Hallowed Light and Liar's Idol
Thirteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC
It's a relief to step into the Dreamlands by your own will, to know that for all the perils of this realm you will not have to face the echo of the past pontificating about the future. For all the worth you obtained from Syrax' gift you still resent it. From the look on your sister's face she is thinking about the same thing, only she is not at all conflicted on the matter. Should the goddess step from the pale mists you suspect she will earn herself quite the tongue lashing at the very least.
"Come on Dany, we have work to do," you speak up, not seeking to see her angry or upset.
"Alright," she sighs, understanding what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Oldtown is a place of dizzying towers crowned in blazing stars and stygian depths roiling like a sea of pitch, mishapen tendrils reach out against the firmament only to be burned by harsh white light while the C/city's Shadow, the skein of the Dreamlands closest to the mortal world, shakes and twists like a raft in a storm.
"So they are doing something besides empowering lunatics to set the realm ablaze," Dany muses.
"Not enough, not by half," you reply.
What would you had done if the Seven had been united and strong, if they had demanded you follow their vision with armies of angels and millions upon millions of willing mortals besides them? Would you have rained fire and misery upon the Seven Kingdoms until the very Gods broke? You would thank fate that the choice is not yours but you are not on very good terms with her.
"This is all she could do," Dany replies.
"She?" you prompt, surprised. Taking a closer look upon the city you begin to see verses blazing silver at the corners of streets, woven like starlight through the branches, whispered through the rustling of leaves.
"This is a Working, no mere chance or natural clash of powers, someone put it in place," your sister replies. "I think it was a woman, a Servant of the Seven, that does not really leave a lot of options as to 'who' does it?"
"Danelle," you nod. Odd that Lord Hightower had not known. Perhaps she did not see this as something she aught to 'brag' about... that's when you catch sight of the Hightower. "Am I seeing what I
think I'm seeing...?"
"Either yes or I'm witnessing an equally outlandish illusion," Dany answers dryly.
The entire base of the Hightower is pitch-black as the 'sea' below but it is wrapped in a shell of ice threaded through with hallowed light, containing the darkness within. You suspect that were you to look upon the inside you would see the same restraints. You had supposed that there might be runes down there to ward away the worst of the madness and malice, instead you find this. "I'm suddenly very curious to meet with this Danelle..."
"And have Lya pick her brain of lore, then recruit her," Dany finishes with a smile. "I wonder where she got the
ice of all things..."
The spell will not give any answers, at least not without risking disturbing it and that you will not do for simple curiosity.
Elder Spta Maer's dreams are heavy with the weight of her affliction, the Final Slumber creeping every closer as flesh decays and the spirit can no longer bear the burden. Here amid the shadows you wait as your sister steps forth garbed in an angelic mien. Her form is bright as any she had ever worn, though within it you can clearly see the face of the beggar girl she had shown herself before "Awaken sister and be not afraid." Her voice is starlight on still waters. "Know that the Seven Who Are One watch over their faithful and I am but their messenger."
The septa does not wake as in the world of flesh and blood, slowly the world fading in around her, but from one moment to the next, abruptly aware. She looks around in silence a long and wary moment before speaking in turn. "How am I to know the messenger from that which I wish to hear, or worse yet from false counsel, sweetest of all upon the tongue?" The she asks, undaunted.
"By the truth of your own heart for the voice of the Seven lies within as with out, the light of man's better nature," Dany replies, quoting scripture from the Book of the Crone. "And also by the truth of the world." Sympathy wholly true shows on her face. "You are dying, Septa Maer. Without intervention you shall soon fall into a slumber from which you will not wake, and then your soul will slip its moorings to return to the loving embrace of the Seven Who Are One."
"And so you will make it so that I will not die." Hope there is in these words but suspicion also, for light does not blind her and dulcet sounds alone do no lull her into belief. You might admire the tenacity if it weren't so frustrating.
"You are wise to doubt and to test for the Seven are loath to meddle in the fates of their children," Dany replies, her words driven by perfect prescient will. "Still they ask this of you, to remain among the living, for they have a mission of great importance for you to fulfill."
Duty... that is what drives this woman at the core and it is by that singular truth that she can be turned act by your will in the Conclave and beyond. The septa nods mutely as your sister channels her power through the Dream and into flesh, wiping away the illness and all its scars.
"The force you call magic is not inherently evil, but neither is it good." your sister explains, the words true in content if not in source. "It is simply another tool the Seven have made available for their children to use, not unlike fire, which can warm a hearth and cook a meal or temper a blade and ruin an ancient keep. Unlike fire, however, magic is not only a tool, but it is also a test. How one wields magic, their intent and their actions, that is what concerns the Seven, for what better way to judge one's worthiness than to give them a measure of power so long denied to mortal-kind, then watch them use it? Will they lift up others or cast them down, heal the sick and lame or curse them for their weakness?"
"That is not so written," Maer interjects humbly. "What right have I to reveal that which is not written in he Seven-Pointed Star?"
The words strike Dany as almost like a physical blow, though you doubt any save you could see past the angelic mask. Still, she does not falter in replying: "That is a mystery beyond you, beyond me also, but more importantly it
is the message the Seven ask you to share with your fellows. Magic comes with a price, and that price is the unwavering attention of the Seven. Make it known that mages are being watched, their actions weighed, and their fates decided with much less leeway than would be afforded to one not so 'gifted' by the gods."
"Why would the Seven curse me with this dreadful power, so easily turned to darkness?" the septa asks, desperate for an answer no one can give.
Again you see your sister's face darken, again she answers as you had discussed: "Many are the things that can be easily turned so, strength, wit, courage... It is no mortal's right to judge a mage merely for possessing magic, save those times when that magic is used to commit an earthly crime. Go forth and spread the word so that none can claim ignorance when a mage is persecuted for their gifts, so that no mage need fear their fellow Faithful merely for making use of the tools granted them by the Seven, and so that none need lash out in fear or anger due to unjust treatment."
"I will thank you, by all my heart and soul I will see it done," the septa replies.
"Farewell, septa. We will meet again, when the time is right, but for now I leave you one last gift..." A gift of light, a gift of tongues is laid upon the sept whence she lays, the better to spread the message you desire.
Dany is silent for much of the journey back, but you know she will lay out her worries once they are sorted to her satisfaction. Finally she speaks. "Do you remember the light sculpture in front of the Scholarum, the one that shows the Spheres of Being and the River of Souls, the
true shape of the world?"
You nod, already having an inkling of where this might be going but not willing to interrupt her thought.
"How are we going to teach that?
When are we going to teach it? If someone like Septa Maer learns of it will she turn against us as her worst enemy, or worse will she lose that core of certainty of belief that defines her and become something, some
one worse? Is the world better served with lies and idols? That
scares me, the idea that all the world is a cosmic farce and that some people just get to peek behind the curtain." She pauses, putting her palms to her temples. "Maybe I'm just being silly..."
What do you reply?
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OOC: I know you guys have had this concern for a long while, but this just hit Dany pretty hard.