Pointless pandering to our enemy.

What exactly are we supposed to achieve with that, except alienating all those people who are loyal to us and have suffered for it under his rule?
If we send the challenge at the start of the war, well if Robert accept it and loses, suddenly he's no longer king of the Seven kingdoms, and so Stannis is not dutybound to take his side.

And if he indeed survive and get sent to the Wall, the Wall can use all the PCs it can get.
Maybe DP will let us pounce on him and crush him?
Eh. I'm pretty meh on the whole personally killing him thing. I would rather take him out with a salvo from the Legions Siege Companies, aerial bombardment or similar.

Impersonal. Ignoble. Thorough.
I say if we take Robert as a prisoner, offer him trial by combat against Ser Richard, if he loses but don't die he must take the Black, if he somehow wins he will merely be exiled from Westeros.
Again. What's that supposed to achieve for us?
Yeah that sounds fair, although ideally we would offer him the chance, to duel against Ser Richard in a trial by combat, we can get him to agree by promising to resurrect Lyanna if he win, that's pretty much his greatest wish, and something he has no access to, as his main source of magic is the Lannisters.

If he loses and survives, we promise to resurrect Lyanna anyway, but he must take the Black, if he wins, we resurrect Lyanna and promise to keep Ser Richard out of the war.
While I'm onboard with resurrecting Lyanna, I am against doing it for Robert's sake. We've met Lyanna's ghost, she's made her disdain for the man abundantly clear. How do you think us of all people -- someone who she already holds irrational hatred towards -- promising her to the man she ran away from out of disgust will go?
Eh. I'm pretty meh on the whole personally killing him thing. I would rather take him out with a salvo from the Legions Siege Companies, aerial bombardment or similar.

Impersonal. Ignoble. Thorough.
I suggested it specifically because you wanted a smear on the battlefield. This would get us a smear.
While I'm onboard with resurrecting Lyanna, I am against doing it for Robert's sake. We've met Lyanna's ghost, she's made her disdain for the man abundantly clear. How do you think us of all people -- someone who she already holds irrational hatred towards -- promising her to the man she ran away from out of disgust will go?

I suggested it specifically because you wanted a smear on the battlefield. This would get us a smear.
So does a salvo of Alchemist Fire, Liquid Ice and Explosive Packs. Mixed with a bit of fungal nerve agents, because there is no kill like overkill.
Still not sure if making him cheat on his wife was entirely necessary. Tywin already have plenty of reprehensible flaws of his own, and considering his own father THAT is one sin he wouldn't commit.

Killing infants, one of them not even a year old? Certainly. Cheating on his wife? Very unlikely.
Still not sure if making him cheat on his wife was entirely necessary. Tywin already have plenty of reprehensible flaws of his own, and considering his own father THAT is one sin he wouldn't commit.

Killing infants, one of them not even a year old? Certainly. Cheating on his wife? Very unlikely.
Uh, no. That's completely canon, what are you talking about?
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 26, 2019 at 11:37 AM, finished with 269809 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Questions
    -[X] Rumors of Robert
    --[X] If he has any famous gear, the kinds of things he's been doing, anything else we'd be interested in, etc.
    -[X] Rumors of Cersei
    --[X] She apparently managed to slay Meryn Trant, we want to follow that thread. We also want to know what else she's been up to, as well as following the old thread of her having secured a Valyrian Dragon Egg for Joffrey which she'd intended to hatch using Valaena.
    -[X] Small Council Politics
    --[X] Unpack everything, with special focus on Varys, but not neglecting the other members. We want to know any major projects, proclamations, habits, etc. And with Varys, we want everything we need to hunt him down.
    -[X] Fleabottom Rumors
    --[X] What exactly happened in Fleabottom?
    -[X] Rumors of the Faith
    --[X] Anything else that might be worth noting, any important figures, any particularly violent mobs, if she's heard anything about this "Lucan", etc.
    -[X] Recent rumblings in the court (any important news that's come through, any petitioners worth noting, etc)
    --[X] Basically news from the other parts of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as the Westerosi slant to news from Essos
    ---[X] Any notable monsters, recent disasters, emerging heroes, etc.
    --[X] Reaction to us supporting the Night's Watch and giving them Valyrian Steel (especially them rebuffing the Iron Throne and us giving them 50,000 IM in exchange)
    --[X] Rumors of Ned Stark treating with us at the Wall, since apparently everyone seems to know about that
    --[X] Rumors of the Grand Tourney we're holding and the Valyrian Steel and magic item prizes
    --[X] Rumors of the sept that we're building to outdoing the Great Sept of Baelor, and the 7 Valyrian Steel Greatswords set to guard it.
    --[X] Most important of all, the Westerosi reaction to the Imperium and our conquest of Lys and annexation of Myr in the same month
After his wife was very throughly dead, last I checked. I didn't say he was celibate, only that he wouldn't cheat.

