Politics. She views herself as a sheperd of mortal souls and their trials.
Not an empress, not a warrior, just a woman, if one perhaps blessed with a dollop more wisdom and good fortune than most.
Convince her Lucan wishes to rule or make war and she will oppose him at all turns.
The next piece I will say is thus. No angels.
Lights and sweet words and beautiful lies will not move this woman.
A barrel of water that cleans it's self, the poor and sick and tired being healed and mended from lifetimes of abuse and poverty.
These are the things she believes in. Not glittering gates and heavenly voices.
I want to flip her directly, she will oppose Lucan on principal and I like her. If he finds out she met with our faction, and she opposes him... He will be wroth.
Sorry, my inner Muse just assaulted me.
What the hell did I write?
Dany, dear, I love you. But
you can see the future remember?
This is a good religion isn't it?
There's cruel mean rude and greedy septons, but many of them are just decent people trying to help others aren't they?
And... I mean that's what we WANT.
That's what we tried so hard to fight for, to make the
world better, to make people better to
each other.
If nothing else I want to give these people the chance to help others without having the 7 and baratheons boots fighting for room on their neck.