The best way to beat an AMF-Cleric is to go full Aradia. AMF builds are inherently short-ranged 99% of the time, and it's almost impossible to pin your enemy inside an AMF while they're flying around.

Of course Lucan will do anything to avoid being fought outside, but that's not a reason not to try. And if we can't fight him outside, then we can always SoTD everything and turn all possible cover and LoS blockers into ash!
Then blow the ash away and start using bombs, arrows and Orb spells.

Beating him without massive collateral damage will be a bigger problem though. And stopping him from running away will be too.
Winning vote

[] Divining Preparations
-[] Approach one of Lucan's mages as Dywen, in the context of one seeking clarity after your conversation with the man. The semblance of Dywen can speak passionately, but is also not one given to rash thought. As rumours, as is often the case, appear to have been false, we would like to know more of the man who brought together a company of Godsworn to defend the Faithful. This is an entirely IC justification, loses us nothing, and can gain us a great deal. Not just knowledge, mind, but a reputation as one who accepts the possibility of self-error and seeks to rectify it. It also most likely puts us up against a lower level non social spec caster who we can bulldozer with Viserys bonkers socials.
--[] Ask about Lucan and his company, how they were brought together, what they believe. Don't push here, but be tactful with our information gathering. Standard stuff, but can be done through the lens of faith quite easily.
--[] The main thrust of this vote is to acquire clarity on who and what Lucan really is as a person. We need this information to plan around his moves.
-[] Before the break finishes, be sure to talk to Kyle about Lucan's proposal.
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Part MMDCCCXXIX: In the Balance of the Faith Part Five
In the Balance of the Faith Part Five

Sixteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

You swiftly withdraw from Olindor's company and head in search of some of Brother Lucan's mages. Now more than ever you need to know what drives this man. It is easy to say 'faith' but one word is a poor substitute for the inner workings of another's mind, the goals they set themselves large and small, and so you search high and low for any trace Lucan's entourage of sorcerers, warriors, and angels. Unfortunately with the ancient sprawling layout of the Starry Sept and the fact that you have to move openly as Dywen it takes a great deal of precious time to even find where his delegation has been assigned chambers and yet more time spent speaking in the corridors as news of your confrontation with Lucan spread. Though you extract yourself from these discussions deftly it still takes you hours to realize one unfortunate fact: Brother Lucan had not brought any mages with him into the sept.

In fact he had not brought any of his direct entourage and the godsworn whose votes he can count upon are only distantly connected to his more secret doings. Much like Septon Alyn most of them were drawn into his orbit through correspondence, though a handful report more harrowing tales, battles against Deep Ones, devils, and mages driven mad by power. In the end they can tell you nothing you had not already guessed, about his piety, valor, and strength of arms.

If there is one good thing you can conclude from your fruitless search it is that Lucan likely is not so mad as to try a coup to force the Conclave's hand, even as a last resort. True, in some ways that would have played right into your hands, but the thought of how much fighting and bloodshed would have resulted sickens you. For all the ways in which the Chosen's unexpected skills disturb you, you are glad he is not a madman.

"Looks like you are going to have to find his mages and knights," you send to Dany as you rush back to Kyle's chambers... only to find the host of the Conclave already so embroiled in discussions with his advisers that you cannot push through without if not breaking than at least cracking Dywen's mask of humility. You have become too used to being king and one who can move across the breadth of the world in an instant, you admit as the ancient bells in the Tower of the Crone begin to toll, signaling a beginning to the debate.

By the time you manage to make your way to Most Devout Kyle he is already in earshot of not only his own supporters but several independents. That is not an audience before which you can speak of the possibility of Faith ultimately coming rule Westeros according to the most rigorous reading of the Seven-Pointed Star. It could well be seen as mad, and it would certainly be seen as hostility towards Lucan you cannot afford to show openly.

Again the vote passes with little contention with Lucan, Olindor, and Maer voting together besides a good half of the independents while making Most Devout Septa Aglantine seem isolated, petty, and spiteful for voting against charity, her words about maintaining the spiritual purity of the Faith away from worldly matters seeming harsh and hollow as it echoes through the chamber under the gaze of the Seven watching from the dome.

A handful of lesser votes are brought to the fore, mostly concerned with the administration of motherhouses and septries in the Reach, with Kyle trying to push for more local administration of the funds, testing the waters to see how far Lucan's forbearance will stretch. The Chosen does not play his game, refusing to take a position one way or another in trivial matters and keeping his position guarded.

As the seventh hour nears and you sit rooted in place by the necessities of form it is a struggle to keep your attention seemingly on the mattes under debate and not on the white-garbed man who by some quirk of organization is sitting directly across from you.

What do you do during the evening/night?

[] Try to personally seek out and speak to to Lucan's entourage
-[] Write in

[] Have your companions seek out Lucan's mages while you speak to one of the major players in the Starry Sept
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: A lot shorter than I would have liked but it really can't be helped. Also in the interest of moving things along in a more streamlined way from now on the Conclave days will have the following structure: Vote/Break/Vote/Evening, with one action in each time-slot. Otherwise things can get very unfocused. Remember that you can't talk to everyone and do everything, though of course your companions can help.
As TNE pointed out they seem to be doing that pretty well on their own.

I as wondering what you thought o the dramatic shift?
Worst case is "we fail, the Faith organizes, we turn Robert's court against it and increase the political strife leading Septons must contend with"
I don't want explicit civil war, but increasing noble/Faith tensions will also increase tensions within the Faith (as so much of its hierarchy seems bought by the various nobles).
Ah, controlling so much of the Small Council is just amazing.

EDIT : Oh, and I'm still a fan of the "use the Fay to call out Lucan's use of magic" plan. Or the "be explicit about the implications of a militarized Faith" one, somehow.
I'm tempted to surround Varys with an AMF and let her hide under Lucan's chair.

If we have to be running on a fraction of our full abilities here he should loose his supernatural Diplo.
Look Gentlemen

The plan is to run interference, maybe bring some things in focus and interact with others.

Don't interact with Lucan unless we can actually nail him to the wall, as we seen that will only give him a free chance to look better unless we can actuslly get him pissed.

Seeking Kyle and the sprite was the better move, given we are supposed to play a spanner in the works.
Look Gentlemen

The plan is to run interference, maybe bring some things in focus and interact with others.

Don't interact with Lucan unless we can actually nail him to the wall, as we seen that will only give him a free chance to look better unless we can actuslly get him pissed.

Seeking Kyle and the sprite was the better move, given we are supposed to play a spanner in the works.
Avoiding lucan super hard just bit us in the ass in a very unpleasant way.
Avoiding lucan super hard just bit us in the ass in a very unpleasant way.

How did we avoid him? Its not like we ever before had any chance to actually talk with the man or knew him beyond rumors

The mistake was pressing from the start, which only revealed to us that the man is either blind or does not really care about the consequences of his actions that will end with a Theocracy ruling over Westeros.

And that was only a mistake because it made us waste time more effectively used with Kyle