Wait, seriously? Where it says that? Is it book or show canon?
The tunnel to Chatayas is book-canon and was dug while Tywin was still Hand. For half his tenure as Hand, his wife was still alive. Mind you that Aerys lusted after Joanna quite heavily. Because there is literally no fuck-up that Viserys dearest father didn't commit.
On killing Bobby, I'm the opinion that to be seem crushing/burning him is a nice PR move, so I'm in favor of that.

Because people are silly, but what you gonna do?
Be fair: remembering who had dug that tunnel isn't some crucial part of the series. It's an entirely forgettable detail!

EDIT: Or maybe they read the books years ago, and forgot that detail because they aren't a total fandom nerd. That's not a crime either.
Can we make a weapon that looks real and could "kill us" and sell it to the Lannister's but when they use it against Viserys it explodes?
Be fair: remembering who had dug that tunnel isn't some crucial part of the series. It's an entirely forgettable detail!

I mean it was vague enough as it is as to who built the tunnel in the books and for our purposes it doesn't help us. It leads to Rhaenys hill but unless there is a tunnel from Rhaenys hill to the keep...wait a minute Rhaenys hill was meant to be the royal dragon stables and that was decreed by Maegor, the king who built the Red Keep tunnels. What are the chance that there is a tunnel from the Red Keep to the Hill?

Edit: And guess who knows his way around the Red Keep secret passages. Thats right. Varys.
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Well if he turn out to be a PC, and he accepts cyclic reincarnation, we can promise him, that if he earns enough on one of our B-teams, not only will we retrieve his daughter if she's alive, we will provide resurrection for all his children, as soon as he has collected the money to pay for it.

I'd retrieve his daughter first rather than have that be something he has to pay for, as that would guarantee his loyalty to us.

Obvious statement is obvious. We are clearly awesome and what else can we export, pinecones?

Wood is definitely a new luxury good for planar trade, and I vaguely remember some druid spells using pinecones as reagents. Bear Island might be on its way to economic relevancy if they can hold out for long enough.

Wasn't barristan level 10? I would not be surprised if Robert was around 8-10 as well by the end of the rebellion. He was pretty fucking badass by all accounts.

Where do you get that information about Barristan?
We know nothing about his build (although I did suggest a build a while back in the thread, showing that he could indeed be a level 6 Fighter).

I had suggested that he could be level 10, though the Westerosi Level Chart is useful, thank you.

Why does everyone want to kill Robert? As far as I can see he's nkt much worse the most of the magister's we've vassalized. I think if the option comes up we should spare his life and have the old gods put a Divine Geas on him to fight the White Walkers. That way we can avoid Jon Arryn from completing souring against us, Ned from being too put out, and Stannis from feeling its a filial duty to oppose us.

There's also the bit where he's got a death wish for Targaryians and was reportedly happy at our good-sister's and her children's deaths. That's a little personal for Viserys to say the least.

Have you read the books or seen the show?

To be fair, I've read all the books but can barely remember details beyond the broad strokes. I only had any idea that Tywin still had a sex drive due to that Tully Quest mentioning it.
I mean, it is worth pointing out that Robert is (technically) the hero. He rebelled against the mad king, battle of the trident, saved the seven kingdoms from tyranny, etc. Honestly if he's gotten back into his prime it might be worth throwing him at the white walkers, and promising to ressurect lyanna isn't a terrible way of doing that (though it probably will piss of the lannisters). Its not like we're making any promises about her loving him, that's his problem.
I mean, it is worth pointing out that Robert is (technically) the hero. He rebelled against the mad king, battle of the trident, saved the seven kingdoms from tyranny, etc. Honestly if he's gotten back into his prime it might be worth throwing him at the white walkers, and promising to ressurect lyanna isn't a terrible way of doing that (though it probably will piss of the lannisters). Its not like we're making any promises about her loving him, that's his problem.
May I interest you in the saga of Valaena, YA heroine extraordinaire?
Can we make a weapon that looks real and could "kill us" and sell it to the Lannister's but when they use it against Viserys it explodes?
I like this idea. We could do that pretty easily if we want to put some time into selling the ruse properly.

Using Wild Arcana to cast an Extended Greater Magic Aura spell on a suitably "anti-Draconic" weapon (maybe even a Valyrian Steel weapon?) after boosting his caster level to 23, which would result in a final caster level of 25, would allow the spell to persist for up to 50 days. Thanks to the Enduring Arcana effect on Viserys' Spell-Singer's ring, the Greater Magic Aura spell on the weapon would have an effective caster level of 29 to resist being Dispelled. To Dispel that and prove the weapon is false would require a 20th level spellcaster to use a Targeted Greater Dispel Magic spell and get a Natural 20 on their Dispel check, unless they have the Inquisition Domain like Malarys and could possibly do so if they were at least 16th level. In other words, the Lannisters would have no way to non-destructively prove they had been sold a forgery.
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