...I'll be quite honest, I dont understand what's going on here in this action anymore.
Why have we revealed ourselves to Lucan?
Why haven't we finished dealing with that angel's involvement, if it looking over Grafton was such a bad thing?
What's that going to change in our plans?
...Did we have any plans to begin with?
I was always assuming that Azel would be spearheading this and excited for detailed plans on fucking with these people.
I'm not really interested in conclave as it is now, sorry
@DragonParadox. Your writing has little to do with it, but rather I've just lost motivation to follow that particular plotline :/
[X] Abstain
You could always write Minor Actions as
usual, shorter chapters, and have them be 3rd (
maybe even 4th? 
) a day?
They are
Minor for a reason, imo.
Also, I'm adding to
this month's MAs.