Gifts Awaited and Unbidden
Twenty-Eighth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC
As you weigh the advantages and the risks of the dark king's offer it becomes obvious this is not a choice you should make alone. Garin had already been named in the discussion and indeed he is most equipped to deal with matters of the Inquisition, and so the three of you sit around a table, the Keyholder turned spy, the sorcerer turned dragon, and the fey king who would be an agent of a mortal realm.
Perhaps unsurprisingly Garin's first position is to agree with your dismissal of separate 'orders' of the Inquisition. Some measure of factionalism is inevitable, but that does not mean it aught to be encouraged anymore than one would cultivate weeds in one's garden. Secondly he also argues for 'seeding' the retinues of fey lords with mortal subordinates, chosen by them of course, but with an eye to understanding those concerns of mortality that most elude the deathless fey.
The Orphne King nods in acceptance of the offer easily, leading you to suspect he had expected something of the sort, perhaps even welcomed it. The best concessions after all are the ones that cost little, or even those that are not concessions at all.
"Speaking of a mortal perspective," you pick up the thread of conversation, "a span of months might as well be the blink of an eye for your kindred, and even the passage of years might pass like a pleasant afternoon beneath the shaded canopy of an old oak tree. It is not so for men, whose time is limited and thus spent to a more frantic beat. We do not wish the Inquisition, a new organization which is still in the process of establishing itself, to be overwhelmed by an infusion of fey manners and customs before it can fully develop its own, Your Grace," you offer the kingly courtesy to the Lord of the Orphne for perhaps the final time.
"How many moon turns seem a reasonable span, then?" The question seems idle, though it is anything but. It is after all only reasonable for him to try and build up his influence as it is for you to set limits upon it, though in the end you are allies where it matters most.
"Four months, or a trimester as you have doubtless heard it said among those who serve the Iron Bank," Garin interjects smoothly. "The first can offer his pledge on the morrow if they so wish."
For a moment there is silence, then the fey lord nods and proclaims: "So it shall be." Though the words are scarce louder than a whisper all in the hall hear them. All look to him as he takes off his crown and speaks his vows. A vassal's vows he speaks aloud, though it is not simple words he gives, for the fey above all else understand the virtue of such theater. When the last word is spoken the crown simply melts into the shadows of his cloak, leaving his hands empty once again, though in a year's time to bear an Inquisitor's badge.
Gained Vassalage of the Court of the Orphne
Lost 500 lbs. of Adamantine
The mortal lords and ladies do their best not to be caught staring, though you know each and every one of them have adjusted their own calculations accordingly.
It is only later when your newest Inquisitor has departed that you realize that not only do you still not know his name, but you also have nothing to call him by now that he is king no more. "If we do not find out in the meantime I'd like to know a year from now what he signs himself by," you whisper to Garin, smiling slightly both at the situation and at your good fortune to have so painlessly.
The smile only grows as the Sealord presents you with the last gift of the evening, the two dragon eggs he had promised months ago as part of Braavos' own deal to gain as much as it could from swearing fealty. The first is azure-blue and sea-green, the hues changing with every motion even in the steady magelight, and the second ash-grey with specks of red and gold like the last dying embers of some old flame, or perhaps the first sparks of a new one.
Gained 2 Valyrian Dragon Eggs
As midnight nears you travel back to Wind House to see if there are any strange or cursed objects the Silver Eye would wish to divest itself of one final time now that they will become agents of your Inquisition. There are but two, one a book wrapped in slick leather with a single disembodied human eye set in the center of the cover, and the second is what looks to be a transparent strand of silk that has to be pinned down in order not to strangle any living thing. Unfortunately
cursed is all it is leading you to simply burn it.
By contrast the book for all its macabre seeming opens at your merest touch, to reveal the page upon page of dream-wrought script, dangerous lore to be sure, born of the Far Realm, but nothing attacks your mind.
"How did you find this?" you ask Alysande, setting the book aside for a moment.
"A lunatic was sacrificing minor fey to it, but it gave a terrible scream that made it easy to track."
Could it have been trying to protect readers from its contents? You wonder, startled. It would not be wholly unprecedented of course. Perhaps you should hand it to Xor.
Gain potentially non-malicious tome of Far Realm Lore
What do you do next?
[] Take some time off with your friends
[] Speak with Zherys about the political situation in Volantis while also sharing what you have learned in Heaven's Shore
[] Write in
OOC: And that will be the end of free Silver Eye loot, not because I do not like you guys having loot, but because free loot is bad for the quest and does little more than clog up the research list which is rather busy to say the least.