I don't want to even try to make use of Lormar, ya'll, not beyond a source of information for us to wring dry. He needs to die.
I have an idea for talking to the Tyrells here as well, but I'm not sure how to approach their rep. I'm considering a 'begging brother from the Reach' disposable mask, concerned about the spread of the Fey and seeking guidance from one obviously with greater insight - good fodder for her to convince - but I'm not sure if it would work and seems a bit 'samey'.

We did? Oh. Ok then. See what I mean about losing track of stuff xD

Anyone else on the 'to meet' list?
Of those remaining with significant influence, I think we should try to meet with Ollidor. He's a Lannister tool, but one of questionable faith. We might be able to outright buy his loyalty.

It depends on why, exactly, he serves Lannister interests; coin, power, blackmail, etc.
Most Devout Septon Kyle (Tyrell loyalist): Wishes to make trading and alliances with the Fey theologically acceptable, some suspect he will go so far as to push for marriage with the Fey to be acceptable, likely to use exceptionalism as a starting point for his arguments.

Most Devout Ollidor (Traditionalist/Lannister loyalist): One of the few Most Devout of dubious piety the current High Septon has not been able to deal with because of his ties to the Lannisters and thus the Crown, he is for all intents and purposes the voice of Tywin Lannister at the Conclave.

Most Devout Septa Aglantine (High Septon's Loyalist): A stern and pious woman Aglantine is nonetheless known for championing the cause of the poor and dispossessed, and a reluctant admirer of Danelle called by some the Maiden's Chosen for her good works, if not her choice in companions.

Elder Septa Maer (Elder of the Riverlands): Known for her unflinching piety and disdain for magic, Maer was once made common cause with her brothers and sisters in the Vale, though the constant unchecked compromises with magic by the Hand have left her ever more bitter and isolated. Many see her presence here as mere 'heckling,' though wiser heads conclude that should the supporters of reform push too hard her fiery rhetoric is likely to gain her a great deal of support.

Brother Lucan: Speaking with the voice of the Father himself, Lucan is for many of the septons present a man of paradoxes, gathering mages to train yet preaching against magic. Lucan's sheer presence and obvious blessings are nonetheless all but certain to gather support at the Conclave, and perhaps most worryingly for the rest of the participants on the streets of Oldtown.
We could spin a plot for the High Septon's representative, as we haven't touched that. We could try to incite the Traditionalist Septa against Lucan, maybe some kind of angle to claim he's just as tainted as any of the mages he claims to subdue or chain (he's enslaving mages! THAT'S NOT PIOUS!)

We should approach Kyle's group as Dywen.

Meeting Ollidor in some fashion might not be a bad idea either.
We just voted to be more lenient to captured cultists and such, I feel we should include at least a nod in that direction in the final vote of what to do with Lormar.
We just voted to be more lenient to captured cultists and such, I feel we should include at least a nod in that direction in the final vote of what to do with Lormar.

The thing is, we can't sent him to the Wall. He can just... teleport away.

We can't use him as a researcher.

We'd basically be forcing him to be a combat mage, which you know, has negative connotations. If he realizes he can't be trusted to reap the benefits for his skills, he'll remain disloyal.

He's probably experimented on people and maybe even dealt with Tiamat's fiends.

If our interrogation gives him a rosier disposition, fine, but I doubt it will.
We just voted to be more lenient to captured cultists and such, I feel we should include at least a nod in that direction in the final vote of what to do with Lormar.
We are being lenient by letting many of them go to the Wall. Lormar's apprentice might be salvageable, too.

Lormar himself, however, needs to die. He made Vee sad, which is bad enough, but he did it through needlessly cruel experimentation on a helpless creature. He's no better than a puppy kicker, IMO.
I have to say it was really nice to have two updates flow into proper thematic wholes again. I'm a little worried about the minor action list under the circumstances, particularly things like the blue dragon wyrmling since that needs a character and space to grow in but I'm a lot more optimistic than I was this morning

Sorry if this feels self-congratulatory I'm just happy for the prospects.
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No, we used that guise only in approaching Kyle thus far.
Yes, but that might be how we secured the invitation to begin with. If we're scheduled to meet with him as Dywen, that doesn't mean we can't arrange something earlier as an entirely different person, perhaps even Viserys.
@Goldfish we need two more invites as Dywen if we want to get invited to speak at the conclave, we already have Kyle's vote.

Do we still want to infiltrate and mess with them or what?
@Goldfish we need two more invites as Dywen if we want to get invited to speak at the conclave, we already have Kyle's vote.

Do we still want to infiltrate and mess with them or what?
We have a meeting with Ollidor in two days as Dywen. There's nothing stopping us from doing that. After we meet with him as Dywen, it should be even easier to secure another invite to speak with an important person within the Faith.

@DragonParadox Is the invite to speak with Ollidor as Dywen the only one we've received so far, or are there others?
We have a meeting with Ollidor in two days as Dywen. There's nothing stopping us from doing that. After we meet with him as Dywen, it should be even easier to secure another invite to speak with an important person within the Faith.

@DragonParadox Is the invite to speak with Ollidor as Dywen the only one we've received so far, or are there others?

Wait Olindor? I think I got confused myself. You guys spoke to Kyle and he offered to have you speak to his faction.

Sorry for the confusion