalculated, taking the previous month's value and adding on a new number (the new number of lv1 magelings trained up). Ideally I would need a way to "freeze" things, so that it only recalculates once DP finishes editing everything and presses a "now" button. This doesn't seem to be possible in Google Sheets, AFAIK.
Therefore I've had issues with having to choose to either create massive loops, or to make things require some level of manual input.

The "how to use this sheet" should ideally look like this:
  1. DP, here is how to use this sheet: First, "input number here" next to each school after rolling the required number of dice. This will automatically calculate new lv 1 mageling numbers.
  2. Then, copy-paste the old "FINAL TABLE" into the "previous month's mageling distribution". Note that this should automatically update the "current month's mageling distribution".
  3. Copy-paste the text (not the formula, the resulting numbers!) from the "current month's mageling distribution" table into the "FINAL TABLE" table.
  4. However, the new magelings are still missing : manually add them to the relevant column in the "FINAL TABLE" table. You now have a single table clearly saying how many magelings we have for each level.
  5. Stick a screencap of it in the threadmark each month, and stick it in an interlude or chapter !
Actually making this happen is in the works. Sorry about the copy-pasting and the single column left to manually calculate and write in (it'll all be simple additions, and should be easy), but this system still seems quite a lot faster to use than the previous one, and should also scale up a lot better as out number of teachers vastly expands.

Hopefully, I should be finished within 30min, and from then on things should go smoothly.
Last edited:
I finally finished!
And then I realised that it had somehow become another bloated mess, still rather complicated and lengthy for DP to use.


Reworking now. Results still coming this evening, but feel free to laugh at my stupidity.

My current problem : I have a table for our mageling distribution, right? X lv 1 wizards, Y lv 2 wizards, etc. Repeat with a similar line for every class.
However every month this needs to be recalculated, taking the previous month's value and adding on a new number (the new number of lv1 magelings trained up). Ideally I would need a way to "freeze" things, so that it only recalculates once DP finishes editing everything and presses a "now" button. This doesn't seem to be possible in Google Sheets, AFAIK.
Therefore I've had issues with having to choose to either create massive loops, or to make things require some level of manual input.

The "how to use this sheet" should ideally look like this:
  1. DP, here is how to use this sheet: First, "input number here" next to each school after rolling the required number of dice. This will automatically calculate new lv 1 mageling numbers.
  2. Then, copy-paste the old "FINAL TABLE" into the "previous month's mageling distribution" (take care to copy-paste the results and not the formula itself!). Note that this should automatically update the "current month's mageling distribution".
  3. Copy-paste the text (not the formula, the resulting numbers!) from the "current month's mageling distribution" table into the "FINAL TABLE" table.
  4. However, the new magelings are still missing : manually add them to the relevant column in the "FINAL TABLE" table. You now have a single table clearly saying how many magelings we have for each level.
  5. Stick a screencap of it in the threadmark each month, and stick it in an interlude or chapter !
Actually making this happen is in the works. Sorry about the copy-pasting and the single column left to manually calculate and write in (it'll all be simple additions, and should be easy), but this system still seems quite a lot faster to use than the previous one, and should also scale up a lot better as out number of teachers vastly expands.

Hopefully, I should be finished within 30min, and from then on things should go smoothly.

Sounds good, the instructions are clear even to my somewhat table adverse brain.

Thanks again for doing this.:)
We will need more to fulfill expanding needs, but I wouldn't prioritize them either.

@TalonofAnathrax is right about aquatic warning systems, which constructs could help with.

Wyverns are great too. Moonchaser is a must to finish.

Heralds are pretty alright.

We need to add at least two more steam cannon batteries to SD, and I would say four to Braavos as well, probably alongside the Titan and harbor defenses upgrade action. That's not the end-all there, either, but it's a start.

And I will bring up Farstrike turrets again, those things are damn handy flak cannons for aerial attackers. I would say at least two for every steam cannon (x5 per battery?)

Expensive but utterly ruinous to fly an assault into. We will begin with SD and Braavos since those are the two most likely to be attacked.
We're arming up as best we can.

Strategic expenditures for enchanting are already extremely high this month. A lot of this stuff will have to wait until next month.

I like the idea of Farstrike turrets. Having weapons whose range is only limited by Line of Sight is great. The problem is their low damage. A Farstrike Turret crafted at 3rd caster level, the minimum, would only inflict 3d4 Fire damage and cost 1080 IM to enchant. At 10th caster level, the turret would inflict 10d4 Fire damage and cost 3600 IM.

Truly mass producing them isn't feasible at even the cheapest price and the damage is a bit too easy to defend against, not to mention all the creatures with Fire Resistance.

I would rather spend 1080 IM to enchant six Launchers and arrange them in a six-barrel cylindrical formation. The range would only be 440 feet, but they could put out an hellacious amount of anti-air fire. Even just firing steel bolts, that would be 3d6x6 potential damage, and things really get nasty if we give them special Launcher munitions, such as the explosives used in the Wyvern. 8d6 piercing/bludgeoning damage in a 15ft radius is no joke.

A pair of six-barreled Launcher turrets per cannon would be pretty great. The steel bolts they fire would even be eligible to be affected by a Magic Armor spell, so they would all be considered +3 weapons (+4 next time Viserys levels).