
This is a good religion isn't it?

There's cruel mean rude and greedy septons, but many of them are just decent people trying to help others aren't they?

And... I mean that's what we WANT.

That's what we tried so hard to fight for, to make the world better, to make people better to each other.

If nothing else I want to give these people the chance to help others without having the 7 and baratheons boots fighting for room on their neck.

If they wish to help, then there is no reason why they can't do so even if they are divided and squabbling.

If they wish to rule...well empires end in dragon fire and the faithful die as well as any man.

Also religions aren't good or bad. They just are. It is unfortunately wholly up to people on how religion is interpreted. A soup kitchen doesn't change the priest who shames a woman for doing something "sinful" or how a child gets treated for being born a bastard. No such thing as good or evil in religion. Just how people see it and how they use it.

So far, the Most Devoits we've met seem to be pretty reasonable people in one way or another.

I'm starting to think it'd be far easier to unite the Faith on our side entirely, than break it over. No one will be for Fey Marriage if we can expose their plan, and the magic issue is a non-issue for anyone who isn't a fanatic, aka anyone besides Lucan.

The septa most against it should be pretty throughly swayed once she spends a day on the House of Healing.

A faith divided will argue amongst itself and at most will cause us problems of minor violence due to opposing interpretation. A faith united will cause them to get ideas about ruling and get us demands and wars on our kingdom in a moments notice. We need them divided and that means that we need them divided here and now. They might be reasonable, they might be good but we need them to not agree with one another. For the future of our realm this is necessary.
So far, the Most Devoits we've met seem to be pretty reasonable people in one way or another.

I'm starting to think it'd be far easier to unite the Faith on our side entirely, than break it over. No one will be for Fey Marriage if we can expose their plan, and the magic issue is a non-issue for anyone who isn't a fanatic, aka anyone besides Lucan.

The septa most against it should be pretty throughly swayed once she spends a day on the House of Healing.
I disagree with this notion.

Faith of Seven is never* going to be in a good state in our realm.
There will always be stuck-up, stubborn malcontents that will be seeding unrest.
That much is but natural, but thanks to us allying with OGs there will be divine drive to this.

We need to have them splintered and squabbling among themselves more than anything, Imo.
Once we overtake Westeros we are going to change how their faith works either way.
But disorganised faith will be easier to take over.

*in this quest's playtime, a few in-quest decades might just change the Seven themselves.
Man if we didn't have to 'humble' the Seven we could do so much with this playing field.
Still those crotchety old trees have been hella good to us, and Greatest Uncle is on their side for now.
They held up their end of the bargain. Sucks for the reasonable people involved in this garbage religion, but it is what it is.
Amusingly as long as nothing gets done here we can divide the faith. After that its a matter of dividing the faith through those sweet propaganda machines we have built. Goldfish and Azel's beautiful press will allow us to spread the result of the faith in any manner we want to and by the time that's done it won't matter what anyone thinks the people will want to divide them selves.
Two solid opposed factions should be quite doable. Three if we're lucky.

Increase those numbers by one. There are three easy factions right off the bat. Pro-Fae, Traditionalist (no magic) and Lucan. Yes, he doesn't have many votes, but he doesn't really need them to fracture things.

Man if we didn't have to 'humble' the Seven we could do so much with this playing field.
Still those crotchety old trees have been hella good to us, and Greatest Uncle is on their side for now.
They held up their end of the bargain. Sucks for the reasonable people involved in this garbage religion, but it is what it is.

Humble doesn't mean destroy. Most of these folks should be fine.
Man if we didn't have to 'humble' the Seven we could do so much with this playing field.
Still those crotchety old trees have been hella good to us, and Greatest Uncle is on their side for now.
They held up their end of the bargain. Sucks for the reasonable people involved in this garbage religion, but it is what it is.
Pretty much this.

...Breaking their earthly hold won't really "humble" the seven I don't think.

Fill them with seething resentment?

