I am never going to support recruiting a child-eater.
It's a dragon, child eating is pretty standard for them, our Erinyes have probably done worse thing, so long as we can make it swear never to do it again, I don't see the problem.
You've got a severe misunderstanding of our arrangement with Amrelath.
He hasn't just bargained for a few years of service, now he's a sworn vassal. That's forever.
I must have remembered wrong then, I remembered that he swore to work for us for a certain number of years.
I was thinking we might try to get Velen to help us Summon some more of his fellow Phoenixes. One with Cleric levels would be enough, but a while flock of them might work, too. They already have a +8 Heal bonus at baseline, so they could use Aid Another actions and maybe a Divine Insight on command item, to do the harvesting.
And I like the idea of the Fire Whales teaming up with the Phoenixes. We probably wouldn't even need to expend resources and they might do the harvesting work for free.
Fire Immune plants are also a possibility, I guess, but the Phoenix option is more viable, IMO.
Phoenix option is cheaper, but on the other hand it cost us control, if we use third part contractors, then any share of the profits we will be getting will be significantly less, I'm okay with that, the first priority is helping the Whales, but as a state, doing it for free isn't exactly ideal, and it's not like the Whales will lack money as soon as it start, they don't need us to work for free.
But even if we use Phoenixes as Harvesters, I think we should be making CR10 fire immune Plant creatures to them, as soon as we can make them, a pod earn enough a month to pay for the growth of 1, they then get the creature for 5 years(or until it's killed whatever comes first) at which point they can refresh the contract.
The Whales would be paying for the growth, so it would cost us nothing to grow them, and once the 5 year contract run out, we either get a bunch of money as they renew it, or we get a CR10 plant creature entering our service, that's what I call a win/win scenario, the Whales get some of the most loyal protectors possible, custom made to fight Whalers, it cost us nothing, as we have as of yet never had the Forge running at capacity, and in 5 year we get great profits, and as the cherry on top, the Shaitan owes us, for adding more anti-Efreeti forces to the POF, so we also get some short-term profits.
In cases where a pod has multiple plant protectors, if 1 of them dies and the others don't, the dead one will of course have it's corpse returned to the Forge, so we profit even from some of the ones, who don't survive their 5 years.
It irritates me that the Forge is sitting idle, it would please me greatly, if we could hire out the excess capacity, so it's always working to the maximum amount it.