Doing a much better job at running their religion than they and their followers ever did?

Sounds like it would be disheartening.
@DragonParadox I'm updating Viserys and the Companions character sheets based on the gear upgrades they're getting this month. All of their stuff should be done within the next few days, if it was given priority by the crafters.

I should have the sheets ready for you by tomorrow morning.
Winning Vote

[] A New Peace
-[] "It seems to me, Holy One, that one who wishes to see the Seven-As-One struck from the world in vengeance for the Old Gods of this land would prepare for such things in his own realm. Yet I was forced by circumstance to pass through the Stepstones on my way to these shores, and there I saw work on raising of a Sept of the Seven in the very heart the Dragon King's realm." Use a different title if it would be more in character. This is to show that the fear of wrath and judgement may not truly be sound.
-[] "It may just be the opinion of a humble scholar, but that does not seem the action of one who plans to see the Seven destroyed, though alas, I cannot be certain to say the same for my own city." Subtle reference to the current state of cold war between Volantis and Viserys' kingdom.
-[] "The return of magic has changed many things, and the nature of faith no less when some can now draw far more than comfort from the power of their prayers. Against that, I do not believe any set of traditions can truly endure. Yet I hope, as one of less martial bearing myself, that any change can be completed with a minimum of bloodshed. Surely that would be better for all our folk?" A suggestion of the idea of peace, with a wider implication that the Faith could find a moderate path acceptable to any would-be conqueror.
--[] If asked, explain that your desire for peace is founded in nothing more or less than a wish to prevent the destruction of knowledge. Life is precious, but understanding can be greater still, if it's understanding of the right things.
Part MMDCCCXVII: Whence Miracles Spring
Whence Miracles Spring

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

"It seems to me, Holy One, that one who wishes to see the Seven-As-One struck from the world in vengeance for the Old Gods of this land would prepare for such things in his own realm. Yet I was forced by circumstance to pass through the Stepstones on my way to these shores, and there I saw work on raising of a Sept of the Seven in the very heart the Dragon King's realm," you speak the words with some hesitation, as though fearing you would be overheard. In truth nothing of what you have to say is likely to raise suspicions. He could hear the same from half the sailors and travelers in port, but you know they will carry more weight in Laer's cultured tones.

"Or else the Dragon simply seeks to chew before he swallows, to break us first." the septon replies, thankfully more in the manner of one airing his fears than with any great conviction. Of course he also happens to not be wholly wrong in the assumption.

"A faint fear and far away," you sigh. "Would that my own home had only such to concern itself with. My kindred may not care too deeply of me, but it would still pain me to see the house of my forefathers burned in dragon-flame." You pause and take a drink. "I should not let fear rule me and, if you will forgive the advice from a stranger..." who is Volantene and thus expected to be presumptuous... "I do not think you should either, Holy One. The return of magic has changed many things, and the nature of faith no less when some can now draw far more than comfort from the power of their prayers. Against that, I do not believe any set of traditions can truly endure."

"So they say," Most Devout Ollidor counters before falling silent, unsure of how much more to say in such a setting. A dozen verses later he decides to continue, his words carefully chosen: "In Lannisport I have seen men work the same 'miracles' with their mind set upon law in its concept entirely, or even stone. Magic it is and magic I will call it, and if a wizard says they speak for the Father that does not make it so."

A firm conviction, but alas a brittle one. If Lucan can prove to his satisfaction he speaks for the Father then Ollidor might be swayed and with him all his votes in the Conclave.
Time to give him an alternative. "Magic is not among the things I have studied in my journeys, but being one of less martial bearing myself any change can be completed with a minimum of bloodshed. Surely that would be better for all our folk."

Ollidor grimaces, but he does not contradict you. He watches the rest of the recital in silence.

Later he does offer you a vague open invitation to his home 'when matters of the Conclave no longer fill his hours.' Not nearly as useful as the invitation that Dywen had received, but then again you had been looking for an invitation then and in a guise that would be more expected to be invested in matters of the Faith.


As you leave the Golden Harp you are surprised to meet Malarys returned so swiftly from the City of Brass, though given the news he bears you can understand the need. Maelor had encountered a slave in the Bazaar of a Thousand Sins who spoke in the tongue of Ghis, the name of R'hllor upon her lips. Though she is dead at the hand of her master her skull still speaks and its answers make a troubling hearing. The girl, Dirze, hailed from Meereen and was carried to the city on paths of the Shadow. Alas that she did not know her master by anything but that title for she had only been in his possession a score of days.

"The path taken and the nature of the girl's master would seem to indicate some manner of trade between the bastard sons of Ghis and the Shadow," Malarys gives a sigh of disgust. "I would not put even that folly beyond them, especially now that they are desperate for trade with the west closed to them."

"How did the girl escape and how did she know to speak to Maelor?" you ask, not entirely sure if this is better or worse than the harpies. Regardless, Slaver's Bay will have to wait a good while longer.

"She briefly escaped in the confusion of some sort of arcane beast, as to why she sought out the boy... the best her bones could tell was because 'he had kind eyes'." Guessing your next question he adds: "If some power was upon her than it was subtle in its workings."

What do you do next?

[] Speak with one of the other important godsworn
-[] Write in

[] Infiltrate the Citadel
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: Not entirely happy with this, the articulation between the two parts is less firm than I would like, but the information does need to get to you guys in a timely manner, otherwise the interlude feels unfinished.
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So Ghis is teaming up with the Brazen Throne. Joy. I wonder if Embra fucking up their ships influenced them in some manor? I mean, tbh the Ifreet are the only major planar empire Ghis would get along with. Djinn is obvious no, and Shaitan would probably think the Unsullied are waaaayyy too far (from birth? killing babies? wut?). Well we don't really know any about the Marid, so maybe they'd be cool with it too, so who knows. Also paths on the shadow? GDI Illyro, what are you doing now?

Also, is this guy really in the pocket of the Lannisters? He didn't seem to speak of their mages that positively.
If Lucan can prove to his satisfaction he speaks for the Father than Ollidor might be swayed and with him all his votes in the Conclave.


As in afterwards, not in comparison.

So the Shadow in Asshai is in alliance with the Brazen Throne? Odd. I would think the Rakshasa would find the Sultan's goal hilarious. Then again, Persian and Hindi trade. Hmmm...
Well, I suppose this isn't a massive surprise. The Ghiscari weren't going to just sit and wait for us to get around to killing them, and they're not exactly ones for basic ethical practice or long-term considerations. I'm honestly surprised it was the Shadows and not just Devils.
So Ghis is teaming up with the Brazen Throne. Joy. I wonder if Embra fucking up their ships influenced them in some manor? I mean, tbh the Ifreet are the only major planar empire Ghis would get along with. Djinn is obvious no, and Shaitan would probably think the Unsullied are waaaayyy too far (from birth? killing babies? wut?). Well we don't really know any about the Marid, so maybe they'd be cool with it too, so who knows. Also paths on the shadow? GDI Illyro, what are you doing now?

Also, is this guy really in the pocket of the Lannisters? He didn't seem to speak of their mages that positively.

Not quite, Ghis is apparently trading with the Shadow which is in turn trading in the City of Brass in some way. Whether this goes any further than that you guys don't know.
And, in this case, the Shadow means the Kytons, that are the sadomasochistic version of Baatezu.

Disclaimer: Baatezu are mostly only sadistic.
@DragonParadox I'm updating Viserys and the Companions character sheets based on the gear upgrades they're getting this month. All of their stuff should be done within the next few days, if it was given priority by the crafters.

I should have the sheets ready for you by tomorrow morning.
Can we get a list of stuff everyone gets, like the previous time?
That one was neat to read through :whistle: